Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of SandBoxFour

05/26/09 10:03:24 (15 years ago)
margs (IP:



  • SandBoxFour

    v0 v1  
     1= SandBox no. 4 = 
     3'''This is just a test. This text is collected from [wiki:ISO15926Primer_Glossary] for testing purposes.''' 
     5== Introduction == 
     7There are a great many glossaries available, as well as on-line dictionaries and, of course, Wikipedia.  A particularly detailed Glossary is right here: [ STEPDEX: Glossary of Data Management Terms] 
     9Another glossary is on the USPI website,  Look for Glossary_jun99.doc. 
     11The following is terms that are particularly interesting to ISO 15926 enquirerers.  They are not in alphabetical order, but are in groups. 
     13== RDF (Resource Description Framework) == 
     15If you dig deeper under the hood of ISO 15926 you will soon run into this term because it is the means of storing the Part 4 definitions. 
     17Wikipedia says that [ Resource Description Framework] is a set of specifications originally designed as a ''metadata data model''.  (But if you are like the author, this doesn't help at all, so we will deconstruct the definition.) 
     19=== Metadata === 
     20  * Metatdata is ''data about data''.  For instance, one piece of metadata about the ISO 15926 Primer is that it was written on the POSC/Caesar's wiki website. 
     22=== Data Model === 
     23  * A data model is an ''abstract'' model that describes how data is represented and accessed. 
     25=== Abstraction === 
     26  * ''Abstraction'' is a process of generalizing about something to reduce the information content about an object to only those attributes you are interested in.  A typical abstraction is the answer "7600 Glover Road" to the question "Where do you live?"  You might live in a beautiful split level house with a wonderful view of the ocean framed by huge 100 year old pine trees but your questioner only wants to know where to have a package delivered.  (On the other hand, yours could be a very ordinary house on a very ordinary road, but the city just wants your land for a freeway bypass and the friendly bulldozer operator needs to know where you live.) 
     28=== RDF === 
     29Putting it all together, then, RDF is: 
     30 - instructions on how to represent 
     31 - just the bits of data you are interested in 
     32 - that describes certain other bits of data 
     33 - then access it easily 
     35(Whew!  I bet you thought that was going to be difficult!) 
     37In particular, RDF makes statements about things, which it calls ''Resources'', in the form of ''Subject-Predicate-Object'' expressions known as ''Triple Stores''. 
     39=== Subject-Predicate-Object Triple Stores === 
     41"The ISO 15926 Primer was written on the POSC/Caesar wiki" might be stored in the RDF as the triple: 
     42 - the subject: ''ISO 15926 Primer'' 
     43 - the predicate: ''was written on'' 
     44 - the object: ''POSC/Caesar wiki'' 
     46The each term in the subject-predicate-object may be explicitly named, as in the example above, or they could be in the form of a URI, a ''Uniform Resource Identifier''. 
     48=== Uniform Resource Identifier === 
     50You can think of a ''Uniform Resource Identifier'' as a website for a piece of information.  This allows the same resource to be reliably referenced many times.  So instead of writing the Subject-Predicate-Object triple as above, it could be rendered as: 
     51 - the subject: '' 
     52 - the predicate: ''was written on'' 
     53 - the object: ''POSC/Caesar wiki'' 
     55And in fact we could carry this further by defining somewhere on the Internet the exact meaning of the phrase ''was written on'', and put its URI in the predicate. 
     57=== More Information about RDF === 
     59A good place to start if you want to know more about RDF is the ''RDF Primer'' written by the W3C.  Be warned, it is not for the feint of heart.  But if you can wade through it you will start to see what we mean when we say that "Everything, in the end, is reference data."   
     65== RDL ( Resource Description Library) == 
     72== RDS/WIP (Reference Data System / Working, In Progress) == 
     75The RDS/WIP is several things: 
     77 * a library of reference data for ISO 15926 
     78 * a means of publishing core ISO 15926 definitions 
     79 * a platform for developing new ISO 15926 definitions 
     80 * a workspace for harmonizing other standards with ISO 15926 (or each other) 
     82Anyone can search the RDS/WIP and find terms, much like in a dictionary.  Accredited users can add information to the RDS/WIP. 
     88== SPARQL == 
     90Pronounced "sparkle" 
     99== Conservation of Complexity == 
     101You cannot eliminate complexity.  You can move it from one place to another, but it will always be there somewhere.  This is used to talk about how we deal with complex Plant information.  We can deal with it manually, piece-by-piece, as we have been, or we can ''encapsulate'' it with ISO 15926 and let machines deal with it. 
     103This is related to the Law of Conservation of Energy, which says that you can neither create or destroy energy, all you can do is change it from one form to another. 
     105=== Encapsulate === 
     107Hiding complexity from users who really don't want to know any more. 
     113== AEX  (Automating Equipment Information Exchange) == 
     114The Automating Equipment Information Exchange (AEX) project is developing, demonstrating and deploying eXtensible Markup Language (XML) specifications to automate information exchange for the design, procurement, delivery, operation and maintenance of engineered equipment. 
     116AEX – The natural collaboration between AEX and IDS-ADI is via the Matrix/SIG’s teams. 
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