Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of ISO15926Primer_History_KnowUnderstandThings

10/18/09 21:05:14 (15 years ago)
gordonrachar (IP:



  • ISO15926Primer_History_KnowUnderstandThings

    v0 v1  
     3= How We Know and Understand Things = 
     8== Abstract == 
     10Interoperability of digital information became an issue almost as soon as computers made their way into engineering offices.  Many organizations from around the world have been working on this topic for many years, from Owner/Operators, Constructors, Consulting Engineers, and Software Developers.  Many standards organizations world wide are involved, some having been created just for this purpose. 
     14== How We Know and Understand Things == 
     16When we go beyond custom-built methods to exchange information between two particular computer applications--when we try to design a way for any two computer applications to connect to each other automatically without having to know anything at all about each other--we confront the question of how we represent knowledge.  This is not just sophistry; if two computer systems are to connect to each other automatically, we must have a way to embed the necessary context (the understanding that humans bring) within the data that is being exchanged.  For this we need to understand how we know things.  The study of how we know things in philosophy and mathematics is called ''ontololgy''. 
     18  ''Philosophy, sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable from bulls**t.[[BR]] --Greg Berge'' 
     20=== Ontology === 
     22The study of ontology is well beyond what most people will need to know in order to use ISO 15926, and therefore beyond the scope of this primer.  However, a brief example to explain what ''ontology'' is will be helpful: 
     24Your humble author rides a bicycle to work most days.  (Among other things, it lets me indulge in the luxury of eating the fine Ukrainian food my wife cooks for me!)  The distance to work makes a nice workout but is beyond walking if the bicycle were to break down.  Therefore, I have developed what you might call an ''Ontology'' ''of'' ''Things'' ''That'' ''Will'' ''Carry'' ''A'' ''Bicycle.'' 
     26Now, in Western Canada, which to most Europeans is but a few years out of the horse age, the pickup truck is king.  In Western Canada, all ''Real'' ''Men'' have pickups.  As you can see from Figure 3, there is ample room in a pickup truck to carry a bicycle. 
     28[[Image(History_PickupTruck.JPG, 150px)]] 
     30'''Fig 3 - Pickup Truck''' 
     32So it is not hard to imagine that if my bicycle broke down on the way to work, I would try to think of everyone who owned a pickup truck that might have driven it to work that day.  Suppose one such friend is Bill, who owes me a big favor.  But when I talk to Bill he tells me he can't help me.  He tells me he is going camping that weekend and to make a fast getaway he's already loaded his camper.  How do I know this will be a problem?  Because I know that when you load a "camper" onto a pickup truck, there is no room for a bicycle. 
     34[[Image(History_Camper.JPG, 150px)]] 
     36'''Fig 4 - Pickup Truck with a Camper Loaded''' 
     38But hold on!  My father used to own a camper for his own pickup truck (he being a ''Real'' ''Man'' and all), and I remember looking inside it.  There was space just inside the door that might be able to fit a bicycle.  Alas, Bill tells me, he has already filled the available space with his other camping gear leaving no room. 
     40So with that conversation, I start planning how to get home on public transit.  Being a ''Real'' ''Man'' myself, I own a pickup truck and will have to drive it back to work to pick up my bicycle. But by coincidence, a new engineer, who's just emigrated from the Czech Republic, walks by and overhears my dilemma.  He tells me that when he moved to Canada, he brought with him his ''Felicia'' ''Fun''.  I can't imagine what a ''Felicia'' ''Fun'' is, but judging by the expectant smile on his face I suspect it might be relevant so I ask him about it.  Being new to Canada he doesn't know how to describe it so he says it is like the F150 his friend has, but a bit smaller.  (The Czech Republic has ''Real'' ''Men'' too!)  I immediately accept his kind offer to drive me and my bicycle home after work.  (Oh, and I owe him a ''really'' big favor.  Perhaps I will invite him in for Ukrainian food!) 
     42How did I know that a ''Felicia Fun'' would carry my bicycle?  Because it is "like an F150", which is the name of a particular brand of pickup truck common in North America.  Figure 5 shows the relationship of things in my ontology. 
     44[[Image(History_OntologyBicycle.JPG, 400px)]] 
     46'''Fig 5 - Ontology of Things That Will Carry A Bicycle''' 
     48This example is all most people will ever have to know about ontology.  But if you are interested in digging deeper, the W3C Consortium has created two languages with which to create ontologies, Resource Description Framework (RDF), and the Web Ontology Language (OWL).  Neither are for the feint of heart. 
     50 * [ RDF Primer] 
     51 * [ Frequently Asked Questions about OWL] 
     55== How We Use the Internet to Find Information == 
     57The Internet is the enabling technology for sharing plant information easily.  (Going back to the ''flight'' metaphor, ''the Internet'' probably occupies the same place in the interoperability of plant information as does ''air'' in flight.)  Without the Internet, on top of all the other steps required to transfer information between our software applications, we would have to add the chore of creating a link between each pair of business partners. 
     59But beyond the simple connection between plant project participants, when we try to use the Internet beyond simply calling up web pages, we run into many of the same issues that we run into trying to make plant applications communicate with each other.  This brings us to the Semantic Web. 
     62== NEXT == 
     64  * [wiki:ISO15926Primer_History_UseInternet How We Use The Internet To Find Information] 
     66Markup languages have a long history in enabling computers to handle large bodies of text properly, without human intervention.  When encoded with a markup language, the ''content'' of a body of text is separated from the ''format'', or appearance of the text.  This is an important concept in ISO 15926 where the goal is to embed enough ''context'' into the ''content'' that we do not need to see the format, or appearance, of the information to know what it means. 
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