Template IndirectPropertyRestrictionOfIndividual

This template is for assigning an IndirectProperty to an Individual and also restricting the according property to a member of a specific set of properties.

IndirectPropertyRestrictionOfIndividual(a, b, c, d, e) means that a is a ClassOfIndirectProperty, b is a (temporal part of) PossibleIndividual to which the relation applies, c is a floating point number with the property value assigned to b, d the Scale as unit of measurement, and e is an EnumeratedPropertySet. b has a a type of ClassOfIndirectProperty, which has c value and d unit of measurement. c corresponds to a Property that is a member of e and that is supposed to be an existing class in RDL.

1 hasPropertyType ClassOfIndirectProperty
2 hasPropertyPossessor PossibleIndividual
3 valPropertyValue ExpressReal
4 hasPropertyScale Scale
5 hasPropertySet EnumeratedPropertySet


IndirectPropertyRestrictionOfIndividual(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) <-> 
ClassOfIndirectProperty(x1) &
PossibleIndividual(x2) & 
ExpressReal(x3) & 
Scale(x4) &
EnumeratedPropertySet(x5) & 
exists u (
          InstanceOfIndirectProperty(x1, x2, u) &
          RealMagnitudeOfProperty(u, x3, x4) &
          ClassificationTemplate(u, x5)).

EXAMPLE The statement IndirectPropertyRestrictionOfIndividual (NOMINAL DIAMETER, CV123, 100, ABC SET OF DIAMETERS, MILLIMETRE)

Analysis diagram

EXAMPLE The statement IndirectPropertyRestrictionOfIndividual (DESIGN PRESSURE, CV123, 10, ABC SET OF PRESSURES, bar)

Analysis diagram

NOTE: EnumeratedPropertySet used in a template instance should already exist in the RDL and contain as members all the required Properties.


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