Documentation for obj_object_profiled_data_schema

Complex Type: volumePerStandardVolumeMeasure

[Table of contents]

Super-types: xsd:double < abstractDouble (by restriction) < abstractMeasure (by extension) < volumePerStandardVolumeMeasure (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name volumePerStandardVolumeMeasure
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type cs_fluidResultCvdTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultDifferentialLiberationTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultDifferentialLiberationTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultDifferentialLiberationTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultJCurveTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultJCurveTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultJCurveTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultSeparatorTestStep
Abstract no
Documentation A ratio of an uncorrected volume to a volume corrected to standard conditions of temperature and pressure. The standard conditions must be known outside the context of the data type because the unit of measure is independent of the standard conditions. The main intent of this type is to allow programatic determination of where standard conditions are assumed.
XML Instance Representation
uom=" witsml:volumePerVolumeUom [1]">
Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="volumePerStandardVolumeMeasure">
<xsd:extension base=" witsml:abstractMeasure ">
<xsd:attribute name="uom" type=" witsml:volumePerVolumeUom " use="required"/>