WITSML - Operations Activity Component Schema Date and time that activities started. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Date and time that activities were completed. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The measured depth to the drilling operation. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" True Vertical Depth to the drilling operation. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" Phase (large activity classification) e.g. Drill Surface Hole. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:PhaseType",xsd:enumeration="fixed",xsd:enumeration="snub",xsd:enumeration="coil",xsd:enumeration="wire line",xsd:enumeration="bob test",xsd:maxLength="16",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A proprietary code used to define rig activity. The name of the proprietary system should be defined in the namingSystem attribute. constraints:@type="witsml:ActivityCodeNPD",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- drive",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- drill",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- hole open",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- underream",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- trip",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- casing",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- bop/wellhead Equipment",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- pressure detection",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- circulating conditioning",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- ream",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- survey",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- bop activites",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- mill",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- wait",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- rig up/down",xsd:enumeration="drilling -- other",xsd:enumeration="moving -- transit",xsd:enumeration="moving -- anchor",xsd:enumeration="moving -- skid",xsd:enumeration="moving -- jack",xsd:enumeration="moving -- position",xsd:enumeration="formation evaluation -- trip",xsd:enumeration="formation evaluation -- circulating conditioning",xsd:enumeration="formation evaluation -- core",xsd:enumeration="formation evaluation -- log",xsd:enumeration="formation evaluation -- rft/fit",xsd:enumeration="formation evaluation -- circulation samples",xsd:enumeration="formation evaluation -- drill stem test",xsd:enumeration="formation evaluation -- production test",xsd:enumeration="formation evaluation -- wait",xsd:enumeration="formation evaluation -- rig up/down",xsd:enumeration="formation evaluation -- other",xsd:enumeration="completion -- bob/wellhead equipment",xsd:enumeration="completion -- wire line",xsd:enumeration="completion -- circulating conditioning",xsd:enumeration="completion -- perforate",xsd:enumeration="completion -- simulate",xsd:enumeration="completion -- flow",xsd:enumeration="completion -- sand control",xsd:enumeration="completion -- test scssv",xsd:enumeration="completion -- completion string",xsd:enumeration="completion -- mill",xsd:enumeration="completion -- wait",xsd:enumeration="completion -- rig up/down",xsd:enumeration="completion -- other",xsd:enumeration="workover -- bob/wellhead equipment",xsd:enumeration="workover -- wire line",xsd:enumeration="workover -- circulating conditioning",xsd:enumeration="workover -- perforate",xsd:enumeration="workover -- simulate",xsd:enumeration="workover -- flow",xsd:enumeration="workover -- sand control",xsd:enumeration="workover -- test scssv",xsd:enumeration="workover -- completion string",xsd:enumeration="workover -- mill",xsd:enumeration="workover -- wait",xsd:enumeration="workover -- rig up/down",xsd:enumeration="workover -- other",xsd:enumeration="plug abandon -- trip",xsd:enumeration="plug abandon -- circulating conditioning",xsd:enumeration="plug abandon -- perforate",xsd:enumeration="plug abandon -- cement plug",xsd:enumeration="plug abandon -- mechanical plug",xsd:enumeration="plug abandon -- squeeze",xsd:enumeration="plug abandon -- cut",xsd:enumeration="plug abandon -- equipment recovery",xsd:enumeration="plug abandon -- mill",xsd:enumeration="plug abandon -- wait",xsd:enumeration="plug abandon -- rig up/down",xsd:enumeration="plug abandon -- other",xsd:enumeration="interruption -- maintain",xsd:enumeration="interruption -- repair",xsd:enumeration="interruption -- fish",xsd:enumeration="interruption -- well control",xsd:enumeration="interruption -- lost circulation",xsd:enumeration="interruption -- sidetrack",xsd:enumeration="interruption -- mill",xsd:enumeration="interruption -- waiting on weather",xsd:enumeration="interruption -- wait",xsd:enumeration="interruption -- rig up/down",xsd:enumeration="interruption -- other",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The outcome of the main operation. Finish, interrupted, failed, etc. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:MainActivityEvaluation",xsd:enumeration="ok",xsd:enumeration="fail",xsd:maxLength="32",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The outcome of the detailed activity. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:StateDetailActivity",xsd:enumeration="injury",xsd:enumeration="operation failed",xsd:enumeration="kick",xsd:enumeration="circulation loss",xsd:enumeration="m???????? loss",xsd:enumeration="stuck equipment",xsd:enumeration="equipment failure",xsd:enumeration="equipment hang",xsd:enumeration="success",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Comments and Remarks. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Unique identifier for the activity. A common way for handling names of objects. An identifier type must include a Name. It may also include a NamingSystem, which gives meaning to the name. A human contextual name of an item. This should (hopefully) be unique within the context of the naming system. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The naming system under which the item is defined. Knowledge of the naming system may allow the hame to be parsed for embeded information. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Unique identifier for the element. WITSML - Bit Record Component Schema. Bit number and rerun number e.g. "4.1" for the first rerun of bit 4. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:str32",xsd:maxLength="32",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Diameter of drilled hole. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:lengthMeasureInch" Manufacturer / supplier of the item. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The manufacturers code for the bit. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:str32",xsd:maxLength="32",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A schema to capture a set of data that is relevant for many exchange documents. It includes information about the file that was created, and high-level information about the data that is being exchanged within the file. An identifier for the document. This is intended to be unique within the context of the NamingSystem. Zero or more alternate names for the document. These names do not need to be unique within the naming system. The date of the creation of the document. This is not the same as the date that the file was created. For this date, the document is considered to be the set of information associated with this document information. For example, the document may be a seismic binset. This represents the date that the binset was created. The FileCreation information would capture the date that the XML file was created to send or exchange the binset. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A document class. Examples of classes would be a metadata classification or a set of keywords. The information about the creation of the exchange file. This is not about the creation of the data within the file, but the creation of the file itself. Information about the security to be applied to this file. More than one classification can be given. A free-form string that allows a disclaimer to accompany the information. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A collection of events that can document the history of the data. The owner of the data. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" An optional comment about the document. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A block of information about the creation of the XML file. This is different than the creation of the data that is included within the file. The date and time that the file was created. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" If appropriate, the software that created the file. This is a free form string, and may include whatever information is deemed relevant. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The person or business associate that created the file. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Any comment that would be useful to further explain the creation of this instance document. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Information about the security classification of the document. This is intended as a documentation of the security so that the file will not inadvertently be sent to someone who is not allowed access to the data. This block also carries a date that the security classification expires. For example, a well log is confidential for a period of time, and then becomes open. All security classes are characterized by their classification systems. The security class in which this document is classified. Examples would be confidential, partner confidential, tight. The meaning of the class is determined by the System in which it is defined. constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The security classification system. This gives context to the meaning of the Class value. constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The date on which this security class is no longer applicable. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A general comment to further define the security class. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The audit records what happened to the data, to produce the data that is in this file. It consists of one or more events. An event type captures the basic information about an event that has affected the data. The date on which the event took place. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The party responsible for the event. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A free form comment that can further define the event that occurred. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Date and time of the well control incident. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The measured depth to the well inflow entry point. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" The true vertical depth to the well inflow entery point. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" Phase (large activity classification) e.g. Drill Surface Hole. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:PhaseType",xsd:enumeration="fixed",xsd:enumeration="snub",xsd:enumeration="coil",xsd:enumeration="wire line",xsd:enumeration="bob test",xsd:maxLength="16",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A code used to define rig activity. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:ActivityCode",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Custom string to further define an activity. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:str32",xsd:maxLength="32",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The amount of time lost because of the well control incident. Commonly specified in hours. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timeMeasure" The date and time at which control of the well is regained. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The drill bit nominal outside diameter at time of well control incident. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:lengthMeasureInch" The measured depth of bit at the time of the well control incident. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" The density of the drilling fluid. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The equivalent mud weight value of the pore pressure reading. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:densityMeasure" Diameter of the last installed casing. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:lengthMeasureInch" Measured depth of last casing. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" The gained volume of drilling fluid due to well kick. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumeMeasureCubicMetre" The shut in casing pressure. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:pressureMeasureBar" The actual pressure in the drill pipe when the rams are closed around it. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:pressureMeasureBar" The type of well control incident. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:WellControlIncidentType",xsd:enumeration="shallow gas kick",xsd:enumeration="water kick",xsd:enumeration="oil kick",xsd:enumeration="gas kick",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The type of well control incident. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:WellKillingProcedureType",xsd:enumeration="drillers method",xsd:enumeration="wait and weight",xsd:enumeration="bullheading",xsd:enumeration="lubricate and bleed",xsd:enumeration="forward circulation",xsd:enumeration="reverse circulation",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The lithological description of a geological formation at the incident depth. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:descriptionString",xsd:maxLength="256",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" the temperature at the bottom of the wellbore. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasureCelsius" The maximum pressure that the choke valve can be exposed to. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:pressureMeasureBar" A description of the well control incident. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:descriptionString",xsd:maxLength="256",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Unique identifier for the activity. Date and time that the core was completed. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Core identification number. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Measured depth at the top of the cored interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" Measured depth at the bottom of the cored interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" True vertical depth at the top of the cored interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" True vertical depth at the bottom of the cored interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" Length of core recovered. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:lengthMeasureMetre" The relative amount of core recovered. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasurePercent" Length of core barrel. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:lengthMeasureMetre" Core inner barrel type. constraints:@type="witsml:InnerBarrelType",xsd:enumeration="undifferented",xsd:enumeration="aluminum",xsd:enumeration="gel",xsd:enumeration="fiberglass",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" General core description. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Unique identifier for the activity. Date and time that the equipment failed. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The measured depth to the operation end point due to failure. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" The true vertical depth to the operation end point due to failure. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" The classification of the equipment that failed. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:EquipmentCodeNPD",xsd:enumeration="drill floor -- drilling control",xsd:enumeration="drill floor -- draw works",xsd:enumeration="drill floor -- rotary table",xsd:enumeration="drill floor -- tensioning syst",xsd:enumeration="drill floor -- hp air syst",xsd:enumeration="drill floor -- wirelines",xsd:enumeration="drill floor -- other",xsd:enumeration="hosting equ -- derrick structure",xsd:enumeration="hosting equ -- crown block",xsd:enumeration="hosting equipment -- travelling block",xsd:enumeration="hosting equ -- heave compensator",xsd:enumeration="hosting equ -- other",xsd:enumeration="hosting equ -- top driv",xsd:enumeration="pipe handling equ syst -- vertical pipe handling equ syst",xsd:enumeration="pipe handling equ syst -- drill floor tube handl syst",xsd:enumeration="pipe handling equ syst -- power packs",xsd:enumeration="pipe handling equ syst -- slips and speider",xsd:enumeration="pipe handling equ syst -- elevator",xsd:enumeration="pipe handling equ syst -- manual tong",xsd:enumeration="pipe handling equ syst -- other",xsd:enumeration="mud and bulk syst -- bulk storage transfer",xsd:enumeration="mud and bulk syst -- bulk air system",xsd:enumeration="mud and bulk syst -- mud additive syst",xsd:enumeration="mud and bulk syst -- mud mixing storage",xsd:enumeration="mud and bulk syst -- mud supply",xsd:enumeration="mud and bulk syst -- mud solids control",xsd:enumeration="mud and bulk syst -- drill water syst",xsd:enumeration="mud and bulk syst -- hp equipment",xsd:enumeration="mud and bulk syst -- other",xsd:enumeration="well control equ syst -- bop stack",xsd:enumeration="well control equ syst -- bop control syst",xsd:enumeration="well control equ syst -- shallow gas stack",xsd:enumeration="well control equ syst -- diverter",xsd:enumeration="well control equ syst -- riser syst",xsd:enumeration="well control equ syst -- choke kill syst",xsd:enumeration="well control equ syst -- other",xsd:enumeration="drillstring downhole -- drillpipes",xsd:enumeration="drillstring downhole -- drillcolars",xsd:enumeration="drillstring downhole -- subs and lift plugs",xsd:enumeration="drillstring downhole -- stabilizer",xsd:enumeration="drillstring downhole -- downhole drilling tools",xsd:enumeration="drillstring downhole -- fishing tools",xsd:enumeration="drillstring downhole -- misc drillstring equ",xsd:enumeration="drillstring downhole -- other",xsd:enumeration="service equ -- cementing unit",xsd:enumeration="service equ -- well testing equ",xsd:enumeration="service equ -- mud logging equ",xsd:enumeration="service equ -- electr logging equ",xsd:enumeration="service equ -- special service equ",xsd:enumeration="service equ -- well head tubular equ",xsd:enumeration="service equ -- other",xsd:enumeration="material handling syst -- deck cranes",xsd:enumeration="material handling syst -- overhead cranes",xsd:enumeration="material handling syst -- monorail syst",xsd:enumeration="material handling syst -- bop transport syst",xsd:enumeration="material handling syst -- utility winchs",xsd:enumeration="material handling syst -- anchor syst",xsd:enumeration="material handling syst -- other",xsd:enumeration="miscellaneous equ syst -- wellhead subsea run test",xsd:enumeration="miscellaneous equ syst -- subsea inspection syst",xsd:enumeration="miscellaneous equ syst -- acoustic position ref",xsd:enumeration="miscellaneous equ syst -- misc instr and auxil equ",xsd:enumeration="miscellaneous equ syst -- hydr pneum power packs",xsd:enumeration="miscellaneous equ syst -- other",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The missed production time due to equipment failure. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timeMeasure" The date and time at which the production equipment was repaired and ready for production. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A description that gives a information about the equipment failure. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:descriptionString",xsd:maxLength="256",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Unique identifier for the activity. Date and time that the wireline formation test was completed. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Measured depth of the wireline formation test. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" True vertical depth of the wireline formation test. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" The formation pore pressure. The pressure of fluids within the pores of a reservoir, usually hydrostatic pressure, or the pressure exerted by a column of water from the formation's depth to sea level. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:pressureMeasureMegaPascals" True ("true" or "1") indicates that there was a good seal for the wireline formation test. False ("false" or "0") or not given indicates otherwise. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:logicalBoolean",xsd:pattern=".+" Measured depth where the fluid sample was taken. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" The dominate component in the fluid sample. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The density of hydrocarbon component of the fluid sample. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The volume of the fluid sample. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumeMeasureCubicDeciMetre" A description that describes the wireline formation test in more detail. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:descriptionString",xsd:maxLength="256",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Unique identifier for the activity. Date and time of the gas reading. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Type of gas reading. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:GasPeakType",xsd:enumeration="circulating background gas",xsd:enumeration="connection gas",xsd:enumeration="drilling background gas",xsd:enumeration="drilling gas peak",xsd:enumeration="flow check gas",xsd:enumeration="no readings",xsd:enumeration="other",xsd:enumeration="shut down gas",xsd:enumeration="trip gas",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Measured depth at the top of the interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" Measured depth at the bottom of the test interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" True vertical depth at the top of the interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" True vertical depth at the bottom of the interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" The highest gas reading. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The lowest gas reading. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" Methane (C1) concentration. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasurePartPerMillion" Ethane (C2) concentration. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasurePartPerMillion" Propane (C3) concentration. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasurePartPerMillion" iso-Butane (iC4) concentration. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasurePartPerMillion" nor-Butane (nC4) concentration. constraints:@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasurePartPerMillion" iso-Pentane (iC5) concentration. constraints:@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasurePartPerMillion" Unique identifier for the activity. Date and time that the well test was completed. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Measured depth at the top of the lithology interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" Measured depth at the bottom of the lithology interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" True vertical depth at the top of the lithology interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" True vertical depth at the bottom of the lithology interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" A textual description of any shows in the interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:descriptionString",xsd:maxLength="256",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A description that gives a geological/lithological description/evaluation of the interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:descriptionString",xsd:maxLength="256",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Unique identifier for the activity. The date and time that the log was completed. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Log run number. For measurement while drilling, this should be the bottom hole assembly number. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:str16",xsd:maxLength="16",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Name of contractor who provided the service. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Measured depth at the top of the logged interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" Measured depth at the bottom of the logged interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" True vertical depth at the top of the logged interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" True vertical depth at the bottom of the logged interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" A description of the logging tool. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Bottom hole circulating temperature. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasureCelsius" Bottom hole temperature static. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasureCelsius" Ellapsed time since circulation stopped. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timeMeasureHour" Measured depth to the temperature measurement tool. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" True vertical depth to the temperature measurement tool. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" Unique identifier for the activity. The date and time at which the well perforation interval is opened. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The date and time at which the well perforation interval is closed. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Measured depth at the top of the perforation interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" Measured depth at the bottom of the perforation interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" True vertical depth at the top of the perforation interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" True vertical depth at the bottom of the perforation interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" Unique identifier for the activity. Was the reading measured or estimated constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:ReadingKind",xsd:enumeration="measured",xsd:enumeration="estimated",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The equivalent mud weight value of the pore pressure reading. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:densityMeasure" Date and time at the reading was made. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The measured depth where the readings were recorded. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" The true vertical depth where the readings were recorded. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" the date and time that for which the well status is reported. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Wellbore measured depth at the end of the report period. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" Wellbore true vertical depth at the end of the report. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" The measured plug back depth. constraints:@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" Hole nominal inside diameter. constraints:@type="witsml:lengthMeasureInch" The measured depth to the start of the current hole diameter. constraints:@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" Pilot hole nominal inside diameter at reporting time. constraints:@type="witsml:lengthMeasureInch" The planned measured depth of the pilot hole. constraints:@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" The planned true vertical depth of the pilot hole. constraints:@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" Type of wellbore. constraints:@type="witsml:WellboreType",xsd:enumeration="bypass",xsd:enumeration="initial",xsd:enumeration="redrill",xsd:enumeration="reentry",xsd:enumeration="respud",xsd:enumeration="sidetrack",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Measured depth to the kickoff point of the wellbore. constraints:@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" True vertical depth to the kickoff point of the wellbore. constraints:@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" The measured formation strength. This should be the final measurement before the end of the report period. constraints:@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The measured depth of the formation strength measuement. constraints:@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" The true vertical depth of the formation strength measuement. constraints:@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" Diameter of last casing. constraints:@type="witsml:lengthMeasureInch" Measured depth of last casing. constraints:@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" True vertical depth of last casing. constraints:@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" The type of pressure test that was run during this reporting period. constraints:@type="witsml:PresTestType",xsd:enumeration="leak off test",xsd:enumeration="formation intergity test",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Measured depth of plan for this day number (report period). constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" Distance drilled during this reporting period. This should be measured along the centerline of the wellbore. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:lengthMeasure" Elevation of the rotary kelly bushing. constraints:@type="witsml:wellElevationCoord" A summary that sumarizes the activities performed and the status of the ongoing activities from the reporting period. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A summary that sumarizes the planned activities the next reporting period. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Rate of penetration at the end of the reporting period. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:velocityMeasureMetresPerHour" Unique identifier for the activity. Date and time at which a preliminary zonation is established. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Measured depth at the top of the formation. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" True vertical depth at the top of the formation. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" A lithological description of the geological formation at the given depth. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:descriptionString",xsd:maxLength="256",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Unique identifier for the activity. WITSML - Trajectory Station Component Schema The date at which the directional survey took place. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Measured depth of measurement from the drill datum. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" Vertical depth of the measurements. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" Hole inclination, measured from vertical. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Hole azimuth. Corrected to wells azimuth reference. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Unique identifier for the trajectory station. General information about a well bore for a drill operations report. Date and time at which the well was spudded. This is when the well drilling equipment begin to bore into the earth's surface for the purpose of drilling a well. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Date and time at which the well was predrilled. This is when the well drilling equipment begin to bore into the earth's surface for the purpose of drilling a well. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The date when the drilling activity is completed. constraints:@type="witsml:date",xsd:pattern=".+" The name of the drilling Operator company. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of the drilling Contractor company. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A name of the fixed or movable facility being used to drill the wellbore. Date and time that the well test was completed. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The type of well test. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:WellTestType",xsd:enumeration="drill stem test",xsd:enumeration="production test",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The number of the well test. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:positiveCount",xsd:minInclusive="1",xsd:minInclusive="1",xsd:pattern=".+" Measured depth at the top of the test interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" Measured depth at the bottom of the test interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" True vertical depth at the top of the test interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" True vertical depth at the bottom of the test interval. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" The diameter of the choke opening. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:lengthMeasureMilliMetre" The density of the produced oil. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The density of the produced water. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The density of the produced gas. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The maximum rate at which oil was produced. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumeFlowRateMeasureCubicMetresPerDay" The maximum rate at which water was produced. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumeFlowRateMeasureCubicMetresPerDay" The maximum rate at which gas was produced. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumeFlowRateMeasureMillionCubicMetresPerDay" The final shut in pressure. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:pressureMeasureMegaPascals" The final flowing pressure. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:pressureMeasureMegaPascals" The final bottom hole pressure. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:pressureMeasureMegaPascals" The ratio of the volume of gas to the volume of oil. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasureCubicMetresPerCubicMetre" The relative amount of water per amount of oil. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasureCubicMetresPerCubicMetre" The relative amount of chloride in the produced water. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasurePartPerMillion" The relative amount of CO2 gas. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasurePartPerMillion" The relative amount of H2S gas. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasurePartPerMillion" The total amount of oil produced. This includes oil that was disposed of (e.g., burned). constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumeMeasureCubicMetre" The total amount of gas produced. This includes gas that was disposed of (e.g., burned). constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumeMeasureMillionCubicMetres" The total amount of water produced. This includes water that was disposed of. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumeMeasureCubicMetre" The total amount of produced oil that was stored. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumeMeasureCubicMetre" Unique identifier for the activity. WITSML - fluids component schema Description for the type of fluid. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:str32",xsd:maxLength="32",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The time when fluid readings were recorded. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The measured depth where the fluid readings were recorded. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" The true vertical depth where the fluid readings were recorded. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:wellVerticalDepthCoord" Maximum pressure rating of the blow out preventer. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:pressureMeasureBar" The class of the drilling fluid. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:MudClass",xsd:enumeration="water based",xsd:enumeration="oil based",xsd:enumeration="other",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Fluid density. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:densityMeasure" Plastic viscosity. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:dynamicViscosityMeasure" Yield point (Bingham and Herschel Bulkley models). constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" The unique identifier of the fluid. WITSML - Geodetic Model Component Schema The name of the coordinate reference system in a particular naming system. An optional short name (code) can also be specified. Specifying a well known system is highly desired. An example would be to specify a name of 'ED50' with a code of '4230' in the 'EPSG' naming system. Note that specifying a name in the EPSG naming system is asserting that the parameters in the EPSG database are appropriate for this CRS. This is also true for any other naming system. If in doubt, contact your local geodesist. Geodetic datum code. This defines a system in the Geoshare naming system and should probably not be used with CRSName. constraints:@type="witsml:GeodeticDatum",xsd:enumeration="ADND",xsd:enumeration="ARC50",xsd:enumeration="AUSG",xsd:enumeration="CAA",xsd:enumeration="CHAS",xsd:enumeration="CORAL",xsd:enumeration="ED50",xsd:enumeration="ED87",xsd:enumeration="ERIN65",xsd:enumeration="GD49",xsd:enumeration="GHANA",xsd:enumeration="GUAM63",xsd:enumeration="HJRS55",xsd:enumeration="HTS",xsd:enumeration="INCH",xsd:enumeration="INDIA1",xsd:enumeration="INDIA2",xsd:enumeration="INDNS74",xsd:enumeration="LIB64",xsd:enumeration="LUZON",xsd:enumeration="MRCH",xsd:enumeration="NAD27",xsd:enumeration="NAD83",xsd:enumeration="NGRA",xsd:enumeration="None",xsd:enumeration="NPRM",xsd:enumeration="OSGB36",xsd:enumeration="POTS1",xsd:enumeration="PULK1",xsd:enumeration="PULK2",xsd:enumeration="QRNQ",xsd:enumeration="SA56",xsd:enumeration="SRL60",xsd:enumeration="TNRV25",xsd:enumeration="TOKYO",xsd:enumeration="UserDefined",xsd:enumeration="VROL",xsd:enumeration="WGS72",xsd:enumeration="WGS84",xsd:enumeration="YACR",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Ellipsoid translation (3). Units are meters by convention. constraints:@type="witsml:lengthMeasure" Ellipsoid translation (3). Units are meters by convention. constraints:@type="witsml:lengthMeasure" Ellipsoid translation (3). Units are meters by convention. constraints:@type="witsml:lengthMeasure" Ellipsoid rotation (3). Seconds of arc by convention. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Ellipsoid rotation (3). Seconds of arc by convention. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Ellipsoid rotation (3). Seconds of arc by convention. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Ellipsoid scale factor. constraints:@type="witsml:unitlessQuantity",xsd:pattern=".+" Ellipsoid code (spheroid) defining geographic or planar coordinates. Implied if geodeticDatumCode is specified (and is not user defined). constraints:@type="witsml:Ellipsoid",xsd:enumeration="AGD66",xsd:enumeration="AIRY_MOD",xsd:enumeration="AIRY30",xsd:enumeration="AIRY49",xsd:enumeration="AUST_NAT",xsd:enumeration="BESL-DHD",xsd:enumeration="BESL-NGL",xsd:enumeration="BESL-RT9",xsd:enumeration="BESS41",xsd:enumeration="BESSNAM",xsd:enumeration="BOGOTA",xsd:enumeration="CL58",xsd:enumeration="CL58-1",xsd:enumeration="CL66",xsd:enumeration="CL66-M",xsd:enumeration="CL80",xsd:enumeration="CL80-A",xsd:enumeration="CL80-B",xsd:enumeration="CL80-I",xsd:enumeration="CL80-J",xsd:enumeration="CL80-M",xsd:enumeration="CL80-P",xsd:enumeration="CMPOINCH",xsd:enumeration="DAN",xsd:enumeration="DELA",xsd:enumeration="ED50",xsd:enumeration="EGYPT07",xsd:enumeration="EVER",xsd:enumeration="EVER48",xsd:enumeration="EVER56",xsd:enumeration="EVER69",xsd:enumeration="EVER-BR",xsd:enumeration="EVERMOD",xsd:enumeration="EVER-P",xsd:enumeration="EVER-TM",xsd:enumeration="EVTM",xsd:enumeration="FISC60",xsd:enumeration="FISC60MOD",xsd:enumeration="FISC68",xsd:enumeration="FISCMOD",xsd:enumeration="GDA94",xsd:enumeration="GRS67",xsd:enumeration="GRS80",xsd:enumeration="HAY09",xsd:enumeration="HEIS",xsd:enumeration="HEL06",xsd:enumeration="HEL07",xsd:enumeration="HOUG",xsd:enumeration="IAG-75",xsd:enumeration="INDIAN75",xsd:enumeration="INDO-74",xsd:enumeration="INT24",xsd:enumeration="IUGG67",xsd:enumeration="IUGG75",xsd:enumeration="JEFF48",xsd:enumeration="KAU63",xsd:enumeration="KRSV",xsd:enumeration="MERIT83",xsd:enumeration="NAD27",xsd:enumeration="NAHRAN",xsd:enumeration="NEWINT67",xsd:enumeration="NWL-10D",xsd:enumeration="NWL-9D",xsd:enumeration="OSGB36",xsd:enumeration="OSU86F",xsd:enumeration="OSU91A",xsd:enumeration="PLESSIS-1817",xsd:enumeration="PSAD56",xsd:enumeration="PTNOIRE",xsd:enumeration="SA69",xsd:enumeration="SPHR",xsd:enumeration="STRU",xsd:enumeration="WALB",xsd:enumeration="WAR24",xsd:enumeration="WGS60",xsd:enumeration="WGS66",xsd:enumeration="WGS72",xsd:enumeration="WGS84",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Ellipsoid semi-major axis size. Implied if geodeticDatumCode or ellipsoidCode specified. constraints:@type="witsml:lengthMeasure" Ellipsoid inverse flattening value (ie. 1/x). Implied if geodeticDatumCode or ellipsoidCode specified. constraints:@type="witsml:unitlessQuantity",xsd:pattern=".+" True ("true" or "1") indicates that the well surface point is the origin of this CRS. False ("false" or "0") or not given indicates otherwise. constraints:@type="witsml:logicalBoolean",xsd:pattern=".+" A pointer to the reference point that is the origin of this CRS. constraints:@type="witsml:refNameString" A textual description of the origin. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The angle of the Y axis from North (as described in attribute northDirection). Defaults to zero. Positive clockwise. A free-form description of the Y axis. Examples would be 'parallel to the west side of the platform', or 'along the main entry road'. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" True ("true" or "1") indicates that the X axis is rotated counter-clockwise from the Y axis when viewed from above the earth looking down. False ("false" or "0") or not given indicates a clockwise rotation. Generally the X axis is rotated clockwise. constraints:@type="witsml:logicalBoolean",xsd:pattern=".+" WITSML Element Types The name of the coordinate reference system in a particular naming system. An optional short name (code) can also be specified. Specifying a well known system is highly desired. An example would be to specify a name of 'WGS 84 / UTM zone 10N' with a code of '32610' in the 'EPSG' naming system. Note that specifying a name in the EPSG naming system is asserting that the parameters in the EPSG database are appropriate for this CRS. This is also true for any other naming system. If in doubt, contact your local geodesist. A code to identify the type of projection. constraints:@type="witsml:Projection",xsd:enumeration="Albers equal area",xsd:enumeration="azimuthal equidistant",xsd:enumeration="Cassini",xsd:enumeration="equidistant conic",xsd:enumeration="equirectangular",xsd:enumeration="gnomonic",xsd:enumeration="Lambert azimuthal",xsd:enumeration="Lambert conformal conic",xsd:enumeration="Mercator",xsd:enumeration="Miller",xsd:enumeration="oblique Mercator",xsd:enumeration="orthographic",xsd:enumeration="perspective",xsd:enumeration="polar stereographic",xsd:enumeration="polyconic",xsd:enumeration="sinusoidal",xsd:enumeration="state plane",xsd:enumeration="stereographic",xsd:enumeration="transverse Mercator",xsd:enumeration="universal transverse Mercator",xsd:enumeration="user defined",xsd:enumeration="Van der Grinten",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A pointer to the wellCRS that represents the geographic system from which this system was projected. constraints:@type="witsml:refNameString" Latitude of first standard parallel. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Latitude of second standard parallel, if used. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Longitude of the Y axis of the resulting map. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Latitude at which the X axis intersects the central meridian. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Longitude of the central meridian. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Latitude of the first point if the two-point specification of the central line is used. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Longitude of the first point if the two-point specification of the central line is used. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Latitude of the second point if the two-point specification of the central line is used. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Longitude of the second point if the two-point specification of the central line is used. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Latitude of a point for which the scale factor is specified exactly. Default to origin. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Longitude of a point for which the scale factor is specified exactly. Default to origin. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Latitude at which the scale on the map is exact. If none is provided, scale is assumed to be exact at the equator. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Spheroid radius. constraints:@type="witsml:lengthMeasure" Ellipsoid scale factor. constraints:@type="witsml:unitlessQuantity",xsd:pattern=".+" Projection method variant - establishes minor variations of the projection. Geoshare proposal. constraints:@type="witsml:ProjectionVariantsObliqueMercator",xsd:enumeration="default",xsd:enumeration="rectified",xsd:enumeration="rectified skew",xsd:enumeration="rectified skew center origin",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Height above the surface origin location from which the perspective is taken. constraints:@type="witsml:lengthMeasure" Zone for the type of projection. Zones have values from 1 to 60 with a required direction of "N" (North) or "S" (South). For example, "21N". constraints:@type="witsml:geodeticZoneString",xsd:maxLength="3",xsd:pattern="([1-9]|[1-5][0-9]|60)[NS]",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" North American Datum type. constraints:@type="witsml:NADTypes",xsd:enumeration="NAD27",xsd:enumeration="NAD83",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Artificial value added to the X axis. constraints:@type="witsml:lengthMeasure" Artificial value added to the Y axis. constraints:@type="witsml:lengthMeasure" Bearing angle of the great circle with respect to north at the central point. constraints:@type="witsml:planeAngleMeasure" Is the projection in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere. constraints:@type="witsml:Hemispheres",xsd:enumeration="northern",xsd:enumeration="southern",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Description of item and details. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Parameter describing the user-defined projection. Data that represents a foreign key to a wellbore. The wellbore may be defined within the context of another well. A pointer the wellbore with which there is a relationship. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:refNameString" A pointer to the well that contains the wellboreReference. This is not needed unless the referenced wellbore is outside the context of a common parent well. constraints:@type="witsml:refNameString" A reference to a rig within a wellbore. The wellbore may be defined within the context of another well. This value represents a foreign key from one node to another. A pointer to the rig with which there is a relationship. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:refNameString" A pointer to the wellbore that contains the rigReference. This is not needed unless the referenced rig is outside the context of a common parent wellbore. constraints:@type="witsml:refNameString" A pointer to the well that contains the wellboreParent. This is not needed unless the referenced wellbore is outside the context of a common parent well. constraints:@type="witsml:refNameString" A common way for handling names of objects. An identifier type must include a Name. It may also include a NamingSystem, which gives meaning to the name. A human contextual name of a well. This should (hopefully) be unique within the context of the naming system. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The naming system under which the well is defined. Knowledge of the naming system may allow the hame to be parsed for embeded information. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:WellNamingSystem",xsd:enumeration="DTI",xsd:enumeration="API",xsd:enumeration="NPD code",xsd:enumeration="NPD number",xsd:enumeration="local field",xsd:enumeration="prospect",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Unique identifier for the element. The types of well/wellbore naming systems. WITSML - Well Coordinate Reference System Component Schema. Note that this is intended for use with two dimensional coordinates. That does not prevent the use of a three dimensional CRS. It just means that only two coordinates will be specified in that 3D system. The veritcal coordinates are specified separately and, for 3D systems, one of the linked wellDatums should represent the vertical datum of that 3D system so that the height in the 3d system can be determined. Human recognizable context for the system. For a geographic system this is commonly the name of the datum. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Map projection system. Geographic system. Local (engineering) system. A textual description of the system. constraints:@type="witsml:descriptionString",xsd:maxLength="256",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of the system. Defines the datums associated with elevation, vertical depth and measured depth coordinates within the context of a well. The human understandable contextual name of the reference datum. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The code value that represents the type of reference datum. This may represent a point on a device (e.g., kelly bushing) or it may represent a vertical reference datum (e.g., mean sea level). constraints:@type="witsml:ElevCodeEnum",xsd:enumeration="CF",xsd:enumeration="CV",xsd:enumeration="DF",xsd:enumeration="GL",xsd:enumeration="KB",xsd:enumeration="RB",xsd:enumeration="RT",xsd:enumeration="SF",xsd:enumeration="LAT",xsd:enumeration="SL",xsd:enumeration="MHHW",xsd:enumeration="MHW",xsd:enumeration="MLLW",xsd:enumeration="MLW",xsd:enumeration="MTL",xsd:enumeration="KO",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of the vertical reference datum in a particular naming system. This should only be specified if the above 'code' represents some variation of sea level. An optional short name (code) can also be specified. Specifying a well known datum is highly desired if the above code is a variant of sea level because sea level varies over time and space. An example would be to specify a name of 'Caspian Sea' with a code of '5106' in the 'EPSG' naming system. Since various activities may use different points as measurement datums, it is useful to characterize the point based on its usage. A well reference datum may have more than one such characterization. For example, it may be the datum used by the driller and logger for measuring their depths. Example usage values would be 'permanent','driller', 'logger' 'WRP' (well reference point) and 'SRP' (site reference point). constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A pointer to the wellbore that contains the reference datum. This should be specified if a measured depth is given. A pointer to the rig that contains the device used as a reference datum. The rig may be associated with a wellbore in another well (e.g., pattern drilling using a rig on a track). The gravity based elevation coordinate of this reference datum as measured from another datum. Positive moving upward from the elevation datum. An elevation should be given unless this is a vertical reference datum (e.g., sea level). constraints:@type="witsml:wellElevationCoord" The measured depth coordinate of this reference datum as measured from another datum. The measured depth datum should either be the same as the elevation datum or it should be relatable to the elevation datum through other datums. Positive moving toward the bottomhole from the measured depth datum. This should be given when a local reference is "downhole", such as a kickoff point or ocean bottom template, and the borehole may not be vertical. If a Depth is given then an Elevation should also be given. constraints:@type="witsml:measuredDepthCoord" A contextual description of the well reference datum. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" True indicates that this is the default reference datum for measured depth coordinates. False or not given indicates that this is not the default reference datum. Measured depth coordinates that do not specify a datum reference should be assumed to be measured relative to this default reference datum. Only one reference datum may be designated as the default measured depth datum for each well. Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" ( or "0"). constraints:@type="witsml:logicalBoolean",xsd:pattern=".+" True indicates that this is the default reference datum for vertical depth coordinates. False or not given indicates that this is not the default reference datum. Vertical depth coordinates that do not specify a datum reference should be assumed to be measured relative to the default reference datum. Only one reference datum may be designated as the default vertical depth datum for each well. Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" ( or "0"). constraints:@type="witsml:logicalBoolean",xsd:pattern=".+" True indicates that this is the default reference datum for elevation coordinates. False or not given indicates that this is not the default reference datum. Elevation coordinates that do not specify a datum reference should be assumed to be measured relative to the default reference datum. Only one reference datum may be designated as the default elevation datum for each well. Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" ( or "0"). constraints:@type="witsml:logicalBoolean",xsd:pattern=".+" The unique identifier of the reference datum. The non-contextual content of a WITSML Drilling Report object. Date and time of the start of the reporting period. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Date and time end of the reporting period. Report periods are commonly 24 hour periods. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The kind of report version. For example, a preliminary version. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:OpsReportVersion",xsd:enumeration="preliminary",xsd:enumeration="normal",xsd:enumeration="final",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The date and time of the report creation. A later timestamp indicates a newer version. In order to update values in a report a full updated copy of the original report should be submitted. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" An alternative name of the well (in a naming system). The above well name should be included in the list of aliases so that its origin can be known. An alternative name of the wellbore (in a naming system). The above well name should be included in the list of aliases so that its origin can be known. Defines a vertical datum used for measured depths, vertical depths or elevations. This must be specified if one of the aforementioned coordinate values are included in the report. This only applies to this report and is generally a copy of the same information from the well object. Defines a coordinate reference system used by coordinates within this report. This must be specified if coordinate values are included in the report (i.e., in a survey station location). This only applies to this report and is generally a copy of the same information from the well object. General information about a wellbore. The well is represented by the original wellbore. General status information. Information about a bit. One fluid record. Information about the bit. A description of what happened from the end of report to an alternative time before the end of the next report. This is intended to allow a preliminary description of what happened from the end of the report (commonly midnight) until the time of submission of a preliminary report (commonly 6:00 in the morning). A survey station recorded during the report interval. Activity breakdown, multiple for many activities. General information about a log. General information about a core. General information about a production well test. General information about a wireline formation test. General information about the lithology and shows in an interval. General information about equipment failure. General information about a well control incident. General information about a well control incident. General information about a well control incident. General information about a gas reading. The WITSML API mandated plural root element which allows multiple singular objects to be sent. The plural name is formed by adding an "s" to the singular name. Information about the XML message instance. A single drilling report. Data object schema version. The fourth level must match the version of the schema constraints (enumerations and XML loader files) that are assumed by the document instance. constraints:xsd:use="required",@type="witsml:schemaVersionString",xsd:maxLength="16",xsd:pattern="1\.3\.1\.[1-9]?[0-9]\(NPD\)",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Human recognizable context for the well that contains the wellbore. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Human recognizable context for the wellbore that contains the drilling report. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Human recognizable context for the drilling report. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The non-contextual elements for a drilling report. Unique identifier for the well. This uniquely represents the well referenced by the (possibly non-unique) nameWell. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Unique identifier for the wellbore. This uniquely represents the wellbore referenced by the (possibly non-unique) nameWellbore. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Unique identifier for the report. This type disallows an "empty" boolean value. This type should not be used directly except to derive another type. All boolean types should be derived from this type rather than using xsd:boolen. This type disallows an "empty" dateTime value. This type should not be used directly except to derive another type. All dateTime types should be derived from this type rather than using xsd:dateTime. This type disallows an "empty" date value. This type should not be used directly except to derive another type. All dateTime types should be derived from this type rather than using xsd:dateTime. This type disallows an "empty" double value. This type should not be used directly except to derive another type. This type disallows an "empty" short value. This type should not be used directly except to derive another type. The intended abstract supertype of all strings. This abstract type allows the control over whitespace for all strings to be defined at a high level. This type should not be used directly except to derive another type. The intended abstract supertype of all quantities that have a value with a unit of measure. The unit of measure is in the uom attribute of the subtypes. This type allows all quantities to be profiled to be a 'float' instead of a 'double'. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractDouble",xsd:pattern=".+" This defines the maximum acceptable length of a string that can be stored in a data base. A positive integer (one based count or index) with a maximum value of 32767 (2-bytes). The intended abstract supertype of all user assigned human recognizable contextual name types. There should be no assumption that (interoperable) semantic information will be extracted from the name by a third party. This type of value is generally not guaranteed to be unique and is not a candidate to be replaced by an enumeration. The intended abstract supertype of all locally unique identifiers. The value is not intended to convey any semantic content (e.g., it may be computer generated). The value is only required to be unique within a context in a document (e.g., defined via key and keyref). There is no guarantee that the same data in multiple documents will utilize the same uid value unless enforced by the source of the document (e.g., a document server). Spaces are not allowed. The intended abstract supertype of all comments or remarks intended for human consumption. There should be no assumption that semantics can be extracted from the field by a computer. Neither should there be an assumption that any two humans will interpret the information in the same way (i.e., it may not be interoperable). The intended abstract supertype of all enumerated "types". This abstract type allows the maximum length of a type enumeration to be centrally defined. This type should not be used directly except to derive another type. It should also be used for uncontrolled strings which are candidates to become enumerations at a future date. The intended abstract supertype of all "units of measure". This abstract type allows the maximum length of a UOM enumeration to be centrally defined. This type is abstract in the sense that it should not be used directly except to derive another type. Activity codes. The list of standard values is contained in the WITSML enumValues.xml file. The type of local or permanent reference datum for vertical gravity based (i.e., elevation and vertical depth) and measured depth coordinates within the context of a well. This list includes local points (e.g., kelly bushing) used as a datum and vertical reference datums (e.g., mean sea level). These values represent the type of ellipsoid (spheroid) defining geographic or planar coordinates. These values represent the type of geodetic datum. The source (except for "none", "unknown" and "UserDefined") of the values and the descriptions is Geoshare V13. These values represent the type of coordinate system projection method. The source (except for "UserDefined") of the values is Geoshare V13. For a detailed description of each value, see the Geoshare documentation of the indicated "217" object at http://w3.posc.org/GeoshareSIG/technical/GDM/v13.0/. The classification of a wellbore with respect to its parent well/wellbore. Defines the class of a drilling fluid. Values of "true" (or "1") and "false" (or "0"). A julian date. A date with the time of day and an optional time zone. While the time zone is optional, it is strongly advised that the zone always be specified in each date time value. The angle of a Y axis from North. This is a variation of planeAngleMeasure with an attribute defining the direction of north. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractMeasure" The unit of measure of the azimuth value. constraints:xsd:use="required",@type="witsml:planeAngleUom",xsd:enumeration="dega",xsd:maxLength="24",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Specifies the direction to be considered North for the y axis. constraints:@type="witsml:AziRef",xsd:enumeration="magnetic north",xsd:enumeration="grid north",xsd:enumeration="true north",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A unitless quantity. This should not be confused with a dimensionless measure. A reference to a name in another node of the xml hierachy. This value represents a foreign key from one element to another. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A reference to a wellDatum in the current well. This value must match the uid value in a WellDatum. This value represents a foreign key from one element to another. This is an exception to the convention that a foreign key must utilize both a human contextual name and a uid value. For messages outside the context of a server then this value will commonly match the value of the name of the wellDatum (e.g., 'KB') if uids are not not used in that context. This was a compromise in order to allow the coordinate structures to be simple and still be usable both within the context of a server and outside the context of a server. A user assigned human recognizable contextual name of something. There should be no assumption that (interoperable) semantic information will be extracted from the name by a third party. This type of value is generally not guaranteed to be unique and is not a candidate to be replaced by an enumeration. A comment or remark intended for human consumption. There should be no assumption that semantics can be extracted from this field by a computer. Neither should there be an assumption that any two humans will interpret the information in the same way (i.e., it may not be interoperable). A textual description of something. A community assigned human recognizable name. This type of value is intended to be unique and is generally a candidate to be constrained to an enumerated list. A unit of measure acronym from the POSC unit of measure file. A locally unique identifier. The value is not intended to convey any semantic content (e.g., it may be computer generated). The value is only required to be unique within a context in a document (e.g., defined via key and keyref). There is no guarantee that the same data in multiple documents will utilize the same uid value unless enforced by the source of the document (e.g., a document server). The version of the schema. The first three levels are fixed. The fourth level can vary to represent on the constraints defined in enumerations and XML loader files. The name of something within a naming system. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The naming system within the name is (hopefully) unique. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of something within a mandatory naming system with an optional code. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The naming system within the name is unique. constraints:xsd:use="required",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A unique (short) code associated with the name. constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A geodetic zone with values from 1 to 60 and a required direction of "N" (North) or "S" (South). For example, "21N". A measured depth coordinate in a wellbore. Positive moving from the reference datum toward the bottomhole. All coordinates with the same datum (and same uom) can be considered to be in the same Coordinate Reference System and are thus directly comparable. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractMeasure" The unit of measure of the quantity value. constraints:xsd:use="required",@type="witsml:MeasuredDepthUom",xsd:enumeration="m",xsd:maxLength="24",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A pointer to the reference datum for this coordinate value as defined in WellDatum. This value is assumed to match the uid value in a WellDatum. If not given then the default WellDatum must be assumed. constraints:@type="witsml:refWellDatum",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The units of measure that are valid for measured depths in a wellbore. A vertical (gravity based) depth coordinate within the context of a well. Positive moving downward from the reference datum. All coordinates with the same datum (and same uom) can be considered to be in the same Coordinate Reference System and are thus directly comparable. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractMeasure" The unit of measure of the quantity value. constraints:xsd:use="required",@type="witsml:WellVerticalCoordinateUom",xsd:enumeration="m",xsd:maxLength="24",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A pointer to the reference datum for this coordinate value as defined in WellDatum. If not given then the default WellDatum must be assumed. constraints:@type="witsml:refWellDatum",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A vertical (gravity based) elevation coordinate within the context of a well. Positive moving upward from the reference datum. All coordinates with the same datum (and same uom) can be considered to be in the same Coordinate Reference System and are thus directly comparable. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractMeasure" The unit of measure of the quantity value. If not given then the default unit of measure of the explicitly or implicitly given datum must be assumed. constraints:xsd:use="required",@type="witsml:WellVerticalCoordinateUom",xsd:enumeration="m",xsd:maxLength="24",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A pointer to the reference datum for this coordinate value as defined in WellDatum. If not given then the default WellDatum must be assumed. constraints:@type="witsml:refWellDatum",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The units of measure that are valid for vertical gravity based coordinates (i.e., elevation or vertical depth) within the context of a well. A positive integer (one based count or index). Indexes things with the same name. That is the first one, the second one, etc. constraints:xsd:use="required",@type="witsml:positiveCount",xsd:minInclusive="1",xsd:minInclusive="1",xsd:pattern=".+" A textual description of something. A timestamped textual description. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractDescriptionString",xsd:maxLength="256",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A CDRS operation class that is a class of drilling activities involving the use of new drilling equipment and techniqes. A cdrs operation class that is a class defined to be a main operation activity according to the activity outcome, i.e. indicating whether the activity is accepted or failed. A daily drilling report operation class that is a class defined to be sub operation in the daily drilling report. The unit of measure for the value. The unit of measure for the value. An indicator of the quality of the value. The unit of measure for the coordinate value. The datum of the coordinate value.