Documentation for obj_object_profiled_data_schema

Simple Type: commentString

[Table of contents]

Super-types: xsd:string < abstractString (by restriction) < abstractMaximumLengthString (by restriction) < abstractCommentString (by restriction) < commentString (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name commentString
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type cs_businessAssociate , Complex Type cs_commonData , Complex Type cs_connectedNode , Complex Type cs_datedComment , Complex Type cs_documentInfo , Complex Type cs_documentInfo , Complex Type fileCreationType , Complex Type securityInfoType , Complex Type eventType , Complex Type cs_dtsCalibration , Complex Type cs_dtsErrorReport , Complex Type cs_dtsFiberEndPoint , Complex Type cs_dtsInstrumentBoxCalibration , Complex Type cs_dtsOtdr , Complex Type cs_dtsProcessedWellLog , Complex Type cs_dtsPumpLogRow , Complex Type enumList , Complex Type enumValue , Complex Type cs_fluidResultSaturationTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultVolumeReference , Complex Type cs_geographicContext , Complex Type cs_nameTag , Complex Type cs_offshoreLocation , Complex Type cs_productFlowChangeLog , Complex Type cs_productFlowExpectedPortProperty , Complex Type cs_productFlowExpectedUnitProperty , Complex Type cs_productFlowlExternalPort , Complex Type cs_productFlowNetwork , Complex Type cs_productFlowPort , Complex Type cs_productFlowUnit , Complex Type cs_productionOperationAlarm , Complex Type cs_productionOperationHSE , Complex Type cs_productionOperationMarineOperation , Complex Type cs_productionOperationOperationalComment , Complex Type cs_productionOperationWeather , Complex Type cs_productVolumeAlert , Complex Type cs_productVolumeAlert , Complex Type cs_productVolumeParameterSet , Complex Type cs_wellDatum , Model Group grp_fluidResultCommonTestGroup , Model Group grp_fluidSample , Model Group grp_productFlowModel , Complex Type obj_report
  • Base XSD Type: string
  • length >= 1
  • Whitespace policy: collapse
  • length <= 4000
Documentation A comment or remark intended for human consumption. There should be no assumption that semantics can be extracted from this field by a computer. Neither should there be an assumption that any two humans will interpret the information in the same way (i.e., it may not be interoperable).
Schema Component Representation
<xsd:simpleType name="commentString">
<xsd:restriction base=" witsml:abstractCommentString "/>