root / projects / MonthlyProductionReport_1.0 / XML / PRODML / PRODML_schemas_with_enum_4apr2008 / obj_dtsMeasurement_profiled_template_schema.xsd @ 244

Revision 17, 111.7 kB (checked in by ryland, 15 years ago)

Added project files for monthly production version 1.0

1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3        elementFormDefault="qualified"
4        attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
5        targetNamespace=""
6        xmlns:witsml=""
7        xmlns:xsd=""
8        version="1.3.1">
9   <!--                                                                                -->
10   <!-- Energistics License Agreement                                                  -->
11   <!-- This file is distributed under the Energistics License Agreement at            -->
12   <!--                                       -->
13   <!-- Use of this file constitutes agreement with the Energistics License Agreement. -->
14   <!--                                                                                -->
15   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_attgrp_uid.-->
16   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_businessAssociate.-->
17   <xsd:complexType name="q_cs_commonData">
18      <xsd:annotation>
19         <xsd:documentation>WITSML - Common Data Component Schema</xsd:documentation>
20      </xsd:annotation>
21      <xsd:sequence>
22         <xsd:element name="sourceName" type="witsml:q_nameString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
23            <xsd:annotation>
24               <xsd:documentation>An identifier to indicate the data originator. This identifies the server that originally created the object and thus most of the uids in the
25               object (but not necessarily the uids of the parents). This is typically a url.</xsd:documentation>
26            </xsd:annotation>
27         </xsd:element>
28         <xsd:element name="dTimCreation" type="witsml:q_timestamp_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
29            <xsd:annotation>
30               <xsd:documentation>When the data was created at the persistent data store.</xsd:documentation>
31            </xsd:annotation>
32         </xsd:element>
33         <xsd:element name="dTimLastChange" type="witsml:q_timestamp_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
34            <xsd:annotation>
35               <xsd:documentation>Last change of any element of the data at the persistent data store. The change time is not updated for a growing object while it is
36               growing.</xsd:documentation>
37            </xsd:annotation>
38         </xsd:element>
39         <xsd:element name="itemState" type="witsml:q_ItemState_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
40            <xsd:annotation>
41               <xsd:documentation>The item state for the data object.</xsd:documentation>
42            </xsd:annotation>
43         </xsd:element>
44         <xsd:element name="comments" type="witsml:q_commentString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
45            <xsd:annotation>
46               <xsd:documentation>Comments and remarks.</xsd:documentation>
47            </xsd:annotation>
48         </xsd:element>
49      </xsd:sequence>
50   </xsd:complexType>
51   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_connectedNode.-->
52   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_curveData.-->
53   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_curveDefinition.-->
54   <xsd:complexType name="q_cs_customData">
55      <xsd:annotation>
56         <xsd:documentation>WITSML - Custom or User Defined Element and Attributes Component Schema. Specify custom element, attributes, and types in the custom data
57         area.</xsd:documentation>
58      </xsd:annotation>
59      <xsd:sequence>
60         <xsd:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
61            <xsd:annotation>
62               <xsd:documentation>Any element or attribute in any namespace. It is strongly recommended that all custom data definitions be added to a unique
63               namespace.</xsd:documentation>
64            </xsd:annotation>
65         </xsd:any>
66      </xsd:sequence>
67   </xsd:complexType>
68   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_datedComment.-->
69   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_cs_densityValue.-->
70   <xsd:complexType name="q_cs_documentInfo">
71      <xsd:annotation>
72         <xsd:documentation>A schema to capture a set of data that is relevant for many exchange documents. It includes information about the file that was created, and high-level
73         information about the data that is being exchanged within the file.</xsd:documentation>
74      </xsd:annotation>
75      <xsd:sequence>
76         <xsd:element name="DocumentName" type="witsml:q_nameStruct" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
77            <xsd:annotation>
78               <xsd:documentation>An identifier for the document. This is intended to be unique within the context of the NamingSystem.</xsd:documentation>
79               <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
80            </xsd:annotation>
81         </xsd:element>
82         <xsd:element name="DocumentAlias" type="witsml:q_nameStruct" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
83            <xsd:annotation>
84               <xsd:documentation>Zero or more alternate names for the document. These names do not need to be unique within the naming system.</xsd:documentation>
85            </xsd:annotation>
86         </xsd:element>
87         <xsd:element name="DocumentDate" type="witsml:q_timestamp_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
88            <xsd:annotation>
89               <xsd:documentation>The date of the creation of the document. This is not the same as the date that the file was created. For this date, the document is considered
90               to be the set of information associated with this document information. For example, the document may be a seismic binset. This represents the date that the binset
91               was created. The FileCreation information would capture the date that the XML file was created to send or exchange the binset.</xsd:documentation>
92            </xsd:annotation>
93         </xsd:element>
94         <xsd:element name="documentClass" type="witsml:q_nameStruct" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
95            <xsd:annotation>
96               <xsd:documentation>A document class. Examples of classes would be a metadata classification or a set of keywords.</xsd:documentation>
97            </xsd:annotation>
98         </xsd:element>
99         <xsd:element name="FileCreationInformation" type="witsml:q_fileCreationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
100            <xsd:annotation>
101               <xsd:documentation>The information about the creation of the exchange file. This is not about the creation of the data within the file, but the creation of the file
102               itself.</xsd:documentation>
103            </xsd:annotation>
104         </xsd:element>
105         <xsd:element name="SecurityInformation" type="witsml:q_securityInfoType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5">
106            <xsd:annotation>
107               <xsd:documentation>Information about the security to be applied to this file. More than one classification can be given.</xsd:documentation>
108            </xsd:annotation>
109         </xsd:element>
110         <xsd:element name="Disclaimer" type="witsml:q_commentString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
111            <xsd:annotation>
112               <xsd:documentation>A free-form string that allows a disclaimer to accompany the information.</xsd:documentation>
113            </xsd:annotation>
114         </xsd:element>
115         <xsd:element name="AuditTrail" type="witsml:q_auditType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
116            <xsd:annotation>
117               <xsd:documentation>A collection of events that can document the history of the data.</xsd:documentation>
118            </xsd:annotation>
119         </xsd:element>
120         <xsd:element name="Owner" type="witsml:q_nameString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
121            <xsd:annotation>
122               <xsd:documentation>The owner of the data.</xsd:documentation>
123            </xsd:annotation>
124         </xsd:element>
125         <xsd:element name="QueryParam" type="witsml:q_queryParam" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
126            <xsd:annotation>
127               <xsd:documentation>WITSML query parameters.</xsd:documentation>
128            </xsd:annotation>
129         </xsd:element>
130         <xsd:element name="Comment" type="witsml:q_commentString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
131            <xsd:annotation>
132               <xsd:documentation>An optional comment about the document.</xsd:documentation>
133            </xsd:annotation>
134         </xsd:element>
135      </xsd:sequence>
136   </xsd:complexType>
137   <xsd:complexType name="q_queryParam">
138      <xsd:annotation>
139         <xsd:documentation>A structure for WITSML query parameters. The intent is to allow a query for all objects within an index range (whether or not the object is growing).
140         These would typically be something like a daily report.</xsd:documentation>
141      </xsd:annotation>
142      <xsd:sequence>
143         <xsd:element name="dTimMin" type="witsml:q_endpointQualifiedDateTime" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
144            <xsd:annotation>
145               <xsd:documentation>The minimum start time for an object. This only applies to objects with a root level date and/or dateTime element(s). The objects may or not be
146               growing objects but the See the API specification for behavior related to this query parameter.</xsd:documentation>
147            </xsd:annotation>
148         </xsd:element>
149         <xsd:element name="dTimMax" type="witsml:q_endpointQualifiedDateTime" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
150            <xsd:annotation>
151               <xsd:documentation>The maximum start time for an object. This only applies to objects with a root level date and/or dateTime element(s). See the API specification
152               for behavior related to this query parameter.</xsd:documentation>
153            </xsd:annotation>
154         </xsd:element>
155      </xsd:sequence>
156   </xsd:complexType>
157   <xsd:complexType name="q_fileCreationType">
158      <xsd:annotation>
159         <xsd:documentation>A block of information about the creation of the XML file. This is different than the creation of the data that is included within the
160         file.</xsd:documentation>
161      </xsd:annotation>
162      <xsd:sequence>
163         <xsd:element name="FileCreationDate" type="witsml:q_timestamp_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
164            <xsd:annotation>
165               <xsd:documentation>The date and time that the file was created.</xsd:documentation>
166               <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
167            </xsd:annotation>
168         </xsd:element>
169         <xsd:element name="SoftwareName" type="witsml:q_nameString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
170            <xsd:annotation>
171               <xsd:documentation>If appropriate, the software that created the file. This is a free form string, and may include whatever information is deemed
172               relevant.</xsd:documentation>
173            </xsd:annotation>
174         </xsd:element>
175         <xsd:element name="FileCreator" type="witsml:q_nameString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
176            <xsd:annotation>
177               <xsd:documentation>The person or business associate that created the file.</xsd:documentation>
178            </xsd:annotation>
179         </xsd:element>
180         <xsd:element name="Comment" type="witsml:q_commentString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
181            <xsd:annotation>
182               <xsd:documentation>Any comment that would be useful to further explain the creation of this instance document.</xsd:documentation>
183            </xsd:annotation>
184         </xsd:element>
185      </xsd:sequence>
186   </xsd:complexType>
187   <xsd:complexType name="q_securityInfoType">
188      <xsd:annotation>
189         <xsd:documentation>Information about the security classification of the document. This is intended as a documentation of the security so that the file will not
190         inadvertently be sent to someone who is not allowed access to the data. This block also carries a date that the security classification expires. For example, a well log
191         is confidential for a period of time, and then becomes open. All security classes are characterized by their classification systems.</xsd:documentation>
192      </xsd:annotation>
193      <xsd:sequence>
194         <xsd:element name="Class" type="witsml:q_kindString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
195            <xsd:annotation>
196               <xsd:documentation>The security class in which this document is classified. Examples would be confidential, partner confidential, tight. The meaning of the class is
197               determined by the System in which it is defined.</xsd:documentation>
198            </xsd:annotation>
199         </xsd:element>
200         <xsd:element name="SecuritySystem" type="witsml:q_kindString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
201            <xsd:annotation>
202               <xsd:documentation>The security classification system. This gives context to the meaning of the Class value.</xsd:documentation>
203            </xsd:annotation>
204         </xsd:element>
205         <xsd:element name="EndDate" type="witsml:q_timestamp_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
206            <xsd:annotation>
207               <xsd:documentation>The date on which this security class is no longer applicable.</xsd:documentation>
208            </xsd:annotation>
209         </xsd:element>
210         <xsd:element name="Comment" type="witsml:q_commentString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
211            <xsd:annotation>
212               <xsd:documentation>A general comment to further define the security class.</xsd:documentation>
213            </xsd:annotation>
214         </xsd:element>
215      </xsd:sequence>
216   </xsd:complexType>
217   <xsd:complexType name="q_auditType">
218      <xsd:annotation>
219         <xsd:documentation>The audit records what happened to the data, to produce the data that is in this file. It consists of one or more events.</xsd:documentation>
220      </xsd:annotation>
221      <xsd:sequence>
222         <xsd:element name="Event" type="witsml:q_eventType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
223            <xsd:annotation>
224               <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
225            </xsd:annotation>
226         </xsd:element>
227      </xsd:sequence>
228   </xsd:complexType>
229   <xsd:complexType name="q_eventType">
230      <xsd:annotation>
231         <xsd:documentation>An event type captures the basic information about an event that has affected the data.</xsd:documentation>
232      </xsd:annotation>
233      <xsd:sequence>
234         <xsd:element name="EventDate" type="witsml:q_timestamp_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
235            <xsd:annotation>
236               <xsd:documentation>The date on which the event took place.</xsd:documentation>
237               <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
238            </xsd:annotation>
239         </xsd:element>
240         <xsd:element name="ResponsibleParty" type="witsml:q_nameString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
241            <xsd:annotation>
242               <xsd:documentation>The party responsible for the event.</xsd:documentation>
243            </xsd:annotation>
244         </xsd:element>
245         <xsd:element name="Comment" type="witsml:q_commentString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
246            <xsd:annotation>
247               <xsd:documentation>A free form comment that can further define the event that occurred.</xsd:documentation>
248            </xsd:annotation>
249         </xsd:element>
250      </xsd:sequence>
251   </xsd:complexType>
252   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsBoxInformation.-->
253   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsCalibration.-->
254   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsCalibrationParameter.-->
255   <xsd:complexType name="q_cs_dtsErrorReport">
256      <xsd:annotation>
257         <xsd:documentation>A simple structure that allows an error report to be exchanged. The strucutre will allow for an error name, error id (generally a numerical code), and
258         a description.</xsd:documentation>
259      </xsd:annotation>
260      <xsd:sequence>
261         <xsd:element name="name" type="witsml:q_nameString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
262            <xsd:annotation>
263               <xsd:documentation>A name of the error.</xsd:documentation>
264            </xsd:annotation>
265         </xsd:element>
266         <xsd:element name="id" type="witsml:q_kindString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
267            <xsd:annotation>
268               <xsd:documentation>A code, or other id, for the error.</xsd:documentation>
269            </xsd:annotation>
270         </xsd:element>
271         <xsd:element name="description" type="witsml:q_commentString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
272            <xsd:annotation>
273               <xsd:documentation>A description of the error.</xsd:documentation>
274            </xsd:annotation>
275         </xsd:element>
276      </xsd:sequence>
277      <xsd:attribute name="uid" type="witsml:q_uidString" use="optional">
278         <xsd:annotation>
279            <xsd:documentation>The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no
280            assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only
281            required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element.</xsd:documentation>
282         </xsd:annotation>
283      </xsd:attribute>
284   </xsd:complexType>
285   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsFiber.-->
286   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsFiberEndPoint.-->
287   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsFiberInformation.-->
288   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsFiberInstalledPoints.-->
289   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsInstrumentBox.-->
290   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsInstrumentBoxCalibration.-->
291   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsOneWayLoss.-->
292   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsOtdr.-->
293   <xsd:complexType name="q_cs_dtsProcessedWellLog">
294      <xsd:annotation>
295         <xsd:documentation>Captures information about one processed wellLog.</xsd:documentation>
296      </xsd:annotation>
297      <xsd:sequence>
298         <xsd:element name="processing" type="witsml:q_kindString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
299            <xsd:annotation>
300               <xsd:documentation>The kind of processing used to create the new log.</xsd:documentation>
301               <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
302            </xsd:annotation>
303         </xsd:element>
304         <xsd:element name="derivedWellLog" type="witsml:q_refNameString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
305            <xsd:annotation>
306               <xsd:documentation>The resultant wellLog.</xsd:documentation>
307               <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
308            </xsd:annotation>
309         </xsd:element>
310         <xsd:element name="sourceWellLog" type="witsml:q_refNameString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
311            <xsd:annotation>
312               <xsd:documentation>The wellLog which was the primary source for creating the derived log.</xsd:documentation>
313            </xsd:annotation>
314         </xsd:element>
315         <xsd:element name="comment" type="witsml:q_commentString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
316            <xsd:annotation>
317               <xsd:documentation>A textual comment about the processing.</xsd:documentation>
318            </xsd:annotation>
319         </xsd:element>
320      </xsd:sequence>
321      <xsd:attribute name="uid" type="witsml:q_uidString" use="optional">
322         <xsd:annotation>
323            <xsd:documentation>The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no
324            assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only
325            required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element.</xsd:documentation>
326         </xsd:annotation>
327      </xsd:attribute>
328   </xsd:complexType>
329   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsPumpActivity.-->
330   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsPumpLogRow.-->
331   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsPumpLogTable.-->
332   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_dtsRefractiveIndex.-->
333   <xsd:complexType name="q_cs_dtsSingleInstalledPoint">
334      <xsd:annotation>
335         <xsd:documentation>A set of points recorded during the installation process. The information can include the length along the fiber, the measured depth, and a type of
336         point.</xsd:documentation>
337      </xsd:annotation>
338      <xsd:sequence>
339         <xsd:element name="md" type="witsml:q_measuredDepthCoord" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
340            <xsd:annotation>
341               <xsd:documentation>The measured depth of the installed point of the fiber. This is optional, because the sender may want to record points that are outside the
342               well.</xsd:documentation>
343            </xsd:annotation>
344         </xsd:element>
345         <xsd:element name="lengthAlongFiber" type="witsml:q_lengthMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
346            <xsd:annotation>
347               <xsd:documentation>The length along the fiber, from the zero point, for this particular point.</xsd:documentation>
348               <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
349            </xsd:annotation>
350         </xsd:element>
351         <xsd:element name="type" type="witsml:q_InstalledFiberPoint_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
352            <xsd:annotation>
353               <xsd:documentation>The type of point that is being recorded.</xsd:documentation>
354            </xsd:annotation>
355         </xsd:element>
356      </xsd:sequence>
357      <xsd:attribute name="uid" type="witsml:q_uidString" use="optional">
358         <xsd:annotation>
359            <xsd:documentation>The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no
360            assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only
361            required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element.</xsd:documentation>
362         </xsd:annotation>
363      </xsd:attribute>
364   </xsd:complexType>
365   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultCceTestStep.-->
366   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultCompositeComposition.-->
367   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultComposition.-->
368   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultConstantCompositionExpansionTest.-->
369   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultConstantVolumeDepletionTest.-->
370   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultContaminant.-->
371   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultCvdTestStep.-->
372   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultDataQuality.-->
373   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultDifferentialLiberationTest.-->
374   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultDifferentialLiberationTestStep.-->
375   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultJCurveTest.-->
376   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultJCurveTestStep.-->
377   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultPhaseComposition.-->
378   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultSaturationTest.-->
379   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultSaturationTestStep.-->
380   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultSeparatorTest.-->
381   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultSeparatorTestStep.-->
382   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultStockTank.-->
383   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultTransportPropertiesTest.-->
384   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultTransportTestStep.-->
385   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_fluidResultVolumeReference.-->
386   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_generalAddress.-->
387   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_geographicContext.-->
388   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_nameTag.-->
389   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_northSeaOffshore.-->
390   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_offshoreLocation.-->
391   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_personName.-->
392   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productFlowChangeLog.-->
393   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productFlowExpectedPortProperty.-->
394   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productFlowExpectedUnitProperty.-->
395   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productFlowExternalReference.-->
396   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productFlowlExternalPort.-->
397   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productFlowNetwork.-->
398   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productFlowNetworkPlan.-->
399   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productFlowPort.-->
400   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productFlowQualifierExpected.-->
401   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productFlowUnit.-->
402   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productionOperationActivity.-->
403   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productionOperationAlarm.-->
404   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productionOperationCargoShipOperation.-->
405   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productionOperationHSE.-->
406   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productionOperationInstallationReport.-->
407   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productionOperationLostProduction.-->
408   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productionOperationMarineOperation.-->
409   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productionOperationOperationalComment.-->
410   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productionOperationSafety.-->
411   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productionOperationShutdown.-->
412   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productionOperationThirdPartyProcessing.-->
413   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productionOperationWaterCleaningQuality.-->
414   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productionOperationWeather.-->
415   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeAlert.-->
416   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeBusinessUnit.-->
417   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeBusinessSubUnit.-->
418   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeBusinessOwnershipShare.-->
419   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeBusinessAccountInfo.-->
420   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type BusinessUnitKind.-->
421   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeComponentContent.-->
422   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeFacility.-->
423   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeFlow.-->
424   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeParameterSet.-->
425   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeParameterValue.-->
426   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumePeriod.-->
427   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_cs_productVolumePortDifference.-->
428   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeProduct.-->
429   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeRelatedFacility.-->
430   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeSalesSet.-->
431   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeSalesDetail.-->
432   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeDestination.-->
433   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_productVolumeSaleEvent.-->
434   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type SaleEventKind.-->
435   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type SalesFlowPart.-->
436   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type SaleDestinationType.-->
437   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_refProductFlow.-->
438   <xsd:complexType name="q_cs_refWellWellbore">
439      <xsd:annotation>
440         <xsd:documentation>Data that represents a foreign key to a wellbore. The wellbore may be defined within the context of another well.</xsd:documentation>
441      </xsd:annotation>
442      <xsd:sequence>
443         <xsd:element name="wellboreReference" type="witsml:q_refNameString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
444            <xsd:annotation>
445               <xsd:documentation>A pointer the wellbore with which there is a relationship.</xsd:documentation>
446               <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
447            </xsd:annotation>
448         </xsd:element>
449         <xsd:element name="wellParent" type="witsml:q_refNameString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
450            <xsd:annotation>
451               <xsd:documentation>A pointer to the well that contains the wellboreReference. This is not needed unless the referenced wellbore is outside the context of a common
452               parent well.</xsd:documentation>
453            </xsd:annotation>
454         </xsd:element>
455      </xsd:sequence>
456   </xsd:complexType>
457   <xsd:complexType name="q_cs_refWellWellboreRig">
458      <xsd:annotation>
459         <xsd:documentation>A reference to a rig within a wellbore. The wellbore may be defined within the context of another well. This value represents a foreign key from one
460         node to another.</xsd:documentation>
461      </xsd:annotation>
462      <xsd:sequence>
463         <xsd:element name="rigReference" type="witsml:q_refNameString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
464            <xsd:annotation>
465               <xsd:documentation>A pointer to the rig with which there is a relationship.</xsd:documentation>
466               <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
467            </xsd:annotation>
468         </xsd:element>
469         <xsd:element name="wellboreParent" type="witsml:q_refNameString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
470            <xsd:annotation>
471               <xsd:documentation>A pointer to the wellbore that contains the rigReference. This is not needed unless the referenced rig is outside the context of a common parent
472               wellbore.</xsd:documentation>
473            </xsd:annotation>
474         </xsd:element>
475         <xsd:element name="wellParent" type="witsml:q_refNameString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
476            <xsd:annotation>
477               <xsd:documentation>A pointer to the well that contains the wellboreParent. This is not needed unless the referenced wellbore is outside the context of a common
478               parent well.</xsd:documentation>
479            </xsd:annotation>
480         </xsd:element>
481      </xsd:sequence>
482   </xsd:complexType>
483   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_relativeCoordinate.-->
484   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_cs_volumeValue.-->
485   <xsd:complexType name="q_cs_wellContext">
486      <xsd:annotation>
487         <xsd:documentation>Within the context of a WITSML Server, this data should duplicate the equivalent information in the well object.</xsd:documentation>
488      </xsd:annotation>
489      <xsd:sequence>
490         <xsd:element name="field" type="witsml:q_nameStruct" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
491            <xsd:annotation>
492               <xsd:documentation>Name of the field in which the well is located.</xsd:documentation>
493            </xsd:annotation>
494         </xsd:element>
495         <xsd:element name="wellAlias" type="witsml:q_nameStruct" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
496            <xsd:annotation>
497               <xsd:documentation>An alias name associated with the well. If the wellName is associated with a naming system then it should be included in this
498               list.</xsd:documentation>
499            </xsd:annotation>
500         </xsd:element>
501         <xsd:element name="wellDatum" type="witsml:q_cs_wellDatum" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
502            <xsd:annotation>
503               <xsd:documentation>A datum to which elevations and depths are referenced.</xsd:documentation>
504            </xsd:annotation>
505         </xsd:element>
506      </xsd:sequence>
507   </xsd:complexType>
508   <xsd:complexType name="q_cs_wellDatum">
509      <xsd:annotation>
510         <xsd:documentation>Defines the datums associated with elevation, vertical depth and measured depth coordinates within the context of a well.</xsd:documentation>
511      </xsd:annotation>
512      <xsd:sequence>
513         <xsd:element name="name" type="witsml:q_nameString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
514            <xsd:annotation>
515               <xsd:documentation>The human understandable contextual name of the reference datum.</xsd:documentation>
516            </xsd:annotation>
517         </xsd:element>
518         <xsd:element name="code" type="witsml:q_ElevCodeEnum_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
519            <xsd:annotation>
520               <xsd:documentation>The code value that represents the type of reference datum. This may represent a point on a device (e.g., kelly bushing) or it may represent a
521               vertical reference datum (e.g., mean sea level).</xsd:documentation>
522            </xsd:annotation>
523         </xsd:element>
524         <xsd:element name="datumName" type="witsml:q_wellKnownNameStruct" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
525            <xsd:annotation>
526               <xsd:documentation>The name of the vertical reference datum in a particular naming system. This should only be specified if the above 'code' represents some
527               variation of sea level. An optional short name (code) can also be specified. Specifying a well known datum is highly desired if the above code is a variant of sea
528               level because sea level varies over time and space. An example would be to specify a name of 'Caspian Sea' with a code of '5106' in the 'EPSG' naming
529               system.</xsd:documentation>
530            </xsd:annotation>
531         </xsd:element>
532         <xsd:element name="kind" type="witsml:q_kindString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
533            <xsd:annotation>
534               <xsd:documentation>Since various activities may use different points as measurement datums, it is useful to characterize the point based on its usage. A well
535               reference datum may have more than one such characterization. For example, it may be the datum used by the driller and logger for measuring their depths. Example
536               usage values would be 'permanent','driller', 'logger' 'WRP' (well reference point) and 'SRP' (site reference point).</xsd:documentation>
537            </xsd:annotation>
538         </xsd:element>
539         <xsd:element name="wellbore" type="witsml:q_cs_refWellWellbore" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
540            <xsd:annotation>
541               <xsd:documentation>A pointer to the wellbore that contains the reference datum. This should be specified if a measured depth is given.</xsd:documentation>
542            </xsd:annotation>
543         </xsd:element>
544         <xsd:element name="rig" type="witsml:q_cs_refWellWellboreRig" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
545            <xsd:annotation>
546               <xsd:documentation>A pointer to the rig that contains the device used as a reference datum. The rig may be associated with a wellbore in another well (e.g., pattern
547               drilling using a rig on a track).</xsd:documentation>
548            </xsd:annotation>
549         </xsd:element>
550         <xsd:element name="elevation" type="witsml:q_wellElevationCoord" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
551            <xsd:annotation>
552               <xsd:documentation>The gravity based elevation coordinate of this reference datum as measured from another datum. Positive moving upward from the elevation datum.
553               An elevation should be given unless this is a vertical reference datum (e.g., sea level).</xsd:documentation>
554            </xsd:annotation>
555         </xsd:element>
556         <xsd:element name="measuredDepth" type="witsml:q_measuredDepthCoord" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
557            <xsd:annotation>
558               <xsd:documentation>The measured depth coordinate of this reference datum as measured from another datum. The measured depth datum should either be the same as the
559               elevation datum or it should be relatable to the elevation datum through other datums. Positive moving toward the bottomhole from the measured depth datum. This
560               should be given when a local reference is "downhole", such as a kickoff point or ocean bottom template, and the borehole may not be vertical. If a Depth is given
561               then an Elevation should also be given.</xsd:documentation>
562            </xsd:annotation>
563         </xsd:element>
564         <xsd:element name="comment" type="witsml:q_commentString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
565            <xsd:annotation>
566               <xsd:documentation>A contextual description of the well reference datum.</xsd:documentation>
567            </xsd:annotation>
568         </xsd:element>
569      </xsd:sequence>
570      <xsd:attribute name="defaultMeasuredDepth" type="witsml:q_integerString" use="optional">
571         <xsd:annotation>
572            <xsd:documentation>True indicates that this is the default reference datum for measured depth coordinates. False or not given indicates that this is not the default
573            reference datum. Measured depth coordinates that do not specify a datum reference should be assumed to be measured relative to this default reference datum. Only one
574            reference datum may be designated as the default measured depth datum for each well. Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" ( or "0").</xsd:documentation>
575         </xsd:annotation>
576      </xsd:attribute>
577      <xsd:attribute name="defaultVerticalDepth" type="witsml:q_integerString" use="optional">
578         <xsd:annotation>
579            <xsd:documentation>True indicates that this is the default reference datum for vertical depth coordinates. False or not given indicates that this is not the default
580            reference datum. Vertical depth coordinates that do not specify a datum reference should be assumed to be measured relative to the default reference datum. Only one
581            reference datum may be designated as the default vertical depth datum for each well. Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" ( or "0").</xsd:documentation>
582         </xsd:annotation>
583      </xsd:attribute>
584      <xsd:attribute name="defaultElevation" type="witsml:q_integerString" use="optional">
585         <xsd:annotation>
586            <xsd:documentation>True indicates that this is the default reference datum for elevation coordinates. False or not given indicates that this is not the default
587            reference datum. Elevation coordinates that do not specify a datum reference should be assumed to be measured relative to the default reference datum. Only one
588            reference datum may be designated as the default elevation datum for each well. Values are "true" (or "1") and "false" ( or "0").</xsd:documentation>
589         </xsd:annotation>
590      </xsd:attribute>
591      <xsd:attribute name="uid" type="witsml:q_uidString" use="optional">
592         <xsd:annotation>
593            <xsd:documentation>The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no
594            assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only
595            required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element.</xsd:documentation>
596         </xsd:annotation>
597      </xsd:attribute>
598   </xsd:complexType>
599   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_wellTestBottomholeData.-->
600   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_wellTestCumulative.-->
601   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_wellTestFluidLevelTest.-->
602   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_wellTestFluidRate.-->
603   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_wellTestInjectionTestData.-->
604   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_wellTestInjectionTestResults.-->
605   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_wellTestInterval.-->
606   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_wellTestPointData.-->
607   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_wellTestProductionTestData.-->
608   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_wellTestProductionTestResults.-->
609   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_wellTestSeparatorData.-->
610   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_wellTestTestVolume.-->
611   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cs_wellTestWellheadData.-->
612   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type grp_commonPropertiesProductVolume.-->
613   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type grp_dtsInstalledSystem.-->
614   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type grp_fluidAnalysis.-->
615   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type grp_fluidAnalysisResult.-->
616   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type grp_fluidResultCommonTestGroup.-->
617   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type grp_fluidSample.-->
618   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type grp_productFlowModel.-->
619   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type grp_productionOperation.-->
620   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type grp_productVolume.-->
621   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type grp_wellTest.-->
622   <xsd:element name="dtsMeasurementQuerySet" type="witsml:q_obj_dtsMeasurements">
623      <xsd:annotation>
624         <xsd:documentation>The WITSML API mandated plural root element which allows multiple singular objects to be sent. The plural name is formed by adding an "s" to the
625         singular name.</xsd:documentation>
626      </xsd:annotation>
627   </xsd:element>
628   <xsd:complexType name="q_obj_dtsMeasurements">
629      <xsd:sequence>
630         <xsd:element name="documentInfo" type="witsml:q_cs_documentInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
631            <xsd:annotation>
632               <xsd:documentation>Information about the XML message instance.</xsd:documentation>
633            </xsd:annotation>
634         </xsd:element>
635         <xsd:element name="dtsMeasurement" type="witsml:q_obj_dtsMeasurement" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
636            <xsd:annotation>
637               <xsd:documentation>Main wrapper for all the distributed temperature survey information about the measurement. Note that this object must be accompanied by a wellLog
638               object in order to be complete.</xsd:documentation>
639               <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
640            </xsd:annotation>
641         </xsd:element>
642      </xsd:sequence>
643      <xsd:attribute name="version" type="witsml:q_schemaVersionString" use="optional">
644         <xsd:annotation>
645            <xsd:documentation>Data object schema version. The fourth level must match the version of the schema constraints (enumerations and XML loader files) that are assumed
646            by the document instance.</xsd:documentation>
647            <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@use="required"</xsd:appinfo>
648         </xsd:annotation>
649      </xsd:attribute>
650   </xsd:complexType>
651   <xsd:complexType name="q_obj_dtsMeasurement">
652      <xsd:complexContent>
653         <xsd:extension base="witsml:">
654            <xsd:annotation>
655               <xsd:documentation>The measurements of a DTS run are carried primarily in the wellLog object. The elements in this object are additional, defined parameters that
656               are needed to capture the context of the DTS measurement.</xsd:documentation>
657            </xsd:annotation>
658            <xsd:sequence>
659               <xsd:element name="nameWell" type="witsml:q_nameString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
660                  <xsd:annotation>
661                     <xsd:documentation>Human recognizable context for the well that contains the wellbore.</xsd:documentation>
662                     <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
663                  </xsd:annotation>
664               </xsd:element>
665               <xsd:element name="nameWellbore" type="witsml:q_nameString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
666                  <xsd:annotation>
667                     <xsd:documentation>Human recognizable context for the wellbore that contains the dts.</xsd:documentation>
668                     <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
669                  </xsd:annotation>
670               </xsd:element>
671               <xsd:element name="name" type="witsml:q_nameString_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
672                  <xsd:annotation>
673                     <xsd:documentation>Human recognizable context for the dts.</xsd:documentation>
674                     <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
675                  </xsd:annotation>
676               </xsd:element>
677               <xsd:element name="dTimMin" type="witsml:q_endpointQualifiedDateTime" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
678                  <xsd:annotation>
679                     <xsd:documentation>The minimum time index contained within the object. The minimum and maximum indexes are server query parameters and will be populated with
680                     valid values in a "get" result. That is, all measurements for a well in the specified period defined by the min/max. See the WITSML API Specification appendix
681                     on "Special Handling" of growing objects for a description of the behavior related to this parameter.</xsd:documentation>
682                  </xsd:annotation>
683               </xsd:element>
684               <xsd:element name="dTimMax" type="witsml:q_endpointQualifiedDateTime" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
685                  <xsd:annotation>
686                     <xsd:documentation>The maximum time index contained within the object. The minimum and maximum indexes are server query parameters and will be populated with
687                     valid values in a "get" result. See the WITSML API Specification appendix on "Special Handling" of growing objects for a description of the behavior related
688                     to this parameter.</xsd:documentation>
689                  </xsd:annotation>
690               </xsd:element>
691               <xsd:element name="dTimCurrent" type="witsml:q_timestamp_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
692                  <xsd:annotation>
693                     <xsd:documentation>The definition of the "current time" index for this object. The current time index is a server query parameter which requests the selection
694                     of a single node from a recurring set (e.g., the data related to one point in a time series). That is, the "most recent" (at or before the specified time)
695                     measurement for a well. See the WITSML API Specification appendix on "Special Handling" of growing objects for a description of the behavior related to this
696                     parameter.</xsd:documentation>
697                  </xsd:annotation>
698               </xsd:element>
699               <xsd:element name="wellContext" type="witsml:q_cs_wellContext" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
700                  <xsd:annotation>
701                     <xsd:documentation>Contextual data about the well that was tested.</xsd:documentation>
702                  </xsd:annotation>
703               </xsd:element>
704               <xsd:element name="dTim" type="witsml:q_timestamp_queryValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
705                  <xsd:annotation>
706                     <xsd:documentation>The date and time associated with the measurement. This will normally be the start of the run.</xsd:documentation>
707                  </xsd:annotation>
708               </xsd:element>
709               <xsd:element name="runDuration" type="witsml:q_timeMeasure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
710                  <xsd:annotation>
711                     <xsd:documentation>The length of time that the instrument box was operating while collecting DTS data.</xsd:documentation>
712                  </xsd:annotation>
713               </xsd:element>
714               <xsd:element name="installedSystemUsed" type="witsml:q_refNameString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
715                  <xsd:annotation>
716                     <xsd:documentation>A reference to the installed system that was used to make the measurements.</xsd:documentation>
717                     <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
718                  </xsd:annotation>
719               </xsd:element>
720               <xsd:element name="dataInWellLog" type="witsml:q_refNameString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
721                  <xsd:annotation>
722                     <xsd:documentation>A reference to the well log used to record the table of data.</xsd:documentation>
723                     <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minOccurs="1"</xsd:appinfo>
724                  </xsd:annotation>
725               </xsd:element>
726               <xsd:element name="connectedToFiber" type="witsml:q_refNameString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
727                  <xsd:annotation>
728                     <xsd:documentation>A reference to the fiber used to record the table of data. This is necessary only in the cases in which a dtsInstalledSystem has a
729                     multi-fiber installation. If there is only a single installed fiber, this element is unnecessary.</xsd:documentation>
730                  </xsd:annotation>
731               </xsd:element>
732               <xsd:element name="fiberEndConnected" type="witsml:q_refNameString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
733                  <xsd:annotation>
734                     <xsd:documentation>A pointer to the fiber connection node. If more than one node is available for a well/wellbore, this element is used to specify which node
735                     is connected to the instrument box. This name should correspond to the fiberEndPoint/name that is recorded in the installed system object.</xsd:documentation>
736                  </xsd:annotation>
737               </xsd:element>
738               <xsd:element name="fiberDefinedPoint" type="witsml:q_cs_dtsSingleInstalledPoint" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
739                  <xsd:annotation>
740                     <xsd:documentation>A known point of the fiber. This point should correspond to one that is given in the wellboreFiberSchematic, so that the relationship
741                     between the length of fiber values in the wellboreFiberSchematic can be related to the values in the measurement table.</xsd:documentation>
742                  </xsd:annotation>
743               </xsd:element>
744               <xsd:element name="errorReport" type="witsml:q_cs_dtsErrorReport" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
745                  <xsd:annotation>
746                     <xsd:documentation>An error that occurred during the measurement.</xsd:documentation>
747                  </xsd:annotation>
748               </xsd:element>
749               <xsd:element name="processedLog" type="witsml:q_cs_dtsProcessedWellLog" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
750                  <xsd:annotation>
751                     <xsd:documentation>A reference to a processed wellLog that represents this measurement.</xsd:documentation>
752                  </xsd:annotation>
753               </xsd:element>
754               <xsd:element name="commonData" type="witsml:q_cs_commonData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
755                  <xsd:annotation>
756                     <xsd:documentation>A container element that contains elements that are common to all data objects.</xsd:documentation>
757                  </xsd:annotation>
758               </xsd:element>
759               <xsd:element name="customData" type="witsml:q_cs_customData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
760                  <xsd:annotation>
761                     <xsd:documentation>A container element that can contain custom or user defined data elements.</xsd:documentation>
762                  </xsd:annotation>
763               </xsd:element>
764            </xsd:sequence>
765            <xsd:attribute name="uidWell" type="witsml:q_uidString" use="optional">
766               <xsd:annotation>
767                  <xsd:documentation>Unique identifier for the well. This uniquely represents the well referenced by the (possibly non-unique) nameWell.</xsd:documentation>
768               </xsd:annotation>
769            </xsd:attribute>
770            <xsd:attribute name="uidWellbore" type="witsml:q_uidString" use="optional">
771               <xsd:annotation>
772                  <xsd:documentation>Unique identifier for the wellbore. This uniquely represents the wellbore referenced by the (possibly non-unique)
773                  nameWellbore.</xsd:documentation>
774               </xsd:annotation>
775            </xsd:attribute>
776            <xsd:attribute name="uid" type="witsml:q_uidString" use="optional">
777               <xsd:annotation>
778                  <xsd:documentation>The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no
779                  assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is
780                  only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element.</xsd:documentation>
781               </xsd:annotation>
782            </xsd:attribute>
783         </xsd:extension>
784      </xsd:complexContent>
785   </xsd:complexType>
786   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractBoolean.-->
787   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractBoolean_queryValue.-->
788   <xsd:simpleType name="q_abstractDateTime">
789      <xsd:annotation>
790         <xsd:documentation>This type disallows an "empty" dateTime value. This type should not be used directly except to derive another type. All dateTime types should be
791         derived from this type rather than using xsd:dateTime.</xsd:documentation>
792      </xsd:annotation>
793      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:dateTime">
794         <xsd:pattern value=".+" />
795      </xsd:restriction>
796   </xsd:simpleType>
797   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractDateTime_queryValue.-->
798   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractDate.-->
799   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractDate_queryValue.-->
800   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type abstractYear.-->
801   <xsd:simpleType name="q_abstractDouble">
802      <xsd:annotation>
803         <xsd:documentation>This type disallows an "empty" double value. This type should not be used directly except to derive another type.</xsd:documentation>
804      </xsd:annotation>
805      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:double">
806         <xsd:pattern value=".+" />
807      </xsd:restriction>
808   </xsd:simpleType>
809   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractDouble_queryValue.-->
810   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type abstractShort.-->
811   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type abstractInt.-->
812   <xsd:simpleType name="q_abstractString">
813      <xsd:annotation>
814         <xsd:documentation>The intended abstract supertype of all strings. This abstract type allows the control over whitespace for all strings to be defined at a high level.
815         This type should not be used directly except to derive another type.</xsd:documentation>
816      </xsd:annotation>
817      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
818         <xsd:whiteSpace value="collapse">
819            <xsd:annotation>
820               <xsd:documentation>Replace tab, line feed and carriage return with a space, collapse contiguous sequences of spaces to a single space and then remove leading and
821               trailing spaces.</xsd:documentation>
822            </xsd:annotation>
823         </xsd:whiteSpace>
824         <xsd:minLength value="0">
825            <xsd:annotation>
826               <xsd:documentation>The empty string is not allowed. This constraint conbined with the whiteSpace collapse constraint means that a blank value is not
827               allowed.</xsd:documentation>
828               <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@minLength="1",</xsd:appinfo>
829            </xsd:annotation>
830         </xsd:minLength>
831      </xsd:restriction>
832   </xsd:simpleType>
833   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractString_queryValue.-->
834   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractMeasure.-->
835   <xsd:simpleType name="q_abstractMaximumLengthString">
836      <xsd:annotation>
837         <xsd:documentation>This defines the maximum acceptable length of a string that can be stored in a data base.</xsd:documentation>
838      </xsd:annotation>
839      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractString">
840         <xsd:maxLength value="4000">
841            <xsd:annotation>
842               <xsd:documentation>This value should be the smallest "maximum size of a variable length character type" in commonly used DBMSs. This is the maximum size of a
843               VARCHAR2 in Oracle 8.</xsd:documentation>
844            </xsd:annotation>
845         </xsd:maxLength>
846      </xsd:restriction>
847   </xsd:simpleType>
848   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractMaximumLengthString_queryValue.-->
849   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractMaximumLengthString_unionSEL.-->
850   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type abstractUncollapsedString.-->
851   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type abstractContextualObject.-->
852   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractSingularDataObject.-->
853   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type abstractPositiveCount.-->
854   <xsd:simpleType name="q_abstractNameString">
855      <xsd:annotation>
856         <xsd:documentation>The intended abstract supertype of all user assigned human recognizable contextual name types. There should be no assumption that (interoperable)
857         semantic information will be extracted from the name by a third party. This type of value is generally not guaranteed to be unique and is not a candidate to be replaced
858         by an enumeration.</xsd:documentation>
859      </xsd:annotation>
860      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractString">
861         <xsd:maxLength value="64" />
862      </xsd:restriction>
863   </xsd:simpleType>
864   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractNameString_queryValue.-->
865   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractNameString_unionSEL.-->
866   <xsd:simpleType name="q_abstractUidString">
867      <xsd:annotation>
868         <xsd:documentation>The intended abstract supertype of all locally unique identifiers. The value is not intended to convey any semantic content (e.g., it may be computer
869         generated). The value is only required to be unique within a context in a document (e.g., defined via key and keyref). There is no guarantee that the same data in
870         multiple documents will utilize the same uid value unless enforced by the source of the document (e.g., a document server). Spaces are not allowed.</xsd:documentation>
871      </xsd:annotation>
872      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractString">
873         <xsd:maxLength value="64" />
874         <xsd:pattern value="[^ ]*" />
875      </xsd:restriction>
876   </xsd:simpleType>
877   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractUidString_queryValue.-->
878   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractUidString_unionSEL.-->
879   <xsd:simpleType name="q_abstractCommentString">
880      <xsd:annotation>
881         <xsd:documentation>The intended abstract supertype of all comments or remarks intended for human consumption. There should be no assumption that semantics can be
882         extracted from the field by a computer. Neither should there be an assumption that any two humans will interpret the information in the same way (i.e., it may not be
883         interoperable).</xsd:documentation>
884      </xsd:annotation>
885      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractMaximumLengthString" />
886   </xsd:simpleType>
887   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractCommentString_queryValue.-->
888   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractCommentString_unionSEL.-->
889   <xsd:simpleType name="q_abstractTypeEnum">
890      <xsd:annotation>
891         <xsd:documentation>The intended abstract supertype of all enumerated "types". This abstract type allows the maximum length of a type enumeration to be centrally defined.
892         This type should not be used directly except to derive another type. It should also be used for uncontrolled strings which are candidates to become enumerations at a
893         future date.</xsd:documentation>
894      </xsd:annotation>
895      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractString">
896         <xsd:maxLength value="40" />
897      </xsd:restriction>
898   </xsd:simpleType>
899   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractTypeEnum_queryValue.-->
900   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractTypeEnum_unionSEL.-->
901   <xsd:simpleType name="q_abstractUomEnum">
902      <xsd:annotation>
903         <xsd:documentation>The intended abstract supertype of all "units of measure". This abstract type allows the maximum length of a UOM enumeration to be centrally defined.
904         This type is abstract in the sense that it should not be used directly except to derive another type.</xsd:documentation>
905      </xsd:annotation>
906      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractString">
907         <xsd:maxLength value="24" />
908      </xsd:restriction>
909   </xsd:simpleType>
910   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractUomEnum_queryValue.-->
911   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_abstractUomEnum_unionSEL.-->
912   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type abstractNonNegativeCount.-->
913   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ActivityClassType.-->
914   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ActivityCode.-->
915   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type AddressKindEnum.-->
916   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type AddressQualifier.-->
917   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type AziRef.-->
918   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ArrayElementDataType.-->
919   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type BearingType.-->
920   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type BitDullCode.-->
921   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type BitReasonPulled.-->
922   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type BitType.-->
923   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type BhaStatus.-->
924   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type BladeShapeType.-->
925   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type BladeType.-->
926   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type BopType.-->
927   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type BoxPinConfig.-->
928   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type CalculationMethod.-->
929   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type CementJobType.-->
930   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ConnectionPosition.-->
931   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ContactPreference.-->
932   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type DeflectionMethod.-->
933   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type DerrickType.-->
934   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type DrawWorksType.-->
935   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type DriveType.-->
936   <xsd:simpleType name="q_ElevCodeEnum">
937      <xsd:annotation>
938         <xsd:documentation>The type of local or permanent reference datum for vertical gravity based (i.e., elevation and vertical depth) and measured depth coordinates within
939         the context of a well. This list includes local points (e.g., kelly bushing) used as a datum and vertical reference datums (e.g., mean sea level).</xsd:documentation>
940      </xsd:annotation>
941      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractTypeEnum">
942         <xsd:enumeration value="CF">
943            <xsd:annotation>
944               <xsd:documentation>casing flange: A flange affixed to the top of the casing string used to attach production equipment.</xsd:documentation>
945            </xsd:annotation>
946         </xsd:enumeration>
947         <xsd:enumeration value="CV">
948            <xsd:annotation>
949               <xsd:documentation>crown valve</xsd:documentation>
950            </xsd:annotation>
951         </xsd:enumeration>
952         <xsd:enumeration value="DF">
953            <xsd:annotation>
954               <xsd:documentation>derrick floor</xsd:documentation>
955            </xsd:annotation>
956         </xsd:enumeration>
957         <xsd:enumeration value="GL">
958            <xsd:annotation>
959               <xsd:documentation>ground level</xsd:documentation>
960            </xsd:annotation>
961         </xsd:enumeration>
962         <xsd:enumeration value="KB">
963            <xsd:annotation>
964               <xsd:documentation>kelly bushing</xsd:documentation>
965            </xsd:annotation>
966         </xsd:enumeration>
967         <xsd:enumeration value="RB">
968            <xsd:annotation>
969               <xsd:documentation>rotary bushing</xsd:documentation>
970            </xsd:annotation>
971         </xsd:enumeration>
972         <xsd:enumeration value="RT">
973            <xsd:annotation>
974               <xsd:documentation>rotary table</xsd:documentation>
975            </xsd:annotation>
976         </xsd:enumeration>
977         <xsd:enumeration value="SF">
978            <xsd:annotation>
979               <xsd:documentation>sea floor</xsd:documentation>
980            </xsd:annotation>
981         </xsd:enumeration>
982         <xsd:enumeration value="LAT">
983            <xsd:annotation>
984               <xsd:documentation>Lowest Astronomical Tide. The lowest tide level over the duration of the National Tidal Datum Epoch (19 years).</xsd:documentation>
985            </xsd:annotation>
986         </xsd:enumeration>
987         <xsd:enumeration value="SL">
988            <xsd:annotation>
989               <xsd:documentation>Mean Sea Level - A tidal datum. The arithmetic mean of hourly heights observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch (19
990               years).</xsd:documentation>
991            </xsd:annotation>
992         </xsd:enumeration>
993         <xsd:enumeration value="MHHW">
994            <xsd:annotation>
995               <xsd:documentation>Mean Higher High Water - A tidal datum. The average of the higher high water height of each tidal day observed over the National Tidal Datum
996               Epoch (19 years).</xsd:documentation>
997            </xsd:annotation>
998         </xsd:enumeration>
999         <xsd:enumeration value="MHW">
1000            <xsd:annotation>
1001               <xsd:documentation>Mean High Water - A tidal datum. The average of all the high water heights observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch (19
1002               years).</xsd:documentation>
1003            </xsd:annotation>
1004         </xsd:enumeration>
1005         <xsd:enumeration value="MLLW">
1006            <xsd:annotation>
1007               <xsd:documentation>Mean Lower Low Water - A tidal datum. The average of the lower low water height of each tidal day observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch
1008               (19 years ).</xsd:documentation>
1009            </xsd:annotation>
1010         </xsd:enumeration>
1011         <xsd:enumeration value="MLW">
1012            <xsd:annotation>
1013               <xsd:documentation>Mean Low Water - A tidal datum. The average of all the low water heights observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch (19
1014               years).</xsd:documentation>
1015            </xsd:annotation>
1016         </xsd:enumeration>
1017         <xsd:enumeration value="MTL">
1018            <xsd:annotation>
1019               <xsd:documentation>Mean Tide Level - A tidal datum. The arithmetic mean of mean high water and mean low water. Same as half-tide level.</xsd:documentation>
1020            </xsd:annotation>
1021         </xsd:enumeration>
1022         <xsd:enumeration value="KO">
1023            <xsd:annotation>
1024               <xsd:documentation>kickoff point</xsd:documentation>
1025            </xsd:annotation>
1026         </xsd:enumeration>
1027         <xsd:enumeration value="unknown">
1028            <xsd:annotation>
1029               <xsd:documentation>The value is not known. This value should not be used in normal situations. All reasonable attempts should be made to determine the appropriate
1030               value. Use of this value may result in rejection in some situations.</xsd:documentation>
1031            </xsd:annotation>
1032         </xsd:enumeration>
1033      </xsd:restriction>
1034   </xsd:simpleType>
1035   <xsd:complexType name="q_ElevCodeEnum_queryValue">
1036      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_ElevCodeEnum_unionSEL" />
1037   </xsd:complexType>
1038   <xsd:simpleType name="q_ElevCodeEnum_unionSEL">
1039      <xsd:union memberTypes="witsml:q_ElevCodeEnum witsml:q_unionSEL witsml:q_unionBlankEnumeration" />
1040   </xsd:simpleType>
1041   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type Ellipsoid.-->
1042   <xsd:simpleType name="q_EndpointQualifier">
1043      <xsd:annotation>
1044         <xsd:documentation>The meaning of the endpoint for min/max query parameters on "growing objects". The list of standard values is contained in the PRODML enumValues.xml
1045         file.</xsd:documentation>
1046      </xsd:annotation>
1047      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractTypeEnum">
1048         <xsd:enumeration value="inclusive">
1049            <xsd:annotation>
1050               <xsd:documentation>The endpoint of the range is inclusive of the specified range value. hat is, a node index value which matches the specified range value is
1051               considered to be within the range.</xsd:documentation>
1052            </xsd:annotation>
1053         </xsd:enumeration>
1054         <xsd:enumeration value="exclusive">
1055            <xsd:annotation>
1056               <xsd:documentation>The endpoint of the range is exclusive of the specified range value. That is, a node index value which matches the specified range value is
1057               considered to be outside the range.</xsd:documentation>
1058            </xsd:annotation>
1059         </xsd:enumeration>
1060         <xsd:enumeration value="extensive">
1061            <xsd:annotation>
1062               <xsd:documentation>The endpoint of the range may be extended to the first encountered value if an exact value match is not found. That is, if a node index value
1063               does not match the specified range value then the next smaller value (on minimum end) or larger value (on maximum end) in the index series should be used as the
1064               endpoint. Basically, this concept is designed to support interpolation across an undefined point.</xsd:documentation>
1065            </xsd:annotation>
1066         </xsd:enumeration>
1067         <xsd:enumeration value="overlap extensive">
1068            <xsd:annotation>
1069               <xsd:documentation>The endpoint of the range may be extended to the first encountered value if the interval is overlapped with the index interval. That is, if a
1070               node index value does not match the specified range value then the next smaller value (on minimum end) or larger value (on maximum end) in the index series should
1071               be used as the endpoint. This concept is designed to select ALL nodes whose index interval overlap with the query range.</xsd:documentation>
1072            </xsd:annotation>
1073         </xsd:enumeration>
1074         <xsd:enumeration value="unknown">
1075            <xsd:annotation>
1076               <xsd:documentation>The value is not known. This value should not be used in normal situations. All reasonable attempts should be made to determine the appropriate
1077               value. Use of this value may result in rejection in some situations.</xsd:documentation>
1078            </xsd:annotation>
1079         </xsd:enumeration>
1080      </xsd:restriction>
1081   </xsd:simpleType>
1082   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_EndpointQualifier_queryValue.-->
1083   <xsd:simpleType name="q_EndpointQualifier_unionSEL">
1084      <xsd:union memberTypes="witsml:q_EndpointQualifier witsml:q_unionSEL witsml:q_unionBlankEnumeration" />
1085   </xsd:simpleType>
1086   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type FacilityParameter.-->
1087   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type FiberMode.-->
1088   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type FlowQualifier.-->
1089   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type FlowSubQualifier.-->
1090   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type GasPeakType.-->
1091   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type GeodeticDatum.-->
1092   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type Hemispheres.-->
1093   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type HoleCasingType.-->
1094   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type HoleOpenerType.-->
1095   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type InjectionFluid.-->
1096   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type IntervalMethod.-->
1097   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type IntervalType.-->
1098   <xsd:simpleType name="q_ItemState">
1099      <xsd:annotation>
1100         <xsd:documentation>These values represent the state of a WITSML object.</xsd:documentation>
1101      </xsd:annotation>
1102      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractTypeEnum">
1103         <xsd:enumeration value="actual">
1104            <xsd:annotation>
1105               <xsd:documentation>Actual data measured or entered at the well site.</xsd:documentation>
1106            </xsd:annotation>
1107         </xsd:enumeration>
1108         <xsd:enumeration value="model">
1109            <xsd:annotation>
1110               <xsd:documentation>Model data used for "what if" calculations.</xsd:documentation>
1111            </xsd:annotation>
1112         </xsd:enumeration>
1113         <xsd:enumeration value="plan">
1114            <xsd:annotation>
1115               <xsd:documentation>A planned object. That is, one which is expected to be executed in the future.</xsd:documentation>
1116            </xsd:annotation>
1117         </xsd:enumeration>
1118         <xsd:enumeration value="unknown">
1119            <xsd:annotation>
1120               <xsd:documentation>The value is not known. This value should not be used in normal situations. All reasonable attempts should be made to determine the appropriate
1121               value. Use of this value may result in rejection in some situations.</xsd:documentation>
1122            </xsd:annotation>
1123         </xsd:enumeration>
1124      </xsd:restriction>
1125   </xsd:simpleType>
1126   <xsd:complexType name="q_ItemState_queryValue">
1127      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_ItemState_unionSEL" />
1128   </xsd:complexType>
1129   <xsd:simpleType name="q_ItemState_unionSEL">
1130      <xsd:union memberTypes="witsml:q_ItemState witsml:q_unionSEL witsml:q_unionBlankEnumeration" />
1131   </xsd:simpleType>
1132   <xsd:simpleType name="q_InstalledFiberPoint">
1133      <xsd:annotation>
1134         <xsd:documentation>The type of Distributed Temperature Survey (DTS) fiber point. The list of standard values is contained in the PRODML enumValues.xml
1135         file.</xsd:documentation>
1136      </xsd:annotation>
1137      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractTypeEnum">
1138         <xsd:enumeration value="splice">
1139            <xsd:annotation>
1140               <xsd:documentation>A point at which a fiber is physically, and semi-permanently, connected to another length of fiber.</xsd:documentation>
1141            </xsd:annotation>
1142         </xsd:enumeration>
1143         <xsd:enumeration value="connector">
1144            <xsd:annotation>
1145               <xsd:documentation>A point at which a cable connector is installed, which allows the fiber to be connected to another instrument or fiber
1146               length.</xsd:documentation>
1147            </xsd:annotation>
1148         </xsd:enumeration>
1149         <xsd:enumeration value="end of fiber">
1150            <xsd:annotation>
1151               <xsd:documentation>The end of the fiber. If a U-geometry is used, and a connector is at both ends, the connector classification should be used rather than the end
1152               of fiber classification.</xsd:documentation>
1153            </xsd:annotation>
1154         </xsd:enumeration>
1155         <xsd:enumeration value="base of fiber">
1156            <xsd:annotation>
1157               <xsd:documentation>The deepest point of the installed fiber in a well. This is a valid value for fiber installations that do NOT turn around at the bottom (J- and
1158               U-type installations).</xsd:documentation>
1159            </xsd:annotation>
1160         </xsd:enumeration>
1161         <xsd:enumeration value="turn around point">
1162            <xsd:annotation>
1163               <xsd:documentation>The point in the turn-around-sub at which measured depth stops increasing and begins decreasing. This is a valid value for fiber installations of
1164               the J- and U- type only.</xsd:documentation>
1165            </xsd:annotation>
1166         </xsd:enumeration>
1167         <xsd:enumeration value="start of fiber">
1168            <xsd:annotation>
1169               <xsd:documentation>The start of the fiber. If appropriate, the connector classification should be used instead of this classification.</xsd:documentation>
1170            </xsd:annotation>
1171         </xsd:enumeration>
1172         <xsd:enumeration value="oven entry point">
1173            <xsd:annotation>
1174               <xsd:documentation>The point on the fiber at which it enters the oven.</xsd:documentation>
1175            </xsd:annotation>
1176         </xsd:enumeration>
1177         <xsd:enumeration value="oven exit point">
1178            <xsd:annotation>
1179               <xsd:documentation>The point on the fiber at which it exits the oven. The oven exit point should be closer to the wellbore than the oven entry
1180               point.</xsd:documentation>
1181            </xsd:annotation>
1182         </xsd:enumeration>
1183         <xsd:enumeration value="downhole gauge">
1184            <xsd:annotation>
1185               <xsd:documentation>A downhole point on the fiber at which a gauge is attached.</xsd:documentation>
1186            </xsd:annotation>
1187         </xsd:enumeration>
1188         <xsd:enumeration value="DTS laser head">
1189            <xsd:annotation>
1190               <xsd:documentation>The connector between the laser head and the optical fiber.</xsd:documentation>
1191            </xsd:annotation>
1192         </xsd:enumeration>
1193         <xsd:enumeration value="DTS reference oven">
1194            <xsd:annotation>
1195               <xsd:documentation>The oven within or near the DTS instrument box which maintains a length of fiber at a reference temperature.</xsd:documentation>
1196            </xsd:annotation>
1197         </xsd:enumeration>
1198         <xsd:enumeration value="splice box">
1199            <xsd:annotation>
1200               <xsd:documentation>Container in which ends of lengths of fiber are joined.</xsd:documentation>
1201            </xsd:annotation>
1202         </xsd:enumeration>
1203         <xsd:enumeration value="wellhead junction box">
1204            <xsd:annotation>
1205               <xsd:documentation>The device at which a fiber originating at the instrument box is joined to a fiber installed in a wellbore. This is a recommended location at
1206               which LengthAlongFiber and measuredDepth in the wellbore are correlated</xsd:documentation>
1207            </xsd:annotation>
1208         </xsd:enumeration>
1209         <xsd:enumeration value="base tubing hanger flange">
1210            <xsd:annotation>
1211               <xsd:documentation>The device at the base of the wellhead to which the production tubing is attached. This is a recommended location at which LengthAlongFiber and
1212               measuredDepth in the wellbore are correlated.</xsd:documentation>
1213            </xsd:annotation>
1214         </xsd:enumeration>
1215         <xsd:enumeration value="PBR wet connect">
1216            <xsd:annotation>
1217               <xsd:documentation>The top-most point at which the fiber intersects the PBR (polished bore receptacle). For J- and U- installations, on the upward portion of the
1218               fiber, this is the point at which it leaves the pbf.</xsd:documentation>
1219            </xsd:annotation>
1220         </xsd:enumeration>
1221         <xsd:enumeration value="top ESP pump">
1222            <xsd:annotation>
1223               <xsd:documentation>The top of the electrical submersible pump (ESP). This is the minimum measured depth point of the pump.</xsd:documentation>
1224            </xsd:annotation>
1225         </xsd:enumeration>
1226         <xsd:enumeration value="base ESP pump">
1227            <xsd:annotation>
1228               <xsd:documentation>The base of the electrical submersible pump (ESP). This is the maximum measured depth point of the pump.</xsd:documentation>
1229            </xsd:annotation>
1230         </xsd:enumeration>
1231         <xsd:enumeration value="wellhead temperature gauge">
1232            <xsd:annotation>
1233               <xsd:documentation>Temperature measuring device at the wellhead independent of the optic fiber sensor.</xsd:documentation>
1234            </xsd:annotation>
1235         </xsd:enumeration>
1236         <xsd:enumeration value="top completion zone">
1237            <xsd:annotation>
1238               <xsd:documentation>The point which is the minimum measured depth of a completion zone.</xsd:documentation>
1239            </xsd:annotation>
1240         </xsd:enumeration>
1241         <xsd:enumeration value="base completion zone">
1242            <xsd:annotation>
1243               <xsd:documentation>The point which is the maximum measured depth of a completion zone.</xsd:documentation>
1244            </xsd:annotation>
1245         </xsd:enumeration>
1246         <xsd:enumeration value="unknown">
1247            <xsd:annotation>
1248               <xsd:documentation>The value is not known. This value should not be used in normal situations. All reasonable attempts should be made to determine the appropriate
1249               value. Use of this value may result in rejection in some situations.</xsd:documentation>
1250            </xsd:annotation>
1251         </xsd:enumeration>
1252      </xsd:restriction>
1253   </xsd:simpleType>
1254   <xsd:complexType name="q_InstalledFiberPoint_queryValue">
1255      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_InstalledFiberPoint_unionSEL" />
1256   </xsd:complexType>
1257   <xsd:simpleType name="q_InstalledFiberPoint_unionSEL">
1258      <xsd:union memberTypes="witsml:q_InstalledFiberPoint witsml:q_unionSEL witsml:q_unionBlankEnumeration" />
1259   </xsd:simpleType>
1260   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type JarType.-->
1261   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type JarAction.-->
1262   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type LithologySource.-->
1263   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type LithologyType.-->
1264   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type LogDataType.-->
1265   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type LogIndexDirection.-->
1266   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type LogIndexType.-->
1267   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type LogTraceOrigin.-->
1268   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type LogTraceState.-->
1269   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type MaterialType.-->
1270   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type MeasureClass.-->
1271   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type MeasurementType.-->
1272   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type MessageProbability.-->
1273   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type MessageSeverity.-->
1274   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type MessageType.-->
1275   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type MudLogParameterType.-->
1276   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type NADTypes.-->
1277   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type NameTagLocation.-->
1278   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type NameTagNumberingScheme.-->
1279   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type NameTagTechnology.-->
1280   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type NozzleType.-->
1281   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type OTDRReason.-->
1282   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type PhoneType.-->
1283   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type PitType.-->
1284   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ProductFlowPortType.-->
1285   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type Projection.-->
1286   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ProjectionVariantsObliqueMercator.-->
1287   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type PumpType.-->
1288   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type PumpOpType.-->
1289   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type QualifierType.-->
1290   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type RealtimeData.-->
1291   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ReportingFacility.-->
1292   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ReportingFlow.-->
1293   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ReportingPeriod.-->
1294   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ReportingProduct.-->
1295   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ReportingProperty.-->
1296   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type RigType.-->
1297   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type RiskAffectedPersonnel.-->
1298   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type RiskCategory.-->
1299   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type RiskSubCategory.-->
1300   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type RiskType.-->
1301   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ScrType.-->
1302   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ShowFluorescence.-->
1303   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ShowLevel.-->
1304   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ShowRating.-->
1305   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ShowSpeed.-->
1306   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type StandardTempPress.-->
1307   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type SupportCraft.-->
1308   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type SurfEquipType.-->
1309   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type TargetCategory.-->
1310   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type TargetScope.-->
1311   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type TargetSectionScope.-->
1312   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type TestReason.-->
1313   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type TrajStationStatus.-->
1314   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type TrajStationType.-->
1315   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type TubularAssembly.-->
1316   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type TubularComponent.-->
1317   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type TypeSurveyTool.-->
1318   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_ValueStatus.-->
1319   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_ValueStatus_queryValue.-->
1320   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_ValueStatus_unionSEL.-->
1321   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type WellDirection.-->
1322   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type WellFluid.-->
1323   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type WellboreShape.-->
1324   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type WellboreType.-->
1325   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type WellPurpose.-->
1326   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type WellStatus.-->
1327   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type CrewType.-->
1328   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type OperationKind.-->
1329   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ReasonLost.-->
1330   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type SafetyType.-->
1331   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type VolumeReferenceKind.-->
1332   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type DataQuality.-->
1333   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type FluidAnalysisKind.-->
1334   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type FluidComponent.-->
1335   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type FluidSampleTestAcquisition.-->
1336   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type FluidComponentKind.-->
1337   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type FluidContaminant.-->
1338   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type FluidSampleKind.-->
1339   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ReservoirFluidKind.-->
1340   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type EosModelKind.-->
1341   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type generalMeasureType.-->
1342   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type temperatureSlopeMeasure.-->
1343   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type typeOptionalClassString.-->
1344   <xsd:complexType name="q_endpointQualifiedDateTime">
1345      <xsd:annotation>
1346         <xsd:documentation>A timestamp value used for min/max query parameters related to "growing objects". The meaning of the endpoint of an interval can be modified by the
1347         endpoint attribute.</xsd:documentation>
1348      </xsd:annotation>
1349      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_abstractDateTime">
1350         <xsd:annotation>
1351            <xsd:documentation>The element value for which a match is requested.</xsd:documentation>
1352         </xsd:annotation>
1353      </xsd:attribute>
1354      <xsd:attribute name="endpoint" type="witsml:q_EndpointQualifier_unionSEL" use="optional">
1355         <xsd:annotation>
1356            <xsd:documentation>The default is "inclusive".</xsd:documentation>
1357         </xsd:annotation>
1358      </xsd:attribute>
1359   </xsd:complexType>
1360   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type endpointQualifiedDate.-->
1361   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type emailQualifierStruct.-->
1362   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type facilityIdentifierStruct.-->
1363   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type phoneNumberStruct.-->
1364   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_logicalBoolean.-->
1365   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_logicalBoolean_queryValue.-->
1366   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_date.-->
1367   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_date_queryValue.-->
1368   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type month.-->
1369   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type year.-->
1370   <xsd:simpleType name="q_timestamp">
1371      <xsd:annotation>
1372         <xsd:documentation>A date with the time of day and an optional time zone. While the time zone is optional, it is strongly advised that the zone always be specified in
1373         each date time value.</xsd:documentation>
1374      </xsd:annotation>
1375      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractDateTime" />
1376   </xsd:simpleType>
1377   <xsd:complexType name="q_timestamp_queryValue">
1378      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_timestamp" />
1379   </xsd:complexType>
1380   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type timeZone.-->
1381   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type calendarYear.-->
1382   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type yAxisAzimuth.-->
1383   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type nonNegativeFraction.-->
1384   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_unitlessQuantity.-->
1385   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type genericMeasure.-->
1386   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type indexCurve.-->
1387   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type ratioGenericMeasure.-->
1388   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type listOfString.-->
1389   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type listOfDouble.-->
1390   <xsd:complexType name="q_refNameString">
1391      <xsd:annotation>
1392         <xsd:documentation>A reference to a name in another node of the xml hierachy. This value represents a foreign key from one element to another.</xsd:documentation>
1393      </xsd:annotation>
1394      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_abstractNameString">
1395         <xsd:annotation>
1396            <xsd:documentation>The element value for which a match is requested.</xsd:documentation>
1397         </xsd:annotation>
1398      </xsd:attribute>
1399      <xsd:attribute name="uidRef" type="witsml:q_refString" use="optional">
1400         <xsd:annotation>
1401            <xsd:documentation>A reference to the unique identifier (uid attribute) in the node referenced by the name value. This attribute is required within the context of a
1402            WITSML server.</xsd:documentation>
1403         </xsd:annotation>
1404      </xsd:attribute>
1405   </xsd:complexType>
1406   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type refObjectString.-->
1407   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type refPositiveCount.-->
1408   <xsd:simpleType name="q_refWellDatum">
1409      <xsd:annotation>
1410         <xsd:documentation>A reference to a wellDatum in the current well. This value must match the uid value in a WellDatum. This value represents a foreign key from one
1411         element to another. This is an exception to the convention that a foreign key must utilize both a human contextual name and a uid value. For messages outside the context
1412         of a server then this value will commonly match the value of the name of the wellDatum (e.g., 'KB') if uids are not not used in that context. This was a compromise in
1413         order to allow the coordinate structures to be simple and still be usable both within the context of a server and outside the context of a server.</xsd:documentation>
1414      </xsd:annotation>
1415      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractUidString" />
1416   </xsd:simpleType>
1417   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_refWellDatum_queryValue.-->
1418   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_refWellDatum_unionSEL.-->
1419   <xsd:simpleType name="q_nameString">
1420      <xsd:annotation>
1421         <xsd:documentation>A user assigned human recognizable contextual name of something. There should be no assumption that (interoperable) semantic information will be
1422         extracted from the name by a third party. This type of value is generally not guaranteed to be unique and is not a candidate to be replaced by an
1423         enumeration.</xsd:documentation>
1424      </xsd:annotation>
1425      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractNameString" />
1426   </xsd:simpleType>
1427   <xsd:complexType name="q_nameString_queryValue">
1428      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_nameString_unionSEL" />
1429   </xsd:complexType>
1430   <xsd:simpleType name="q_nameString_unionSEL">
1431      <xsd:union memberTypes="witsml:q_nameString witsml:q_unionSEL witsml:q_unionBlankEnumeration" />
1432   </xsd:simpleType>
1433   <xsd:simpleType name="q_commentString">
1434      <xsd:annotation>
1435         <xsd:documentation>A comment or remark intended for human consumption. There should be no assumption that semantics can be extracted from this field by a computer.
1436         Neither should there be an assumption that any two humans will interpret the information in the same way (i.e., it may not be interoperable).</xsd:documentation>
1437      </xsd:annotation>
1438      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractCommentString" />
1439   </xsd:simpleType>
1440   <xsd:complexType name="q_commentString_queryValue">
1441      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_commentString_unionSEL" />
1442   </xsd:complexType>
1443   <xsd:simpleType name="q_commentString_unionSEL">
1444      <xsd:union memberTypes="witsml:q_commentString witsml:q_unionSEL witsml:q_unionBlankEnumeration" />
1445   </xsd:simpleType>
1446   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type descriptionString.-->
1447   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type shortDescriptionString.-->
1448   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type encodedArrayString.-->
1449   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type encodedValueString.-->
1450   <xsd:simpleType name="q_kindString">
1451      <xsd:annotation>
1452         <xsd:documentation>A community assigned human recognizable name. This type of value is intended to be unique and is generally a candidate to be constrained to an
1453         enumerated list.</xsd:documentation>
1454      </xsd:annotation>
1455      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractTypeEnum" />
1456   </xsd:simpleType>
1457   <xsd:complexType name="q_kindString_queryValue">
1458      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_kindString_unionSEL" />
1459   </xsd:complexType>
1460   <xsd:simpleType name="q_kindString_unionSEL">
1461      <xsd:union memberTypes="witsml:q_kindString witsml:q_unionSEL witsml:q_unionBlankEnumeration" />
1462   </xsd:simpleType>
1463   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type uomString.-->
1464   <xsd:simpleType name="q_uidString">
1465      <xsd:annotation>
1466         <xsd:documentation>A locally unique identifier. The value is not intended to convey any semantic content (e.g., it may be computer generated). The value is only required
1467         to be unique within a context in a document (e.g., defined via key and keyref). There is no guarantee that the same data in multiple documents will utilize the same uid
1468         value unless enforced by the source of the document (e.g., a document server).</xsd:documentation>
1469      </xsd:annotation>
1470      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractUidString" />
1471   </xsd:simpleType>
1472   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_uidString_queryValue.-->
1473   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_uidString_unionSEL.-->
1474   <xsd:simpleType name="q_refString">
1475      <xsd:annotation>
1476         <xsd:documentation>A reference to the unique identifier of another element. This value represents a foreign key from one element to another. The value should match the
1477         value of an attribute of type uidString.</xsd:documentation>
1478      </xsd:annotation>
1479      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractUidString" />
1480   </xsd:simpleType>
1481   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_refString_queryValue.-->
1482   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_refString_unionSEL.-->
1483   <xsd:simpleType name="q_schemaVersionString">
1484      <xsd:annotation>
1485         <xsd:documentation>The version of the schema. The first three levels are fixed. The fourth level can vary to represent the constraints defined in enumerations and XML
1486         loader files.</xsd:documentation>
1487      </xsd:annotation>
1488      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractString">
1489         <xsd:maxLength value="16" />
1490         <xsd:pattern value="1\.0\.0\.[1-9]?[0-9]\(PRODML\)" />
1491      </xsd:restriction>
1492   </xsd:simpleType>
1493   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_schemaVersionString_queryValue.-->
1494   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_schemaVersionString_unionSEL.-->
1495   <xsd:complexType name="q_nameStruct">
1496      <xsd:annotation>
1497         <xsd:documentation>The name of something within a naming system.</xsd:documentation>
1498      </xsd:annotation>
1499      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_abstractNameString">
1500         <xsd:annotation>
1501            <xsd:documentation>The element value for which a match is requested.</xsd:documentation>
1502         </xsd:annotation>
1503      </xsd:attribute>
1504      <xsd:attribute name="namingSystem" type="witsml:q_nameString" use="optional">
1505         <xsd:annotation>
1506            <xsd:documentation>The naming system within the name is (hopefully) unique.</xsd:documentation>
1507         </xsd:annotation>
1508      </xsd:attribute>
1509   </xsd:complexType>
1510   <xsd:complexType name="q_wellKnownNameStruct">
1511      <xsd:annotation>
1512         <xsd:documentation>The name of something within a mandatory naming system with an optional code.</xsd:documentation>
1513      </xsd:annotation>
1514      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_abstractNameString">
1515         <xsd:annotation>
1516            <xsd:documentation>The element value for which a match is requested.</xsd:documentation>
1517         </xsd:annotation>
1518      </xsd:attribute>
1519      <xsd:attribute name="namingSystem" type="witsml:q_nameString" use="optional">
1520         <xsd:annotation>
1521            <xsd:documentation>The naming system within the name is unique.</xsd:documentation>
1522            <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@use="required"</xsd:appinfo>
1523         </xsd:annotation>
1524      </xsd:attribute>
1525      <xsd:attribute name="code" type="witsml:q_kindString" use="optional">
1526         <xsd:annotation>
1527            <xsd:documentation>A unique (short) code associated with the name.</xsd:documentation>
1528         </xsd:annotation>
1529      </xsd:attribute>
1530   </xsd:complexType>
1531   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type uncollapsedString.-->
1532   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type iadcBearingWearCode.-->
1533   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type geodeticZoneString.-->
1534   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type generalQualifiedMeasure.-->
1535   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type integerQualifiedCount.-->
1536   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type kindQualifiedString.-->
1537   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type areaQualifiedMeasure.-->
1538   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type areaPerAreaQualifiedMeasure.-->
1539   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type anglePerTimeQualifiedMeasure.-->
1540   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type lengthPerLengthQualifiedMeasure.-->
1541   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type pressureQualifiedMeasure.-->
1542   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type thermodynamicTemperatureQualifiedMeasure.-->
1543   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_volumeQualifiedMeasure.-->
1544   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_volumeFlowRateQualifiedMeasure.-->
1545   <xsd:complexType name="q_measuredDepthCoord">
1546      <xsd:annotation>
1547         <xsd:documentation>A measured depth coordinate in a wellbore. Positive moving from the reference datum toward the bottomhole. All coordinates with the same datum (and
1548         same uom) can be considered to be in the same Coordinate Reference System and are thus directly comparable.</xsd:documentation>
1549      </xsd:annotation>
1550      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_abstractDouble">
1551         <xsd:annotation>
1552            <xsd:documentation>The element value for which a match is requested.</xsd:documentation>
1553         </xsd:annotation>
1554      </xsd:attribute>
1555      <xsd:attribute name="uom" type="witsml:q_MeasuredDepthUom_unionSEL" use="optional">
1556         <xsd:annotation>
1557            <xsd:documentation>The unit of measure of the quantity value.</xsd:documentation>
1558            <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@use="required"</xsd:appinfo>
1559         </xsd:annotation>
1560      </xsd:attribute>
1561      <xsd:attribute name="datum" type="witsml:q_refWellDatum" use="optional">
1562         <xsd:annotation>
1563            <xsd:documentation>A pointer to the reference datum for this coordinate value as defined in WellDatum. This value is assumed to match the uid value in a WellDatum. If
1564            not given then the default WellDatum must be assumed.</xsd:documentation>
1565         </xsd:annotation>
1566      </xsd:attribute>
1567   </xsd:complexType>
1568   <xsd:simpleType name="q_MeasuredDepthUom">
1569      <xsd:annotation>
1570         <xsd:documentation>The units of measure that are valid for measured depths in a wellbore.</xsd:documentation>
1571      </xsd:annotation>
1572      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractUomEnum">
1573         <xsd:enumeration value="m">
1574            <xsd:annotation>
1575               <xsd:documentation>meter</xsd:documentation>
1576            </xsd:annotation>
1577         </xsd:enumeration>
1578         <xsd:enumeration value="ft">
1579            <xsd:annotation>
1580               <xsd:documentation>International Foot</xsd:documentation>
1581            </xsd:annotation>
1582         </xsd:enumeration>
1583         <xsd:enumeration value="ftUS">
1584            <xsd:annotation>
1585               <xsd:documentation>US Survey Foot</xsd:documentation>
1586            </xsd:annotation>
1587         </xsd:enumeration>
1588      </xsd:restriction>
1589   </xsd:simpleType>
1590   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_MeasuredDepthUom_queryValue.-->
1591   <xsd:simpleType name="q_MeasuredDepthUom_unionSEL">
1592      <xsd:union memberTypes="witsml:q_MeasuredDepthUom witsml:q_unionSEL witsml:q_unionBlankEnumeration" />
1593   </xsd:simpleType>
1594   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type wellVerticalDepthCoord.-->
1595   <xsd:complexType name="q_wellElevationCoord">
1596      <xsd:annotation>
1597         <xsd:documentation>A vertical (gravity based) elevation coordinate within the context of a well. Positive moving upward from the reference datum. All coordinates with the
1598         same datum (and same uom) can be considered to be in the same Coordinate Reference System and are thus directly comparable.</xsd:documentation>
1599      </xsd:annotation>
1600      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_abstractDouble">
1601         <xsd:annotation>
1602            <xsd:documentation>The element value for which a match is requested.</xsd:documentation>
1603         </xsd:annotation>
1604      </xsd:attribute>
1605      <xsd:attribute name="uom" type="witsml:q_WellVerticalCoordinateUom_unionSEL" use="optional">
1606         <xsd:annotation>
1607            <xsd:documentation>The unit of measure of the quantity value. If not given then the default unit of measure of the explicitly or implicitly given datum must be
1608            assumed.</xsd:documentation>
1609            <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@use="required"</xsd:appinfo>
1610         </xsd:annotation>
1611      </xsd:attribute>
1612      <xsd:attribute name="datum" type="witsml:q_refWellDatum" use="optional">
1613         <xsd:annotation>
1614            <xsd:documentation>A pointer to the reference datum for this coordinate value as defined in WellDatum. If not given then the default WellDatum must be
1615            assumed.</xsd:documentation>
1616         </xsd:annotation>
1617      </xsd:attribute>
1618   </xsd:complexType>
1619   <xsd:simpleType name="q_WellVerticalCoordinateUom">
1620      <xsd:annotation>
1621         <xsd:documentation>The units of measure that are valid for vertical gravity based coordinates (i.e., elevation or vertical depth) within the context of a
1622         well.</xsd:documentation>
1623      </xsd:annotation>
1624      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractUomEnum">
1625         <xsd:enumeration value="m">
1626            <xsd:annotation>
1627               <xsd:documentation>meter</xsd:documentation>
1628            </xsd:annotation>
1629         </xsd:enumeration>
1630         <xsd:enumeration value="ft">
1631            <xsd:annotation>
1632               <xsd:documentation>International Foot</xsd:documentation>
1633            </xsd:annotation>
1634         </xsd:enumeration>
1635         <xsd:enumeration value="ftUS">
1636            <xsd:annotation>
1637               <xsd:documentation>US Survey Foot</xsd:documentation>
1638            </xsd:annotation>
1639         </xsd:enumeration>
1640         <xsd:enumeration value="ftBr(65)">
1641            <xsd:annotation>
1642               <xsd:documentation>British Foot 1865</xsd:documentation>
1643            </xsd:annotation>
1644         </xsd:enumeration>
1645      </xsd:restriction>
1646   </xsd:simpleType>
1647   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_WellVerticalCoordinateUom_queryValue.-->
1648   <xsd:simpleType name="q_WellVerticalCoordinateUom_unionSEL">
1649      <xsd:union memberTypes="witsml:q_WellVerticalCoordinateUom witsml:q_unionSEL witsml:q_unionBlankEnumeration" />
1650   </xsd:simpleType>
1651   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type nonNegativeCount.-->
1652   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type positiveCount.-->
1653   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type positiveBigCount.-->
1654   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type integerCount.-->
1655   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type beaufortScaleIntegerCode.-->
1656   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type pumpActionIntegerCode.-->
1657   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type iadcIntegerCode.-->
1658   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type levelIntegerCode.-->
1659   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type cost.-->
1660   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type indexedObject.-->
1661   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type str2.-->
1662   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type str16.-->
1663   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type str32.-->
1664   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type crewCount.-->
1665   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type lostVolumeAndReason.-->
1666   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type safetyCount.-->
1667   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type binaryInteractionCoefficient.-->
1668   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_massConcentrationMeasurePercent.-->
1669   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_molarFractionMeasurePercent.-->
1670   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type volumePerVolumeMeasurePercent.-->
1671   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_PercentUom.-->
1672   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_PercentUom_queryValue.-->
1673   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_PercentUom_unionSEL.-->
1674   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type accelerationLinearMeasure.-->
1675   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_amountOfSubstanceMeasure.-->
1676   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type anglePerLengthMeasure.-->
1677   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type anglePerTimeMeasure.-->
1678   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type areaMeasure.-->
1679   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type areaPerAreaMeasure.-->
1680   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_densityMeasure.-->
1681   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_dimensionlessMeasure.-->
1682   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type dynamicViscosityMeasure.-->
1683   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type electricPotentialMeasure.-->
1684   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type energyPerAreaMeasure.-->
1685   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type equivalentPerMassMeasure.-->
1686   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type forceMeasure.-->
1687   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type forcePerVolumeMeasure.-->
1688   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type frequencyMeasure.-->
1689   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type illuminanceMeasure.-->
1690   <xsd:complexType name="q_lengthMeasure">
1691      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_abstractDouble">
1692         <xsd:annotation>
1693            <xsd:documentation>The element value for which a match is requested.</xsd:documentation>
1694         </xsd:annotation>
1695      </xsd:attribute>
1696      <xsd:attribute name="uom" type="witsml:q_lengthUom_unionSEL" use="optional">
1697         <xsd:annotation>
1698            <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@use="required"</xsd:appinfo>
1699         </xsd:annotation>
1700      </xsd:attribute>
1701   </xsd:complexType>
1702   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_lengthPerLengthMeasure.-->
1703   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type magneticFieldStrengthMeasure.-->
1704   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_massConcentrationMeasure.-->
1705   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_massFlowRateMeasure.-->
1706   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_massMeasure.-->
1707   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type massPerLengthMeasure.-->
1708   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_modulusOfCompressionMeasure.-->
1709   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type momentOfForceMeasure.-->
1710   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type perLengthMeasure.-->
1711   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type planeAngleMeasure.-->
1712   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type powerMeasure.-->
1713   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_pressureMeasure.-->
1714   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type relativePowerMeasure.-->
1715   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type specificVolumeMeasure.-->
1716   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_thermodynamicTemperatureMeasure.-->
1717   <xsd:complexType name="q_timeMeasure">
1718      <xsd:attribute name="queryValue" type="witsml:q_abstractDouble">
1719         <xsd:annotation>
1720            <xsd:documentation>The element value for which a match is requested.</xsd:documentation>
1721         </xsd:annotation>
1722      </xsd:attribute>
1723      <xsd:attribute name="uom" type="witsml:q_timeUom_unionSEL" use="optional">
1724         <xsd:annotation>
1725            <xsd:appinfo>constraints:@use="required"</xsd:appinfo>
1726         </xsd:annotation>
1727      </xsd:attribute>
1728   </xsd:complexType>
1729   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type velocityMeasure.-->
1730   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type volumeMeasure.-->
1731   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type volumeFlowRateMeasure.-->
1732   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_volumePerVolumeMeasure.-->
1733   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_workMeasure.-->
1734   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type compressibilityMeasure.-->
1735   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type molarVolumeMeasure.-->
1736   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type standardVolumeMeasure.-->
1737   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type thermalConductivityMeasure.-->
1738   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type volumePerStandardVolumeMeasure.-->
1739   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type standardVolumePerStandardVolumeMeasure.-->
1740   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type standardVolumePerVolumeMeasure.-->
1741   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type accelerationLinearUom.-->
1742   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_amountOfSubstanceUom.-->
1743   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_amountOfSubstanceUom_queryValue.-->
1744   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_amountOfSubstanceUom_unionSEL.-->
1745   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type anglePerLengthUom.-->
1746   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type anglePerTimeUom.-->
1747   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type areaUom.-->
1748   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type areaPerAreaUom.-->
1749   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_densityUom.-->
1750   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_densityUom_queryValue.-->
1751   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_densityUom_unionSEL.-->
1752   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_dimensionlessUom.-->
1753   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_dimensionlessUom_queryValue.-->
1754   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_dimensionlessUom_unionSEL.-->
1755   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type dynamicViscosityUom.-->
1756   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type electricPotentialUom.-->
1757   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type energyPerAreaUom.-->
1758   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type equivalentPerMassUom.-->
1759   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type forceUom.-->
1760   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type forcePerVolumeUom.-->
1761   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type frequencyUom.-->
1762   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type illuminanceUom.-->
1763   <xsd:simpleType name="q_lengthUom">
1764      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractUomEnum">
1765         <xsd:enumeration value="m" />
1766         <xsd:enumeration value="angstrom" />
1767         <xsd:enumeration value="chBnA" />
1768         <xsd:enumeration value="chBnB" />
1769         <xsd:enumeration value="chCla" />
1770         <xsd:enumeration value="chSe" />
1771         <xsd:enumeration value="chUS" />
1772         <xsd:enumeration value="cm" />
1773         <xsd:enumeration value="dm" />
1774         <xsd:enumeration value="fathom" />
1775         <xsd:enumeration value="fm" />
1776         <xsd:enumeration value="ft" />
1777         <xsd:enumeration value="ftBnA" />
1778         <xsd:enumeration value="ftBnB" />
1779         <xsd:enumeration value="ftBr(65)" />
1780         <xsd:enumeration value="ftCla" />
1781         <xsd:enumeration value="ftGC" />
1782         <xsd:enumeration value="ftInd" />
1783         <xsd:enumeration value="ftInd(37)" />
1784         <xsd:enumeration value="ftInd(62)" />
1785         <xsd:enumeration value="ftInd(75)" />
1786         <xsd:enumeration value="ftMA" />
1787         <xsd:enumeration value="ftSe" />
1788         <xsd:enumeration value="ftUS" />
1789         <xsd:enumeration value="in" />
1790         <xsd:enumeration value="in/10" />
1791         <xsd:enumeration value="in/16" />
1792         <xsd:enumeration value="in/32" />
1793         <xsd:enumeration value="in/64" />
1794         <xsd:enumeration value="inUS" />
1795         <xsd:enumeration value="km" />
1796         <xsd:enumeration value="lkBnA" />
1797         <xsd:enumeration value="lkBnB" />
1798         <xsd:enumeration value="lkCla" />
1799         <xsd:enumeration value="lkSe" />
1800         <xsd:enumeration value="lkUS" />
1801         <xsd:enumeration value="mGer" />
1802         <xsd:enumeration value="mi" />
1803         <xsd:enumeration value="mil" />
1804         <xsd:enumeration value="miUS" />
1805         <xsd:enumeration value="mm" />
1806         <xsd:enumeration value="Mm" />
1807         <xsd:enumeration value="nautmi" />
1808         <xsd:enumeration value="nm" />
1809         <xsd:enumeration value="pm" />
1810         <xsd:enumeration value="um" />
1811         <xsd:enumeration value="yd" />
1812         <xsd:enumeration value="ydBnA" />
1813         <xsd:enumeration value="ydBnB" />
1814         <xsd:enumeration value="ydCla" />
1815         <xsd:enumeration value="ydIm" />
1816         <xsd:enumeration value="ydInd" />
1817         <xsd:enumeration value="ydInd(37)" />
1818         <xsd:enumeration value="ydInd(62)" />
1819         <xsd:enumeration value="ydInd(75)" />
1820         <xsd:enumeration value="ydSe" />
1821      </xsd:restriction>
1822   </xsd:simpleType>
1823   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_lengthUom_queryValue.-->
1824   <xsd:simpleType name="q_lengthUom_unionSEL">
1825      <xsd:union memberTypes="witsml:q_lengthUom witsml:q_unionSEL witsml:q_unionBlankEnumeration" />
1826   </xsd:simpleType>
1827   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_lengthPerLengthUom.-->
1828   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_lengthPerLengthUom_queryValue.-->
1829   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_lengthPerLengthUom_unionSEL.-->
1830   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type magneticFieldStrengthUom.-->
1831   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_massConcentrationUom.-->
1832   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_massConcentrationUom_queryValue.-->
1833   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_massConcentrationUom_unionSEL.-->
1834   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_massFlowRateUom.-->
1835   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_massFlowRateUom_queryValue.-->
1836   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_massFlowRateUom_unionSEL.-->
1837   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_massUom.-->
1838   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_massUom_queryValue.-->
1839   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_massUom_unionSEL.-->
1840   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type massPerLengthUom.-->
1841   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_modulusOfCompressionUom.-->
1842   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_modulusOfCompressionUom_queryValue.-->
1843   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_modulusOfCompressionUom_unionSEL.-->
1844   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type momentOfForceUom.-->
1845   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type perLengthUom.-->
1846   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type planeAngleUom.-->
1847   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type powerUom.-->
1848   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_pressureUom.-->
1849   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_pressureUom_queryValue.-->
1850   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_pressureUom_unionSEL.-->
1851   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type relativePowerUom.-->
1852   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type specificVolumeUom.-->
1853   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_thermodynamicTemperatureUom.-->
1854   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_thermodynamicTemperatureUom_queryValue.-->
1855   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_thermodynamicTemperatureUom_unionSEL.-->
1856   <xsd:simpleType name="q_timeUom">
1857      <xsd:restriction base="witsml:q_abstractUomEnum">
1858         <xsd:enumeration value="s" />
1859         <xsd:enumeration value="a" />
1860         <xsd:enumeration value="cs" />
1861         <xsd:enumeration value="d" />
1862         <xsd:enumeration value="Ga" />
1863         <xsd:enumeration value="h" />
1864         <xsd:enumeration value="100s" />
1865         <xsd:enumeration value="Ma" />
1866         <xsd:enumeration value="min" />
1867         <xsd:enumeration value="ms" />
1868         <xsd:enumeration value="ms/2" />
1869         <xsd:enumeration value="ns" />
1870         <xsd:enumeration value="ps" />
1871         <xsd:enumeration value="us" />
1872         <xsd:enumeration value="wk" />
1873         <xsd:enumeration value="100ka" />
1874      </xsd:restriction>
1875   </xsd:simpleType>
1876   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_timeUom_queryValue.-->
1877   <xsd:simpleType name="q_timeUom_unionSEL">
1878      <xsd:union memberTypes="witsml:q_timeUom witsml:q_unionSEL witsml:q_unionBlankEnumeration" />
1879   </xsd:simpleType>
1880   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type velocityUom.-->
1881   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_volumeUom.-->
1882   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_volumeUom_queryValue.-->
1883   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_volumeUom_unionSEL.-->
1884   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_volumeFlowRateUom.-->
1885   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_volumeFlowRateUom_queryValue.-->
1886   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_volumeFlowRateUom_unionSEL.-->
1887   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_volumePerVolumeUom.-->
1888   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_volumePerVolumeUom_queryValue.-->
1889   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_volumePerVolumeUom_unionSEL.-->
1890   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_workUom.-->
1891   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_workUom_queryValue.-->
1892   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_workUom_unionSEL.-->
1893   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type compressibilityUom.-->
1894   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type molarVolumeUom.-->
1895   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type thermalConductivityUom.-->
1896   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_booleanTemplateStruct.-->
1897   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_shortTemplateStruct.-->
1898   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_intTemplateStruct.-->
1899   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_stringTemplateStruct.-->
1900   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_doubleTemplateStruct.-->
1901   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_dateTimeTemplateStruct.-->
1902   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_dateTemplateStruct.-->
1903   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_gYearTemplateStruct.-->
1904   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_measure.-->
1905   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_measureWithQualifier.-->
1906   <!--UNUSED: Deleted type q_verticalCoord.-->
1907   <xsd:simpleType name="q_integerString">
1908      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
1909         <xsd:pattern value="[0-9]*" />
1910      </xsd:restriction>
1911   </xsd:simpleType>
1912   <xsd:simpleType name="q_unionSEL">
1913      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
1914         <xsd:pattern value="((SEL)|(sel))\(.*\)" />
1915      </xsd:restriction>
1916   </xsd:simpleType>
1917   <xsd:simpleType name="q_unionBlankEnumeration">
1918      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
1919         <xsd:enumeration value="" />
1920      </xsd:restriction>
1921   </xsd:simpleType>
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