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61<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>WITSML Distributed Temperature Survey&nbsp;</H1>
62<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>Usage Document</H1>
64<P>This document contains the following sections:</P>
66        <LI><A HREF="#_Preface">Preface</A> 
67        <LI><A HREF="#_Introduction">Introduction</A>
68        <LI><A HREF="#_E&amp;P Concepts">E&amp;P Objects and Concepts: Distributed Temperature Surveying</A> 
69        <LI><A HREF="#_Requirements">Requirements</A>
70        <LI><A HREF="#_Use_Cases">Use Cases</A>
71        <LI><A HREF="#_DTS_Schema_Concepts">DTS Schema Concepts</A> 
72        <LI><A HREF="#_DTS_Schemas_XMLdocuments">DTS Schemas, XMLdocuments, and Stylesheets</A>
73        <LI><A HREF="#_Reused_Schemas">Reused Schemas, XMLdocuments, and Stylesheets</A>
75<H2><A NAME="_Preface"></A>Preface
77<P>This document contains descriptions of data types produced by optic fiber
78based Distributed
79Temperature Survey data from oil wells.
82<H2><a name="_Introduction"></a>Introduction</H2>
84<P>&nbsp;This document
85describes a proposed transfer standard for Distributed Temperature
86Survey (DTS) data profiles measured using optic fiber techniques
87along wellbores drilled for the production of oil and gas.&nbsp; The
88DTS data are specified re-using many relevant WITSML definitions.&nbsp;&nbsp;</P>
89<P>POSC gratefully acknowledges the contributions of intellectual
90property and expertise made by members and member companies of the
91DTS workgroup, especially BP, Halliburton, Sensornet and Shell.</P>
93<H3>Intended Audiences</H3>
95<P>It is anticipated that three kinds of audience will read this
98        <LI><P>First, petroleum geoscientists and
99        engineers will seek understanding of the temperature data profiles
100        which they use to monitor conditions in the reservoir and wellbore.&nbsp;
101        In addition to the actual temperature data, the standard enables
102        description of the equipment and software that has been used to
103        record and process them, along with contextual data about the
104        wellbore in which the measurements were made and when.&nbsp;&nbsp; 
105        </P>
106        <LI><P>Second, software engineers who
107        develop the data acquisition systems, the data transfer systems and
108        the persistent data stores and application systems will also need to
109        understand the content and format of the DTS data.
110        </P>
111        <LI><P>Third, data managers will need to
112        understand the content and format of the data so that they can store
113        it in persistent data stores and make it available to the
114        applications used by the geoscientists and engineers.&nbsp; 
115        </P>
118<H2><A NAME="_E&amp;P Concepts"></A>E&amp;P Objects &amp; Concepts:
119Distributed Temperature Surveying</H2>
121<P>For a fuller description of the technology of Fiber Optic
122thermometry, and its application to oil and gas production, please
123refer to the Shell docment
124"<a href="Shell_DTS_Primer.pdf">A DTS Primer for Oil & Gas Production</a>".&nbsp; POSC gratefully
125acknowledges the availability and use granted by Shell International
126E&amp;P of this DTS Primer as part of the basis of the proposed
129<P>The application of optic fiber thermometry in oil and gas is a
130young and rapidly evolving technology.&nbsp; For this reason, any
131standard may anticipate several iterations and evolutions in
132its early years, and should be designed with a degree of
133flexibility.&nbsp; The challenges of installing and operating a
134delicate sensor - the optic fiber - in a remote and hostile
135environment - the oil well - are still being mastered.&nbsp; The
136survey process still has a significant experimental aspect to it, in
137addition to the natural variability of the processes the technique is
138being used to monitor.</P>
140<H3>Well and Wellbore</H3>
142<P>The WITSML definition of wellbore as "a unique,
143oriented path from the bottom of a drilled borehole to the surface
144of the Earth" is particularly suited to DTS in that
145at least one end of the sensing fiber in a wellbore will always
146extend to the surface to connect with the Instrument Box.&nbsp; A
147fiber will not be physically joined or spliced into fibers from other
148wellbores in a well.&nbsp;&nbsp;</P>
150<H3>Fiber Optic Technology and DTS Measurements</H3>
154<P>When light is transmitted along an optic fiber, transmitted light
155collides with atoms in the lattice structure of the fiber and causes
156them to emit bursts of light at frequencies slightly different from
157the transmitted radiation which propagate back along the fibre and
158can be detected at its end.&nbsp; This is known as backscattering.&nbsp;
159Optic fiber thermometry depends upon the phenomenon that the
160frequency shifts occur to bands both less than and greater than the
161transmitted frequency.&nbsp; Furthermore, in the case of the Raman
162shifted bands the intensity of the lower frequency band is only
163weakly dependent on temperature, while the intensity of the higher
164frequency band is strongly dependent upon temperature.&nbsp; The
165ratio of these intensities is related to the temperature of the optic
166fiber at the site where the backscattering occurs: i.e., all along the
167fiber.&nbsp; The backscatter spectrum is illustrated in Figure 1.&nbsp;
168The intensities of backscatter of individual pulses is very weak,
169necessitating statistical stacking of thousands of backscattered
170light pulses.</P>
172<P><IMG SRC="dtsBackscatter.jpg" NAME="Graphic1" ALIGN=BOTTOM width=637 height=403 BORDER=0></P>
174<H4>Equipment: Instrument Box and Fiber</H4>
176<P>Several organisations manufacture and / or operate DTS equipment
177on a service basis for the E&amp;P industry.&nbsp; The optic fibers
178are mass-manufactured by a number of companies with a variety of
179materials and designs for different applications.&nbsp; The
180'Instrument Boxes' comprise a laser light source, an oven which
181provides a reference temperature, and photo-electric sensors which
182capture the backscattered light, along with digital circuitry which
183both controls the laser transmission and analyses the frequency and
184intensity of the backscatter.&nbsp; Instrument boxes and fibers can
185readily be interchanged.&nbsp;</P>
186<P>The transmission characteristics of optic fibers are dependent
187upon several factors in addition to temperature, which include their
188construction, physical deformation and chemical , particularly
189aqueous, contamination.&nbsp; For these reasons, calibrations of the
190equipment are routinely necessary to monitor the transmission
193<H4>Installation in Wellbores</H4>
195<P>The location of the source of the backscattered light is
196determined in terms of its distance along the fiber by the two-way
197transmission time and the velocity of light in the transmitting
198medium.&nbsp; It is therefore necessary to know how length along the
199fiber correlates to measured depth along the wellbore in which the
200fiber is installed.&nbsp; The foregoing information includes
201knowledge of the positions in the well and along the fiber where
202connections through casing shoes, packers and other features occur.
203All these can be assumed to remain constant between initial
204installation and mechanical interventions in the wellbore.</P>
205<P>There are several fiber configurations deployed in wellbores,&nbsp;
206illustrated in fig 2, which enable various calibrations to be made to
207the temperature data.</P>
209<P><IMG SRC="dtsFiberConfigurations.jpg" NAME="Graphic2" ALIGN=BOTTOM width=601 height=425 BORDER=0></P>
213<P>Two kinds of calibration are applied to DTS data. These are:</P>
215        <LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">factors pertaining to the
216        Instrument Box such as the oven reference temperature, the number of
217        launches being stacked to get a temperature value at the required
218        resolution;
219        </P>
220        <LI><P>factors related to the fiber, including the (practically
221        linear) differential attenuation along the fiber, and the refractive
222        index of the fiber.
223        </P>
226<P>Where the fiber may be installed in a well bore for several years,
227it is necessary to recalibrate these factors periodically in order to
228be able to compare reservoir temperatures over these periods.</P>
229<P>The Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR) technique provides a
230routine means of examining the condition of the fiber.&nbsp; OTDR
231consists of observing the attenuation of backscattered light in the
232frequency band of the transmitted Rayleigh waves.&nbsp; An OTDR
233profile is illustrated in Figure 3.</P>
235<H4 ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC="dtsOTDR.jpg" NAME="Graphic3" ALIGN=BOTTOM width=709 height=416 BORDER=0></H4>
237<H4 ALIGN=CENTER>Figure 3: Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR) Profile</H4>
241<P>The measurements produced by the Instrument Box for a temperature
242profile typically comprise a set of records containing contextual
243data followed by the temperature records.&nbsp; The contextual data
244identify the well, the equipment, the date and time, and various
245calibration data.&nbsp; Each temperature record contains the length
246along the fiber of the temperature sample, the computed temperature,
247and measurements of the Stokes and anti-Stokes intensities.</P>
249<P>There are many possible representations of the temperature data,
250and criteria for selecting among them included: conformance to data
251produced from DTS instrument boxes; minimal verbosity of the XML
252transfer files; re-use of existing, implemented data specifications
253which satisfied DTS requirements; conformance to consuming data stores
254and applications, and others.&nbsp; POSC recognised the high degree
255of similarity of DTS data with other types of well logs, and
256chose to re-use of the existing WITSML wellLog specification which  met all currently
257known requirements for DTS data.</P>
259<H2><A NAME="_Requirements"></A>Requirements</H2>
261<P>POSC has defined standards for DTS data to be transferred between
262the oilfield well site and offices of oil and service companies. The
263DTS data standard should simplify, but does not specify, subsequent
264storage and access models and processes.&nbsp;&nbsp; Thus, the
265standard should improve the overall process of controlling and
266optimizing production operations.&nbsp; The standard specifies both
267the content and the representation of the data, in other words, it
268covers both the data, and their meaning, that need to be transmitted
269and what format they should be in.
275        <LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Define XML schemas for DTS&nbsp;
276        information for transfer from wellsite to office and office to
277        wellsite, including information about the wellbore, the DTS
278        equipment, its installation and calibration, and routine temperature
279        survey data.
280        </P>
281        <LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Given the immaturity and rapid
282        development of DTS techniques, the  standard is
283        designed so as to be capable of use for other kinds of data such as
284        pressure.
285        </P>
286        <LI><P>The DTS data standard re-used, where practicable,
287        existing eXtended Mark-up Language (XML) assets developed for the
288        E&amp;P industry.&nbsp; In particular, DTS  leveraged the
289        WITSML (Wellsite Information Transfer Standard Mark-up Language)
290        being developed and used by the drilling community.&nbsp; 
291        </P>
294<P><FONT FACE="Times New Roman"><FONT SIZE=3>The following functional
295requirements are identified but not described are out of scope:</FONT></FONT></P>
297        <LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">the analysis, calibration
298        and conversion of intensities of the backscattered light to
299        temperature
300        </P>
301        <LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">storage in and retrieval from
302        persistent data stores of DTS data
303        </P>
304        <LI><P>and non-functional requirements such as packaging,
305        transmitting and verifying transmission of the data over
306        communications networks.&nbsp; 
307        </P>
310<H2><A NAME="_Use_Cases"></A>Use Cases</H2>
312<P>The specification enables transfer of information for the
313following use cases, all of which assume the pre-existence of the
314wellbore and its data:
317<H3>Installation of DTS fiber in a wellbore.</H3>
320        <LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">The activity of installing the
321        fiber into the wellbore.</P>
322        <LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">The recording of the position in
323        terms of length along the fiber of key points in the wellbore.</P>
326<H3>Installation of DTS system on existing fiber in a wellbore.</H3>
329        <LI>Installations of DTS systems where all components are newly
330        installed.
331        <LI>Installations where one or more of the components are newly
332        installed with the remainder of the components being previously
333        installed in the wellbore.
336<H3>Calibration of the DTS system and its components</H3>
339        <LI>Calibration of DTS system and fiber prior to installation in
340        a wellbore.
341        <LI>Calibration of DTS system and fiber subsequent to
342        installation in a wellbore.
343        <LI>Calibration of configuration and position of fiber in
344        wellbore in terms of length along fiber and measured depth, and of
345        length along fiber at wellbore datums and at specific equipment
346        items in wellbore.
347        <LI>Transfer of Optical Time Domain Reflectometry measurement.
350<H3>Routine Temperature Survey measurement</H3>
353        <LI>Wellbore identification [Mandatory]
354        <LI>Fiber Instrumentation System as installed in the wellbore [Mandatory]
355        <LI>Reference to Calibration data set
356        of DTS system to be used to derive temperature data from Stokes and
357        anti-Stokes data. [Optional]
358        <LI>Reference to Computation method used to derive temperature
359        data from Stokes and anti-Stokes data. [Optional].
362<H2><A NAME="_DTS_Schema_Concepts"></A>DTS Schema Concepts</H2>
366<P>The DTS workgroup, a part of the POSC&nbsp; Integrated Operations
367Special Interest Group, has defined the requirements outlined above,
368and POSC staff have produced the accompanying set of schemas which
369define the XML representation of DTS data, along with example XML
370files, detailed XML documentation, and this Overview.&nbsp;&nbsp;These
371items together comprise the contents of the package and its
372organisation in both the compressed file&nbsp; and the WITSML
375<P>DTS is modelled as follows:</P>
377<H3>Well and Wellbore</H3>
379<P>The DTS specification utilizes the WITSML well and wellbore schemas to provide all of the related well data.
380This includes information such as operator, geopolitical location, geographic location, well datum, status, etc.</P>
384      <p>The fiber is intended to capture
385      a description of the fiber as a material. Information about the
386      installation and use of the fiber in the wellbore is captured in
387      dtsInstalledSystem.</p>
389      <pThe fiber contains two types of
390      information. These will be described for information only. There should be
391      no attempt to separate these two types of information</p>
393      <p>The first is the information
394      that would be found in a manufacturer's catalog. This is a technical
395      specification. It includes information that would be applicable for any
396      fiber of the type described.</p>
398      <p>Secondly, it includes
399      information about a specific “spool” of the fiber. This additional
400      information would be spool number, length of fiber on the spool, and any
401      factory calibration or quality checks that were done.</p>
403<H4>Generic Usage elements</H4>
405<p class="MsoBodyText"><span lang="EN-US">There are three generic elements that
406can be used to characterize the fiber.</span></p>
408        <LI>
409        <p><b>type</b> - The
410        purpose of the type element is to classify the fiber, using various
411        classification systems. A specific element, mode, allows the classification of
412        singlemode or multimode. The type element allows other classifications to be
413        made. The type element contains an optional attribute, classType. This, along
414        with the classification, is a way of transferring additional information</p>
416        <p>Example: &lt;type classType=”flexibility”&gt;rigid&lt;/type&gt;</p>
417        </LI>
419        <LI>
420        <p><B>parameter</b> -
421        This element allows any additional information that might be useful. These
422        consist of name/value pairs, along with optional description and uom attributes.
423        This is patterned after the element that is used in wellLog to capture uncontrolled
424        parameters.</p>
425        </LI>
427        <LI>
428        <p><b>factoryCalibration</b><span lang="EN-US"> -
429        Any quality control or calibration tests that were run can be captured in this
430        information. This does <b>not</b> include tests that are run in conjunction with
431        installing the fiber, or obtaining measurements. There is a similar calibration
432        capability with these objects.</span></p>
433        </LI>
436<h4>Installation History</h4>
438<p class="MsoBodyText"><span lang="EN-US">The installationHistory element allows
439previous uses of the fiber to be recorded. If the fiber was installed in a
440wellbore at one time, removed, and installed in the same or different wellbore,
441the previous installation may be referenced. This is an optional element, but is
442included to allow the sender to give quality control information.</span></p>
444<h3>Instrument Box</h3>
446      <p class="MsoBodyText"><span lang="EN-US">Like the fiber, the
447      instrumentBox has two types of information. The first is the
448      manufacturer's catalog set, which could be used to describe a generic
449      instrument box of the type being used. The other information is related to
450      a specific instrument box that is being used in the DTS system.</span></p>
452<h4>Generic Usage elements</h4>
454      <p class="MsoBodyText"><span lang="EN-US">The <b>instrumentBox</b> has two
455      generic elements to capture information. There is a <b>parameter</b>
456      element which allows any information not specifically covered in the given
457      elements. The other is the <b>factoryCalibration</b> element which allows
458      specific calibration information that was done at the factory or at the
459      bench. As with the case of the fiber, this is not intended to include
460      calibrations that are done in conjunction with the installation of the
461      fiber and instrument box in a wellbore, or calibrations done at
462      measurement time.</span>
464<h3>Fiber locations downhole</h3>
466      <pThe measurements made are
467      written as a table of information (using the WITSML wellLog) that has, at a minimum, length along fiber versus
468      temperature. This must be converted to measured depth versus temperature for
469      use.</p>
471      <p>The information about the length
472      along fiber versus measured depth
473      is recorded when the fiber is installed. This information is recorded in
474      the <b>dtsInstalledSystem</b> object using the element, <b>wellboreFiberSchematic.</b>
475      This element is key, because it stores the relationship between length
476      along fiber and measured depth at certain, important points of the
477      wellbore and fiber installation.</p>
479      <p>When a measurement is made, the
480      data, as mentioned above, consists of the length along fiber. This
481      information must be related to the wellboreFiberSchematic in order to
482      obtain the measured depth information. However, it is generally not the
483      case that the length along fiber in the <b>wellboreFiberSchematic</b> and
484      the length along fiber in the measured data table have the same zero
485      point. In order to match these two arrays, it is necessary that both the
486      dtsInstalledSystem/wellboreFiberSchematic and the <b>dtsMeasurement</b>/ <b>fiberDefinedPoint</b>
487      record a common point. A good policy for the DTS community would be to
488      define which specific point should be used as the common point.</p>
490      <p>In addition to the specific
491      point, it is necessary to capture the recording direction for a
492      “U-shaped” installation. This is done in the dtsInstalledSystem/fiberEndPoint
493      by giving names to the ports. The dtsMeasurement/fiberEndConnected refers
494      to this port using the same name.</p>
497<h3>DTS Measurements&nbsp;</h3>
499<P>These measurements are part of the wellbore object and use the wellLog object
500to capture the temperature - depth profiles.&nbsp; Instances of the wellLog object may also carry
501the OTDR
502(Optical Time Domain Reflectometry) data.</P>
505<h3>Composite Schema</h3>
507<P>In addition, WITSML includes an overall composite schema
508which has been defined to allow data from all of the data object
509schemas to be included in one document. This object is shown with
510only DTS objects and the wellLog object incorporated so that it
511becomes evident how the well, wellbore, and dts data can be
512incorporated into a single message. The hierarchical model for the
513composite is as follows:</P>
515        <DD>WITSMLComposite</DD><DD>
516        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;wellSet</DD><DD>
517        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;well</DD><DD>
518        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;wellboreSet</DD><DD>
519        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;wellbore</DD><DD>
520        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dtsInstalledSystemSet</DD><DD>
521        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dtsInstalledSystem</DD><DD>
522        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dtsMeasurementSet</DD><DD>
523        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dtsMeasurement</DD><DD>
524        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;wellLogSet</DD><DD>
525        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;wellLog</DD></DL>
529<H2><a name="_DTS_Schemas_XMLdocuments">DTS Schemas, XMLdocuments, and Stylesheets</a></H2>
531<P>The DTS specification includes the data object
532schemas, component schemas and element group schemas tabulated below.
533The composite, well, wellbore and wellLog schemas have been included for context.
538      <h4><a name="_dtsInstalledSystem_schema">dtsInstalledSystem data object</a></h4>
540      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
541         <tr>
542            <th rowspan="2" width="360" align="left" valign="bottom">&nbsp;&nbsp;Schemas</th>
543            <th colspan="4" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;Links to Documents</th>
544         </tr>
545         <tr align="center" valign="top">
546            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XSD<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Schema
547            </th>
548            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Document
549            </th>
550            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML via<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet
551            </th>
552            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Source
553            </th>
554         </tr>
555         <tr align="center" valign="top">
556            <td align="left">&nbsp;obj_dtsInstalledSystem.xsd</td>
557            <td><a href="./schema/obj_dtsInstalledSystem.html">XSD</a></td>
558            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/dtsInstalledSystem_no_xsl.xml">XML</a></td>
559            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/dtsInstalledSystem.xml">XML/XSL</a></td>
560            <td><a href="../stylesheets/dtsInstalledSystem.xsl">XSL</a></td>
561         </tr>
562         <tr align="center" valign="top">
563            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;grp_dtsInstalledSystem.xsd</td>
564            <!--1 level Indent.-->
565            <td><a href="./schema/grp_dtsInstalledSystem.html">XSD</a></td>
566            <td>&nbsp;</td>
567            <td>&nbsp;</td>
568            <td>&nbsp;</td>
569         </tr>
570         <tr align="center" valign="top">
571            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_fiberInformation.xsd</td>
572            <!--2> level Indent.-->
573            <td><a href="./schema/cs_fiberInformation.html">XSD</a></td>
574            <td>&nbsp;</td>
575            <td>&nbsp;</td>
576            <td>&nbsp;</td>
577         </tr>
578         <tr align="center" valign="top">
579            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_fiber.xsd</td>
580            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
581            <td><a href="./schema/cs_fiber.html">XSD</a></td>
582            <td>&nbsp;</td>
583            <td>&nbsp;</td>
584            <td>&nbsp;</td>
585         </tr>
586         <tr align="center" valign="top">
587            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_refractiveIndex.xsd</td>
588            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
589            <td><a href="./schema/cs_refractiveIndex.html">XSD</a></td>
590            <td>&nbsp;</td>
591            <td>&nbsp;</td>
592            <td>&nbsp;</td>
593         </tr>
594         <tr align="center" valign="top">
595            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_oneWayLoss.xsd</td>
596            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
597            <td><a href="./schema/cs_oneWayLoss.html">XSD</a></td>
598            <td>&nbsp;</td>
599            <td>&nbsp;</td>
600            <td>&nbsp;</td>
601         </tr>
602         <tr align="center" valign="top">
603            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_calibration.xsd</td>
604            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
605            <td><a href="./schema/cs_calibration.html">XSD</a></td>
606            <td>&nbsp;</td>
607            <td>&nbsp;</td>
608            <td>&nbsp;</td>
609         </tr>
610         <tr align="center" valign="top">
611            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_calibrationParameter.xsd</td>
612            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
613            <td><a href="./schema/cs_calibrationParameter.html">XSD</a></td>
614            <td>&nbsp;</td>
615            <td>&nbsp;</td>
616            <td>&nbsp;</td>
617         </tr>
618         <tr align="center" valign="top">
619            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_boxInformation.xsd</td>
620            <!--2> level Indent.-->
621            <td><a href="./schema/cs_boxInformation.html">XSD</a></td>
622            <td>&nbsp;</td>
623            <td>&nbsp;</td>
624            <td>&nbsp;</td>
625         </tr>
626         <tr align="center" valign="top">
627            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_instrumentBox.xsd</td>
628            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
629            <td><a href="./schema/cs_instrumentBox.html">XSD</a></td>
630            <td>&nbsp;</td>
631            <td>&nbsp;</td>
632            <td>&nbsp;</td>
633         </tr>
634         <tr align="center" valign="top">
635            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_nameTag.xsd</td>
636            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
637            <td><a href="./schema/cs_nameTag.html">XSD</a></td>
638            <td>&nbsp;</td>
639            <td>&nbsp;</td>
640            <td>&nbsp;</td>
641         </tr>
642         <tr align="center" valign="top">
643            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_instrumentBoxCalibration.xsd</td>
644            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
645            <td><a href="./schema/cs_instrumentBoxCalibration.html">XSD</a></td>
646            <td>&nbsp;</td>
647            <td>&nbsp;</td>
648            <td>&nbsp;</td>
649         </tr>
650         <tr align="center" valign="top">
651            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_calibrationParameter.xsd</td>
652            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
653            <td><a href="./schema/cs_calibrationParameter.html">XSD</a></td>
654            <td>&nbsp;</td>
655            <td>&nbsp;</td>
656            <td>&nbsp;</td>
657         </tr>
658         <tr align="center" valign="top">
659            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_fiberEndPoint.xsd</td>
660            <!--2> level Indent.-->
661            <td><a href="./schema/cs_fiberEndPoint.html">XSD</a></td>
662            <td>&nbsp;</td>
663            <td>&nbsp;</td>
664            <td>&nbsp;</td>
665         </tr>
666         <tr align="center" valign="top">
667            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_fiberInstalledPoints.xsd</td>
668            <!--2> level Indent.-->
669            <td><a href="./schema/cs_fiberInstalledPoints.html">XSD</a></td>
670            <td>&nbsp;</td>
671            <td>&nbsp;</td>
672            <td>&nbsp;</td>
673         </tr>
674         <tr align="center" valign="top">
675            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_singleInstalledPoint.xsd</td>
676            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
677            <td><a href="./schema/cs_singleInstalledPoint.html">XSD</a></td>
678            <td>&nbsp;</td>
679            <td>&nbsp;</td>
680            <td>&nbsp;</td>
681         </tr>
682         <tr align="center" valign="top">
683            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_pumpActivity.xsd</td>
684            <!--2> level Indent.-->
685            <td><a href="./schema/cs_pumpActivity.html">XSD</a></td>
686            <td>&nbsp;</td>
687            <td>&nbsp;</td>
688            <td>&nbsp;</td>
689         </tr>
690         <tr align="center" valign="top">
691            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_pumpLogTable.xsd</td>
692            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
693            <td><a href="./schema/cs_pumpLogTable.html">XSD</a></td>
694            <td>&nbsp;</td>
695            <td>&nbsp;</td>
696            <td>&nbsp;</td>
697         </tr>
698         <tr align="center" valign="top">
699            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_pumpLogRow.xsd</td>
700            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
701            <td><a href="./schema/cs_pumpLogRow.html">XSD</a></td>
702            <td>&nbsp;</td>
703            <td>&nbsp;</td>
704            <td>&nbsp;</td>
705         </tr>
706         <tr align="center" valign="top">
707            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_otdr.xsd</td>
708            <!--2> level Indent.-->
709            <td><a href="./schema/cs_otdr.html">XSD</a></td>
710            <td>&nbsp;</td>
711            <td>&nbsp;</td>
712            <td>&nbsp;</td>
713         </tr>
714         <tr align="center" valign="top">
715            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_calibration.xsd</td>
716            <!--2> level Indent.-->
717            <td><a href="./schema/cs_calibration.html">XSD</a></td>
718            <td>&nbsp;</td>
719            <td>&nbsp;</td>
720            <td>&nbsp;</td>
721         </tr>
722         <tr align="center" valign="top">
723            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_calibrationParameter.xsd</td>
724            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
725            <td><a href="./schema/cs_calibrationParameter.html">XSD</a></td>
726            <td>&nbsp;</td>
727            <td>&nbsp;</td>
728            <td>&nbsp;</td>
729         </tr>
730         <tr align="center" valign="top">
731            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_commonData.xsd</td>
732            <!--1 level Indent.-->
733            <td><a href="./schema/cs_commonData.html">XSD</a></td>
734            <td>&nbsp;</td>
735            <td>&nbsp;</td>
736            <td>&nbsp;</td>
737         </tr>
738         <tr align="center" valign="top">
739            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_customData.xsd</td>
740            <!--1 level Indent.-->
741            <td><a href="./schema/cs_customData.html">XSD</a></td>
742            <td>&nbsp;</td>
743            <td>&nbsp;</td>
744            <td>&nbsp;</td>
745         </tr>
746      </table>
748      <BR>
749      <BR>
751      <h4><a name="_dtsMeasurement_schema">dtsMeasurement data object</a></h4>
753      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
754         <tr>
755            <th rowspan="2" width="360" align="left" valign="bottom">&nbsp;&nbsp;Schemas</th>
756            <th colspan="4" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;Links to Documents</th>
757         </tr>
758         <tr align="center" valign="top">
759            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XSD<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Schema
760            </th>
761            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Document
762            </th>
763            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML via<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet
764            </th>
765            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Source
766            </th>
767         </tr>
768         <tr align="center" valign="top">
769            <td align="left">&nbsp;obj_dtsMeasurement.xsd</td>
770            <td><a href="./schema/obj_dtsMeasurement.html">XSD</a></td>
771            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/dtsMeasurement_no_xsl.xml">XML</a></td>
772            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/dtsMeasurement.xml">XML/XSL</a></td>
773            <td><a href="../stylesheets/dtsMeasurement.xsl">XSL</a></td>
774         </tr>
775         <tr align="center" valign="top">
776            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;grp_dtsMeasurement.xsd</td>
777            <!--1 level Indent.-->
778            <td><a href="./schema/grp_dtsMeasurement.html">XSD</a></td>
779            <td>&nbsp;</td>
780            <td>&nbsp;</td>
781            <td>&nbsp;</td>
782         </tr>
783         <tr align="center" valign="top">
784            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_singleInstalledPoint.xsd</td>
785            <!--2> level Indent.-->
786            <td><a href="./schema/cs_singleInstalledPoint.html">XSD</a></td>
787            <td>&nbsp;</td>
788            <td>&nbsp;</td>
789            <td>&nbsp;</td>
790         </tr>
791         <tr align="center" valign="top">
792            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_errorReport.xsd</td>
793            <!--2> level Indent.-->
794            <td><a href="./schema/cs_errorReport.html">XSD</a></td>
795            <td>&nbsp;</td>
796            <td>&nbsp;</td>
797            <td>&nbsp;</td>
798         </tr>
799         <tr align="center" valign="top">
800            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_commonData.xsd</td>
801            <!--1 level Indent.-->
802            <td><a href="./schema/cs_commonData.html">XSD</a></td>
803            <td>&nbsp;</td>
804            <td>&nbsp;</td>
805            <td>&nbsp;</td>
806         </tr>
807         <tr align="center" valign="top">
808            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_customData.xsd</td>
809            <!--1 level Indent.-->
810            <td><a href="./schema/cs_customData.html">XSD</a></td>
811            <td>&nbsp;</td>
812            <td>&nbsp;</td>
813            <td>&nbsp;</td>
814         </tr>
815      </table>
817      <BR>
818      <BR>
821<H4>Global Equipment Schema for a DTS Fiber </H4>
823<P>This schema is intended to be used in a stand alone fashion to describe equipment
824outside the context of WITSML.
825It intended to standard the usage of DTS Fibers in non-well contexts.</P>
828         <tr>
829            <th rowspan="2" width="360" align="left" valign="bottom">&nbsp;&nbsp;Schemas</th>
830            <th colspan="4" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;Links to Documents</th>
831         </tr>
832         <tr align="center" valign="top">
833            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XSD<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Schema
834            </th>
835            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Document
836            </th>
837            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML via<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet
838            </th>
839            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Source
840            </th>
841         </tr>
842         <tr align="center" valign="top">
843            <td align="left">&nbsp;ges_dtsFiber.xsd</td>
844            <td><a href="./schema/ges_dtsFiber.html">XSD</a></td>
845            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/dtsFiber_no_xsl.xml">XML</a></td>
846            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/dtsFiber.xml">XML/XSL</a></td>
847            <td><a href="../stylesheets/dtsFiber.xsl">XSL</a></td>
848         </tr>
849         <tr align="center" valign="top">
850            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_fiber.xsd</td>
851            <!-- 1 level Indent.-->
852            <td><a href="./schema/cs_fiber.html">XSD</a></td>
853            <td>&nbsp;</td>
854            <td>&nbsp;</td>
855            <td>&nbsp;</td>
856        <TR>
857         <tr align="center" valign="top">
858            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_refractiveIndex.xsd</td>
859            <!-- 2 level Indent.-->
860            <td><a href="./schema/cs_refractiveIndex.html">XSD</a></td>
861            <td>&nbsp;</td>
862            <td>&nbsp;</td>
863            <td>&nbsp;</td>
864         </tr>
865         <tr align="center" valign="top">
866            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_oneWayLoss.xsd</td>
867            <!-- 2 level Indent.-->
868            <td><a href="./schema/cs_oneWayLoss.html">XSD</a></td>
869            <td>&nbsp;</td>
870            <td>&nbsp;</td>
871            <td>&nbsp;</td>
872         </tr>
873         <tr align="center" valign="top">
874            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_calibration.xsd</td>
875            <!-- 2 level Indent.-->
876            <td><a href="./schema/cs_calibration.html">XSD</a></td>
877            <td>&nbsp;</td>
878            <td>&nbsp;</td>
879            <td>&nbsp;</td>
880         </tr>
881         <tr align="center" valign="top">
882            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_calibrationParameter.xsd</td>
883            <!-- 3 level Indent.-->
884            <td><a href="./schema/cs_calibrationParameter.html">XSD</a></td>
885            <td>&nbsp;</td>
886            <td>&nbsp;</td>
887            <td>&nbsp;</td>
888         </tr>
896<H4>Global Equipment Schema for a DTS Instrument Box</H4>
898<P>This schema is intended to be used in a stand alone fashion to describe equipment
899outside the context of WITSML.
900It intended to standard the usage of DTS Instrument Boxes in non-well contexts.</P>
903         <tr>
904            <th rowspan="2" width="360" align="left" valign="bottom">&nbsp;&nbsp;Schemas</th>
905            <th colspan="4" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;Links to Documents</th>
906         </tr>
907         <tr align="center" valign="top">
908            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XSD<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Schema
909            </th>
910            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Document
911            </th>
912            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML via<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet
913            </th>
914            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Source
915            </th>
916         </tr>
917         <tr align="center" valign="top">
918            <td align="left">&nbsp;ges_dtsInstrumentBox.xsd</td>
919            <td><a href="./schema/ges_dtsInstrumentBox.html">XSD</a></td>
920            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/dtsInstrumentBox_no_xsl.xml">XML</a></td>
921            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/dtsInstrumentBox.xml">XML/XSL</a></td>
922            <td><a href="../stylesheets/dtsInstrumentBox.xsl">XSL</a></td>
923         </tr>
924         <tr align="center" valign="top">
925            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_instrumentBox.xsd</td>
926            <!-- 1 level Indent.-->
927            <td><a href="./schema/cs_instrumentBox.html">XSD</a></td>
928            <td>&nbsp;</td>
929            <td>&nbsp;</td>
930            <td>&nbsp;</td>
931         </tr>
932         <tr align="center" valign="top">
933            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_instrumentBoxCalibration.xsd</td>
934            <!-- 2 level Indent.-->
935            <td><a href="./schema/cs_instrumentBoxCalibration.html">XSD</a></td>
936            <td>&nbsp;</td>
937            <td>&nbsp;</td>
938            <td>&nbsp;</td>
939         </tr>
940         <tr align="center" valign="top">
941            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_calibrationParameter.xsd</td>
942            <!-- 3 level Indent.-->
943            <td><a href="./schema/cs_calibrationParameter.html">XSD</a></td>
944            <td>&nbsp;</td>
945            <td>&nbsp;</td>
946            <td>&nbsp;</td>
947         </tr>
954<H2><A name="_Reused_Schemas">Reused Schemas, XMLdocuments, and Stylesheets</A></H2>
956<P>These are other the WITSML schemas that are required in order to capture all relevant information for
957a Distributed Temperature Survey.</p>
959<H3><a name="_composite_schema">WITSML Composite schema</a></H3>
961<P>The composite schema captures the semantic contents of all WITSML objects within
962a single hierarchy. This allows a single XML message to contain all information
963that is relevant for a Distributed Temperature Survey.
964The <b>XML example</b> demonstrates how the measurement
965points to the installed system that was used for the measurement and to the resultant wellLog.
966In this example, only the name of the
967installed system is requied because the The details about the installed system
968had been previously transmitted.</P>
970      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
971         <tr>
972            <th rowspan="2" width="360" align="left" valign="bottom">&nbsp;&nbsp;Schemas</th>
973            <th colspan="4" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;Links to Documents</th>
974         </tr>
975         <tr align="center" valign="top">
976            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XSD<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Schema
977            </th>
978            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Document
979            </th>
980            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML via<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet
981            </th>
982            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Source
983            </th>
984         </tr>
985         <tr align="center" valign="top">
986            <td align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;WITSML_composite.xsd </td>
987            <td><a href="./schema/WITSML_composite.html">XSD</a></td>
988            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/dtsMeasurement_composite_no_xsl.xml">XML</a></td>
989            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/dtsMeasurement_composite.xml">XML/XSL</a></td>
990            <td><a href="../stylesheets/dtsMeasurement_composite.xsl">XSL</a></td>
991         </tr>
992      </table>
994      <BR>
995      <BR>
997      <H3><a name="_well_schema">well data object</a></H3>
999<P>The well object is used to define all of the contextual information about the well.</P>
1001      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
1002         <tr>
1003            <th rowspan="2" width="360" align="left" valign="bottom">&nbsp;&nbsp;Schemas</th>
1004            <th colspan="4" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;Links to Documents</th>
1005         </tr>
1006         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1007            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XSD<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Schema
1008            </th>
1009            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Document
1010            </th>
1011            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML via<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet
1012            </th>
1013            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Source
1014            </th>
1015         </tr>
1016         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1017            <td align="left">&nbsp;obj_well.xsd</td>
1018            <td><a href="./schema/obj_well.html">XSD</a></td>
1019            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/well_no_xsl.xml">XML</a></td>
1020            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/well.xml">XML/XSL</a></td>
1021            <td><a href="../stylesheets/well.xsl">XSL</a></td>
1022         </tr>
1023         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1024            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;grp_well.xsd</td>
1025            <!--1 level Indent.-->
1026            <td><a href="./schema/grp_well.html">XSD</a></td>
1027            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1028            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1029            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1030         </tr>
1031         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1032            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_wellDatum.xsd</td>
1033            <!--2> level Indent.-->
1034            <td><a href="./schema/cs_wellDatum.html">XSD</a></td>
1035            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1036            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1037            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1038         </tr>
1039         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1040            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_refWellWellbore.xsd</td>
1041            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
1042            <td><a href="./schema/cs_refWellWellbore.html">XSD</a></td>
1043            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1044            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1045            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1046         </tr>
1047         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1048            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_refWellWellboreRig.xsd</td>
1049            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
1050            <td><a href="./schema/cs_refWellWellboreRig.html">XSD</a></td>
1051            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1052            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1053            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1054         </tr>
1055         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1056            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_location.xsd</td>
1057            <!--2> level Indent.-->
1058            <td><a href="./schema/cs_location.html">XSD</a></td>
1059            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1060            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1061            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1062         </tr>
1063         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1064            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_referencePoint.xsd</td>
1065            <!--2> level Indent.-->
1066            <td><a href="./schema/cs_referencePoint.html">XSD</a></td>
1067            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1068            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1069            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1070         </tr>
1071         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1072            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_location.xsd</td>
1073            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
1074            <td><a href="./schema/cs_location.html">XSD</a></td>
1075            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1076            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1077            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1078         </tr>
1079         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1080            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_wellCRS.xsd</td>
1081            <!--2> level Indent.-->
1082            <td><a href="./schema/cs_wellCRS.html">XSD</a></td>
1083            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1084            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1085            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1086         </tr>
1087         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1088            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_projectionx.xsd</td>
1089            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
1090            <td><a href="./schema/cs_projectionx.html">XSD</a></td>
1091            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1092            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1093            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1094         </tr>
1095         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1096            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_geodeticModel.xsd</td>
1097            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
1098            <td><a href="./schema/cs_geodeticModel.html">XSD</a></td>
1099            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1100            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1101            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1102         </tr>
1103         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1104            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_localCRS.xsd</td>
1105            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
1106            <td><a href="./schema/cs_localCRS.html">XSD</a></td>
1107            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1108            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1109            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1110         </tr>
1111         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1112            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_commonData.xsd</td>
1113            <!--1 level Indent.-->
1114            <td><a href="./schema/cs_commonData.html">XSD</a></td>
1115            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1116            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1117            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1118         </tr>
1119         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1120            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_customData.xsd</td>
1121            <!--1 level Indent.-->
1122            <td><a href="./schema/cs_customData.html">XSD</a></td>
1123            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1124            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1125            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1126         </tr>
1127      </table>
1129      <BR>
1130      <BR>
1132      <H3><a name="_wellbore_schema">wellbore data object</a></H3>
1134<P>The wellbore object is used to define all of the contextual information about the wellbore.</P>
1136      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
1137         <tr>
1138            <th rowspan="2" width="360" align="left" valign="bottom">&nbsp;&nbsp;Schemas</th>
1139            <th colspan="4" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;Links to Documents</th>
1140         </tr>
1141         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1142            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XSD<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Schema
1143            </th>
1144            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Document
1145            </th>
1146            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML via<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet
1147            </th>
1148            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Source
1149            </th>
1150         </tr>
1151         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1152            <td align="left">&nbsp;obj_wellbore.xsd</td>
1153            <td><a href="./schema/obj_wellbore.html">XSD</a></td>
1154            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/wellbore_no_xsl.xml">XML</a></td>
1155            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/wellbore.xml">XML/XSL</a></td>
1156            <td><a href="../stylesheets/wellbore.xsl">XSL</a></td>
1157         </tr>
1158         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1159            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;grp_wellbore.xsd</td>
1160            <!--1 level Indent.-->
1161            <td><a href="./schema/grp_wellbore.html">XSD</a></td>
1162            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1163            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1164            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1165         </tr>
1166         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1167            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_commonData.xsd</td>
1168            <!--1 level Indent.-->
1169            <td><a href="./schema/cs_commonData.html">XSD</a></td>
1170            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1171            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1172            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1173         </tr>
1174         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1175            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_customData.xsd</td>
1176            <!--1 level Indent.-->
1177            <td><a href="./schema/cs_customData.html">XSD</a></td>
1178            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1179            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1180            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1181         </tr>
1182      </table>
1184      <BR>
1185      <BR>
1187      <H3><a name="_wellLog_schema">wellLog data object</a></H3>
1188<P>The wellLog object is used to define large tables of data. Each column is represented by a curve.
1189The 'data' element within cs_wellLogData.xsd represents one row in the table. The wellLog can actually
1190contain multiple tables of data where, for example, one block would represent a table for one pass in a
1191wireline run. For use with DTS data
1192there will normally be only one block.</P>
1194      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
1195         <tr>
1196            <th rowspan="2" width="360" align="left" valign="bottom">&nbsp;&nbsp;Schemas</th>
1197            <th colspan="4" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;Links to Documents</th>
1198         </tr>
1199         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1200            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XSD<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Schema
1201            </th>
1202            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Document
1203            </th>
1204            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;XML via<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet
1205            </th>
1206            <th width="75">&nbsp;&nbsp;Stylesheet<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Source
1207            </th>
1208         </tr>
1209         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1210            <td align="left">&nbsp;obj_wellLog.xsd</td>
1211            <td><a href="./schema/obj_wellLog.html">XSD</a></td>
1212            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/wellLog_no_xsl.xml">XML</a></td>
1213            <td><a href="../XML_Examples/wellLog.xml">XML/XSL</a></td>
1214            <td><a href="../stylesheets/wellLog.xsl">XSL</a></td>
1215         </tr>
1216         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1217            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;grp_wellLog.xsd</td>
1218            <!--1 level Indent.-->
1219            <td><a href="./schema/grp_wellLog.html">XSD</a></td>
1220            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1221            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1222            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1223         </tr>
1224         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1225            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_wellLogCurveInfo.xsd</td>
1226            <!--2> level Indent.-->
1227            <td><a href="./schema/cs_wellLogCurveInfo.html">XSD</a></td>
1228            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1229            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1230            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1231         </tr>
1232         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1233            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_axisDefinition.xsd</td>
1234            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
1235            <td><a href="./schema/cs_axisDefinition.html">XSD</a></td>
1236            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1237            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1238            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1239         </tr>
1240         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1241            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_blockInfo.xsd</td>
1242            <!--2> level Indent.-->
1243            <td><a href="./schema/cs_blockInfo.html">XSD</a></td>
1244            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1245            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1246            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1247         </tr>
1248         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1249            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_blockCurveInfo.xsd</td>
1250            <!--NaN> level Indent.-->
1251            <td><a href="./schema/cs_blockCurveInfo.html">XSD</a></td>
1252            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1253            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1254            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1255         </tr>
1256         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1257            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_wellLogData.xsd</td>
1258            <!--2> level Indent.-->
1259            <td><a href="./schema/cs_wellLogData.html">XSD</a></td>
1260            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1261            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1262            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1263         </tr>
1264         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1265            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_commonData.xsd</td>
1266            <!--1 level Indent.-->
1267            <td><a href="./schema/cs_commonData.html">XSD</a></td>
1268            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1269            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1270            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1271         </tr>
1272         <tr align="center" valign="top">
1273            <td align="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cs_customData.xsd</td>
1274            <!--1 level Indent.-->
1275            <td><a href="./schema/cs_customData.html">XSD</a></td>
1276            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1277            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1278            <td>&nbsp;</td>
1279         </tr>
1280      </table>
1282      <BR>
1283      <BR>
1286<P><FONT SIZE=2>Copyright(c) 2005-2006 Petrotechnical Open Standards
1287Consortium, Inc. (POSC) All rights reserved.<BR>POSC&reg; and the
1288POSC logo&reg; are registered trademarks and WITSML&trade; and the
1289WITSML logo&trade; are trademarks of POSC</FONT></P>
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