Version 29 (modified by lhella, 22 months ago)


PCA Reference Data Libraries

We are providing access to reference data through several endpoints. Most of these can be browsed and also queried against using SPARQL. The reference data consists of ISO/TS 15926-4 with possible extensions. It is represented based on ISO 15926-2 and ISO/TS 15926-12. The ISO/TS 15926-4 spreadsheets are available here.

PCA RDL - Production

Reference data based on ISO 15926-2. You can search the entire library or run structured queries (SPARQL) against the content. If you don't know where to start, search for PUMP.

PCA RDL - Staging

This endpoint provides access to PCA RDL core classes. The RDL core has been migrated from ISO 15926-2 to ISO 15926-12 (OWL 2 native). You can search the entire library or run structured queries (SPARQL) against the content.

PCA RDL - Staging2

Change Request 6 (CR6) proposal for ISO 15926-4 Edition 3.

PCA RDL - Staging3

PCA RDL2 including extensions and improvements to PCA RDL - Production implemented over the last 5 years.

ISO 15926-12 Endpoint

About PCA
Reference Data Services