WITSML - Common Data Component Schema An identifier to indicate the data originator. This identifies the server that originally created the object and thus most of the uids in the object (but not necessarily the uids of the parents). This is typically a url. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" When the data was created at the persistent data store. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" Last change of any element of the data at the persistent data store. The change time is not updated for a growing object while it is growing. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The item state for the data object. constraints:@type="witsml:q_ItemState",xsd:enumeration="actual",xsd:enumeration="model",xsd:enumeration="plan",xsd:enumeration="unknown",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Comments and remarks. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Flow Connected Node Component Schema. Defines the node to which this port is connected. Only two ports should be actively connected to the same node at the same point in time. That is, a port should only be connected to one other port. There are no semantics for the node except common connection. All ports that are connected to a node with the the same name are inherently connected to each other. The name of the node is only required to be unique within the context of the current Product Flow Network (that is, not the overall model). All ports must be connected to a node and whether or not any other port is connected to the same node depends on the requirements of the network. Any node that is internally connected to only one node is presumably a candidate to be connected to an external node. The behavior of ports connected at a common node is as follows: a) There is no pressure drop across the node. All ports connected to the node have the same pressure. That is, there is an assumption of steady state fluid flow. b) Conservation of mass exists across the node. The mass into the node via all connected ports equals the mass out of the node via all connected ports. c) The flow direction of a port connected to the node may be transient. That is, flow direction may change toward any port if the relative internal pressure of the Product Flow Units change and a new steady state is achieved. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of a network plan. This indicates a planned connection. The connected port must be part of the same plan or be an actual. Not specified indicates an actual connection. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The date and time that the connection was activated. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The date and time that the connection was terminated. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A descriptive remark associated with this connection, possibly including a reason for termination. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Custom or User Defined Element and Attributes Component Schema. Specify custom element, attributes, and types in the custom data area. Any element or attribute in any namespace. It is strongly recommended that all custom data definitions be added to a unique namespace. A schema to capture a set of data that is relevant for many exchange documents. It includes information about the file that was created, and high-level information about the data that is being exchanged within the file. An identifier for the document. This is intended to be unique within the context of the NamingSystem. constraints:@minOccurs="1" Zero or more alternate names for the document. These names do not need to be unique within the naming system. The date of the creation of the document. This is not the same as the date that the file was created. For this date, the document is considered to be the set of information associated with this document information. For example, the document may be a seismic binset. This represents the date that the binset was created. The FileCreation information would capture the date that the XML file was created to send or exchange the binset. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A document class. Examples of classes would be a metadata classification or a set of keywords. The information about the creation of the exchange file. This is not about the creation of the data within the file, but the creation of the file itself. Information about the security to be applied to this file. More than one classification can be given. A free-form string that allows a disclaimer to accompany the information. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A collection of events that can document the history of the data. The owner of the data. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML query parameters. An optional comment about the document. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A structure for WITSML query parameters. The intent is to allow a query for all objects within an index range (whether or not the object is growing). These would typically be something like a daily report. The minimum start time for an object. This only applies to objects with a root level date and/or dateTime element(s). The objects may or not be growing objects but the See the API specification for behavior related to this query parameter. The maximum start time for an object. This only applies to objects with a root level date and/or dateTime element(s). See the API specification for behavior related to this query parameter. A block of information about the creation of the XML file. This is different than the creation of the data that is included within the file. The date and time that the file was created. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" If appropriate, the software that created the file. This is a free form string, and may include whatever information is deemed relevant. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The person or business associate that created the file. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Any comment that would be useful to further explain the creation of this instance document. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Information about the security classification of the document. This is intended as a documentation of the security so that the file will not inadvertently be sent to someone who is not allowed access to the data. This block also carries a date that the security classification expires. For example, a well log is confidential for a period of time, and then becomes open. All security classes are characterized by their classification systems. The security class in which this document is classified. Examples would be confidential, partner confidential, tight. The meaning of the class is determined by the System in which it is defined. constraints:@type="witsml:q_kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The security classification system. This gives context to the meaning of the Class value. constraints:@type="witsml:q_kindString",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The date on which this security class is no longer applicable. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A general comment to further define the security class. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The audit records what happened to the data, to produce the data that is in this file. It consists of one or more events. constraints:@minOccurs="1" An event type captures the basic information about an event that has affected the data. The date on which the event took place. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The party responsible for the event. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A free form comment that can further define the event that occurred. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Documents the point in time where changes were made. A name assigned to the change. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The timestamp associated with the change. All changes must use this timestamp. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" A textual reason for the change. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Flow Expected Property Component Schema. The expected kind of property. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_ReportingProperty",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The date and time that the sensor was activated on the port. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The date and time that the sensor was deactivated on the port. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" An alternative name for the sensor that will measure the property. Defines the expected flow and product pairs to be assigned to this port by a Product Volume report. A set of expected qualifiers can be defined for each pair. The aggregate of expectations on all properties should be a subset of the aggregate of expectations on the port. If no expectations are defined on the port then the port aggregate will be defined by the properties. A descriptive remark associated with this property. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Defines expected properties of a facility represented by a unit. The expected kind of facility property. Each property is documented to have values of a particular type. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_FacilityParameter",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The expected kind of qualifier of the property. constraints:@type="witsml:q_FlowQualifier",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A descriptive remark associated with this property. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A reference to an external port within a different Product Flow Model. This value represents a foreign key from one element to another. A pointer to the external port in the network that represents the current Model. This is the port to which a different model is being connected. constraints:@minOccurs="1" A pointer to the external port within the connected Model. This is the port on a different model to which the port on this model is connected. constraints:@minOccurs="1" A pointer to the Product Flow Model that contains the connected port. constraints:@minOccurs="1" The name of the facility that is represented by the connected model. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Flow Network External Port Component Schema. The name of the external port within the context of the current Product Flow Network. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Defines whether this port is an inlet or outlet. Note that this is a nominal intended direction. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_ProductFlowPortType",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" True ("true" or "1") indicates that the port is an exposed internal port and cannot be used in a connection external to the network. False ("false" or "0") or not given indicates a normal port. constraints:@type="witsml:q_logicalBoolean",xsd:pattern=".+" Defines the internal node to which this external port is connected. All ports (whether internal or external) that are connected to a node with the same name are connected to each other. Node names are unique to each network. The purpose of the external port is to provide input to or output from the internal network except when the port is an "exposed" port. The purpose of an exposed port is to allow the properties of the port to be seen external to the network. For an exposed port, the connection points to the associated port. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A descriptive remark about the port. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The non-contextual content of a WITSML Product Flow Network object. The name of the Product Flow Network. This must be unique within the context of the overall Product Flow Model. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of a network plan. This indicates a planned network. All child network components must all be planned and be part of the same plan. The parent network must either contain the plan (i.e., be an actual) or be part of the same plan. Not specified indicates an actual network. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A pointer to the network containing the unit that this network represents. That is, the Unit must exist in a different Network. If a parent network is not specified then the network represents the model. A model should only be represented by one network. The model network represents the overall installation. All other networks represent internal detail and should not be referenced from outside the model. The external ports on the model network represent the external ports to the overall Product Flow Model. A pointer to an external port on the Product Flow Model does not require the name of the model network because it is redundant to knowledge of the model name (i.e., there is a one-to-one correspondence). DEPRECATED. Use parentNetwork for all new work. A pointer to the Flow Unit that this network represents. The Unit must exist in a different Network. If a unit is not specified then the network represents the model. A model should only be represented by one network. The model network represents the overall installation. All other networks represent internal detail and should not be referenced from outside this model. The external ports on the model network represent the external ports to the overall Product Flow Model. A pointer to an external port on the Product Flow Model does not require the name of the model network because it is redundant to knowledge of the model name (i.e., there is a one-to-one correspondence). A unit model defines the internal behavior of a Flow Unit. A descriptive remark about the network. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" An external port. This exposes an internal node for the purpose of allowing connections to the internal behavior of the network. Networks that represent a Flow Unit should always have external ports. If this network represents a Unit then the name of the external port must match the name of a port on the Unit (i.e., they are logically the same port). A flow behavior for one unit. Within this context, a unit represents a usage of equipment for some purpose. The unit is generally identified by its function rather than the actual equipment used to realize the function. A unit might represent something complex like a field or separator or something simple like a valve or pump. constraints:@minOccurs="1" Documents that a change occurred at a particular time. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Flow Port Component Schema. The name of the port within the context of the Product Flow Unit. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of a network plan. This indicates a planned port. All child network components must all be planned and be part of the same plan. The parent unit must be part of the same plan or be an actual. Not specified indicates an actual port. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Defines whether this port is an inlet or outlet. This is a nominal intended direction. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_ProductFlowPortType",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of the facility represented by this Product Flow Port The name can be qualified by a naming system. The facility name is assumed to be unique within the context of the facility represented by the unit. This also defines the kind of facility. An alternatative name of a facility. This is generally unique within a naming system. The above contextually unique name should also be listed as an alias. True ("true" or "1") indicates that the port is an exposed internal port and cannot be used in a connection external to the unit. False ("false" or "0") or not given indicates a normal port. constraints:@type="witsml:q_logicalBoolean",xsd:pattern=".+" Defines the node to which this port is connected. A timestamp activates and deactivates the connection. Only one connectedNode should be active at any one point in time. There are no semantics for the node except common connection. All ports that are connected to a node with the the same name are inherently connected to each other. The name of the node is only required to be unique within the context of the current Product Flow Network (that is, not the overall model). All ports must be connected to a node and whether or not any other port is connected to the same node depends on the requirements of the network. Any node that is internally connected to only one port is presumably a candidate to be connected to an external node. The behavior of ports connected at a common node is as follows: a) There is no pressure drop across the node. All ports connected to the node have the same pressure. That is, there is an assumption of steady state fluid flow. b) Conservation of mass exists across the node. The mass into the node via all connected ports equals the mass out of the node via all connected ports. c) The flow direction of a port connected to the node may be transient. That is, flow direction may change toward any port(s) if the relative internal pressure of the Product Flow Units change and a new steady state is achieved. constraints:@minOccurs="1" Defines the expected flow and product pairs to be assigned to this port by a Product Volume report. A set of expected qualifiers can be defined for each pair. Defines the properties that are expected to be measured at this port. This can also specify the equipment tag(s) of the sensor that will read the value. Only one of each property kind should be active at any point in time. A descriptive remark associated with this port. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Defines an expected combination of kinds. The expected kind of flow. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_ReportingFlow",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The expected kind of product within the flow. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_ReportingProduct",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The expected kind of qualifier of the flow. constraints:@type="witsml:q_FlowQualifier",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Flow Unit Component Schema. The name of the Product Flow Unit within the context of the Product Flow Network. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of a network plan. This indicates a planned unit. All child network components must all be planned and be part of the same plan. The parent network must either contain the plan (i.e., be an actual) or be part of the same plan. Not specified indicates an actual unit. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A pointer to the network representing the internal behavior of this unit. The names of the external ports on the internal network must match the names of the ports on this unit. That is they are logically the same ports. The name of the facility for which this Product Flow Unit describes fluid flow connecton behavior. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. For facilities whose name is unique within the context of another facility, the name of the parent facility this named facility. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. For facilities whose name is unique within the context of another facility, the name of the parent facility of facilityParent1. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. An alternatative name of a facility. This is generally unique within a naming system. The above contextually unique name (that is, within the context of a parent) should also be listed as an alias. The name and type of a facility whose context is relevant to the represented facility. Defines an expected property of the facility represented by this unit. Defines the relative coordinate of the unit on a display screen. This is not intended for detailed diagrams. Rather it is intended to allow different applications to present a user view which has a consistent layout. An inlet or outlet port associated with this unit. If there is an internal network then the name of this port must match the name of an external port for that network. Any properties (e.g., volume, pressure, temperature) that are assigned to this port are inherently assigned to the corresponding external port on the internal network. That is, the ports are logically the same port. Similar to a node, there is no pressure drop across a port. Also similar to a node, conservation of mass exists across the port and the flow direction across the port can change over time if the relative pressures across connected units change. constraints:@minOccurs="1" A descriptive remark associated with this unit. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" WITSML - Product Flow Connected Node Component Schema. Defines the relative from-left-to-right location on a display screen. The display origin (0,0) is the upper left-hand corner of the display as viewed by the user. constraints:@type="witsml:q_lengthPerLengthMeasure" Defines the relative from-top-to-bottom location on a display screen. The display origin (0,0) is the upper left-hand corner of the display as viewed by the user. constraints:@type="witsml:q_lengthPerLengthMeasure" Defines the relative from-front-to-back location in a 3D system. The unrotated display origin (0,0) is the upper left-hand corner of the display as viewed by the user. The "3D picture" may be rotated on the 2d display. constraints:@type="witsml:q_lengthPerLengthMeasure" The WITSML API mandated plural root element which allows multiple singular objects to be sent. The plural name is formed by adding an "s" to the singular name. Information about the XML message instance. Information about a single Product Flow Model. Data object schema version. The fourth level must match the version of the schema constraints (enumerations and XML loader files) that are assumed by the documenti nstance. constraints:@use="required",@type="witsml:q_schemaVersionString",xsd:maxLength="16",xsd:pattern="1\.0\.0\.[1-9]?[0-9]\(PRODML\)",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of the Product Flow Model. constraints:@minOccurs="1",@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of the facility which is represented by this model. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility. The name and type of a facility whose context is relevant to the represented installation. The date and time of the start of validity for this model. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The date and time of the termination of validity for this model. constraints:@type="witsml:q_timestamp",xsd:pattern=".+" The time for which "currently existing" data is desired from the network. All connections (and related data) existing at this time (i.e. start and end bracket this value) will will be returned if requested. The existence time is a server query parameter. See the WITSML API Specification appendix on "Special Handling" of growing objects for a description of the behavior related to this parameter. The minimum time index contained within the report. The minimum and maximum indexes are server query parameters and will be populated with valid values in a "get" result. See the WITSML API Specification appendix on "Special Handling" of growing objects for a description of the behavior related to this parameter. The maximum time index contained within the report. The minimum and maximum indexes are server query parameters and will be populated with valid values in a "get" result. See the WITSML API Specification appendix on "Special Handling" of growing objects for a description of the behavior related to this parameter. Defines the external port in another Product Flow Model to which an external port in this model is connected. An external port should be connected to an external port with the opposite direction. The connected external port must be in another Product Flow Model. These connections should always be defined on a one-to-one basis. For example, if a facility may receive input from multiple other facilities then a separate input port should be defined for each of those facilities. This allows any question about mass balancing to be contained within each individual model. The external port name must match the name of an external port on the network that represents this model. The description of one named network within this model. Each model is self contained but may reference other newtorks for defining internal detail. One of the networks must represent this model. constraints:@minOccurs="1" A descriptive remark about the model. constraints:@type="witsml:q_commentString",xsd:maxLength="4000",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A container element that contains elements that are common to all data objects. A container element that can contain custom or user defined data elements. The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The intended abstract supertype of all singular data objects. A timestamp value used for min/max query parameters related to "growing objects". The meaning of the endpoint of an interval can be modified by the endpoint attribute. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractDateTime",xsd:pattern=".+" The element value for which a match is requested. The default is "inclusive". constraints:@type="witsml:q_EndpointQualifier",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" Identifies a facility. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The element value for which a match is requested. The kind of facility. constraints:@type="witsml:q_ReportingFacility",xsd:maxLength="40",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The naming system within which the name is unique. For example, API or NPD. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" If the facility is defined and instantiated within the context of a WITSML server, this is a pointer to the uid value of that object instance. constraints:@type="witsml:q_uidString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" A reference to a name in another node of the xml hierachy. This value represents a foreign key from one element to another. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The element value for which a match is requested. A reference to the unique identifier (uid attribute) in the node referenced by the name value. This attribute is required within the context of a WITSML server. constraints:@type="witsml:q_refString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:pattern="[^ ]*",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The name of something within a naming system. constraints:@base="witsml:abstractNameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The element value for which a match is requested. The naming system within the name is (hopefully) unique. constraints:@type="witsml:q_nameString",xsd:maxLength="64",xsd:whiteSpace="collapse",xsd:minLength="1" The element value for which a match is requested. The element value for which a match is requested. The element value for which a match is requested. The unit of measure for the value. The element value for which a match is requested.