Version 35 (modified by fverhelst, 15 years ago)


Integrated Operations in the High North

This is the public WIKI-site for the "Integrated Operations in the High North" (IOHN) project.

A separate password-restricted WIKI-site for communication and collaboration between the project participants is also available: IOHN WIKI (Login required).

Background for the project

The High North

Resources in the High North

The Arctic region holds vast amounts of extractive energy resources. Known areas of reserves are the North Slope in Alaska (USA), East Siberia, West Siberia, the Timan-Pechora area, South/North Barents (Russia), the Barents Sea and Lofoten area north-west of Norway, and East Greenland. The map on the right shows some of the discoveries made off Norway and the western part of Russia.

Following a recent U.S. Geological Survey study (Fact Sheet 2008-3049), yet undiscovered resources in the arctic areas are estimated to account for about 22% of the remaining undiscovered, technically recoverable resources in the world.

Challenges in the High North

Most of the arctic resources lie offshore beneath thick ice and deep water in environmentally very sensitive areas. Weather and daylight conditions during some parts of the year give additional operational and logistic challenges. In addition are the arctic resources often located over vast areas and very distant from existing infrastructure and centres of population, leading to further challenges.

Integrated Operations

Goal for the project

The primary objective of the project is to develop a demonstrated reliable digital platform for Integrated Operation Generation 2 (IO G2) in the High North. The platform will be piloted in decision support pilots within drilling, R&P, O&M in the High North.

IO G2 for the High North shall facilitate operations in remote and hazardous conditions, the use of limited operational personnel and “zero footprint” solutions.

More information

Contact: Frédéric Verhelst (IOHN Project Manager).


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