FIATECH PCA Instrument and Control, February 16th 2016

Time and place

16.02.2016, 3.00PM - 4.00PM (CET)
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Next meeting: March 1st 2016, 3.00-4.00PM CET


Ray Topping, Nils Sandsmark, Hindrik Koning, Bjørn Berli, Darijus Strasunskas (MoM)


  1. Approval of agenda.
  2. Approval of MoM.
  3. Status of DEXPI incl. model for instrumentation.
  4. Status of STI.
  5. Top classes of instruments.
  6. CDD and Hierarchy in PCA RDL
  7. Coordination of Reference Data development, maintenance and enhancement
  8. Agenda for the next meeting.
  9. A.O.B.
  10. Review of Actions

Minutes of Meeting

  1. Approval of agenda.


  1. Approval of MoM.


  1. Status of DEXPI incl. model for instrumentation.

No one presenting. Hackathon meeting must be happing.

  1. Status of STI.

The first WG1 meeting was last week. Suppliers, contractors and operators are represented. Good common understanding on the scope of work, defining documentation and information requirements for various instrument types.

  1. Top classes of instruments.

WG has started their work. Draft is scheduled to be ready by the 3rd of March. The draft will be discussed in WG3/22. Final result shall be ready by 18th of March.

  1. CDD and Hierarchy in PCA RDL

Comment from David Leal: The CDD dictionary is based upon P-LIB. The quality of the data in the CDD seems fine. All of the data could also be in the PCA RDL. There is probably a very considerable overlap with the existing content of the PCA RDL. Converting the format from P-LIB to ISO 15926 would be straightforward, but removing the duplicates would be a manual process and time consuming.
Properties in the CDD have specified domains, and are inherited down the class hierarchy. In this area, the CDD is in advance of ISO 15926-4. It would be useful to import this information into the PCA RDL.

Darijus explored exported spreadsheets from CDD and those are possible to automate to extract properties associated with instruments. Relevant properties are nested in paranthesis in one cell relating to a component that possesses those or property grouping.

  1. Coordination of Reference Data development, maintenance and enhancement

Coordination with MRAIL (Software vendor) group is going well.

  1. Agenda for the next meeting.
  1. Approval of agenda.
  2. Approval of MoM.
  3. Status of DEXPI incl. model for instrumentation.
  4. Status of STI.
  5. Top classes of instruments.
  6. CDD and Hierarchy in PCA RDL
  7. Coordination of Reference Data development, maintenance and enhancement
  8. Agenda for the next meeting.
  9. Review of Actions
  10. A.O.B.

Please let us know if you are interested discussing other topics.

  1. A.O.B.


  1. Review of Actions

15.07 Heiner has filled and returned CR form, however it still lacks few information bits (marked red), and for proper connection to PCA RDL structure we need a get established top classes of instruments (as DEXPI classes are subclasses of edm:FunctionalObject - non Part2/Part12 class). In progress.
16.04 DS follow up on relevance. Open.
16.05 Links to lifting and lowering pilot (as process and technology demonstration) using electric Pressure Transmitter (it was not discipline pilot):
16.06 See summary under agenda item 6. Closed.

Action items

15.07 Quality assurance of new reference data items for instrumentation for including them in the PCA RDL. Heiner sends his presentation and spreadsheet to Darijus/Nils. Deadline for resolution: 5th of January, 2016.
16.04 Chris sends email with questions regading CDD and PCA RDL (supplemental to action item 15.06).

New action
16.07 Hindrik to share IEC and ISA datasheet mapping.

About PCA
Reference Data Services