
and .


09:05 Changeset [147] by ryland


14:52 Changeset [146] by yaolu

Uptaded these files according to suggestions from energistics

13:12 Changeset [145] by lhella
13:00 Changeset [144] by lhella


15:42 Changeset [143] by yaolu

added some more test data so the example report.

12:59 Changeset [142] by yaolu

fixed some bugs, changed the example file for dullgrade to a text string

12:00 Changeset [141] by yaolu

fixed missing uom in some of the new elements

11:50 Changeset [140] by yaolu

Fixed a namechange, so Casing type shows as it should

10:14 Changeset [139] by yaolu

added description of the changes made, and fixed a few bugs from XSL and ...


15:40 Changeset [138] by yaolu

changed the enumeration lists to have full name instead of shorten name

14:55 Changeset [137] by yaolu

fixed bug where some fields were missing

14:43 Changeset [136] by yaolu

updated xsl file with a better structure

13:52 Changeset [135] by yaolu

Updated xsl, xml, and xsd file to the newest ConceptAndDefinitions?.xls


11:49 Changeset [134] by lhella
08:40 Changeset [133] by lhella

Concepts out of scope removed.


15:30 Changeset [132] by ryland
10:17 Changeset [131] by yaolu

Oppdatert header informasjonen

08:29 Changeset [130] by yaolu

Lagt til xsd og xsl filene capgemini har lagt til

08:20 Changeset [129] by ryland
08:19 Changeset [128] by ryland


16:45 Changeset [127] by lhella
16:40 Changeset [126] by lhella
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.