Documentation for obj_object_profiled_data_schema

Complex Type: generalQualifiedMeasure

[Table of contents]

Super-types: xsd:double < abstractDouble (by restriction) < abstractMeasure (by extension) < generalQualifiedMeasure (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name generalQualifiedMeasure
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type cs_productVolumeParameterValue
Abstract no
Documentation A measure which may have a quality status. The measure class (e.g., length) must be defined within the context of the usage of this type (e.g., in another element). This should not be used if the measure class will always be the same thing. If the 'status' attribute is absent and the value is not "NaN", the data value can be assumed to be good with no restrictions.
XML Instance Representation
status=" witsml:ValueStatus [0..1]

'An indicator of the quality of the value.'


component=" witsml:kindString [0..1]

'The kind of the value component. For example, \"X\" in a tuple of X and Y.'


uom=" witsml:uomString [1]

'The unit of measure for the value. This value must conform to the values allowed by the measure class.'

Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="generalQualifiedMeasure">
<xsd:extension base=" witsml:abstractMeasure ">
<xsd:attribute name="status" type=" witsml:ValueStatus " use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="component" type=" witsml:kindString " use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="uom" type=" witsml:uomString " use="required"/>