Version 4 (modified by hmottestad, 9 years ago)


RDL as (better) OWL

The RDL is available as OWL already. You can download it from our version control system, or browse it at

However, we are not very happy with the current data model:

The data model was created in 2008 to reflect 15926 part 2 as an OWL ontology. A major concept in the model is reified relationships. This allowed the modellers to represent relationships that have relationships in a simple way.

Modelling the statement "all cars are vehicles" would use a specialisation relationship to make "car" a subclass of "vehicle".

RelationshipSparql queryNote
Specialization*%20where%20%7B%0A%0A%3Frel%20p2%3AhasSubclass%20%3Fsub%3B%0A%20p2%3AhasSuperclass%20%3Fsup.%0A%0A%0A%3Frel2%20%3Fb%20%3Frel%3B%0A%20%20%20%20%3Fc%20%3Frel3%3B%0A%20%20%20%20a%20%3Frel2Type.%0A%20%20%20%20%0A%3Frel3%20%3Fd%20%3Fe.%20%20%20%20%0A%0AFilter(%3Frel3%20!%3D%20%3Frel)%0A%0AFilter(STRSTARTS(str(%3Fb) all relationships on relationships for specialization
Specialization show all uses of relationships that are [rdfs:subClass rdfs:subClass]Of the specialization relationship in the p2 datamodel.
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