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RuleML 2012
Semantic Days 2013 in Stavanger


May 28th Tuesday

13:00-17:00 - Tutorials

Get your organization's feet wet with Semantic Web Technologies

provided by Aker Solutions and Computas slides (.pdf)

Tutorial image link (5GB!) Username: cx Password: cx

Information and Data quality (IDQ)

provided by DNV and Armed Forces

Interacting with Linked Data – a tutorial with OWLIM and Information Workbench

provided by Ontotext and Fluidops

Slides (.pdf):
Introduction to Semantic Technologies
Advanced Concepts
Information Workbench

May 29th Wednesday

08:00-08:30 Registration and Coffee

08:30-10:10 Session 1: Semantic Data Access

Welcome from the programme committee - Kari Anne Haaland Thorsen, EPIM
Keynote presentation: Business Intelligence and Interoperability, Sonja Indrebø - CIO Statoil slides (.pdf)
Keynote presentation: Ontology based Data Access: Theory and Practice. Ian Horrocks - Oxford University slides (.pdf)
Logical Semantic Warehouse - Developing Your Own Semantic Ecosystems, Peter Lawrence - TopQuadrant slides (.pdf)

10:10-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-12:00 Session 2: Semantic Data Access

Session chair: Jennifer Sampson (Statoil)
Hafslund SESAM -- Semantic Integration in Practice, Axel Borge - Bouvet slides (.pdf)
Measurable Security for the Internet of Things, Prof. Josef Noll - University of Oslo slides (.pdf)
Building applications with Semantic Data Technologies, Nils Jacob Berland - X2X Maritime AS slides (.pdf)

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:30 Session 3: Semantic Storage

Session chair: Thore Langeland
Keynote presentation: Complexity and Scalability in Semantic Graph Analysis, Dr. James Maltby - YarcData slides (.pdf)
Introduction to SDShare, Graham Moore - Bouvet
Semantic Data Analytics for Integrated Energy and Industry Automation Systems, Thomas Hubauer - Siemens slides (.pdf)

14:30-15:00 Coffee break

15:00-16:30 Session 4: Linked Organizational Data

Session chair: Trine Hansen (DNV)
Text mining and semantic tagging, Torulf Mollestad - SAS Institute slides (.pdf)
Experiences with organisational linked data, David Norheim - Computas slides (.pdf)
Can semantic technologies revolutionize administrative ICT?, Monika Eknes and Arne Dybdal - Skaperhuset slides (.pdf)

16:30-17:00 Panel Discussion

Session chair: André Torkveen (Aker Solutions)

17:00-18:25 Various tool vendors with short presentations and exibition

The Oil and Gas Interoperability (OGI) Industry Pilot slides (.pdf)

18:30 Bus to Solastranden Gård

19:00 Conference Dinner

May 30th Thursday

08:00-08:30 Registration and Coffee

08:30-10:00 Session 5: Scaling up

Session chair: Prof. Arild Waaler (UiO)
Keynote presentation: Ontology-based data management, Maurizio Lenzerini - Sapienza Universita'di Roma slides (.pdf)
From Big Data to Smart Data, Marin Dimitrov - Ontotext slides (.pdf)
The Source for engineering information: Building Aibel's EPC ontology, Johan Wilhelm Klüwer and Magne Valen-Sendstad- DNV slides (.pdf)

10:00-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-12:00 Session 6: Semantic Modeling

Session chair: Roar Fjellheim (Computas)
Keynote presentation: Semantic Data Modeling: The Key to Re-Usable Data, Stephen Brobst - Teradata Corporation slides (.pdf)
How to achieve common semantics on business information/vocabulary, Lasse Bache-Mathiesen - CapGemini slides (.pdf)
NLP-Driven Ontology Modeling, Craig Trim - IBM Global Services slides (.pdf)

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-15:00 Project parallel Sessions

Establishing and Proving Data Interoperability

Slides (.pdf)
Robin Benjamins - Bechtel - Usage of ISO 15926
Thore Langeland - EPIM - Common IT solutions for The Norwegian Continental Shelf
Ian Glendinning, Tore Christiansen, Lillian Hella - PCA - Creating the iRING Core
Alan Johnston - Mimosa - OGI Pilot – Proving Standard Based Interoperability
Markus Stumptner - University of South Australia - A Model-Driven Approach to Interoperability

Optique - Scalable End-user Access to Big Data

Slides (.pdf)
Thomas Hubauer - Siemens - On challenges with time-stamped data in Siemens Energy Services

Conference Closing

About PCA
Reference Data Services