1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 | <?xml-stylesheet href="../stylesheets/opsReport.xsl" type="text/xsl" media="screen"?> |
3 | <!-- Example of Operations Report data --> |
4 | <opsReports |
5 | xmlns="http://www.witsml.org/schemas/131" |
6 | xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
7 | xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.witsml.org/schemas/131 ../obj_opsReport.xsd" |
8 | version=""> |
9 | <documentInfo> |
10 | <DocumentName>opsReport</DocumentName> |
11 | <FileCreationInformation> |
12 | <FileCreationDate>2001-11-01T08:15:00.000Z</FileCreationDate> |
13 | <SoftwareName>WITSML Server</SoftwareName> |
14 | <FileCreator>John Smith</FileCreator> |
15 | </FileCreationInformation> |
16 | </documentInfo> |
17 | <opsReport uidWell="W-12" uidWellbore="B-01" uid="h45a"> |
18 | <nameWell>6507/7-A-42</nameWell> |
19 | <nameWellbore>A-42</nameWellbore> |
20 | <name>19</name> |
21 | <rig uidRef="H56p">Big Rig #5</rig> |
22 | <dTim>2001-11-01T08:15:00.000Z</dTim> |
23 | <eTimStart uom="d">19</eTimStart> |
24 | <eTimSpud uom="d">18</eTimSpud> |
25 | <eTimLoc uom="d">20</eTimLoc> |
26 | <mdReport uom="m">2339.0</mdReport> |
27 | <tvdReport uom="m">2113.4</tvdReport> |
28 | <distDrill uom="m">46</distDrill> |
29 | <eTimDrill uom="h">120</eTimDrill> |
30 | <mdPlanned uom="m">2640</mdPlanned> |
31 | <ropAv uom="m/h">17.8</ropAv> |
32 | <ropCurrent uom="m/h">14.6</ropCurrent> |
33 | <supervisor>Mike Taylor</supervisor> |
34 | <engineer>Anton Gerbrady</engineer> |
35 | <geologist>Andrew Williams</geologist> |
36 | <eTimDrillRot uom="h">12</eTimDrillRot> |
37 | <eTimDrillSlid uom="h">0</eTimDrillSlid> |
38 | <eTimCirc uom="h">3</eTimCirc> |
39 | <eTimReam uom="h">0</eTimReam> |
40 | <eTimHold uom="h">0</eTimHold> |
41 | <eTimSteering uom="h">0</eTimSteering> |
42 | <distDrillRot uom="m">46</distDrillRot> |
43 | <distDrillSlid uom="m">0</distDrillSlid> |
44 | <distReam uom="m">0</distReam> |
45 | <distHold uom="m">0</distHold> |
46 | <distSteering uom="m">0</distSteering> |
47 | <numPob>99</numPob> |
48 | <numContract>48</numContract> |
49 | <numOperator>1</numOperator> |
50 | <numService>50</numService> |
51 | <activity uid="act-1"> |
52 | <dTimStart>2001-10-24T06:00:00.000</dTimStart> |
53 | <dTimEnd>2001-10-31T09:15:00.000</dTimEnd> |
54 | <duration uom="h">3.25</duration> |
55 | <phase>Int2</phase> |
56 | <activityCode>tripping</activityCode> |
57 | <detailActivity>No detail</detailActivity> |
58 | <typeActivityClass>planned</typeActivityClass> |
59 | <mdHoleStart uom="ft">7000</mdHoleStart> |
60 | <tvdHoleStart uom="m">6999</tvdHoleStart> |
61 | <mdHoleEnd uom="ft">7000</mdHoleEnd> |
62 | <tvdHoleEnd uom="ft">6999</tvdHoleEnd> |
63 | <mdBitStart uom="ft">6999</mdBitStart> |
64 | <mdBitEnd uom="ft">0</mdBitEnd> |
65 | <state>F</state> |
66 | <operator>Petoc Resources</operator> |
67 | <optimum>false</optimum> |
68 | <productive>true</productive> |
69 | <itemState>actual</itemState> |
70 | <comments>Continued pulling and racking BHA in derrick. Break off bit.</comments> |
71 | </activity> |
72 | <drillingParams uid="dp-1"> |
73 | <eTimOpBit uom="h">2.25</eTimOpBit> |
74 | <mdHoleStart uom="ft">6000.00</mdHoleStart> |
75 | <mdHoleStop uom="ft">7000.00</mdHoleStop> |
76 | <tubular uidRef="TUB-23">12.25-R6</tubular> |
77 | <hkldRot uom="tonfUS">150000.00</hkldRot> |
78 | <overPull uom="tonfUS">220000.00</overPull> |
79 | <slackOff uom="tonfUS">180000.00</slackOff> |
80 | <hkldUp uom="tonfUS">200000.00</hkldUp> |
81 | <hkldDn uom="tonfUS">200000.00</hkldDn> |
82 | <tqOnBotAv uom="ft.lbf">3000.00</tqOnBotAv> |
83 | <tqOnBotMx uom="ft.lbf">3500.00</tqOnBotMx> |
84 | <tqOnBotMn uom="ft.lbf">2800.00</tqOnBotMn> |
85 | <tqOffBotAv uom="ft.lbf">2000.00</tqOffBotAv> |
86 | <tqDhAv uom="ft.lbf">3000.00</tqDhAv> |
87 | <wtAboveJar uom="lbf">100000.00</wtAboveJar> |
88 | <wtBelowJar uom="lbf">100000.00</wtBelowJar> |
89 | <wtMud uom="lbm/ft3">1.24</wtMud> |
90 | <flowratePump uom="ft3/h">400.00</flowratePump> |
91 | <powBit uom="hp">500.0</powBit> |
92 | <velNozzleAv uom="ft/s">15</velNozzleAv> |
93 | <presDropBit uom="psi">500</presDropBit> |
94 | <cTimHold uom="h">.30</cTimHold> |
95 | <cTimSteering uom="h">1.50</cTimSteering> |
96 | <cTimDrillRot uom="h">2.25</cTimDrillRot> |
97 | <cTimDrillSlid uom="h">.45</cTimDrillSlid> |
98 | <cTimCirc uom="h">2.30</cTimCirc> |
99 | <cTimReam uom="h">1.25</cTimReam> |
100 | <distDrillRot uom="ft">300.00</distDrillRot> |
101 | <distDrillSlid uom="ft">200.00</distDrillSlid> |
102 | <distReam uom="ft">50.00</distReam> |
103 | <distHold uom="ft">100.00</distHold> |
104 | <distSteering uom="ft">200.00</distSteering> |
105 | <rpmAv uom="rpm">100.00</rpmAv> |
106 | <rpmMx uom="rpm">110.00</rpmMx> |
107 | <rpmMn uom="rpm">80.00</rpmMn> |
108 | <rpmAvDh uom="rpm">80.00</rpmAvDh> |
109 | <ropAv uom="ft/h">80.00</ropAv> |
110 | <ropMx uom="ft/h">90.00</ropMx> |
111 | <ropMn uom="ft/h">70.00</ropMn> |
112 | <wobAv uom="tonfUS">12.50</wobAv> |
113 | <wobMx uom="tonfUS">15</wobMx> |
114 | <wobMn uom="tonfUS">11</wobMn> |
115 | <wobAvDh uom="tonfUS">8.5</wobAvDh> |
116 | <reasonTrip>Coring point</reasonTrip> |
117 | <objectiveBha>Drilling</objectiveBha> |
118 | <aziTop uom="dega">30.00</aziTop> |
119 | <aziBottom uom="dega">45.00</aziBottom> |
120 | <inclStart uom="dega">0.00</inclStart> |
121 | <inclMx uom="dega">20.00</inclMx> |
122 | <inclMn uom="dega">0.00</inclMn> |
123 | <inclStop uom="dega">10.00</inclStop> |
124 | <tempMudDhMx uom="degC">92.00</tempMudDhMx> |
125 | <presPumpAv uom="psi">1000.00</presPumpAv> |
126 | <flowrateBit uom="bbl/min">60.00</flowrateBit> |
127 | <comments>Hi TQ spikes through stringers</comments> |
128 | </drillingParams> |
129 | <dayCost uid="dc-1"> |
130 | <numAFE>1234-5678</numAFE> |
131 | <costGroup>NA</costGroup> |
132 | <costClass>TAN</costClass> |
133 | <costCode>2</costCode> |
134 | <costSubCode>13</costSubCode> |
135 | <costItemDescription>Rig dayrate</costItemDescription> |
136 | <costPerItem currency="USD">10000</costPerItem> |
137 | <itemKind>day</itemKind> |
138 | <itemSize>1</itemSize> |
139 | <qtyItem>1</qtyItem> |
140 | <costAmount currency="USD">10000</costAmount> |
141 | <numInvoice>23-261001</numInvoice> |
142 | <numPO>1-570012</numPO> |
143 | <numTicket>12345</numTicket> |
144 | <isCarryOver>true</isCarryOver> |
145 | <isRental>false</isRental> |
146 | <numSerial>12345</numSerial> |
147 | <nameVendor>Transocean Sedco-Forex</nameVendor> |
148 | <numVendor>98765</numVendor> |
149 | <pool>NA</pool> |
150 | <estimated>true</estimated> |
151 | </dayCost> |
152 | <dayCost uid="dc-1"> |
153 | <numAFE>1234-5678</numAFE> |
154 | <costGroup>NA</costGroup> |
155 | <costClass>TAN</costClass> |
156 | <costCode>2</costCode> |
157 | <costSubCode>14</costSubCode> |
158 | <costItemDescription>Rig fuel cost</costItemDescription> |
159 | <costPerItem currency="USD">1.42</costPerItem> |
160 | <itemKind>gal</itemKind> |
161 | <itemSize>1000</itemSize> |
162 | <qtyItem>1</qtyItem> |
163 | <costAmount currency="USD">1420</costAmount> |
164 | <numInvoice>261002</numInvoice> |
165 | <numPO>570013</numPO> |
166 | <numTicket>None</numTicket> |
167 | <isCarryOver>false</isCarryOver> |
168 | <isRental>false</isRental> |
169 | <numSerial>N/A</numSerial> |
170 | <nameVendor>Offshore Gas Supply</nameVendor> |
171 | <numVendor>98730</numVendor> |
172 | <pool>NA</pool> |
173 | <estimated>true</estimated> |
174 | </dayCost> |
175 | <trajectoryStation uid="34ht5"> |
176 | <dTimStn>2001-10-21T08:15:00.000</dTimStn> |
177 | <typeTrajStation>tie in point</typeTrajStation> |
178 | <md uom="ft">6000</md> |
179 | <tvd uom="ft">5556</tvd> |
180 | <incl uom="dega">10</incl> |
181 | <azi uom="dega">47.3</azi> |
182 | <mtf uom="dega">47.3</mtf> |
183 | <gtf uom="dega">0</gtf> |
184 | <dispNs uom="ft">200</dispNs> |
185 | <dispEw uom="ft">345</dispEw> |
186 | <vertSect uom="ft">378</vertSect> |
187 | <dls uom="dega/ft">1.5</dls> |
188 | <rateTurn uom="dega/ft">0.8</rateTurn> |
189 | <rateBuild uom="dega/ft">1.9</rateBuild> |
190 | <mdDelta uom="ft">30</mdDelta> |
191 | <tvdDelta uom="ft">29.9</tvdDelta> |
192 | <modelToolError>good gyro</modelToolError> |
193 | <gravTotalUncert uom="m/s2">0</gravTotalUncert> |
194 | <dipAngleUncert uom="dega">0.10</dipAngleUncert> |
195 | <magTotalUncert uom="nT">0</magTotalUncert> |
196 | <gravAccelCorUsed>false</gravAccelCorUsed> |
197 | <magXAxialCorUsed>false</magXAxialCorUsed> |
198 | <sagCorUsed>false</sagCorUsed> |
199 | <magDrlstrCorUsed>false</magDrlstrCorUsed> |
200 | <statusTrajStation>position</statusTrajStation> |
201 | <rawData> |
202 | <gravAxialRaw uom="ft/s2">0.116</gravAxialRaw> |
203 | <gravTran1Raw uom="ft/s2">-0.168</gravTran1Raw> |
204 | <gravTran2Raw uom="ft/s2">-1654</gravTran2Raw> |
205 | <magAxialRaw uom="nT">22.77</magAxialRaw> |
206 | <magTran1Raw uom="nT">22.5</magTran1Raw> |
207 | <magTran2Raw uom="nT">27.05</magTran2Raw> |
208 | </rawData> |
209 | <corUsed> |
210 | <gravAxialAccelCor uom="ft/s2">0.11</gravAxialAccelCor> |
211 | <gravTran1AccelCor uom="ft/s2">0.14</gravTran1AccelCor> |
212 | <gravTran2AccelCor uom="ft/s2">0.13</gravTran2AccelCor> |
213 | <magAxialDrlstrCor uom="nT">0.17</magAxialDrlstrCor> |
214 | <magTran1DrlstrCor uom="nT">0.16</magTran1DrlstrCor> |
215 | <magTran2DrlstrCor uom="nT">0.24</magTran2DrlstrCor> |
216 | <sagIncCor uom="dega">0</sagIncCor> |
217 | <sagAziCor uom="dega">0</sagAziCor> |
218 | <stnMagDeclUsed uom="dega">-4.038</stnMagDeclUsed> |
219 | <stnGridCorUsed uom="dega">-0.4917</stnGridCorUsed> |
220 | <dirSensorOffset uom="ft">48.3</dirSensorOffset> |
221 | </corUsed> |
222 | <valid> |
223 | <magTotalFieldCalc uom="nT">51.19</magTotalFieldCalc> |
224 | <magDipAngleCalc uom="dega">41.5</magDipAngleCalc> |
225 | <gravTotalFieldCalc uom="ft/s2">0.999</gravTotalFieldCalc> |
226 | </valid> |
227 | <matrixCov> |
228 | <varianceNN uom="ft2">100</varianceNN> |
229 | <varianceNE uom="ft2">144</varianceNE> |
230 | <varianceNVert uom="ft2">121</varianceNVert> |
231 | <varianceEE uom="ft2">144</varianceEE> |
232 | <varianceEVert uom="ft2">121</varianceEVert> |
233 | <varianceVertVert uom="ft2">100</varianceVertVert> |
234 | <biasN uom="ft">8</biasN> |
235 | <biasE uom="ft">4</biasE> |
236 | <biasVert uom="ft">2</biasVert> |
237 | </matrixCov> |
238 | <location uid="location-1"> |
239 | <wellCRS uidRef="crs2">Adindian</wellCRS> |
240 | <latitude uom="dega">93</latitude> |
241 | <longitude uom="dega">42</longitude> |
242 | </location> |
243 | <location uid="location-2"> |
244 | <wellCRS uidRef="crs1">AlbersEqualArea</wellCRS> |
245 | <projectedX uom="ft">500</projectedX> |
246 | <projectedY uom="ft">300</projectedY> |
247 | </location> |
248 | </trajectoryStation> |
249 | <fluid uid="fluid-1"> |
250 | <type>oil based</type> |
251 | <locationSample>Pit</locationSample> |
252 | <density uom="g/L">1.26</density> |
253 | <visFunnel uom="s">55</visFunnel> |
254 | <tempVis uom="degC">28</tempVis> |
255 | <pv uom="cP">50</pv> |
256 | <yp uom="lbf/100ft2">30</yp> |
257 | <gel10Sec uom="lbf/100ft2">14</gel10Sec> |
258 | <gel10Min uom="lbf/100ft2">24</gel10Min> |
259 | <gel30Min uom="lbf/100ft2">27</gel30Min> |
260 | <filterCakeLtlp uom="in/32">1</filterCakeLtlp> |
261 | <filtrateLtlp uom="mL">2.3</filtrateLtlp> |
262 | <tempHthp uom="degF">200</tempHthp> |
263 | <presHthp uom="psi">500</presHthp> |
264 | <filtrateHthp uom="mL">2.4</filtrateHthp> |
265 | <filterCakeHthp uom="in/32">1</filterCakeHthp> |
266 | <solidsPc uom="%">6.1</solidsPc> |
267 | <waterPc uom="%">32</waterPc> |
268 | <oilPc uom="%">53</oilPc> |
269 | <sandPc uom="%">0.3</sandPc> |
270 | <solidsLowGravPc uom="%">6.1</solidsLowGravPc> |
271 | <solidsCalcPc uom="%">7.5</solidsCalcPc> |
272 | <baritePc uom="%">5.0</baritePc> |
273 | <lcm uom="lbm/bbl">10</lcm> |
274 | <mbt uom="meq/g">0.3</mbt> |
275 | <ph>10.5</ph> |
276 | <tempPh uom="degC">28</tempPh> |
277 | <pm uom="mL">0.9</pm> |
278 | <pmFiltrate uom="mL">1.3</pmFiltrate> |
279 | <mf uom="mL">1.0</mf> |
280 | <alkalinityP1 uom="mL">1.1</alkalinityP1> |
281 | <alkalinityP2 uom="mL">1.2</alkalinityP2> |
282 | <chloride uom="mg/L">18750</chloride> |
283 | <calcium uom="mg/L">7000</calcium> |
284 | <magnesium uom="mg/L">104.5</magnesium> |
285 | <rheometer uid="rheometer-1"> |
286 | <tempRheom uom="degC">25</tempRheom> |
287 | <presRheom uom="psi">14.5</presRheom> |
288 | <vis3Rpm>10</vis3Rpm> |
289 | <vis6Rpm>12</vis6Rpm> |
290 | <vis100Rpm>40</vis100Rpm> |
291 | <vis200Rpm>61</vis200Rpm> |
292 | <vis300Rpm>80</vis300Rpm> |
293 | <vis600Rpm>130</vis600Rpm> |
294 | </rheometer> |
295 | <rheometer uid="rheometer-2"> |
296 | <tempRheom uom="degC">26</tempRheom> |
297 | <presRheom uom="psi">14.5</presRheom> |
298 | <vis3Rpm>11</vis3Rpm> |
299 | <vis6Rpm>13</vis6Rpm> |
300 | <vis100Rpm>42</vis100Rpm> |
301 | <vis200Rpm>63</vis200Rpm> |
302 | <vis300Rpm>83</vis300Rpm> |
303 | <vis600Rpm>135</vis600Rpm> |
304 | </rheometer> |
305 | <brinePc uom="%">20</brinePc> |
306 | <lime uom="lbm/bbl">3.2</lime> |
307 | <electStab uom="V">360</electStab> |
308 | <calciumChloride uom="mg/L">5000</calciumChloride> |
309 | <company>Baker Hughes INTEQ</company> |
310 | <engineer>Doug Bullivant/Andy Duncombe</engineer> |
311 | <asg>.0275</asg> |
312 | <solidsHiGravPc uom="%">7.22</solidsHiGravPc> |
313 | <polymer uom="%">2.5</polymer> |
314 | <polyType>XCD POLYMER</polyType> |
315 | <solCorPc uom="%">3.53</solCorPc> |
316 | <oilCtg uom="g/kg">110.3</oilCtg> |
317 | <hardnessCa uom="ppm">3200</hardnessCa> |
318 | <sulfide uom="g/L">10.5</sulfide> |
319 | <comments>Base oil, fluid loss additive and viscosifier to active and reserve mud.</comments> |
320 | </fluid> |
321 | <scr uid="scr-1"> |
322 | <dTim>2001-10-25T06:00:00.000</dTim> |
323 | <pump uidRef="PUMP-1">1</pump> |
324 | <typeScr>string annulus</typeScr> |
325 | <rateStroke uom="rpm">20</rateStroke> |
326 | <presRecorded uom="psi">200</presRecorded> |
327 | <mdBit uom="ft">7000</mdBit> |
328 | </scr> |
329 | <scr uid="scr-2"> |
330 | <dTim>2001-10-25T14:00:00.000</dTim> |
331 | <pump uidRef="PUMP-2">2</pump> |
332 | <typeScr>string annulus</typeScr> |
333 | <rateStroke uom="rpm">30</rateStroke> |
334 | <presRecorded uom="psi">310</presRecorded> |
335 | <mdBit uom="ft">7000</mdBit> |
336 | </scr> |
337 | <pitVolume uid="pv-1"> |
338 | <pit uidRef="Active-1">1</pit> |
339 | <dTim>2001-10-25T06:00:00.000</dTim> |
340 | <volPit uom="bbl">155</volPit> |
341 | <densFluid uom="lbm/galUS">10.8</densFluid> |
342 | <descFluid>Mud</descFluid> |
343 | <visFunnel uom="s">37</visFunnel> |
344 | </pitVolume> |
345 | <pitVolume uid="pv-2"> |
346 | <pit uidRef="Active-2">2</pit> |
347 | <dTim>2001-10-25T06:05:00.000</dTim> |
348 | <volPit uom="bbl">160</volPit> |
349 | <densFluid uom="lbm/galUS">10.9</densFluid> |
350 | <descFluid>Mud</descFluid> |
351 | <visFunnel uom="s">36</visFunnel> |
352 | </pitVolume> |
353 | <mudVolume> |
354 | <volTotMudStart uom="bbl">275</volTotMudStart> |
355 | <volMudDumped uom="bbl">0</volMudDumped> |
356 | <volMudReceived uom="bbl">45</volMudReceived> |
357 | <volMudReturned uom="bbl">70</volMudReturned> |
358 | <mudLosses> |
359 | <volLostShakerSurf uom="bbl">2</volLostShakerSurf> |
360 | <volLostMudCleanerSurf uom="bbl">0.25</volLostMudCleanerSurf> |
361 | <volLostPitsSurf uom="bbl">0</volLostPitsSurf> |
362 | <volLostTrippingSurf uom="bbl">1</volLostTrippingSurf> |
363 | <volLostOtherSurf uom="bbl">0</volLostOtherSurf> |
364 | <volTotMudLostSurf uom="bbl">3.25</volTotMudLostSurf> |
365 | <volLostCircHole uom="bbl">5</volLostCircHole> |
366 | <volLostCsgHole uom="bbl">0</volLostCsgHole> |
367 | <volLostCmtHole uom="bbl">0</volLostCmtHole> |
368 | <volLostBhdCsgHole uom="bbl">0</volLostBhdCsgHole> |
369 | <volLostAbandonHole uom="bbl">0</volLostAbandonHole> |
370 | <volLostOtherHole uom="bbl">0</volLostOtherHole> |
371 | <volTotMudLostHole uom="bbl">5</volTotMudLostHole> |
372 | </mudLosses> |
373 | <volMudBuilt uom="bbl">0</volMudBuilt> |
374 | <volMudString uom="bbl">30</volMudString> |
375 | <volMudCasing uom="bbl">100</volMudCasing> |
376 | <volMudHole uom="bbl">65</volMudHole> |
377 | <volMudRiser uom="bbl">15</volMudRiser> |
378 | <volTotMudEnd uom="bbl">310</volTotMudEnd> |
379 | </mudVolume> |
380 | <mudInventory uid="mi-1"> |
381 | <name>ANCO ZAN D</name> |
382 | <itemWtPerUnit uom="kg">25</itemWtPerUnit> |
383 | <pricePerUnit currency="USD">100</pricePerUnit> |
384 | <qtyStart>40</qtyStart> |
385 | <qtyAdjustment>-2</qtyAdjustment> |
386 | <qtyReceived>40</qtyReceived> |
387 | <qtyReturned>0</qtyReturned> |
388 | <qtyUsed>10</qtyUsed> |
389 | <costItem currency="USD">1000</costItem> |
390 | <qtyOnLocation>68</qtyOnLocation> |
391 | </mudInventory> |
392 | <bulk uid="bulk-1"> |
393 | <name>Heli Fuel</name> |
394 | <itemVolPerUnit uom="L">1</itemVolPerUnit> |
395 | <pricePerUnit currency="USD">2.50</pricePerUnit> |
396 | <qtyStart>8585</qtyStart> |
397 | <qtyAdjustment>0</qtyAdjustment> |
398 | <qtyReceived>0</qtyReceived> |
399 | <qtyReturned>0</qtyReturned> |
400 | <qtyUsed>9</qtyUsed> |
401 | <costItem currency="USD">250</costItem> |
402 | <qtyOnLocation>8576</qtyOnLocation> |
403 | </bulk> |
404 | <rigResponse> |
405 | <anchorTension index="1" name="Anchor1" uom="lbf">200</anchorTension> |
406 | <anchorTension index="2" name="Anchor2" uom="lbf">205</anchorTension> |
407 | <anchorTension index="3" name="Anchor3" uom="lbf">203</anchorTension> |
408 | <anchorTension index="4" name="Anchor4" uom="lbf">210</anchorTension> |
409 | <anchorAngle index="1" name="AnchorAngle1" uom="dega">30</anchorAngle> |
410 | <anchorAngle index="2" name="AnchorAngle2" uom="dega">30</anchorAngle> |
411 | <anchorAngle index="3" name="AnchorAngle3" uom="dega">30</anchorAngle> |
412 | <anchorAngle index="4" name="AnchorAngle4" uom="dega">30</anchorAngle> |
413 | <rigHeading uom="dega">100</rigHeading> |
414 | <rigHeave uom="ft">12</rigHeave> |
415 | <rigPitchAngle uom="dega">6</rigPitchAngle> |
416 | <rigRollAngle uom="dega">3</rigRollAngle> |
417 | <riserAngle uom="dega">3</riserAngle> |
418 | <riserDirection uom="dega">10</riserDirection> |
419 | <riserTension uom="klbf">10</riserTension> |
420 | <variableDeckLoad uom="klbf">99</variableDeckLoad> |
421 | <totalDeckLoad uom="klbf">222</totalDeckLoad> |
422 | <guideBaseAngle uom="dega">100</guideBaseAngle> |
423 | <ballJointAngle uom="dega">0</ballJointAngle> |
424 | <ballJointDirection uom="dega">100</ballJointDirection> |
425 | <offsetRig uom="ft">1</offsetRig> |
426 | <loadLeg1 uom="klbf">0</loadLeg1> |
427 | <loadLeg2 uom="klbf">0</loadLeg2> |
428 | <loadLeg3 uom="klbf">0</loadLeg3> |
429 | <loadLeg4 uom="klbf">0</loadLeg4> |
430 | <penetrationLeg1 uom="ft">1.5</penetrationLeg1> |
431 | <penetrationLeg2 uom="ft">1.5</penetrationLeg2> |
432 | <penetrationLeg3 uom="ft">1.5</penetrationLeg3> |
433 | <penetrationLeg4 uom="ft">1.5</penetrationLeg4> |
434 | <dispRig uom="ft">12</dispRig> |
435 | <meanDraft uom="ft">32</meanDraft> |
436 | </rigResponse> |
437 | <pumpOp uid="po-1"> |
438 | <dTim>2001-10-25T06:00:00.000</dTim> |
439 | <pump uidRef="Pump-1">1</pump> |
440 | <typeOperation>drilling</typeOperation> |
441 | <idLiner uom="in">7</idLiner> |
442 | <lenStroke uom="in">14</lenStroke> |
443 | <rateStroke uom="rpm">55</rateStroke> |
444 | <pressure uom="psi">2100</pressure> |
445 | <pcEfficiency uom="%">97</pcEfficiency> |
446 | <pumpOutput uom="galUS/min">200</pumpOutput> |
447 | <mdBit uom="m">7000</mdBit> |
448 | </pumpOp> |
449 | <shakerOp uid="so-1"> |
450 | <shaker uidRef="shaker-1">Shale shaker 1</shaker> |
451 | <mdHole uom="m">7000</mdHole> |
452 | <dTim>2001-10-25T06:00:00.000</dTim> |
453 | <hoursRun uom="h">8</hoursRun> |
454 | <pcScreenCovered uom="%">2</pcScreenCovered> |
455 | <shakerScreen > |
456 | <dTimStart>2001-10-25T06:00:00.000Z</dTimStart> |
457 | <dTimEnd>2001-10-26T16:00:00.000Z</dTimEnd> |
458 | <numDeck>1</numDeck> |
459 | <meshX uom="mm">100</meshX> |
460 | <meshY uom="mm">80</meshY> |
461 | <manufacturer>Thule</manufacturer> |
462 | <model>Th100</model> |
463 | <cutPoint uom="mm">98</cutPoint> |
464 | </shakerScreen> |
465 | </shakerOp> |
466 | <hse> |
467 | <daysIncFree uom="d">0</daysIncFree> |
468 | <incident uid="inc-1"> |
469 | <dTim>2001-11-01T08:15:00.000</dTim> |
470 | <reporter>Joe Bloggs</reporter> |
471 | <numMinorInjury>2</numMinorInjury> |
472 | <numMajorInjury>2</numMajorInjury> |
473 | <numFatality>1</numFatality> |
474 | <isNearMiss>false</isNearMiss> |
475 | <descLocation>Pipe deck</descLocation> |
476 | <descAccident>Rough seas, casing strapped to pipe deck became loose and rolled into working deck crew.</descAccident> |
477 | <remedialActionDesc>Planned regular inspection of all restraining straps, chains, etc.</remedialActionDesc> |
478 | <causeDesc>Restraining chain snapped</causeDesc> |
479 | <eTimLostGross uom="h">2000</eTimLostGross> |
480 | <costLostGross currency="USD">2000000</costLostGross> |
481 | <responsibleCompany>LowCost Chains Inc.</responsibleCompany> |
482 | </incident> |
483 | <lastCsgPresTest>2001-06-01T08:15:00.000</lastCsgPresTest> |
484 | <presLastCsg uom="psi">5000</presLastCsg> |
485 | <lastBopPresTest>2001-06-01T08:15:00.000</lastBopPresTest> |
486 | <nextBopPresTest>2001-11-08T08:15:00.000</nextBopPresTest> |
487 | <presStdPipe uom="psi">5000</presStdPipe> |
488 | <presKellyHose uom="psi">5000</presKellyHose> |
489 | <presDiverter uom="psi">5000</presDiverter> |
490 | <presAnnular uom="psi">5000</presAnnular> |
491 | <presRams uom="psi">5000</presRams> |
492 | <presChokeLine uom="psi">5000</presChokeLine> |
493 | <presChokeMan uom="psi">5000</presChokeMan> |
494 | <lastFireBoatDrill>2001-06-01T08:15:00.000</lastFireBoatDrill> |
495 | <lastAbandonDrill>2001-06-01T08:15:00.000</lastAbandonDrill> |
496 | <lastRigInspection>2001-06-01T08:15:00.000</lastRigInspection> |
497 | <lastSafetyMeeting>2001-06-01T08:15:00.000</lastSafetyMeeting> |
498 | <lastSafetyInspection>2001-06-01T08:15:00.000</lastSafetyInspection> |
499 | <lastTripDrill>2001-06-01T08:15:00.000</lastTripDrill> |
500 | <lastDiverterDrill>2001-06-01T08:15:00.000</lastDiverterDrill> |
501 | <lastBopDrill>2001-06-01T08:15:00.000</lastBopDrill> |
502 | <regAgencyInsp>false</regAgencyInsp> |
503 | <nonComplianceIssued>false</nonComplianceIssued> |
504 | <numStopCards>1</numStopCards> |
505 | <fluidDischarged uom="bbl">0</fluidDischarged> |
506 | <volCtgDischarged uom="bbl">25</volCtgDischarged> |
507 | <volOilCtgDischarge uom="bbl">1.5</volOilCtgDischarge> |
508 | <wasteDischarged uom="bbl">0</wasteDischarged> |
509 | <comments>No comments</comments> |
510 | </hse> |
511 | <personnel uid="per-1"> |
512 | <company>Exlog</company> |
513 | <typeService>Mud log</typeService> |
514 | <numPeople>4</numPeople> |
515 | <totalTime uom="h">48</totalTime> |
516 | </personnel> |
517 | <personnel uid="per-2"> |
518 | <company>The Log Analyzers</company> |
519 | <typeService>Analyze logs</typeService> |
520 | <numPeople>2</numPeople> |
521 | <totalTime uom="h">24</totalTime> |
522 | </personnel> |
523 | <supportCraft uid="boat-1"> |
524 | <name>Grampian-Provider</name> |
525 | <typeSuppCraft>standby boat</typeSuppCraft> |
526 | <dTimArrived>2001-11-01T08:15:00.000</dTimArrived> |
527 | <dTimDeparted>2001-11-05T08:15:00.000</dTimDeparted> |
528 | <comments>Onsite until 11/5/2001</comments> |
529 | </supportCraft> |
530 | <weather uid="w-1"> |
531 | <dTim>2001-11-01T08:15:00.000</dTim> |
532 | <agency>Grampain Met Services</agency> |
533 | <barometricPressure uom="mbar">811</barometricPressure> |
534 | <beaufortScaleNumber>0</beaufortScaleNumber> |
535 | <tempSurfaceMn uom="degC">4.9</tempSurfaceMn> |
536 | <tempSurfaceMx uom="degC">6</tempSurfaceMx> |
537 | <tempWindChill uom="degC">0</tempWindChill> |
538 | <tempsea uom="degC">2</tempsea> |
539 | <visibility uom="km">2</visibility> |
540 | <aziWave uom="dega">16</aziWave> |
541 | <htWave uom="m">4.4</htWave> |
542 | <periodWave uom="s">6.9</periodWave> |
543 | <aziWind uom="dega">16</aziWind> |
544 | <velWind uom="m/s">11</velWind> |
545 | <typePrecip>snow</typePrecip> |
546 | <amtPrecip uom="in">1</amtPrecip> |
547 | <coverCloud>Full</coverCloud> |
548 | <ceilingCloud uom="ft">3000</ceilingCloud> |
549 | <currentSea uom="m/h">1.4</currentSea> |
550 | <aziCurrentSea uom="dega">100</aziCurrentSea> |
551 | <comments>None</comments> |
552 | </weather> |
553 | <numAFE>FVNI/2000/07</numAFE> |
554 | <costDay currency="USD">140535</costDay> |
555 | <costDayMud currency="USD">2615</costDayMud> |
556 | <diaHole uom="in">12.25</diaHole> |
557 | <conditionHole>Good</conditionHole> |
558 | <lithology>Sandstone</lithology> |
559 | <nameFormation>Rotliegende</nameFormation> |
560 | <diaCsgLast uom="in">13.375</diaCsgLast> |
561 | <mdCsgLast uom="m">1797.4</mdCsgLast> |
562 | <tvdCsgLast uom="m">1699</tvdCsgLast> |
563 | <tvdLot uom="m">1703.4</tvdLot> |
564 | <presLotEmw uom="g/L">1.55</presLotEmw> |
565 | <presKickTol uom="psi">200</presKickTol> |
566 | <volKickTol uom="bbl">65</volKickTol> |
567 | <maasp uom="psi">3513</maasp> |
568 | <tubular uidRef="45t12">TubAssy001</tubular> |
569 | <sum24Hr>Drilled 12-1/4" hole to core point</sum24Hr> |
570 | <forecast24Hr>Tag bottom with core assembly and cut core.</forecast24Hr> |
571 | <statusCurrent>RIH with coring assembly.</statusCurrent> |
572 | <commonData> |
573 | <itemState>actual</itemState> |
574 | <comments>Send 50bbl base oil back to base o/b Edda Fram</comments> |
575 | </commonData> |
576 | </opsReport> |
577 | </opsReports> |