PCA Modelling, Methods and Technology, October 22nd 2015

Time and place

22.10.2015, 3.00PM - 4.00PM (CET)
GoToMeeting (how to connect - need login)
Next meeting: November 26th 2015, 3.00-4.00PM CET


Keith Willshaw, Victor Agroskin, Darius Kanga, Darijus Strasunskas (MoM)


1. Approval of the minutes
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Templates batch 4 Status of revision and approval
4. Templates batch 3 (remaining)
5. Publication of the approved templates, compliance to Part 8 (follow up discussion)
6. A.O.B.
7. Agenda for the next meeting

Minutes of Meeting

1. Approval of the minutes

2. Approval of the agenda

3. Templates batch 4 Status of revision and approval
Ongoing. The templates are corrected as to comments. No answers on clarification items from Geiza and Franz.

4. Templates batch 3 (remaining)
The deadline was 19th of October. It was given 7 votes FOR and 1 Abstained from voting. Batch 3 is approved.

5. Publication of the approved templates, compliance to Part 8 (follow up discussion)
Priority for Darijus next week.
Need to test automated download of generated templates from 15926.org and upload to a triple store. Starting from templates exported by Victor during August. Onno was doing some work on pushing templates and TIPs to endpoint (Keith referring to MRAIL discussion). Await comment from Onno on this!

6. A.O.B.

7. Agenda for the next meeting
1. Approval of the minutes
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Templates batch 4 final status of revision
4. Review and discuss Templates in batch 5
5. Publication of the approved templates, compliance to Part 8 (follow up discussion)
6. A.O.B.
7. Agenda for the next meeting

Action Items

Open actions from earlier meetings
Action 15.10 MVS/DS: Check whether we can to share/publish STI case data to illustrate Part 12 usage in Projects. Develop illustration on how templates and template signatures will be used with Part 12
Current decision: illustrate any existing template with Part 12. MMT members are asked to suggest templates of interest.

Action 15.15 HT: Revise Batch 4 according to the received comments
Follow-up on comments for Geiza and Franz

Action 15.19 LH/DS: Practicalities (incl. procedure of maintenance) of namespace for (approved) templates.
Draft of the procedure is prepared and disseminated. To be updated according to the received comments.

New actions
Action 15.22HT (OP): Forum for discussion and grouping templates in Batch 5

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