Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of RdsWipOneProcess

11/20/08 00:15:37 (16 years ago)
jbourne (IP:



  • RdsWipOneProcess

    v9 v10  
    9191@todo talk about the overall steps to publication 
    93 === Supported Submission Formats === 
     94=== Submitter Requirements === 
     96The RDS/WIP will not accept unsolicited submissions, that is submissions made without prior arrangement.  Because of the flexibility offered in terms of input and the responsibility of IDS-ADI (or other nominated body) for the published outcome, submitters must be vetted in some way. 
     98==== Vetting Submitters ==== 
     100For the RDS/WIP 1.0, rather than a certification scheme (which is planned for RDS/WIP 2.0) we will have an informal system of vetting submitters. 
     102  ''The goal of this is to ensure that IDS-ADI as a group have collective faith that the submitter will participate in good faith and have an understanding of the level of process maturity and time constraints of assessor personnel.  In short, IDS-ADI need to be convinced that the submitter will be a constructive, rather than destructive influence on the RDS/WIP in the nascent stage.'' 
     104@todo what is the process for vetting a submitter - SC email discussion and email vote? 
     106==== Access Credentials ==== 
     108Once a submitter has been vetted, they will be have access credentials prepared for them on the infrastructure and distributed to them via email.  The credentials will be for an individual, not for an organization. 
     110==== Access Rights ==== 
     112Access credentials will provide a submitter with access to the 
     113[wiki:IDGenerator ID generation and allocation infrastructure] and with a formal measure of recognition as a submitter for administrative purposes of the RDS/WIP.  Access rights do not mean that submissions are automatically accepted for publishing under RDS/WIP 1.0, nor do they guarantee any particular response time by the assessors. 
     115=== Submission Requirements === 
     117Since submissions are being published with an intended quality of allowing further storage and reproduction by anyone, certain requirements apply to it, including syntactic form, acceptable language, acceptable copyright terms, and semantic form. 
     119==== Syntactic Form ==== 
     121Syntactic form is negotiable.  Supported forms are QMXF, QXF, RDF/XML, N3 or N-TRIPLE. 
     123@todo is the preferred form QMXF? 
     125Character set encoding of any XML form (QMXF, QXF, RDF/XML) must be formally stated in the XML header, unless it is UTF-8 - this is consistent with XML processing rules, but is restated here for emphasis. 
     127The character set encoding of N3 or N-TRIPLE must be UTF-8. 
     129All ISO 10646 code points expressible as 16 bit integers (Unicode) are acceptable in textual data. 
     131RDF identifier rules do apply to fragment identifiers, regardless of format: these rules are the same as those used for XML namespace prefix tokens (reference will be added here on request if needed). 
     133==== Acceptable Text ==== 
     135A submission must not contain text intended to cause alarm or offense.  Submissions found to do so may be candidates for deletion even after publication (one of the few cases of allowed deletion). 
     137==== Copyright ==== 
     139Each submission item must provide a copyright statement that allows free use of the content and any implied patents.  Copyright need not be transferred from the original party, however, anyone must be guaranteed free and unencumbered use of the information, with the exception of the responsibility to convey the copyright terms. 
     141@todo provide a list of acceptable copyrights - see OSF - suggest BSD 2 clause. 
     143==== Semantic Form ==== 
     145A submission should: 
     147 * have a self-consistent semantic form (ie. not contradict itself); 
     148 * not be directly comparable to an existing entry. 
     150=== Recommended Process === 
     152@todo QMXF -> QXF -> RDF -> IdGen -> triplestore 
     154=== Submission Format Options === 
    95156Three different submission formats are supported, each providing different levels of flexibility.  The more flexible, the greater the responsibility on the submitter for ensuring correctness. 
    149210RDF has several different exchange representations: XML, N3 and N-TRIPLE.  All of these formats are acceptable inputs to the submission process.  OWL has an exchange representation of its own: OWLX - this is not currently supported as an acceptable input to the submission process. 
    151 === Submitter Requirements === 
    153 The RDS/WIP will not accept unsolicited submissions, that is submissions made without prior arrangement.  Because of the flexibility offered in terms of input and the responsibility of IDS-ADI (or other nominated body) for the published outcome, submitters must be vetted in some way. 
    155 ==== Vetting Submitters ==== 
    157 For the RDS/WIP 1.0, rather than a certification scheme (which is planned for RDS/WIP 2.0) we will have an informal system of vetting submitters. 
    159   ''The goal of this is to ensure that IDS-ADI as a group have collective faith that the submitter will participate in good faith and have an understanding of the level of process maturity and time constraints of assessor personnel.  In short, IDS-ADI need to be convinced that the submitter will be a constructive, rather than destructive influence on the RDS/WIP in the nascent stage.'' 
    161 @todo what is the process for vetting a submitter - SC email discussion and email vote? 
    163 ==== Access Credentials ==== 
    165 Once a submitter has been vetted, they will be have access credentials prepared for them on the infrastructure and distributed to them via email.  The credentials will be for an individual, not for an organization. 
    167 ==== Access Rights ==== 
    169 Access credentials will provide a submitter with access to the 
    170 [wiki:IDGenerator ID generation and allocation infrastructure] and with a formal measure of recognition as a submitter for administrative purposes of the RDS/WIP.  Access rights do not mean that submissions are automatically accepted for publishing under RDS/WIP 1.0, nor do they guarantee any particular response time by the assessors. 
    172 === Submission Requirements === 
    174 Since submissions are being published with an intended quality of allowing further storage and reproduction by anyone, certain requirements apply to it, including syntactic form, acceptable language, acceptable copyright terms, and semantic form. 
    176 ==== Syntactic Form ==== 
    178 Syntactic form is negotiable.  Supported forms are QMXF, QXF, RDF/XML, N3 or N-TRIPLE. 
    180 @todo is the preferred form QMXF? 
    182 Character set encoding of any XML form (QMXF, QXF, RDF/XML) must be formally stated in the XML header, unless it is UTF-8 - this is consistent with XML processing rules, but is restated here for emphasis. 
    184 The character set encoding of N3 or N-TRIPLE must be UTF-8. 
    186 All ISO 10646 code points expressible as 16 bit integers (Unicode) are acceptable in textual data. 
    188 RDF identifier rules do apply to fragment identifiers, regardless of format: these rules are the same as those used for XML namespace prefix tokens (reference will be added here on request if needed). 
    190 ==== Acceptable Text ==== 
    192 A submission must not contain text intended to cause alarm or offense.  Submissions found to do so may be candidates for deletion even after publication (one of the few cases of allowed deletion). 
    194 ==== Copyright ==== 
    196 Each submission item must provide a copyright statement that allows free use of the content and any implied patents.  Copyright need not be transferred from the original party, however, anyone must be guaranteed free and unencumbered use of the information, with the exception of the responsibility to convey the copyright terms. 
    198 @todo provide a list of acceptable copyrights - see OSF - suggest BSD 2 clause. 
    200 ==== Semantic Form ==== 
    202 A submission should: 
    204  * have a self-consistent semantic form (ie. not contradict itself); 
    205  * not be directly comparable to an existing entry. 
    207 === Recommended Process === 
    209 @todo QMXF -> QXF -> RDF -> IdGen -> triplestore 
    211212== Distribution Detail == 
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