Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of RdsWipTemplateDefinitions

09/27/08 15:37:43 (16 years ago)
jbourne (IP:



  • RdsWipTemplateDefinitions

    v6 v7  
    5151A template definition MUST include: 
    53  * a unique identifier; 
     53 * a unique identifier [wiki:RdsWipTemplateDefinitions#id (see below)]; 
    5454 * a super class; 
    5555 * two or more roles; 
    154154@todo look into Magne's work in Part 6 referencing other ISO standards. 
     156=== Designation === 
     158To be in conformance with the existing work on Part 4, it would seem that a template would have a designation, which is a textual identifier that is unique within the published ISO 15926 space. 
     160Designations are apparently intended to be meaningful in UK English and use UK print media conventional orthography.  Designations therefore introduce a couple of chicken-and-egg conundrums: 
     162 * entries in the RDS/WIP need not necessarily be submissions to ISO 15926 classification; and the RDS/WIP is not the official registry of ISO 15926 designations. 
     164 * since designations are meaningful (ie. they are information bearing identifiers), it is also necessary that they be vetted by some official body for conformance with the definition. 
     166For these two reasons, I do not believe that RDS/WIP submissions should specify a designation.  Its possible that they could suggest a designation, but if so, it should be very clear that: 
     168 1. A ''suggested designation'' need not be unique in the RDS/WIP, but SHOULD not collide with an official Part 4 designation. 
     169 1. A ''suggested designation'' has no use as an identifier of any sort. 
     171=== Unique Identifier ===#id 
     173The need for a unique identifier means different things in different situations.  If the identifier is relative to a submission, the identifier MUST be unique only within the submission.  On the other hand, if the identifier is an absolute URI, it MUST NOT be re-used for another RDS/WIP submission, by anyone.  The rest of this section goes into more detail. 
     175There are mechanisms in place for allocating identifiers in the RDS/WIP (on various different endpoints), provided by the RdsWipIdGenerator.  In the case of templates, the identifiers would be allocated in the ! namespace. 
     177It will not be necessary to allocate an identifier in that space in order to make a submission to the RDS/WIP, but there MUST be an identifier in a namespace owned by the ''submitter'' that can be used to report back to them what identifier their submission has been given (this is particularly important for bulk submissions).  The RDS/WIP will use the ID Generator to allocate any identifiers. 
     179 a. In the case where these ''submission'' identifiers are ''relative'' to the submission itself, they only need to be unique within that document - the relative identifier MUST NOT be used by the RDS/WIP except for reporting its correspondence to the RDS/WIP identifier in reports to the submitter. 
     180 a. In the case where these identifiers are absolute URIs within the nominated template namespace above, then they MUST have been allocated prior to submission using the ID generator. 
     181 a. In the case where these identifiers are ''absolute'' URIS outside the nominated template namespace above, the RDS/WIP SHOULD store its correspondence to the RDS/WIP identifier in the publishing endpoint. 
     183==== Unique ID Summary ==== 
     185This stuff really falls under "common sense" - basically, if you don't provide a good identifier, one will be allocated for you.  If the one you provided is good, but outside the namespace, one will be allocated for you in the namespace and its correspondence to your identifier will also be published. 
    156187== XML Format == 
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