1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 | |
3 | <!-- Example of cementJob data --> |
4 | <cementJobs |
5 | xmlns="http://www.witsml.org/schemas/131" |
6 | xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
7 | xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.witsml.org/schemas/131 ../obj_cementJob.xsd" |
8 | version=""> |
9 | <documentInfo> |
10 | <DocumentName>cementJob</DocumentName> |
11 | <FileCreationInformation> |
12 | <FileCreationDate>2001-10-31T08:15:00.000Z</FileCreationDate> |
13 | <SoftwareName>WITSML Server</SoftwareName> |
14 | <FileCreator>John Smith</FileCreator> |
15 | </FileCreationInformation> |
16 | </documentInfo> |
17 | <cementJob uidWell="W-12" uidWellbore="B-01" uid="su78c"> |
18 | <nameWell>6507/7-A-42</nameWell> |
19 | <nameWellbore>A-42</nameWellbore> |
20 | <name>Squeeze Int Csg 1</name> |
21 | <jobType>squeeze</jobType> |
22 | <jobConfig>Job configuration desc.</jobConfig> |
23 | <dTimJob>2001-10-29T08:30:00.000</dTimJob> |
24 | <nameCementedString>Intermediate Casing 1</nameCementedString> |
25 | <nameWorkString>workString ID</nameWorkString> |
26 | <contractor>Halliburton</contractor> |
27 | <cementEngr>Halliburton</cementEngr> |
28 | <offshoreJob>false</offshoreJob> |
29 | <mdWater uom="ft">0</mdWater> |
30 | <returnsToSeabed>false</returnsToSeabed> |
31 | <reciprocating>false</reciprocating> |
32 | <woc uom="h">1</woc> |
33 | <mdPlugTop uom="ft">0</mdPlugTop> |
34 | <mdPlugBot uom="ft">0</mdPlugBot> |
35 | <mdHole uom="ft">0</mdHole> |
36 | <mdShoe uom="ft">10240</mdShoe> |
37 | <tvdShoe uom="ft">10240</tvdShoe> |
38 | <mdStringSet uom="ft">10240</mdStringSet> |
39 | <tvdStringSet uom="ft">10240</tvdStringSet> |
40 | <cementStage uid="cs1"> |
41 | <numStage>1</numStage> |
42 | <typeStage>Secondary cement</typeStage> |
43 | <dTimMixStart>2001-10-29T18:50:00.000</dTimMixStart> |
44 | <dTimPumpStart>2001-10-29T19:17:00.000</dTimPumpStart> |
45 | <dTimPumpEnd>2001-10-29T21:00:00.000</dTimPumpEnd> |
46 | <dTimDisplaceStart>2001-10-29T19:00:00.000</dTimDisplaceStart> |
47 | <mdTop uom="ft">10320</mdTop> |
48 | <mdBottom uom="ft">10500</mdBottom> |
49 | <volExcess uom="bbl">0</volExcess> |
50 | <flowrateDisplaceAv uom="bbl/min">2.50</flowrateDisplaceAv> |
51 | <flowrateDisplaceMx uom="bbl/min">3.00</flowrateDisplaceMx> |
52 | <presDisplace uom="psi">400</presDisplace> |
53 | <volReturns uom="bbl">0</volReturns> |
54 | <eTimMudCirculation uom="h">1</eTimMudCirculation> |
55 | <flowrateMudCirc uom="bbl/min">130</flowrateMudCirc> |
56 | <presMudCirc uom="psi">700</presMudCirc> |
57 | <flowrateEnd uom="bbl/min">130</flowrateEnd> |
58 | <cementingFluid> |
59 | <typeFluid>Cement</typeFluid> |
60 | <fluidIndex>1</fluidIndex> |
61 | <descFluid>Squeeze Slurry</descFluid> |
62 | <purpose>Squeeze Slurry</purpose> |
63 | <classSlurryDryBlend>G</classSlurryDryBlend> |
64 | <mdFluidTop uom="ft">0</mdFluidTop> |
65 | <mdFluidBottom uom="ft">0</mdFluidBottom> |
66 | <sourceWater>Drill water</sourceWater> |
67 | <volWater uom="bbl">26.9</volWater> |
68 | <volCement uom="galUS">200</volCement> |
69 | <ratioMixWater uom="bbl/tonUS">5</ratioMixWater> |
70 | <volFluid uom="bbl">51.3</volFluid> |
71 | <cementPumpSchedule> |
72 | <eTimPump uom="min">20</eTimPump> |
73 | <ratePump uom="galUS/min">0</ratePump> |
74 | <volPump uom="bbl">0</volPump> |
75 | <strokePump>20</strokePump> |
76 | <presBack uom="psi">200</presBack> |
77 | <eTimShutdown uom="min">5</eTimShutdown> |
78 | <comments>No comments</comments> |
79 | </cementPumpSchedule> |
80 | <excessPc uom="%">1.0</excessPc> |
81 | <volYield uom="bbl/tonUS">1.44</volYield> |
82 | <density uom="lbm/galUS">16.5</density> |
83 | <solidVolumeFraction uom="%">0</solidVolumeFraction> |
84 | <volPumped uom="bbl">52.2</volPumped> |
85 | <volOther uom="bbl">0</volOther> |
86 | <fluidRheologicalModel>Bingham</fluidRheologicalModel> |
87 | <vis uom="cP">45</vis> |
88 | <yp uom="lbf/100ft2">33</yp> |
89 | <n uom="%">0</n> |
90 | <k uom="%">0</k> |
91 | <gel10SecReading uom="dega">0</gel10SecReading> |
92 | <gel10SecStrength uom="lbf/100ft2">0</gel10SecStrength> |
93 | <gel1MinReading uom="dega">0</gel1MinReading> |
94 | <gel1MinStrength uom="lbf/100ft2">0</gel1MinStrength> |
95 | <gel10MinReading uom="dega">0</gel10MinReading> |
96 | <gel10MinStrength uom="lbf/100ft2">0</gel10MinStrength> |
97 | <typeBaseFluid>Fresh water</typeBaseFluid> |
98 | <densBaseFluid uom="lbm/galUS">0</densBaseFluid> |
99 | <dryBlendName>No blend name</dryBlendName> |
100 | <dryBlendDescription>No blend description</dryBlendDescription> |
101 | <massDryBlend uom="lbm">0</massDryBlend> |
102 | <densDryBlend uom="lbm/galUS">0</densDryBlend> |
103 | <massSackDryBlend uom="lbm">0</massSackDryBlend> |
104 | <cementAdditive uid="ca1"> |
105 | <nameAdd>Silica Flour</nameAdd> |
106 | <typeAdd>Strengthener</typeAdd> |
107 | <formAdd>Wet</formAdd> |
108 | <densAdd uom="g/cm3">0</densAdd> |
109 | <typeConc>Not specified</typeConc> |
110 | <concentration uom="%">35</concentration> |
111 | <additive uom="lbm">23.5</additive> |
112 | </cementAdditive> |
113 | <foamUsed>false</foamUsed> |
114 | <typeGasFoam>None</typeGasFoam> |
115 | <volGasFoam uom="bbl">0</volGasFoam> |
116 | <ratioConstGasMethodAv uom="%">0</ratioConstGasMethodAv> |
117 | <densConstGasMethod uom="lbm/galUS">0</densConstGasMethod> |
118 | <ratioConstGasMethodStart uom="%">0</ratioConstGasMethodStart> |
119 | <ratioConstGasMethodEnd uom="%">0</ratioConstGasMethodEnd> |
120 | <densConstGasFoam uom="lbm/galUS">0</densConstGasFoam> |
121 | <eTimThickening uom="h">5.07</eTimThickening> |
122 | <tempThickening uom="degC">235</tempThickening> |
123 | <presTestThickening uom="psi">0</presTestThickening> |
124 | <consTestThickening uom="Euc">33</consTestThickening> |
125 | <pcFreeWater uom="mL/mL">235</pcFreeWater> |
126 | <tempFreeWater uom="degC">52</tempFreeWater> |
127 | <volTestFluidLoss uom="cm3">0</volTestFluidLoss> |
128 | <tempFluidLoss uom="degC">58</tempFluidLoss> |
129 | <presTestFluidLoss uom="psi">250</presTestFluidLoss> |
130 | <timeFluidLoss uom="min">30</timeFluidLoss> |
131 | <volAPIFluidLoss uom="cm3">0</volAPIFluidLoss> |
132 | <eTimComprStren1 uom="h">12</eTimComprStren1> |
133 | <eTimComprStren2 uom="h">24</eTimComprStren2> |
134 | <presComprStren1 uom="psi">1500</presComprStren1> |
135 | <presComprStren2 uom="psi">2400</presComprStren2> |
136 | <tempComprStren1 uom="degC">235</tempComprStren1> |
137 | <tempComprStren2 uom="degC">235</tempComprStren2> |
138 | <densAtPres uom="lbm/galUS">0</densAtPres> |
139 | <volReserved uom="bbl">0</volReserved> |
140 | <volTotSlurry uom="bbl">0</volTotSlurry> |
141 | </cementingFluid> |
142 | <afterFlowAnn>false</afterFlowAnn> |
143 | <squeezeObj>Not stated</squeezeObj> |
144 | <squeezeObtained>true</squeezeObtained> |
145 | <mdString uom="ft">10500</mdString> |
146 | <mdTool uom="ft">10500</mdTool> |
147 | <mdCoilTbg uom="ft">0</mdCoilTbg> |
148 | <volCsgIn uom="bbl">0</volCsgIn> |
149 | <volCsgOut uom="bbl">0</volCsgOut> |
150 | <tailPipeUsed>true</tailPipeUsed> |
151 | <diaTailPipe uom="in">3.73</diaTailPipe> |
152 | <tailPipePerf>false</tailPipePerf> |
153 | <presTbgStart uom="psi">0</presTbgStart> |
154 | <presTbgEnd uom="psi">0</presTbgEnd> |
155 | <presCsgStart uom="psi">0</presCsgStart> |
156 | <presCsgEnd uom="psi">0</presCsgEnd> |
157 | <presBackPressure uom="psi">0</presBackPressure> |
158 | <presCoilTbgStart uom="psi">0</presCoilTbgStart> |
159 | <presCoilTbgEnd uom="psi">0</presCoilTbgEnd> |
160 | <presBreakDown uom="psi">0</presBreakDown> |
161 | <flowrateBreakDown uom="bbl/min">0</flowrateBreakDown> |
162 | <presSqueezeAv uom="psi">0</presSqueezeAv> |
163 | <presSqueezeEnd uom="psi">0</presSqueezeEnd> |
164 | <presSqueezeHeld>false</presSqueezeHeld> |
165 | <presSqueeze uom="psi">0</presSqueeze> |
166 | <eTimPresHeld uom="min">0</eTimPresHeld> |
167 | <flowrateSqueezeAv uom="galUS/min">0</flowrateSqueezeAv> |
168 | <flowrateSqueezeMx uom="galUS/min">0</flowrateSqueezeMx> |
169 | <flowratePumpStart uom="galUS/min">0</flowratePumpStart> |
170 | <flowratePumpEnd uom="galUS/min">0</flowratePumpEnd> |
171 | <pillBelowPlug>true</pillBelowPlug> |
172 | <plugCatcher>false</plugCatcher> |
173 | <mdCircOut uom="ft">10300</mdCircOut> |
174 | <volCircPrior uom="bbl">0</volCircPrior> |
175 | <typeOriginalMud>LSND/WBM</typeOriginalMud> |
176 | <wtMud uom="lbm/galUS">13.5</wtMud> |
177 | <visFunnelMud uom="s">40</visFunnelMud> |
178 | <pvMud uom="cP">19</pvMud> |
179 | <ypMud uom="lbf/100ft2">10</ypMud> |
180 | <gel10Sec uom="lbf/100ft2">4</gel10Sec> |
181 | <gel10Min uom="lbf/100ft2">11</gel10Min> |
182 | <tempBHCT uom="degC">45</tempBHCT> |
183 | <tempBHST uom="degC">46</tempBHST> |
184 | <volExcessMethod>None</volExcessMethod> |
185 | <mixMethod>Recirc</mixMethod> |
186 | <densMeasBy>Densometer</densMeasBy> |
187 | <annFlowAfter>false</annFlowAfter> |
188 | <topPlug>true</topPlug> |
189 | <botPlug>true</botPlug> |
190 | <botPlugNumber>1</botPlugNumber> |
191 | <plugBumped>false</plugBumped> |
192 | <presPriorBump uom="psi">0</presPriorBump> |
193 | <presBump uom="psi">0</presBump> |
194 | <presHeld uom="psi">0</presHeld> |
195 | <floatHeld>false</floatHeld> |
196 | <volMudLost uom="bbl">0</volMudLost> |
197 | <fluidDisplace>Old Mud</fluidDisplace> |
198 | <densDisplaceFluid uom="lbm/galUS">13.5</densDisplaceFluid> |
199 | <volDisplaceFluid uom="bbl">239.1</volDisplaceFluid> |
200 | </cementStage> |
201 | <cementTest> |
202 | <presTest uom="psi">700</presTest> |
203 | <eTimTest uom="min">20</eTimTest> |
204 | <cementShoeCollar>true</cementShoeCollar> |
205 | <cetRun>false</cetRun> |
206 | <cetBondQual>false</cetBondQual> |
207 | <cblRun>true</cblRun> |
208 | <cblBondQual>false</cblBondQual> |
209 | <cblPres uom="psi">0</cblPres> |
210 | <tempSurvey>true</tempSurvey> |
211 | <eTimCementLog uom="h">2</eTimCementLog> |
212 | <formPit uom="psi/ft">350</formPit> |
213 | <toolCompanyPit>SLB</toolCompanyPit> |
214 | <eTimPitStart uom="h">3</eTimPitStart> |
215 | <mdCementTop uom="ft">10240</mdCementTop> |
216 | <topCementMethod>Top cement method desc.</topCementMethod> |
217 | <tocOK>true</tocOK> |
218 | <jobRating>Very good</jobRating> |
219 | <remedialCement>false</remedialCement> |
220 | <numRemedial>0</numRemedial> |
221 | <failureMethod>None</failureMethod> |
222 | <linerTop uom="ft">10200</linerTop> |
223 | <linerLap uom="ft">120</linerLap> |
224 | <eTimBeforeTest uom="h">1.5</eTimBeforeTest> |
225 | <testNegativeTool>Neg. tool test desc.</testNegativeTool> |
226 | <testNegativeEmw uom="lbm/galUS">25</testNegativeEmw> |
227 | <testPositiveTool>Pos. tool test desc.</testPositiveTool> |
228 | <testPositiveEmw uom="lbm/galUS">32</testPositiveEmw> |
229 | <cementFoundOnTool>false</cementFoundOnTool> |
230 | <mdDVTool uom="ft">10350</mdDVTool> |
231 | </cementTest> |
232 | <typePlug>Type of plug desc.</typePlug> |
233 | <nameCementString>None</nameCementString> |
234 | <dTimPlugSet>2001-10-29T10:30:00.000</dTimPlugSet> |
235 | <cementDrillOut>true</cementDrillOut> |
236 | <dTimCementDrillOut>2001-10-29T09:30:00.000</dTimCementDrillOut> |
237 | <typeSqueeze>Squeeze type desc.</typeSqueeze> |
238 | <mdSqueeze uom="ft">10240</mdSqueeze> |
239 | <dTimSqueeze>2001-10-29T09:30:00.000</dTimSqueeze> |
240 | <toolCompany>Halliburton</toolCompany> |
241 | <typeTool>Tool desc.</typeTool> |
242 | <dTimPipeRotStart>2001-10-29T09:35:00.000</dTimPipeRotStart> |
243 | <dTimPipeRotEnd>2001-10-29T16:30:00.000</dTimPipeRotEnd> |
244 | <rpmPipe uom="rpm">5</rpmPipe> |
245 | <tqInitPipeRot uom="ft.lbf">400</tqInitPipeRot> |
246 | <tqPipeAv uom="ft.lbf">350</tqPipeAv> |
247 | <tqPipeMx uom="ft.lbf">500</tqPipeMx> |
248 | <dTimRecipStart>2001-10-29T10:35:00.000</dTimRecipStart> |
249 | <dTimRecipEnd>2001-10-29T13:30:00.000</dTimRecipEnd> |
250 | <overPull uom="klbf">0</overPull> |
251 | <slackOff uom="klbf">0</slackOff> |
252 | <rpmPipeRecip uom="rpm">0</rpmPipeRecip> |
253 | <lenPipeRecipStroke uom="ft">0</lenPipeRecipStroke> |
254 | <coilTubing>false</coilTubing> |
255 | <commonData> |
256 | <itemState>plan</itemState> |
257 | <comments>These are the comments associated with the cementJob data object.</comments> |
258 | </commonData> |
259 | </cementJob> |
260 | </cementJobs> |