Documentation for obj_object_profiled_data_schema

Complex Type: cs_productionOperationInstallationReport

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name cs_productionOperationInstallationReport
Used by (from the same schema document) Model Group grp_productionOperation
Abstract no
Documentation WITSML -Installation Report Component Schema
XML Instance Representation
uid=" witsml:uidString [0..1]

'The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element.'

<witsml:installation> witsml:facilityIdentifierStruct </witsml:installation> [0..1]

'The installation represented by this report.'

<witsml:bedsAvailable> witsml:nonNegativeCount </witsml:bedsAvailable> [0..1]

'Total count of beds available on the installation.'

<witsml:crewCount> witsml:crewCount </witsml:crewCount> [0..*]

'The count of personnel on a type of crew. One of the types is all personnel on board.'

<witsml:work> witsml:timeMeasure </witsml:work> [0..1]

'The total cumulative amount of time worked during the reporting period. Commonly specified in units of hours. Note that a day unit translates to 24 hours worked.'

<witsml:workMonthToDate> witsml:timeMeasure </witsml:workMonthToDate> [0..1]

'The total cumulative amount of time worked from the beginning of the month to the end of reporting period. Commonly specified in units of hours. Note that a day unit translates to 24 hours worked.'

<witsml:workYearToDate> witsml:timeMeasure </witsml:workYearToDate> [0..1]

'The total cumulative amount of time worked from the beginning of the year to the end of reporting period. Commonly specified in units of hours. Note that a day unit translates to 24 hours worked.'

<witsml:operationalHSE> witsml:cs_productionOperationHSE </witsml:operationalHSE> [0..*]

'Health, Safety and Environmenal information.'

<witsml:productionActivity> witsml:cs_productionOperationActivity </witsml:productionActivity> [0..1]

'Production activities.'

h970983430 h-1583229326 h505980265 h-699105204 h-699105204 h-699105204 h328676630 h-157636557 h-1931220815
Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="cs_productionOperationInstallationReport">
<xsd:element name="installation" type=" witsml:facilityIdentifierStruct " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="bedsAvailable" type=" witsml:nonNegativeCount " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="crewCount" type=" witsml:crewCount " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="work" type=" witsml:timeMeasure " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="workMonthToDate" type=" witsml:timeMeasure " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="workYearToDate" type=" witsml:timeMeasure " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="operationalHSE" type=" witsml:cs_productionOperationHSE " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="productionActivity" type=" witsml:cs_productionOperationActivity " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:attributeGroup ref=" witsml:attgrp_uid "/>