Documentation for obj_object_profiled_data_schema

Complex Type: cs_offshoreLocation

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name cs_offshoreLocation
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type cs_geographicContext
Abstract no
Documentation A generic type of offshore location. This allows an offshore location to be given by an Area Name, and up to four block names. A comment is also allowed.
XML Instance Representation
<witsml:areaName> witsml:nameString </witsml:areaName> [0..1]

'A general meaning of Area. It may be as general as \'UK North Sea\' or \'Viosca Knoll\'. The user community must agree on the meaning of this element.'

<witsml:blockID> witsml:nameString </witsml:blockID> [1..4]

'One to four block ID\'s, that can more tightly locate the object. The BlockID should be an identifying name or code. The user community must agree on the exact meaning of this element.'

<witsml:northSeaOffshore> witsml:cs_northSeaOffshore </witsml:northSeaOffshore> [1]

'An offshore location using the North Sea Offshore terminology.'

<witsml:comment> witsml:commentString </witsml:comment> [0..1]

'An general comment that further explains the offshore location.'

h-269201247 h-269201247 h645742322 h-793122037
Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="cs_offshoreLocation">
<xsd:element name="areaName" type=" witsml:nameString " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="blockID" type=" witsml:nameString " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="4"/>
<xsd:element name="northSeaOffshore" type=" witsml:cs_northSeaOffshore " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="comment" type=" witsml:commentString " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>