
and .


14:00 Changeset [217] by lhella


14:23 Changeset [216] by yaolu

done some minor changes and did some formatting changes.

12:49 Changeset [215] by yaolu

done some changes to the XML file so it will show it validates with the ...

12:11 Changeset [214] by yaolu

corrected Change_log_110_to_120.doc according to the XSD

11:00 Changeset [213] by yaolu

updated Changes.xlsx done the changes accoriding to Changes.xlsx


20:13 Changeset [212] by lhella
13:00 Changeset [211] by yaolu

updated according to what was decided at Core group meeting 2011-05-10

12:21 Changeset [210] by yaolu

Done the changes suggested at the meeting 2011-05-10 according to how the ...

12:14 Changeset [209] by lhella
12:14 Changeset [208] by lhella


22:23 Changeset [207] by lhella
07:34 Changeset [206] by lhella


13:38 Changeset [205] by ryland


14:42 Changeset [204] by yaolu

added empty section check in ...


15:25 Changeset [203] by yaolu

fixed some formatting error on the PDF file

14:59 Changeset [202] by yaolu

fixed a formatting error

14:55 Changeset [201] by yaolu

fixed some formatting error and a field that didn't show

08:40 Changeset [200] by yaolu

done some changes so the alignment is more correct

08:15 Changeset [199] by yaolu

done some changes to the CSS and XSL file where the all of the columns are ...


21:18 Changeset [198] by lhella

For Drilling Core meeting 03.05.2011


22:56 Changeset [197] by ryland

Updates from Magne

09:31 Changeset [196] by lhella


09:17 Changeset [195] by ryland
09:17 Changeset [194] by ryland


13:36 Changeset [193] by yaolu

updated the readMe.txt files and added readMe_testing.txt that only is ...

12:42 Changeset [192] by yaolu

fixed duration calculation that was missing from previous commits

12:11 Changeset [191] by yaolu

renamed this file

08:40 Changeset [190] by yaolu

fixed according to feedback from Jonas Stokka

Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.