FIATECH PCA Instrument and Control, June 7th 2016

Time and place

07.06.2016, 3.00PM - 4.00PM (CET)
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Next meeting: June 21st 2016, 3.00-4.00PM CET


Ray Topping, Bjørn Berli, Heiner Temmen, Hindrik Koning, Nils Sandsmark, Darijus Strasunskas (MoM)


  1. Approval of agenda.
  2. Approval of MoM.
  3. Status of DEXPI incl. model for instrumentation.
  4. Status of STI.
  5. Top classes of instruments.
  6. CDD and Hierarchy in PCA RDL
  7. Coordination of Reference Data development, maintenance and enhancement
  8. Agenda for the next meeting.
  9. Review of Actions
  10. A.O.B.

Minutes of Meeting

  1. Approval of agenda.


  1. Approval of MoM.


  1. Status of DEXPI incl. model for instrumentation.

Instrumentation spec is ready. the document is published on the DEXPI website. Modification necessary for Proteus schema are done. The schema is published on the Fiatech website. Next step is testing with CAE vendors. DEXPI project will proceed with communication and supporting companies with testing. Completion of instrumentation is as well on the short-term agenda.

  1. Status of STI.

The matrix of instrument types (totalling to 25) vs documents is almost finished. The next step is the corresponding matrix for instrument types and properties.

  1. Top classes of instruments.

Work done on the top of Part 4 RDL has been very well received. There is a need to improve the documentation of the top classes and check classes at two levels below. The top classes of instruments should be linked no to the top of RDL. We need to have a plan for the linking. Hindrik will check with Hans regarding linking of the two models. Nils will ask Lillian to check this out.

  1. CDD and Hierarchy in PCA RDL

PCA RDL was not a topic in the ISO meeting. There was discussed SC common reference data dictionary targeting a common RD for STEP protocols, ISO 15926, open data dictionary. This may open for possibility to include CDD too. Still long way to go.

  1. Coordination of Reference Data development, maintenance and enhancement

Datasheet project by Fiatech and MIMOSA. Demonstration of proof of the concept on a couple of datasheets.

  1. Agenda for the next meeting.

Similar agenda as for today's meeting:

  1. Approval of agenda.
  2. Approval of MoM.
  3. Datasheet standardisation method used in the ISDD (Industry Standard Datasheet Definition) project (MIMOSA and Fiatech), peresented by Ray
  4. Status of DEXPI incl. model for instrumentation.
  5. Status of STI.
  6. Top classes of instruments.
  7. CDD and Hierarchy in PCA RDL
  8. Coordination of Reference Data development, maintenance and enhancement
  9. Agenda for the next meeting.
  10. Review of Actions
  11. A.O.B.
  1. Review of Actions

15.07 pending. awaiting top class alignment.
16.07 pending. Hindrik will follow up
16.10 pending. Document on take-over and hand-over processes.
16.11 open. It was discussed in the ISO meeting. Though no detail plan for that, it is planned to proceed with the work. A white paper is needed. Follow up on this whom is this action on (from the ISO MoM).

  1. A.O.B.


Action items

15.07 Quality assurance of new reference data items for instrumentation for including them in the PCA RDL.
16.07 Hindrik to share IEC and ISA datasheet mapping.
16.10 Hindrik distribute a paper on instrument testing in take over process in chemical process plants vs oil and gas industry.
16.11 Consider bringing schematics from DEXPI to ISO. Next ISO meeting on 23rd of May, document should be delivered two weeks before. Heiner and Ray.


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