The business associate describes any company, person, group, consultant, etc, which is associated within a context (e.g., a well). The information contained in this module is: (1) contact information, such as address, phone numbers, email, (2) alternate name, or aliases, and (3) associations, such as the business associate that this one is associated with, or a contact who is associated with this business associate. The name of the business associate. This can be the name of a person, business, group, etc. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The role of the business associate within the context. For example, "driller" or "operator", "lead agency - CEQA compliance" "regulatory contact", "safety contact". A business associate will generally have one role but the role may be called different things in different naming systems. constraints:@minOccurs="1" If the business associate is a person, this specifies the component names of the person. The alias is an alternate name of a business associate. It is generally associated with a naming system. An alias is not necessarily unique within the naming system. Note that address may occur more than once, because it may be necessary to give a physical address, a mailing address, or both. The various types of phone numbers may be given. The may be office or home, they may be a number for a cell phone, or for a fax, etc. Attributes of PhoneNumber declare the type of phone number that is being given. The email address may be home, office, or permanent. More than one may be given. The preferred method of being contacted within the context of this role. constraints:@type="witsml:q_ContactPreference",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A pointer to another business associate that this business associate is associated with. The most common situation is that of an employee being associated with a company. But it may also be, for example, a work group associated with a university. A pointer to a business associate (generally a person) who serves as a contact for this business associate. The count of the number of personnel in a group. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nonNegativeCount",xsd:minInclusive="0",xsd:pattern=".+" A general comment. This should not be used to carry semantic information. This is not intended to be machine interpretable. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Common Data Component Schema An identifier to indicate the data originator. This identifies the server that originally created the object and thus most of the uids in the object (but not necessarily the uids of the parents). This is typically a url. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" When the data was created at the persistent data store. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Last change of any element of the data at the persistent data store. The change time is not updated for a growing object while it is growing. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The item state for the data object. constraints:@type="witsml:q_ItemState",xsd:enumeration="actual",xsd:enumeration="model",xsd:enumeration="plan",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Comments and remarks. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Custom or User Defined Element and Attributes Component Schema. Specify custom element, attributes, and types in the custom data area. Any element or attribute in any namespace. It is strongly recommended that all custom data definitions be added to a unique namespace. A general timestamped comment structure. The name of the person providing the comment. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The role of the person providing the comment. This is the role of the person within the context of comment. constraints:@type="witsml:q_kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The date and time where the comment begins to be valid. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The date and time where the comment is no longer valid. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The relevant comment. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A schema to capture a set of data that is relevant for many exchange documents. It includes information about the file that was created, and high-level information about the data that is being exchanged within the file. An identifier for the document. This is intended to be unique within the context of the NamingSystem. constraints:@minOccurs="1" Zero or more alternate names for the document. These names do not need to be unique within the naming system. The date of the creation of the document. This is not the same as the date that the file was created. For this date, the document is considered to be the set of information associated with this document information. For example, the document may be a seismic binset. This represents the date that the binset was created. The FileCreation information would capture the date that the XML file was created to send or exchange the binset. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A document class. Examples of classes would be a metadata classification or a set of keywords. The information about the creation of the exchange file. This is not about the creation of the data within the file, but the creation of the file itself. Information about the security to be applied to this file. More than one classification can be given. A free-form string that allows a disclaimer to accompany the information. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A collection of events that can document the history of the data. The owner of the data. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML query parameters. An optional comment about the document. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A structure for WITSML query parameters. The intent is to allow a query for all objects within an index range (whether or not the object is growing). These would typically be something like a daily report. The minimum start time for an object. This only applies to objects with a root level date and/or dateTime element(s). The objects may or not be growing objects but the See the API specification for behavior related to this query parameter. The maximum start time for an object. This only applies to objects with a root level date and/or dateTime element(s). See the API specification for behavior related to this query parameter. A block of information about the creation of the XML file. This is different than the creation of the data that is included within the file. The date and time that the file was created. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" If appropriate, the software that created the file. This is a free form string, and may include whatever information is deemed relevant. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The person or business associate that created the file. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Any comment that would be useful to further explain the creation of this instance document. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Information about the security classification of the document. This is intended as a documentation of the security so that the file will not inadvertently be sent to someone who is not allowed access to the data. This block also carries a date that the security classification expires. For example, a well log is confidential for a period of time, and then becomes open. All security classes are characterized by their classification systems. The security class in which this document is classified. Examples would be confidential, partner confidential, tight. The meaning of the class is determined by the System in which it is defined. constraints:@type="witsml:q_kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The security classification system. This gives context to the meaning of the Class value. constraints:@type="witsml:q_kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The date on which this security class is no longer applicable. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A general comment to further define the security class. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The audit records what happened to the data, to produce the data that is in this file. It consists of one or more events. constraints:@minOccurs="1" An event type captures the basic information about an event that has affected the data. The date on which the event took place. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The party responsible for the event. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A free form comment that can further define the event that occurred. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" An general address structure. This form is appropriate for most countries. The Name line of an address. If missing, use the Name of the business associate. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The Street is a generic term for the middle lines of an address. They may be a street address, PO Box, Suite number, or any lines that come between the "name" and "city" lines. This may be repeated for up to four, ordered lines. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The City for the business associate's address constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The Country may be included. Although this is optional, it is probably required for most uses. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A postal code, if appropriate for the country. In the USA this would be the five or nine digit zip code. constraints:@type="witsml:q_kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The type of address: mailing, physical, or both. constraints:@type="witsml:q_AddressKindEnum",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A geographic context of a report. The name of the country. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The state of province within the country. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of the field within whose context the report exists. An offshore context. An general comment that further explains the offshore location. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A type of offshore location that captures the North Sea Offshore terminology. An optional, uncontrolled value, which may be used to describe the general area of offshore North Sea in which the point is located. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The number or letter of the quadrant in the North Sea. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A lower case letter assigned if a block is subdivided. constraints:@type="witsml:q_str2",xsd:maxLength="2",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A generic type of offshore location. This allows an offshore location to be given by an Area Name, and up to four block names. A comment is also allowed. A general meaning of Area. It may be as general as 'UK North Sea' or 'Viosca Knoll'. The user community must agree on the meaning of this element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" One to four block ID's, that can more tightly locate the object. The BlockID should be an identifying name or code. The user community must agree on the exact meaning of this element. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" An offshore location using the North Sea Offshore terminology. constraints:@minOccurs="1" An general comment that further explains the offshore location. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The components of a persons name. A name prefix. Such as, Dr, Ms, Miss, Mr, etc. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The persons first name. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The persons middle name or initial name. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The persons last or given name. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A name suffix. Such as Esq, Phd, etc. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Production Activity Component Schema. Infomation about a lost production. Infomation about a lost injection. Information about the contaminants in water, and the general water quality. Infomation about a shutdown event. Infomation about an alarm. Information about a marine operation. Information about a cargo operation. A comment about a kind of operation. The time of the operation can be specified. A structure to record informaion about a single alarm. The date and time when the alarms went off. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The area where the alarm went off. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The type of alarm that went off. constraints:@type="witsml:q_kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The reason for the alarm going off. constraints:@type="witsml:q_descriptionString",xsd:maxLength="256",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A general comment relevant for the alarm. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Infomation about a cargo ship operation. Name of the cargo vessel for the installation. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The date and time that the vessel arrived. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The date and time that the vessel left. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Name of the captain of the vessel. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" the cargo identifier. constraints:@type="witsml:q_kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The cargo batch number. Used if the vessel needs to temporarily disconnect for some reason (e.g., weather). constraints:@type="witsml:q_nonNegativeCount",xsd:minInclusive="0",xsd:pattern=".+" Description of cargo on the vessel. constraints:@type="witsml:q_descriptionString",xsd:maxLength="256",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Gross oil loaded to the ship during the report period. Gross oil includes BS and W. This volume has been corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:q_volumeMeasure" Gross oil loaded to the ship in total during the operation. Gross oil includes BS and W. This volume has been corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:q_volumeMeasure" Net oil loaded to the ship during the report period. Net oil excludes BS and W, fuel, spill and leaks. This volume has been corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:q_volumeMeasure" Net oil loaded to the ship from the beginning of the month to the end of the reporting period. Net oil excludes BS and W, fuel, spill and leaks. This volume has been corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:q_volumeMeasure" Density of the liquid loaded to the tanker. This density has been corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:q_densityMeasure" Density of the liquid loaded to the tanker. constraints:@type="witsml:q_densityMeasure" Reid vapor pressure of the liquid. constraints:@type="witsml:q_pressureMeasure" Basic sediment and water is measured from a liquid sample of the production stream. It includes free water, sediment and emulsion and is measured as a volume percentage of the liquid. constraints:@type="witsml:q_volumePerVolumeMeasure" Salt content. The product formed by neutralization of an acid and a base. The term is more specifically applied to sodium chloride. constraints:@type="witsml:q_densityMeasure" A commnet about the operation. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Operational Health, Safety and Environment Component Schema. the number of incidents of accidents and injuries that were reported. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nonNegativeCount",xsd:minInclusive="0",xsd:pattern=".+" The amount of time since the most recent Lost Time Accident. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timeMeasure" The amount of time since the most recent accident prevention exercise. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timeMeasure" The amount of time since the most recent defined hazard and accident situation (Norwegian DFU). constraints:@type="witsml:q_timeMeasure" The number of medical treatments that have occurred. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nonNegativeCount",xsd:minInclusive="0",xsd:pattern=".+" The number of system alarms that have occurred. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nonNegativeCount",xsd:minInclusive="0",xsd:pattern=".+" The number of personnel safety introductions that have occurred. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nonNegativeCount",xsd:minInclusive="0",xsd:pattern=".+" A textual description of safety considerations. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Safety information at a specific installatino. Information about the weather at a point in time. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML -Installation Report Component Schema The installation represented by this report. Total count of beds available on the installation. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nonNegativeCount",xsd:minInclusive="0",xsd:pattern=".+" The count of personnel on a type of crew. One of the types is all personnel on board. The total cumulative amount of time worked during the reporting period. Commonly specified in units of hours. Note that a day unit translates to 24 hours worked. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timeMeasure" The total cumulative amount of time worked from the beginning of the month to the end of reporting period. Commonly specified in units of hours. Note that a day unit translates to 24 hours worked. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timeMeasure" The total cumulative amount of time worked from the beginning of the year to the end of reporting period. Commonly specified in units of hours. Note that a day unit translates to 24 hours worked. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timeMeasure" Health, Safety and Environmenal information. Production activities. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Lost Production Component Schema. A estimated lost volume and the reason for the loss. The estimated amount of oil and gas lost due to third party processing at an installation. Infomation about a marine operation. The beginning date and time that the information represents. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The ending date and time that the comment represents. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A general comment on marine activity in the area constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Name of supply vessel for the installation. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Name of standby vessel for the installation. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Comment regarding the supply ship. Comment regarding the standby vessel. Report of any basket movement to and from the installation. A comment on a special event in the marine area. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Operational Comments Component Schema. The kind of operation constraints:@type="witsml:q_OperationKind",xsd:enumeration="production",xsd:enumeration="well",xsd:enumeration="deviations",xsd:enumeration="maintenance",xsd:enumeration="construction",xsd:enumeration="power station failure",xsd:enumeration="air traffic",xsd:enumeration="other",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The beginning date and time that the comment represents. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The ending date and time that the comment represents. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A comment about the operation and/or the activities within the operation. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Safety Component Schema. The mean time between safety incidents. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timeMeasure" The count of a type of safety issue. Safety related comment. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Infomation about a shutdown event. The name of the installation which was shut down. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. A general description of the shutdown with reason and other relevant information. constraints:@type="witsml:q_descriptionString",xsd:maxLength="256",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The time the shutdown started. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The time the shutdown ended. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Downtime when the installation is unable to produce 100% of its capability. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timeMeasure" Estimated loss of oil deliveries because of the shutdown. This volume has been corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:q_volumeMeasure" Estimated loss of gas deliveries because of the shutdown. This volume has been corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:q_volumeMeasure" A description of main activities from time to time during the shutdown period. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Production losses due to Third Party Processing. The name of the installation which performed the processing. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. The estimated amount of oil lost. This volume has been corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure constraints:@type="witsml:q_volumeMeasure" The estimated amount of gas lost. This volume has been corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure constraints:@type="witsml:q_volumeMeasure" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Information about the contaminants in water, and the general water quality. The values are measured from a sample, which is described below. Values measured from other samples should be given in different instances of the type. An identifier of the point from which the sample was taken. This is an uncontrolled string value, which should be as descriptive as possible. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Total measured oil in the water after the water cleaning process, but before it is discharged from the installation. constraints:@type="witsml:q_massConcentrationMeasure" Total measured oil in the water after the water cleaning process, but before it is discharged from the installation constraints:@type="witsml:q_massMeasure" The amount of ammonium found in the water sample. constraints:@type="witsml:q_densityMeasure" The amount of total organic carbon found in the water. The water is under high temperature and the carbon left is measured constraints:@type="witsml:q_massConcentrationMeasure" The amount of Fenol found in the water sample. constraints:@type="witsml:q_densityMeasure" The amount of Glycol found in the water sample. constraints:@type="witsml:q_densityMeasure" The pH value of the treated water. The pH value is best given as a value, with no unit of measure, since there are no variations from the pH. constraints:@type="witsml:q_unitlessQuantity",xsd:pattern=".+" The temperature of the water before it is discharged. constraints:@type="witsml:q_thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" Total measured residual clorines in the water after the water cleaning process, but before it is discharged from the installation. constraints:@type="witsml:q_massConcentrationMeasure" Total measured Oxygen in the water after the water cleaning process, but before it is discharged from the installation. constraints:@type="witsml:q_massConcentrationMeasure" A measure of the cloudiness of water caused by suspended particles. constraints:@type="witsml:q_unitlessQuantity",xsd:pattern=".+" A measure of the number of particles in water as measured by a coulter counter. constraints:@type="witsml:q_massConcentrationMeasure" Any comment that may be useful in describing the water quality. There can be multiple comments. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Operations Weather Component Schema Date and time the information is related to. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Name of company that supplied the data. constraints:@type="witsml:q_str32",xsd:maxLength="32",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Atmospheric pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:q_pressureMeasure" The Beaufort wind scale is a system used to estimate and report wind speeds when no measuring apparatus is available. It was invented in the early 19th Century by Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort of the British Navy as a way to interpret winds from conditions. constraints:@type="witsml:q_beaufortScaleIntegerCode",xsd:minInclusive="0",xsd:maxInclusive="12",xsd:pattern=".+" Average temperature above ground for the period. Temperature of the atmosphere. constraints:@type="witsml:q_thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" Minimum temperature above ground. Temperature of the atmosphere. constraints:@type="witsml:q_thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" Maximum temperature above ground. constraints:@type="witsml:q_thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" A measure of the combined chilling effect of wind and low temperature on living things, also named chill factor, e.g., according to US weather service table, an air temperature of 30 degF with a 10 mi/h corresponds to a windchill of 22 degF. constraints:@type="witsml:q_thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" Sea temperature. constraints:@type="witsml:q_thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" Horizontal visibility. constraints:@type="witsml:q_lengthMeasure" The direction from which the waves are coming, measured from true north. constraints:@type="witsml:q_planeAngleMeasure" Average height of the waves. constraints:@type="witsml:q_lengthMeasure" An average of the higher 1/3 of the wave heights passing during a sample period (typically 20 to 30 minutes). constraints:@type="witsml:q_lengthMeasure" The maximum wave height. constraints:@type="witsml:q_lengthMeasure" The elapsed time between the passing of two wave tops. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timeMeasure" The direction from which the wind is blowing, measured from true north. constraints:@type="witsml:q_planeAngleMeasure" Wind speed. constraints:@type="witsml:q_velocityMeasure" Type of precipitation. constraints:@type="witsml:q_str32",xsd:maxLength="32",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Amount of precipitation. constraints:@type="witsml:q_lengthMeasure" Description of cloud cover. constraints:@type="witsml:q_str32",xsd:maxLength="32",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Height of cloud cover. constraints:@type="witsml:q_lengthMeasure" Current speed. constraints:@type="witsml:q_velocityMeasure" Azimuth of current. constraints:@type="witsml:q_planeAngleMeasure" Comments and remarks. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The WITSML API mandated plural root element which allows multiple singular objects to be sent. The plural name is formed by adding an "s" to the singular name. Information about the XML message instance. Information about a single productionOperation. constraints:@minOccurs="1" Data object schema version. The fourth level must match the version of the schema constraints (enumerations and XML loader files) that are assumed by the document instance. constraints:@use="required",@type="witsml:q_schemaVersionString",xsd:maxLength="16",xsd:pattern="1\.0\.0\.[1-9]?[0-9]\(PRODML\)",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Human recognizable context for the Production Operation Report. constraints:@minOccurs="1" The name of the facility which is represented by this report. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. The name and type of a facility whose context is relevant to the represented installation. The type of report. constraints:@type="witsml:q_kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The type of period that is being reported. This value must be consistent with the reporting start and end values. constraints:@type="witsml:q_ReportingPeriod",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The beginning date and time that the report represents. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The ending date and time that the report represents. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The beginning date that the report represents. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_date",xsd:pattern=".+" The ending date that the report represents. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_date",xsd:pattern=".+" The operator of the facilities in the report. The tile of the report if different from the name of the report. The geographic context of the report. The date that the report was issued. constraints:@type="witsml:q_date",xsd:pattern=".+" The person or company that issued the report. This may contain the role of the person or company within the context of the report. The date that the report was approved. constraints:@type="witsml:q_date",xsd:pattern=".+" The person or company that approved the report. This may contain the role of the person or company within the context of the report. A report for each installation A container element that contains elements that are common to all data objects. A container element that can contain custom or user defined data elements. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The intended abstract supertype of all singular data objects. A timestamp value used for min/max query parameters related to "growing objects". The meaning of the endpoint of an interval can be modified by the endpoint attribute. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractDateTime",xsd:pattern=".+" The element value for which a match is requested. The default is "inclusive". constraints:@type="witsml:q_EndpointQualifier",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" An email address with an attribute, used to "qualify" an email as personal, work, or permanent. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractTypeEnum",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The element value for which a match is requested. constraints:@type="witsml:q_AddressQualifier",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Identifies a facility. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The element value for which a match is requested. The kind of facility. constraints:@type="witsml:q_ReportingFacility",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The naming system within which the name is unique. For example, API or NPD. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" If the facility is defined and instantiated within the context of a WITSML server, this is a pointer to the uid value of that object instance. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A phone number with two attributes, used to "type" and "qualify" a phone number. The type would carry information such as fax, modem, voice, and the qualifier would carry information such as home or office. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractTypeEnum",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The element value for which a match is requested. The kind of phone such as voice or fax. constraints:@use="required",@type="witsml:q_PhoneType",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Indicates whether the number is personal, business or both. constraints:@type="witsml:q_AddressQualifier",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The phone number extension. constraints:@type="witsml:q_kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A reference to a name in another node of the xml hierachy. This value represents a foreign key from one element to another. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The element value for which a match is requested. A reference to the unique identifier (uid attribute) in the node referenced by the name value. This attribute is required within the context of a WITSML server. constraints:@type="witsml:q_refString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of something within a naming system. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The element value for which a match is requested. The naming system within the name is (hopefully) unique. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A one based count of personnel on a type of crew. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNonNegativeCount",xsd:minInclusive="0",xsd:pattern=".+" The element value for which a match is requested. The type of crew for which a count is being defined. constraints:@type="witsml:q_CrewType",xsd:enumeration="catering crew",xsd:enumeration="contractor crew",xsd:enumeration="day visitors",xsd:enumeration="drilling contract crew",xsd:enumeration="own crew",xsd:enumeration="own other crew",xsd:enumeration="other crew",xsd:enumeration="personnel on board",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A volume corrected to standard temperature and pressure. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractMeasure" The element value for which a match is requested. constraints:@use="required",@type="witsml:q_volumeUom",xsd:enumeration="m3",xsd:enumeration="acre.ft",xsd:enumeration="bbl",xsd:enumeration="bcf",xsd:enumeration="cm3",xsd:enumeration="dm3",xsd:enumeration="flozUK",xsd:enumeration="flozUS",xsd:enumeration="ft3",xsd:enumeration="galUK",xsd:enumeration="galUS",xsd:enumeration="ha.m",xsd:enumeration="hL",xsd:enumeration="in3",xsd:enumeration="1000ft3",xsd:enumeration="km3",xsd:enumeration="L",xsd:enumeration="Mbbl",xsd:enumeration="Mcf",xsd:enumeration="M(ft3)",xsd:enumeration="mi3",xsd:enumeration="mL",xsd:enumeration="M(m3)",xsd:enumeration="mm3",xsd:enumeration="MMbbl",xsd:enumeration="ptUK",xsd:enumeration="ptUS",xsd:enumeration="qtUK",xsd:enumeration="qtUS",xsd:enumeration="tcf",xsd:enumeration="um2.m",xsd:enumeration="yd3",xsd:maxLength="24",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Defines why the volume was lost. constraints:@use="required",@type="witsml:q_ReasonLost",xsd:enumeration="topside equipment failure-maint",xsd:enumeration="extended maint turnaround",xsd:enumeration="extended maint turnaround export",xsd:enumeration="preventive maint topside",xsd:enumeration="planned maint turnaround",xsd:enumeration="marked oil",xsd:enumeration="marked gas",xsd:enumeration="modification project",xsd:enumeration="operation mistakes",xsd:enumeration="other",xsd:enumeration="process and operation problem",xsd:enumeration="production",xsd:enumeration="regulatory reference",xsd:enumeration="reservoir",xsd:enumeration="testing and logging",xsd:enumeration="unavailable tanker storage",xsd:enumeration="well equipment failure-maint",xsd:enumeration="well planned operations",xsd:enumeration="well preventive maint",xsd:enumeration="weather problem",xsd:enumeration="hse",xsd:enumeration="strike/lock-out",xsd:enumeration="3rd party processing",xsd:enumeration="daily total loss of prod",xsd:enumeration="well problems",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A zero based count of a type of safety item. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNonNegativeCount",xsd:minInclusive="0",xsd:pattern=".+" The element value for which a match is requested. The type of safety issue for which a count is being defined. constraints:@type="witsml:q_SafetyType",xsd:enumeration="lost time incident",xsd:enumeration="lost time accident",xsd:enumeration="severe accident",xsd:enumeration="sick on board",xsd:enumeration="sent ashore",xsd:enumeration="restricted work",xsd:enumeration="first aid",xsd:enumeration="released to air",xsd:enumeration="released to water",xsd:enumeration="near miss",xsd:enumeration="fire",xsd:enumeration="hazard report card",xsd:enumeration="safety meeting",xsd:enumeration="permit with SJA",xsd:enumeration="total permits",xsd:enumeration="drill or exercise",xsd:enumeration="spill or leak",xsd:enumeration="job observation",xsd:enumeration="year-to-date incidents",xsd:enumeration="miscellaneous",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The type of period being reported by this count. constraints:@type="witsml:q_ReportingPeriod",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The element value for which a match is requested. The element value for which a match is requested. The element value for which a match is requested. The element value for which a match is requested. The element value for which a match is requested. The unit of measure for the value. The element value for which a match is requested.