Version 12 (modified by jowik, 16 years ago)


Template ID: Pattern for identification (naming)

This page shows work in progress, and is intended as informative only.

Purpose of the template

Template ID is used for assigning a name to a thing.

This must be distinguished from the relation between a particular token of the name, such as a name tag with "Alfred" on it.


ID( x1:Thing, x2:ClassOfInformationRepresentation ) states that x2 is a pattern used to identify (as a name for) x1.

This is a base template, since its definition is stated in terms of Part 2 vocabulary only.

This is an atomic template, since its interpretation rule is stated directly in terms of Part 2 vocabulary (and not in terms of simpler templates). The template is an expression of the relation type ClassOfIdentification.

Shortcut Signature (roles as conditionals)

The following table indicates what the roles (or "arguments"), are, and the requirements on entity types for each.

IDrole names:ID_IdentifiedID_Identifier
entity types required:ThingClassOfInformationRepresentation

A formula expressing the same is,

where the roles and are again defined as follows.

These conditionals would be sufficient for specifying the roles of the shortcut template, for which relationships between role-fillers are not regulated.

Full Signature (roles as biconditionals)

For a full specification of the ID roles, we need biconditionals that state required relationships.

Note that the entity type requirements expressed in the above shortcut role conditionals are implied by the constraints given in Part 2 on represented and pattern attributes.

Interpretation rule

Examples of expressions that this template should be able to represent

  • My neighbor's name is "Alfred".
  • The number with identifier RDL1234 is represented by the string "20".

Graph illustrating an example

Note that ExpressString is a subtype of ClassOfInformationRepresentation.


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