Documentation for obj_object_profiled_data_schema

Attribute Group: attgrp_uid

[Table of contents]

Name attgrp_uid
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type cs_businessAssociate , Complex Type cs_connectedNode , Complex Type cs_curveDefinition , Complex Type cs_datedComment , Complex Type cs_dtsBoxInformation , Complex Type cs_dtsCalibration , Complex Type cs_dtsErrorReport , Complex Type cs_dtsFiber , Complex Type cs_dtsFiberEndPoint , Complex Type cs_dtsInstrumentBox , Complex Type cs_dtsInstrumentBoxCalibration , Complex Type cs_dtsOneWayLoss , Complex Type cs_dtsOtdr , Complex Type cs_dtsProcessedWellLog , Complex Type cs_dtsPumpActivity , Complex Type cs_dtsPumpLogRow , Complex Type cs_dtsRefractiveIndex , Complex Type cs_dtsSingleInstalledPoint , Complex Type cs_fluidResultCceTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultCompositeComposition , Complex Type cs_fluidResultConstantCompositionExpansionTest , Complex Type cs_fluidResultConstantVolumeDepletionTest , Complex Type cs_fluidResultContaminant , Complex Type cs_fluidResultCvdTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultDifferentialLiberationTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultJCurveTest , Complex Type cs_fluidResultJCurveTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultPhaseComposition , Complex Type cs_fluidResultSaturationTest , Complex Type cs_fluidResultSaturationTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultSeparatorTestStep , Complex Type cs_fluidResultTransportPropertiesTest , Complex Type cs_fluidResultTransportTestStep , Complex Type cs_generalAddress , Complex Type cs_nameTag , Complex Type cs_productFlowChangeLog , Complex Type cs_productFlowExpectedPortProperty , Complex Type cs_productFlowExpectedUnitProperty , Complex Type cs_productFlowExternalReference , Complex Type cs_productFlowlExternalPort , Complex Type cs_productFlowNetwork , Complex Type cs_productFlowPort , Complex Type cs_productFlowQualifierExpected , Complex Type cs_productFlowUnit , Complex Type cs_productionOperationAlarm , Complex Type cs_productionOperationCargoShipOperation , Complex Type cs_productionOperationHSE , Complex Type cs_productionOperationInstallationReport , Complex Type cs_productionOperationMarineOperation , Complex Type cs_productionOperationOperationalComment , Complex Type cs_productionOperationSafety , Complex Type cs_productionOperationShutdown , Complex Type cs_productionOperationThirdPartyProcessing , Complex Type cs_productionOperationWaterCleaningQuality , Complex Type cs_productionOperationWeather , Complex Type cs_productVolumeBusinessUnit , Complex Type cs_productVolumeBusinessSubUnit , Complex Type cs_productVolumeBusinessOwnershipShare , Complex Type cs_productVolumeBusinessAccountInfo , Complex Type cs_productVolumeComponentContent , Complex Type cs_productVolumeFacility , Complex Type cs_productVolumeFlow , Complex Type cs_productVolumeParameterSet , Complex Type cs_productVolumeParameterValue , Complex Type cs_productVolumePeriod , Complex Type cs_productVolumePortDifference , Complex Type cs_productVolumeProduct , Complex Type cs_productVolumeSalesSet , Complex Type cs_productVolumeSaleEvent , Complex Type cs_wellDatum , Complex Type obj_dtsInstalledSystem , Complex Type obj_dtsMeasurement , Complex Type obj_fluidAnalysis , Complex Type obj_fluidAnalysisResult , Complex Type obj_fluidSample , Complex Type obj_productFlowModel , Complex Type obj_productionOperation , Complex Type obj_productVolume , Complex Type obj_wellTest , Complex Type crewCount
XML Instance Representation
uid=" witsml:uidString [0..1]

'The unique identifier of a container element. This attribute is generally required within the context of a WITSML server. There should be no assumption as to the semantic content of this attribute. This should only be used with recurring container types (i.e., maxOccurs greater than one). The value is only required to be unique within the context of the nearest recurring parent element.'

Schema Component Representation
<xsd:attributeGroup name="attgrp_uid">
<xsd:attribute name="uid" type=" witsml:uidString " use="optional"/>