The business associate describes any company, person, group, consultant, etc, which is associated within a context (e.g., a well). The information contained in this module is: (1) contact information, such as address, phone numbers, email, (2) alternate name, or aliases, and (3) associations, such as the business associate that this one is associated with, or a contact who is associated with this business associate. The name of the business associate. This can be the name of a person, business, group, etc. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The role of the business associate within the context. For example, "driller" or "operator", "lead agency - CEQA compliance" "regulatory contact", "safety contact". A business associate will generally have one role but the role may be called different things in different naming systems. constraints:@minOccurs="1" If the business associate is a person, this specifies the component names of the person. The alias is an alternate name of a business associate. It is generally associated with a naming system. An alias is not necessarily unique within the naming system. Note that address may occur more than once, because it may be necessary to give a physical address, a mailing address, or both. The various types of phone numbers may be given. The may be office or home, they may be a number for a cell phone, or for a fax, etc. Attributes of PhoneNumber declare the type of phone number that is being given. The email address may be home, office, or permanent. More than one may be given. The preferred method of being contacted within the context of this role. constraints:@type="witsml:ContactPreference",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A pointer to another business associate that this business associate is associated with. The most common situation is that of an employee being associated with a company. But it may also be, for example, a work group associated with a university. A pointer to a business associate (generally a person) who serves as a contact for this business associate. The count of the number of personnel in a group. constraints:@type="witsml:nonNegativeCount",xsd:minInclusive="0",xsd:pattern=".+" A general comment. This should not be used to carry semantic information. This is not intended to be machine interpretable. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Common Data Component Schema An identifier to indicate the data originator. This identifies the server that originally created the object and thus most of the uids in the object (but not necessarily the uids of the parents). This is typically a url. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" When the data was created at the persistent data store. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Last change of any element of the data at the persistent data store. The change time is not updated for a growing object while it is growing. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The item state for the data object. constraints:@type="witsml:ItemState",xsd:enumeration="actual",xsd:enumeration="model",xsd:enumeration="plan",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Comments and remarks. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The value of an independent (index) variable in a row of the curve table. The units of measure are specified in the curve definition. The first value corresponds to order=1 for colums where isIndex is true. The second to order=2. And so on. The number of index and data values must match the number of columns in the table. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:unitlessQuantity",xsd:pattern=".+" The value of a dependent (data) variable in a row of the curve table. The units of measure are specified in the curve definition. The first value corresponds to order=1 for columns where isIndex is false. The second to order=2. And so on. The number of index and data values must match the number of columns in the table. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:unitlessQuantity",xsd:pattern=".+" The definition of a curve. The order of the value in the index or data tuple. If isIndex is true this is the order of the (independent) index element. If isIndex is false, this is the order of the (dependent) value element. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:positiveCount",xsd:minInclusive="1",xsd:minInclusive="1",xsd:pattern=".+" The name of the variable in this curve. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" True (equal "1" or "true") indicates that this is an independent variable in this curve. At least one column column should be flagged as independent. constraints:@type="witsml:logicalBoolean",xsd:pattern=".+" The measure class of the variable. This defines which units of measure are valid for the value. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:MeasureClass",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unit of measure of the variable. The unit of measure must match a unit allowed by the measure class. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:uomString",xsd:maxLength="24",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Custom or User Defined Element and Attributes Component Schema. Specify custom element, attributes, and types in the custom data area. Any element or attribute in any namespace. It is strongly recommended that all custom data definitions be added to a unique namespace. A general timestamped comment structure. The name of the person providing the comment. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The role of the person providing the comment. This is the role of the person within the context of comment. constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The date and time where the comment begins to be valid. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The date and time where the comment is no longer valid. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The relevant comment. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A possibly temperature and pressure corrected desity value. The density of the product. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The temperature to which the density has been corrected. If not given then the ambient temperature is assumed. If given, then a pressure should also be given. Common standard temperatures are: 0 degC, 15 degC, 60 degF. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" The pressure to which the density has been corrected. If not given then the ambient pressure is assumed. If given, then a temperature should also be given. Common standard pressures are: 1 atm and 14.696 psi (which are equivalent). constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" A schema to capture a set of data that is relevant for many exchange documents. It includes information about the file that was created, and high-level information about the data that is being exchanged within the file. An identifier for the document. This is intended to be unique within the context of the NamingSystem. constraints:@minOccurs="1" Zero or more alternate names for the document. These names do not need to be unique within the naming system. The date of the creation of the document. This is not the same as the date that the file was created. For this date, the document is considered to be the set of information associated with this document information. For example, the document may be a seismic binset. This represents the date that the binset was created. The FileCreation information would capture the date that the XML file was created to send or exchange the binset. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A document class. Examples of classes would be a metadata classification or a set of keywords. The information about the creation of the exchange file. This is not about the creation of the data within the file, but the creation of the file itself. Information about the security to be applied to this file. More than one classification can be given. A free-form string that allows a disclaimer to accompany the information. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A collection of events that can document the history of the data. The owner of the data. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML query parameters. An optional comment about the document. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A structure for WITSML query parameters. The intent is to allow a query for all objects within an index range (whether or not the object is growing). These would typically be something like a daily report. The minimum start time for an object. This only applies to objects with a root level date and/or dateTime element(s). The objects may or not be growing objects but the See the API specification for behavior related to this query parameter. The maximum start time for an object. This only applies to objects with a root level date and/or dateTime element(s). See the API specification for behavior related to this query parameter. A block of information about the creation of the XML file. This is different than the creation of the data that is included within the file. The date and time that the file was created. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" If appropriate, the software that created the file. This is a free form string, and may include whatever information is deemed relevant. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The person or business associate that created the file. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Any comment that would be useful to further explain the creation of this instance document. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Information about the security classification of the document. This is intended as a documentation of the security so that the file will not inadvertently be sent to someone who is not allowed access to the data. This block also carries a date that the security classification expires. For example, a well log is confidential for a period of time, and then becomes open. All security classes are characterized by their classification systems. The security class in which this document is classified. Examples would be confidential, partner confidential, tight. The meaning of the class is determined by the System in which it is defined. constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The security classification system. This gives context to the meaning of the Class value. constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The date on which this security class is no longer applicable. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A general comment to further define the security class. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The audit records what happened to the data, to produce the data that is in this file. It consists of one or more events. constraints:@minOccurs="1" An event type captures the basic information about an event that has affected the data. The date on which the event took place. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The party responsible for the event. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A free form comment that can further define the event that occurred. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" An general address structure. This form is appropriate for most countries. The Name line of an address. If missing, use the Name of the business associate. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The Street is a generic term for the middle lines of an address. They may be a street address, PO Box, Suite number, or any lines that come between the "name" and "city" lines. This may be repeated for up to four, ordered lines. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The City for the business associate's address constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The Country may be included. Although this is optional, it is probably required for most uses. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A postal code, if appropriate for the country. In the USA this would be the five or nine digit zip code. constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The type of address: mailing, physical, or both. constraints:@type="witsml:AddressKindEnum",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A geographic context of a report. The name of the country. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The state of province within the country. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of the field within whose context the report exists. An offshore context. An general comment that further explains the offshore location. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A type of offshore location that captures the North Sea Offshore terminology. An optional, uncontrolled value, which may be used to describe the general area of offshore North Sea in which the point is located. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The number or letter of the quadrant in the North Sea. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A lower case letter assigned if a block is subdivided. constraints:@type="witsml:str2",xsd:maxLength="2",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A generic type of offshore location. This allows an offshore location to be given by an Area Name, and up to four block names. A comment is also allowed. A general meaning of Area. It may be as general as 'UK North Sea' or 'Viosca Knoll'. The user community must agree on the meaning of this element. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" One to four block ID's, that can more tightly locate the object. The BlockID should be an identifying name or code. The user community must agree on the exact meaning of this element. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" An offshore location using the North Sea Offshore terminology. constraints:@minOccurs="1" An general comment that further explains the offshore location. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The components of a persons name. A name prefix. Such as, Dr, Ms, Miss, Mr, etc. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The persons first name. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The persons middle name or initial name. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The persons last or given name. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A name suffix. Such as Esq, Phd, etc. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Alert Component Schema. An XPATH to the target value within the message containing this XPATH value. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The level of the alert. constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The type of alert. For example "off specification". constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A textual decription of the alert. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Volume component schema for defining business units. The type of business unit. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:BusinessUnitKind",xsd:enumeration="company",xsd:enumeration="field",xsd:enumeration="license",xsd:enumeration="business area",xsd:enumeration="platform",xsd:enumeration="terminal",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The human contextual name of the business unit. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A textual description of the business unit. constraints:@type="witsml:descriptionString",xsd:maxLength="256",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A component part of the unit. The composition of a unit may vary with time. This defines the ownership share or account information for a sub unit within the context of the whole unit. For ownership shares, at any one point in time the sum of the shares should be 100%. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Volume component schema for defining ownership shares of business units. Points to business unit which is part of another business unit. constraints:@minOccurs="1" Defines the ownership share in the parent unit at a point in time. This commonly applies at a parent source unit (e.g., a field or platform). Defines account information in the parent unit. This commonly applies at a parent terminus unit (e.g., a terminal), The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Volume component schema for defining ownership shares. The percent ownership of the sub-unit in the unit during the specified time. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasurePercent" The date on which the ownership became valid. constraints:@type="witsml:date",xsd:pattern=".+" The final date on which the ownership was valid. If no end date is specified, the share is considered to still be valid. constraints:@type="witsml:date",xsd:pattern=".+" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Volume component schema for defining account information. The identifier of the account of the sub-unit within the whole business unit. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The product associated with the account identifier. constraints:@type="witsml:ReportingProduct",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Volume Component Content Component Schema. The type of product whose relative content is being described. This should be a specific component (e.g., water) rather than a phase (e.g., aqueous). constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:ReportingProduct",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The type of product to which the product is being compared. If not given then the product is being compared against the overall flow stream. constraints:@type="witsml:ReportingProduct",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Gas oil ratio. The ratio between the total produced gas volume and the total produced oil volume including oil and gas volumes used on the installation. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" Gas oil ratio month to date. The gas oil ratio from the beginning of the month to the end of the reporting priod. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" Water concentration mass basis. The ratio of water produced compared to the mass of total liquids produced. constraints:@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasure" Water concentration volume basis. The ratio of water produced compared to the mass of total liquids produced. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The average atmospheric pressure during the reporting period. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" The volume of the fluid, possibly corrected to specific conditions of temperature and pressure. A positive value for an inlet port indicates flow into the port. A negative value for an inlet port indicates flow out of the port. A positive value for an outlet port indicates flow out of the port. A negative value for an outlet port indicates flow into of the port. This convention is designed such that a positive sign indicates an expected condition based on the intended port direction while a negative sign indicates an anomolous condition. DEPRECATED. Use volumeValue for new work. The uncorrected volume of the product. The sign of the value should conform to the above description of volumeValue. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@type="witsml:volumeQualifiedMeasure" DEPRECATED. Use volumeValue for new work. The volume of the fluid, corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure. The sign of the value should conform to the above description of volumeValue. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@type="witsml:volumeQualifiedMeasure" The flow rate of the product. The sign of the value should conform to the above description of volume. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@type="witsml:volumeFlowRateQualifiedMeasure" Temperature of the port. Specifying the temperature here (as opposed to in Period) implies that the temperature is constant for all periods of the flow. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" Pressure of the port. Specifying the pressure here (as opposed to in Period) implies that the pressure is constant for all periods of the flow. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" Absolute minimum pressure before the system will give an alarm. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" The internal differences between this port and one other port on this unit. The mass of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:massMeasure" The electrical energy represented by the product. constraints:@type="witsml:workMeasure" The actual volume divided by the potential volume. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" Reid vapor pressure of the product. The absolute vapor pressure of volatile crude oil and volatile petroleum liquids, except liquefied petroleum gases, as determined in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials under the designation ASTM D323-56. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" True vapor pressure of the product. The equilibrium partial pressure exerted by a petroleum liquid as determined in accordance with standard methods. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" Basic sediment and water is measured from a liquid sample of the production stream. It includes free water, sediment and emulsion and is measured as a volume percentage of the production stream. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The basic sediment and water as measured on the previous reporting period (e.g., day). constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The density of the fluid, possibly corrected to specific conditions of temperature and pressure. The density of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The mass basis flow rate of the product. This is used for things like a sand component. constraints:@type="witsml:massFlowRateMeasure" The density of the product after it has been corrected to standard temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The concentration of the product as a volume percentage of the product stream. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The molecular weight of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:unitlessQuantity",xsd:pattern=".+" The weight fraction of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasurePercent" The mole fraction of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:molarFractionMeasurePercent" The molar amount. constraints:@type="witsml:amountOfSubstanceMeasure" The specific gravity of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:dimensionlessMeasure" The temperature at which the heavier hydrocarbons come out of solution. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" The temperature at which the first water comes out of solution. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" Wobbe Index. A number which indicates interchangeability of fuel gasses and is obtained by dividing the heating value of a gas by the square root of its specific gravity. constraints:@type="witsml:modulusOfCompressionMeasure" The amount of heat which would be released by the complete combustion in air of a specific quantity of product at standard temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:modulusOfCompressionMeasure" Reid vapor pressure of stabilized crude. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" Basic sediment and water content in stabilized crude. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The density of stabilized crude. constraints:@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Report Facility Component Schema. The name of the facility. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. constraints:@minOccurs="1" For facilities whose name is unique within the context of another facility, the name of the parent facility. For example, if name represents a completion, then facilityParent1 would represent the name of the well within which name was unique. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. For facilities whose name is unique within the context of another facility, the name of the parent facility of parent1. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. An alternatative name of a facility. This is generally unique within a naming system. The above contextually unique name (that is, within the context of a parent) should also be listed as an alias. The Product Flow Unit representing the facility. This must be unique within the context of the Product Flow Network. constraints:@minOccurs="1" The Product Flow Network representing the facility. This can only be given if unit is given. This is only required if the network is not the same as the primary network that represents the Product Flow Model. This must be unique within the context of the Product Flow Model represented by this report. The name and type of a facility whose context is relevant to this facility. True (or 1) indicates that the well is producing. False (or 0) or not given indicates that the well is not producing. This only applies if the facility is a well or wellbore. constraints:@type="witsml:logicalBoolean",xsd:pattern=".+" True (or 1) indicates that the well is injecting. False (or 0) or not given indicates that the well is not injecting. This only applies if the facility is a well or wellbore. constraints:@type="witsml:logicalBoolean",xsd:pattern=".+" The storage capacity of the facility (e.g., a tank). constraints:@type="witsml:volumeMeasure" The amount of time that the facility was active during the reporting period. constraints:@type="witsml:timeMeasure" The reason for any down time during the reporting period. Usage values for one parameter associated with the facility. Reports a flow of a product. A timestamped remark about the facility. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Volume Flow Component Schema. The name of this flow within the context of this report. This might reflect some combination of the kind of flow, port, qualifier and related facility. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Indicates the type of flow that is being reported. The type of flow is an indication of the overall source or target of the flow. A production flow has one or more wells as the originating source. An injection flow has one or more wells as the ultimate target. An import flow has an offsite source. An export flow has an offiste target. A consumption flow generally has a kind of equipment as a target. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:ReportingFlow",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The Product Flow Port to which the flow is assigned. This is the port on the Product Flow Unit that represents the facility. The kind of port that this flow represents: inlet or outlet. constraints:@type="witsml:ProductFlowPortType",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of the facility represented by the port where the measurements were taken. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. An alternatative name of a facility represented by the port. This is generally unique within a naming system. The above contextually unique name (that is, within the context of a parent) should also be listed as an alias. Qualifies the type of flow that is being reported. constraints:@type="witsml:FlowQualifier",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Defines a specialization of the qualifier value. This should only be given if a qualifier is given. constraints:@type="witsml:FlowSubQualifier",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A second facility related to this flow. For a production flow, this would represent a role of 'produced for'. For an import flow, this would represent a role of 'inport from'. For an export flow, this would represent a role of 'export to'. A timestamp representing the version of this data. A flow (same port and products) with a more recent timestamp will represent the "current" version. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Identifies the source of the version. This will commonly be the name of the software which created the version. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" This is a pointer to the flow from which this flow was derived. Gas oil ratio. The ratio between the total produced gas volume and the total produced oil volume including oil and gas volumes used on the installation. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" Gas oil ratio month to date. The gas oil ratio from the beginning of the month to the end of the reporting priod. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" Water concentration mass basis. The ratio of water produced compared to the mass of total liquids produced. constraints:@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasure" Water concentration volume basis. The ratio of water produced compared to the mass of total liquids produced. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The average atmospheric pressure during the reporting period. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" The volume of the fluid, possibly corrected to specific conditions of temperature and pressure. A positive value for an inlet port indicates flow into the port. A negative value for an inlet port indicates flow out of the port. A positive value for an outlet port indicates flow out of the port. A negative value for an outlet port indicates flow into of the port. This convention is designed such that a positive sign indicates an expected condition based on the intended port direction while a negative sign indicates an anomolous condition. DEPRECATED. Use volumeValue for new work. The uncorrected volume of the product. The sign of the value should conform to the above description of volumeValue. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@type="witsml:volumeQualifiedMeasure" DEPRECATED. Use volumeValue for new work. The volume of the fluid, corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure. The sign of the value should conform to the above description of volumeValue. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@type="witsml:volumeQualifiedMeasure" The flow rate of the product. The sign of the value should conform to the above description of volume. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@type="witsml:volumeFlowRateQualifiedMeasure" Temperature of the port. Specifying the temperature here (as opposed to in Period) implies that the temperature is constant for all periods of the flow. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" Pressure of the port. Specifying the pressure here (as opposed to in Period) implies that the pressure is constant for all periods of the flow. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" Absolute minimum pressure before the system will give an alarm. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" The internal differences between this port and one other port on this unit. The mass of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:massMeasure" The electrical energy represented by the product. constraints:@type="witsml:workMeasure" The actual volume divided by the potential volume. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" Reid vapor pressure of the product. The absolute vapor pressure of volatile crude oil and volatile petroleum liquids, except liquefied petroleum gases, as determined in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials under the designation ASTM D323-56. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" True vapor pressure of the product. The equilibrium partial pressure exerted by a petroleum liquid as determined in accordance with standard methods. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" Basic sediment and water is measured from a liquid sample of the production stream. It includes free water, sediment and emulsion and is measured as a volume percentage of the production stream. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The basic sediment and water as measured on the previous reporting period (e.g., day). constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The density of the fluid, possibly corrected to specific conditions of temperature and pressure. The density of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The mass basis flow rate of the product. This is used for things like a sand component. constraints:@type="witsml:massFlowRateMeasure" The density of the product after it has been corrected to standard temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The concentration of the product as a volume percentage of the product stream. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The molecular weight of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:unitlessQuantity",xsd:pattern=".+" The weight fraction of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasurePercent" The mole fraction of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:molarFractionMeasurePercent" The molar amount. constraints:@type="witsml:amountOfSubstanceMeasure" The specific gravity of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:dimensionlessMeasure" The temperature at which the heavier hydrocarbons come out of solution. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" The temperature at which the first water comes out of solution. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" Wobbe Index. A number which indicates interchangeability of fuel gasses and is obtained by dividing the heating value of a gas by the square root of its specific gravity. constraints:@type="witsml:modulusOfCompressionMeasure" The amount of heat which would be released by the complete combustion in air of a specific quantity of product at standard temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:modulusOfCompressionMeasure" Reid vapor pressure of stabilized crude. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" Basic sediment and water content in stabilized crude. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The density of stabilized crude. constraints:@type="witsml:densityMeasure" Reports a product flow stream. A timestamped remark about the flow. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Volume Facility Parameter Set Component Schema. The name of the facility parameter. This should reflect the business semantics of all values in the set and not the underlying kind. For example, specify "diameter" rather than "length" or "distance". constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:FacilityParameter",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The port to which this parameter is assigned. This must be a port on the unit representing the parent facility of this parameter. If not specified then the parameter represents the unit. If the value is a measure (value with unit of measure), this defines the measurement class of the value. The units of measure for the value must conform to the list allowed by the measurement class in the unit dictionary file. Mutually exclusive with curveDefinition. constraints:@type="witsml:MeasureClass",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" If the value is a curve, this defines the meaning of the one column in the table representing the curve. Mutually exclusive with measureClass. Qualifies the type of parameter that is being reported. constraints:@type="witsml:FlowQualifier",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Defines a specialization of the qualifier value. This should only be given if a qualifier is given. constraints:@type="witsml:FlowSubQualifier",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A timestamp representing the version of this data. A parameter set with a more recent timestamp will represent the "current" version. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Identifies the source of the version. This will commonly be the name of the software which created the version. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The type of product that is being reported. This would be useful for something like specifying a tank procuct volume or level. constraints:@type="witsml:ReportingProduct",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A parameter value, possibly at a time. If a time is not given then only one parameter should be given. If a time is specified with one value then time should be specified for all values. Each value in a time series should be of the same underling kind of value (for example, a length measure). constraints:@minOccurs="1" A comment about the parameter. constraints:@type="witsml:commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Parameter Value Component Schema. The date and time at which the parameter applies. If no time is specified then the value is static. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A measure value. Unless the parameter is defined as a tuple, only one value should be specified. The measure class is defined by measureClass in the parent set. The unit of measure must conform to the units allowed by the measure class in the unit dictionary file. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@minOccurs="1" The values in one row of a curve. The aggregate of the curve rows represent the curve. constraints:@minOccurs="1" A string value. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@minOccurs="1" An integer value. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@minOccurs="1" A port related to the parameter. If a port is given then the corresponding unit usually must be given. For example, an "offset along network" parameter must specify a port from which the offset was measured. A unit related to the parameter. For example, an "offset along network" parameter must specify a port (on a unit) from which the offset was measured. An indication of some sort of abnormal condition relative this parameter. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Volume Period Component Schema. The type of period that is being reported. If not specified and a time is not given then the period is defined by the reporting period. constraints:@type="witsml:ReportingPeriod",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The beginning date and time that the period represents. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The day that the period represents. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:date",xsd:pattern=".+" The beginning date and time that the period represents. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The ending date and time that the period represents. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The beginning date that the period represents. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:date",xsd:pattern=".+" The ending date that the period represents. constraints:@type="witsml:date",xsd:pattern=".+" Gas oil ratio. The ratio between the total produced gas volume and the total produced oil volume including oil and gas volumes used on the installation. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" Gas oil ratio month to date. The gas oil ratio from the beginning of the month to the end of the reporting priod. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" Water concentration mass basis. The ratio of water produced compared to the mass of total liquids produced. constraints:@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasure" Water concentration volume basis. The ratio of water produced compared to the mass of total liquids produced. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The average atmospheric pressure during the reporting period. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" The volume of the fluid, possibly corrected to specific conditions of temperature and pressure. A positive value for an inlet port indicates flow into the port. A negative value for an inlet port indicates flow out of the port. A positive value for an outlet port indicates flow out of the port. A negative value for an outlet port indicates flow into of the port. This convention is designed such that a positive sign indicates an expected condition based on the intended port direction while a negative sign indicates an anomolous condition. DEPRECATED. Use volumeValue for new work. The uncorrected volume of the product. The sign of the value should conform to the above description of volumeValue. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@type="witsml:volumeQualifiedMeasure" DEPRECATED. Use volumeValue for new work. The volume of the fluid, corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure. The sign of the value should conform to the above description of volumeValue. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@type="witsml:volumeQualifiedMeasure" The flow rate of the product. The sign of the value should conform to the above description of volume. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@type="witsml:volumeFlowRateQualifiedMeasure" Temperature of the port. Specifying the temperature here (as opposed to in Period) implies that the temperature is constant for all periods of the flow. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" Pressure of the port. Specifying the pressure here (as opposed to in Period) implies that the pressure is constant for all periods of the flow. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" Absolute minimum pressure before the system will give an alarm. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" The internal differences between this port and one other port on this unit. The mass of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:massMeasure" The electrical energy represented by the product. constraints:@type="witsml:workMeasure" The actual volume divided by the potential volume. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" Reid vapor pressure of the product. The absolute vapor pressure of volatile crude oil and volatile petroleum liquids, except liquefied petroleum gases, as determined in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials under the designation ASTM D323-56. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" True vapor pressure of the product. The equilibrium partial pressure exerted by a petroleum liquid as determined in accordance with standard methods. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" Basic sediment and water is measured from a liquid sample of the production stream. It includes free water, sediment and emulsion and is measured as a volume percentage of the production stream. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The basic sediment and water as measured on the previous reporting period (e.g., day). constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The density of the fluid, possibly corrected to specific conditions of temperature and pressure. The density of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The mass basis flow rate of the product. This is used for things like a sand component. constraints:@type="witsml:massFlowRateMeasure" The density of the product after it has been corrected to standard temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The concentration of the product as a volume percentage of the product stream. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The molecular weight of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:unitlessQuantity",xsd:pattern=".+" The weight fraction of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasurePercent" The mole fraction of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:molarFractionMeasurePercent" The molar amount. constraints:@type="witsml:amountOfSubstanceMeasure" The specific gravity of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:dimensionlessMeasure" The temperature at which the heavier hydrocarbons come out of solution. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" The temperature at which the first water comes out of solution. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" Wobbe Index. A number which indicates interchangeability of fuel gasses and is obtained by dividing the heating value of a gas by the square root of its specific gravity. constraints:@type="witsml:modulusOfCompressionMeasure" The amount of heat which would be released by the complete combustion in air of a specific quantity of product at standard temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:modulusOfCompressionMeasure" Reid vapor pressure of stabilized crude. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" Basic sediment and water content in stabilized crude. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The density of stabilized crude. constraints:@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The relative amount of a component product in the product stream. Provides the sales context for this period. An indication of some sort of abnormal condition relative the values in this period. A timestamped remark about the amounts. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Product Volume Port Differential characteristics. A port on the other end of an internal connection. This should always be specified if a Product Flow Network is being referenced by this report. If this is not specified then there is an assumption that there is only one other port for the unit. For example, if this end of the connection represents an inlet port then the implied other end is the outlet port for the unit. The differential pressure between the ports. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" The differential temperature between the ports. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" The size of the choke. This characterizes the overall unit with respect to the flow restriction between the ports. The restriction might be implemented using a valve or an actual choke. constraints:@type="witsml:lengthMeasure" The relative size of the choke restriction. This characterizes the overall unit with respect to the flow restriction between the ports. The restriction might be implemented using a valve or an actual choke. constraints:@type="witsml:lengthPerLengthMeasure" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Volume Product Component Schema. The type of product that is being reported. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:ReportingProduct",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of product that is being reported. This is reserved for generic kinds like chemical. This factor describes the fraction of fluid in the source flow that is allocated to this product stream. The volumes reported here are derived from the source flow based on this split factor. This should be an allocation flow. constraints:@type="witsml:nonNegativeFraction",xsd:minInclusive="0",xsd:maxInclusive="1",xsd:pattern=".+" A reference to the source flow whose volumes are used to determine the volumes within this target product stream based on the split factor. Gas oil ratio. The ratio between the total produced gas volume and the total produced oil volume including oil and gas volumes used on the installation. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" Gas oil ratio month to date. The gas oil ratio from the beginning of the month to the end of the reporting priod. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" Water concentration mass basis. The ratio of water produced compared to the mass of total liquids produced. constraints:@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasure" Water concentration volume basis. The ratio of water produced compared to the mass of total liquids produced. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The average atmospheric pressure during the reporting period. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" The volume of the fluid, possibly corrected to specific conditions of temperature and pressure. A positive value for an inlet port indicates flow into the port. A negative value for an inlet port indicates flow out of the port. A positive value for an outlet port indicates flow out of the port. A negative value for an outlet port indicates flow into of the port. This convention is designed such that a positive sign indicates an expected condition based on the intended port direction while a negative sign indicates an anomolous condition. DEPRECATED. Use volumeValue for new work. The uncorrected volume of the product. The sign of the value should conform to the above description of volumeValue. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@type="witsml:volumeQualifiedMeasure" DEPRECATED. Use volumeValue for new work. The volume of the fluid, corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure. The sign of the value should conform to the above description of volumeValue. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@type="witsml:volumeQualifiedMeasure" The flow rate of the product. The sign of the value should conform to the above description of volume. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@type="witsml:volumeFlowRateQualifiedMeasure" Temperature of the port. Specifying the temperature here (as opposed to in Period) implies that the temperature is constant for all periods of the flow. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" Pressure of the port. Specifying the pressure here (as opposed to in Period) implies that the pressure is constant for all periods of the flow. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" Absolute minimum pressure before the system will give an alarm. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" The internal differences between this port and one other port on this unit. The mass of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:massMeasure" The electrical energy represented by the product. constraints:@type="witsml:workMeasure" The actual volume divided by the potential volume. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" Reid vapor pressure of the product. The absolute vapor pressure of volatile crude oil and volatile petroleum liquids, except liquefied petroleum gases, as determined in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials under the designation ASTM D323-56. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" True vapor pressure of the product. The equilibrium partial pressure exerted by a petroleum liquid as determined in accordance with standard methods. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" Basic sediment and water is measured from a liquid sample of the production stream. It includes free water, sediment and emulsion and is measured as a volume percentage of the production stream. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The basic sediment and water as measured on the previous reporting period (e.g., day). constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The density of the fluid, possibly corrected to specific conditions of temperature and pressure. The density of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The mass basis flow rate of the product. This is used for things like a sand component. constraints:@type="witsml:massFlowRateMeasure" The density of the product after it has been corrected to standard temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The concentration of the product as a volume percentage of the product stream. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The molecular weight of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:unitlessQuantity",xsd:pattern=".+" The weight fraction of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:massConcentrationMeasurePercent" The mole fraction of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:molarFractionMeasurePercent" The molar amount. constraints:@type="witsml:amountOfSubstanceMeasure" The specific gravity of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:dimensionlessMeasure" The temperature at which the heavier hydrocarbons come out of solution. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" The temperature at which the first water comes out of solution. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" Wobbe Index. A number which indicates interchangeability of fuel gasses and is obtained by dividing the heating value of a gas by the square root of its specific gravity. constraints:@type="witsml:modulusOfCompressionMeasure" The amount of heat which would be released by the complete combustion in air of a specific quantity of product at standard temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:modulusOfCompressionMeasure" Reid vapor pressure of stabilized crude. constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" Basic sediment and water content in stabilized crude. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasure" The density of stabilized crude. constraints:@type="witsml:densityMeasure" The relative amount of a component product in the product stream. Product amounts for a specific period. constraints:@minOccurs="1" A (possibly timstamped) remark about the product. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Report Facility Component Schema. The name of the facility. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This can also define the kind of facility. constraints:@minOccurs="1" For facilities whose name is unique within the context of another facility, the name of the parent facility. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. For facilities whose name is unique within the context of another facility, the name of the parent facility of parent1. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. A kind of facility where the specific name is not relevant. constraints:@type="witsml:ReportingFacility",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The Product Flow Port associated with the Product Flow Unit. constraints:@minOccurs="1" The Product Flow Unit representing the facility. constraints:@minOccurs="1" The Product Flow Network representing the facility. This is only required if the network is not the same as the primary network that represents the Product Flow Model. This must be unique within the context of the Product Flow Model represented by this report. WITSML - Product Flow Sales Set Schema. Defines the aspect being described. constraints:@type="witsml:SalesFlowPart",xsd:enumeration="opening balance",xsd:enumeration="closing balance",xsd:enumeration="input to storage",xsd:enumeration="lifting entitlement",xsd:enumeration="lifting entitlement remaining",xsd:enumeration="gain/loss",xsd:enumeration="adjusted closing",xsd:enumeration="lifted",xsd:enumeration="production -- value adjustment",xsd:enumeration="transaction",xsd:enumeration="completed lifting",xsd:enumeration="production imbalance",xsd:enumeration="partial lifting",xsd:enumeration="closing storage inventory",xsd:enumeration="tanker lifting",xsd:enumeration="pipeline lifting",xsd:enumeration="opflex",xsd:enumeration="linepack",xsd:enumeration="transfer",xsd:enumeration="production - mass adjustment",xsd:enumeration="swap",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A cargo identifier for the product. constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A cargo batch number. Used if the vessel needs to temporarily disconnect for some reason (e.g., weather). constraints:@type="witsml:nonNegativeCount",xsd:minInclusive="0",xsd:pattern=".+" The name of the shipper constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Defines the destination of the sale. Provides details on the sale. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Flow Sales Context Schema. A pointer to the business unit which owns the product. constraints:@minOccurs="1" Points to the business unit from which the product originated. The owner's share of the product. constraints:@type="witsml:volumePerVolumeMeasurePercent" An account identifier for the sale. constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A dated event related to the sale. The volume of the fluid, possibly corrected to specific conditions of temperature and pressure. Different volumes may be defined at different conditions but they should all represent the same mass of material. A pointer to a fluid sample analysis result object that is relevant to the sale. This sample may have been acquired previous to or after this period and is used for determining the allocated characteristics. The relative amount of a component product in the product. WITSML - Product Flow Sales Destination Schema. The name of the destination. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The type of destination. constraints:@type="witsml:SaleDestinationType",xsd:enumeration="harbor",xsd:enumeration="terminal",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The country of the destination. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Volume Sale Event Schema. The date of the event. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:date",xsd:pattern=".+" The kind of event. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:SaleEventKind",xsd:enumeration="xxxxxxxxxx",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A reference to a Flow within the current product volume report. This represents a foreign key from one element to another. A pointer to the flow within the facility. constraints:@minOccurs="1" A pointer to the facility that contains the flow. constraints:@minOccurs="1" A possibly temperature and pressure corrected volume value. The volume of the product. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. A value of "NaN" should be interpreted as null and should be not be given unless a status is also specified to explain why it is null. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:volumeQualifiedMeasure" The amount of heat which would be released by the complete combustion in air of the above volume of product. constraints:@type="witsml:modulusOfCompressionMeasure" The temperature to which the volume has been corrected. If not given then the ambient temperature is assumed. If given, then a pressure should also be given. Common standard temperatures are: 0 degC, 15 degC, 60 degF. constraints:@type="witsml:thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure" The pressure to which the volume has been corrected. If not given then the ambient pressure is assumed. If given, then a temperature should also be given. Common standard pressures are: 1 atm and 14.696 psi (which are equivalent). constraints:@type="witsml:pressureMeasure" The WITSML API mandated plural root element which allows multiple singular objects to be sent. The plural name is formed by adding an "s" to the singular name. Information about the XML message instance. Information about a single productVolume. Data object schema version. The fourth level must match the version of the schema constraints (enumerations and XML loader files) that are assumed by the document instance. constraints:@use="required",xsd:use="required",@type="witsml:schemaVersionString",xsd:maxLength="16",xsd:pattern="1\.0\.0\.[1-9]?[0-9]\(PRODML\)",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Human recognizable context for the Product Volume Report. constraints:@minOccurs="1" The name of the facility which is represented by this report. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. The name and type of a facility whose context is relevant to the represented installation. The type of report. constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The type of period that is being reported. This value must be consistent with the reporting start and end values. constraints:@type="witsml:ReportingPeriod",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The beginning date and time that the report represents. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The ending date and time that the report represents. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The beginning date that the report represents. constraints:@type="witsml:date",xsd:pattern=".+" The ending date that the report represents. constraints:@type="witsml:date",xsd:pattern=".+" The ending date that the report represents. constraints:@type="witsml:month" The minimum time index contained within the report. For the purposes of this parameter, a "period" or "facility parameter" without any time data should be assumed to have the time associated with the overall report. The minimum and maximum indexes are server query parameters and will be populated with valid values in a "get" result. See the WITSML API Specification appendix on "Special Handling" of growing objects for a description of the behavior related to this parameter. The maximum time index contained within the report. For the purposes of this parameter, a "period" or "facility parameter" without any time data should be assumed to have the time associated with the overall report. The minimum and maximum indexes are server query parameters and will be populated with valid values in a "get" result. See the WITSML API Specification appendix on "Special Handling" of growing objects for a description of the behavior related to this parameter. The definition of the "current time" index for this report. The current time index is a server query parameter which requests the selection of a single node from a recurring "period" set (e.g., the data related to one point in a time series). For the purposes of this parameter, a "period" without any time data should be assumed to have the time associated with the overall report. See the WITSML API Specification appendix on "Special Handling" of growing objects for a description of the behavior related to this parameter. constraints:@type="witsml:timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The calculation method for for "filling in" values in an indexed set. If not given, the default is that no calculations are performed to create data where none exists within an existing set. This is not to be construed as to prevent concepts such as simulation and forcasting from being applied in order to create a new set. This is a server query parameter. constraints:@type="witsml:CalculationMethod",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The operator of the facilities in the report. The tile of the report if different from the name of the report. The geographic context of the report. The date that the report was issued. constraints:@type="witsml:date",xsd:pattern=".+" The person or company that issued the report. This may contain the role of the person or company within the context of the report. The date that the report was approved. constraints:@type="witsml:date",xsd:pattern=".+" The person or company that approved the report. This may contain the role of the person or company within the context of the report. The Product Flow Model for the overall installation. This model represents all Product Flow Units referenced within this report. DEPRECATED. The elements which reference this have been DEPRECATED. Defines the standard temperature and pressure to which all standard volumes in this report have been corrected. This applies to all elements whose name is suffixed by Std and documented to be corrected to conditions of standard temperature and pressure. constraints:@type="witsml:StandardTempPress",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A business unit and related account or ownership share information. A facility for which product information is being reported. constraints:@minOccurs="1" A container element that contains elements that are common to all data objects. A container element that can contain custom or user defined data elements. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The intended abstract supertype of all singular data objects. A timestamp value used for min/max query parameters related to "growing objects". The meaning of the endpoint of an interval can be modified by the endpoint attribute. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractDateTime",xsd:pattern=".+" The default is "inclusive". constraints:@type="witsml:EndpointQualifier",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" An email address with an attribute, used to "qualify" an email as personal, work, or permanent. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractTypeEnum",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" constraints:@type="witsml:AddressQualifier",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Identifies a facility. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The kind of facility. constraints:@type="witsml:ReportingFacility",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The naming system within which the name is unique. For example, API or NPD. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" If the facility is defined and instantiated within the context of a WITSML server, this is a pointer to the uid value of that object instance. constraints:@type="witsml:uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A phone number with two attributes, used to "type" and "qualify" a phone number. The type would carry information such as fax, modem, voice, and the qualifier would carry information such as home or office. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractTypeEnum",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The kind of phone such as voice or fax. constraints:@use="required",xsd:use="required",@type="witsml:PhoneType",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Indicates whether the number is personal, business or both. constraints:@type="witsml:AddressQualifier",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The phone number extension. constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A julian date. A reference to a name in another node of the xml hierachy. This value represents a foreign key from one element to another. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A reference to the unique identifier (uid attribute) in the node referenced by the name value. This attribute is required within the context of a WITSML server. constraints:@type="witsml:refString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of something within a naming system. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The naming system within the name is (hopefully) unique. constraints:@type="witsml:nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A measure which may have a quality status. The measure class (e.g., length) must be defined within the context of the usage of this type (e.g., in another element). This should not be used if the measure class will always be the same thing. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractMeasure" An indicator of the quality of the value. constraints:@type="witsml:ValueStatus",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The kind of the value component. For example, "X" in a tuple of X and Y. constraints:@type="witsml:kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unit of measure for the value. This value must conform to the values allowed by the measure class. constraints:@use="required",xsd:use="required",@type="witsml:uomString",xsd:maxLength="24",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" An integer which may have a quality status. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractInt",xsd:pattern=".+" An indicator of the quality of the value. constraints:@type="witsml:ValueStatus",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A kind which may have a quality status. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractTypeEnum",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" An indicator of the quality of the value. constraints:@type="witsml:ValueStatus",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unit of measure for the value. The unit of measure for the value. An indicator of the quality of the value.