The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. The business associate describes any company, person, group, consultant, etc, which is associated within a context (e.g., a well). The information contained in this module is: (1) contact information, such as address, phone numbers, email, (2) alternate name, or aliases, and (3) associations, such as the business associate that this one is associated with, or a contact who is associated with this business associate. The name of the business associate. This can be the name of a person, business, group, etc. constraints:@minOccurs="1" The role of the business associate within the context. For example, "driller" or "operator", "lead agency - CEQA compliance" "regulatory contact", "safety contact". A business associate will generally have one role but the role may be called different things in different naming systems. constraints:@minOccurs="1" If the business associate is a person, this specifies the component names of the person. The alias is an alternate name of a business associate. It is generally associated with a naming system. An alias is not necessarily unique within the naming system. Note that address may occur more than once, because it may be necessary to give a physical address, a mailing address, or both. The various types of phone numbers may be given. The may be office or home, they may be a number for a cell phone, or for a fax, etc. Attributes of PhoneNumber declare the type of phone number that is being given. The email address may be home, office, or permanent. More than one may be given. The preferred method of being contacted within the context of this role. A pointer to another business associate that this business associate is associated with. The most common situation is that of an employee being associated with a company. But it may also be, for example, a work group associated with a university. A pointer to a business associate (generally a person) who serves as a contact for this business associate. The count of the number of personnel in a group. A general comment. This should not be used to carry semantic information. This is not intended to be machine interpretable. Unique identifier for the business associate. WITSML - Custom or User Defined Element and Attributes Component Schema. Specify custom element, attributes, and types in the custom data area. Any element or attribute in any namespace. It is strongly recommended that all custom data definitions be added to a unique namespace. An general address structure. This form is appropriate for most countries. The Name line of an address. If missing, use the Name of the business associate. The Street is a generic term for the middle lines of an address. They may be a street address, PO Box, Suite number, or any lines that come between the "name" and "city" lines. This may be repeated for up to four, ordered lines. constraints:@minOccurs="1" The City for the business associate's address constraints:@minOccurs="1" The GeneralAddress allows the choice of a State, Province, or County element. It is assumed that different elements would be appropriate in different countries. A user community should choose which element is appropriate in the various countries. constraints:@minOccurs="1" constraints:@minOccurs="1" constraints:@minOccurs="1" The Country may be included. Although this is optional, it is probably required for most uses. A postal code, if appropriate for the country. In the USA this would be the five or nine digit zip code. The type of address: mailing, physical, or both. The unique identifier of the recurring element. A geographic context of a report. The name of the country. The state of province within the country. The name of the field within whose context the report exists. An offshore context. An general comment that further explains the offshore location. A type of offshore location that captures the North Sea Offshore terminology. An optional, uncontrolled value, which may be used to describe the general area of offshore North Sea in which the point is located. The number or letter of the quadrant in the North Sea. constraints:@minOccurs="1" A lower case letter assigned if a block is subdivided. A generic type of offshore location. This allows an offshore location to be given by an Area Name, and up to four block names. A comment is also allowed. A general meaning of Area. It may be as general as 'UK North Sea' or 'Viosca Knoll'. The user community must agree on the meaning of this element. One to four block ID's, that can more tightly locate the object. The BlockID should be an identifying name or code. The user community must agree on the exact meaning of this element. constraints:@minOccurs="1" An offshore location using the North Sea Offshore terminology. constraints:@minOccurs="1" An general comment that further explains the offshore location. The components of a persons name. A name prefix. Such as, Dr, Ms, Miss, Mr, etc. The persons first name. constraints:@minOccurs="1" The persons middle name or initial name. The persons last or given name. constraints:@minOccurs="1" A name suffix. Such as Esq, Phd, etc. The type of report. The tile of the report if different from the name of the report. The date that the report represents. The ending date that the report represents if it represents an interval. The month that the report represents (i.e., not a date or date range). The year that the report represents (i.e., not a month, date or date range). A textual comment about the report. The name of the facility which is represented by this report. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. The name and type of a facility whose context is relevant to the represented installation. The operator of the facilities in the report. The geographic context of the report. The date that the report was issued. The person or company that issued the report. This may contain the role of the person or company within the context of the report. The date that the report was approved. The person or company that approved the report. This may contain the role of the person or company within the context of the report. A container element that can contain custom or user defined data elements. This type disallows an "empty" date value. This type should not be used directly except to derive another type. All dateTime types should be derived from this type rather than using xsd:dateTime. This type disallows an "empty" short value. This type should not be used directly except to derive another type. The intended abstract supertype of all strings. This abstract type allows the control over whitespace for all strings to be defined at a high level. This type should not be used directly except to derive another type. Replace tab, line feed and carriage return with a space, collapse contiguous sequences of spaces to a single space and then remove leading and trailing spaces. The empty string is not allowed. This constraint conbined with the whiteSpace collapse constraint means that a blank value is not allowed. This defines the maximum acceptable length of a string that can be stored in a data base. This value should be the smallest "maximum size of a variable length character type" in commonly used DBMSs. This is the maximum size of a VARCHAR2 in Oracle 8. The intended abstract supertype of all contectual objects. The intended abstract supertype of all user assigned human recognizable contextual name types. There should be no assumption that (interoperable) semantic information will be extracted from the name by a third party. This type of value is generally not guaranteed to be unique and is not a candidate to be replaced by an enumeration. The intended abstract supertype of all locally unique identifiers. The value is not intended to convey any semantic content (e.g., it may be computer generated). The value is only required to be unique within a context in a document (e.g., defined via key and keyref). There is no guarantee that the same data in multiple documents will utilize the same uid value unless enforced by the source of the document (e.g., a document server). Spaces are not allowed. The intended abstract supertype of all comments or remarks intended for human consumption. There should be no assumption that semantics can be extracted from the field by a computer. Neither should there be an assumption that any two humans will interpret the information in the same way (i.e., it may not be interoperable). The intended abstract supertype of all enumerated "types". This abstract type allows the maximum length of a type enumeration to be centrally defined. This type should not be used directly except to derive another type. It should also be used for uncontrolled strings which are candidates to become enumerations at a future date. Kind of Address. The list of standard values is contained in the PRODML enumValues.xml file. The mailing address of a business associate or facility. The physical address - location - of a business associate or facility. Both the mailing address and the physical address. The value is not known. This value should not be used in normal situations. All reasonable attempts should be made to determine the appropriate value. Use of this value may result in rejection in some situations. What kind of email (or phone) is this? Is it a work phone? Or personal? Or is a permanent one? The list of standard values is contained in the PRODML enumValues.xml file. The phone number or email address is personal, and can probably be received at the business associates home. The phone number or email is a work number, which is subject to change if the business associate changes jobs. The phone number or email is permanent, which will still be valid if the person changes home or work locations. The value is not known. This value should not be used in normal situations. All reasonable attempts should be made to determine the appropriate value. Use of this value may result in rejection in some situations. The preferred method of contacting a business associate. The list of standard values is contained in the PRODML enumValues.xml file. Postal mail at the business address. Business fax. Business email. Postal mail at the business address. Business voice phone. Mobile phone. Pager. Personal fax. Personal email. Postal mail at the personal address. Personal voice phone. The value is not known. This value should not be used in normal situations. All reasonable attempts should be made to determine the appropriate value. Use of this value may result in rejection in some situations. One method of characterizing a phone number. The list of standard values is contained in the PRODML enumValues.xml file. The telephone number is a conventional number which is used for voice contact. The telephone number is exclusively used for receiving faxes. The telephone number is a mobile telephone, such as a cell phone. The telephone at this number is capable of voice communication and of receiving faxes. The telephone is connected directly to voice mail. A voice phone may lead a caller to voice mail. However this choice qualifies the phone type as being only voice mail. The telephone is intended only for pages. The value is not known. This value should not be used in normal situations. All reasonable attempts should be made to determine the appropriate value. Use of this value may result in rejection in some situations. A kind of facility (usage of equipment or material). The list of standard values is contained in the PRODML enumValues.xml file. A single block valve. A single bottomhole. A single choke. A single cluster. A single completion. A single compressor. A single lift gas controller. DEPRECATED: use "controller" instead. A single county. A single country. A single field. A single flowline. A single flow meter. A single lease. A single manifold. A single platform. A single pressure meter. Note that this represents the device and not the sensor itself. A single production processing facility. A single regulating valve. A single reservoir. A single separator. A single sleeve valve. This is a type of tubing valve which has a sliding sleeve to cover holes in the tubing. You cover all of the holes in order to close the valve. For configurations oriented toward production, the inlet is on the casing side and the outlet is on the tubing side. For injection, the reverse would be true. A single state or province. A single tank. A single temperature meter. Note that this represents the device and not the sensor itself. A single template. A single trunkline. A single tubing head within a wellhead. A single named group of wells. A single well, possibly with many wellbores (sidetracks). A single wellbore (sidetrack) within a well. A single wellhead for one well. See also "tubing head". A single zone. The value is not known. This value should not be used in normal situations. All reasonable attempts should be made to determine the appropriate value. Use of this value may result in rejection in some situations. A commercial entity is an organisational construct through which the a group of organisations or facilities are grouped as if it were a single composite. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A ground that is an area above an oilfield. An area concept that is a grouping of two or more selcted petroleum fields for commercial reasons or other purposes. An area concept that is an area that forms part of a petroleum field. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A physical object that is an appliance involved in the extraction, production, transportation or storage of oil or gas. A regulatory agreement that gives the licensees excluding rights to investigate, explore and recover petroleum deposits within the geographical area and timeperiode stated in the agreement. A fluid conductor that consists of pipe, possibly also including pumps, valves, and control devices, intended for conveying liquids, gases, or finely divided solids. A system for the storage of gaseous, liquid and solid products. A physical object that is an industrial facility for the storage of oil and/or petrochemical products and from which these products are usually transported to end users or further storage facilities. An email address with an attribute, used to "qualify" an email as personal, work, or permanent. Identifies a facility. The kind of facility. The naming system within which the name is unique. For example, API or NPD. If the facility is defined and instantiated within the context of a WITSML server, this is a pointer to the uid value of that object instance. A phone number with two attributes, used to "type" and "qualify" a phone number. The type would carry information such as fax, modem, voice, and the qualifier would carry information such as home or office. The kind of phone such as voice or fax. constraints:@use="required" Indicates whether the number is personal, business or both. The phone number extension. A julian date. A month of a year. A gregorian year. A reference to a name in another node of the xml hierachy. This value represents a foreign key from one element to another. A reference to the unique identifier (uid attribute) in the node referenced by the name value. This attribute is required within the context of a WITSML server. A user assigned human recognizable contextual name of something. There should be no assumption that (interoperable) semantic information will be extracted from the name by a third party. This type of value is generally not guaranteed to be unique and is not a candidate to be replaced by an enumeration. A comment or remark intended for human consumption. There should be no assumption that semantics can be extracted from this field by a computer. Neither should there be an assumption that any two humans will interpret the information in the same way (i.e., it may not be interoperable). A community assigned human recognizable name. This type of value is intended to be unique and is generally a candidate to be constrained to an enumerated list. A locally unique identifier. The value is not intended to convey any semantic content (e.g., it may be computer generated). The value is only required to be unique within a context in a document (e.g., defined via key and keyref). There is no guarantee that the same data in multiple documents will utilize the same uid value unless enforced by the source of the document (e.g., a document server). A reference to the unique identifier of another element. This value represents a foreign key from one element to another. The value should match the value of an attribute of type uidString. The name of something within a naming system. The naming system within the name is (hopefully) unique. A non-negative integer (zero based count or index) with a maximum value of 32767 (2-bytes). For items that represent "number of" something or a "sequential" count or index. This value can be zero but cannot be negative.