{{{ #!comment NB! Make sure that you follow the guidelines: http://trac.posccaesar.org/wiki/IdsAdiEditing }}} [[TracNav(TracNav/RdsWip)]] [[Image(wiki:IdsAdiBranding:Logo-128x128.gif)]] = POSC-Caesar FIATECH IDS-ADI Projects = == Intelligent Data Sets Accelerating Deployment of ISO15926 == == ''Realizing Open Information Interoperability'' == ---- = RDS/WIP sample queries in SPARQL = == Using the OWL/RDF native endpoint == (write here) == Using the reified ISO 15926-2 endpoint == '''To execute the following scripts, go to the [http://rdswip.ids-adi.org/presentation/search/rds-sparql.html RDS/WIP query test page]. === Taxonomy === 1. Get me all the subclasses of PUMP: {{{ PREFIX owl: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX rdl: PREFIX part2: PREFIX base: PREFIX dc: PREFIX rdswip: SELECT ?subclassIdPCA ?subclassDesignation ?superclassIdPCA ?superclassDesignation WHERE { ?specialization part2:hasSuperclass ?superclass . ?specialization part2:hasSubclass ?subclass . ?subclass rdswip:hasIdPCA ?subclassIdPCA . ?subclass rdswip:hasDesignation ?subclassDesignation . ?superclass rdswip:hasIdPCA ?superclassIdPCA . ?superclass rdswip:hasDesignation ?superclassDesignation . ?superclass rdswip:hasDesignation "PUMP" } LIMIT 100 }}} ----