Documentation for obj_object_profiled_data_schema

Model Group: grp_productionOperation

[Table of contents]

Name grp_productionOperation
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type obj_productionOperation
Documentation The non-contextual content of a WITSML Production Operation object.
XML Instance Representation
<witsml:installation> witsml:facilityIdentifierStruct </witsml:installation> [0..1]

'The name of the facility which is represented by this report. The name can be qualified by a naming system. This also defines the kind of facility.'

<witsml:contextFacility> witsml:facilityIdentifierStruct </witsml:contextFacility> [0..*]

'The name and type of a facility whose context is relevant to the represented installation.'

<witsml:kind> witsml:kindString </witsml:kind> [0..1]

'The type of report.'

<witsml:periodKind> witsml:ReportingPeriod </witsml:periodKind> [0..1]

'The type of period that is being reported. This value must be consistent with the reporting start and end values.'

Start Choice [1]

'The reporting period. If one value from a pair are given the both values must be given.'

<witsml:dTimStart> witsml:timestamp </witsml:dTimStart> [1]

'The beginning date and time that the report represents.'

<witsml:dTimEnd> witsml:timestamp </witsml:dTimEnd> [1]

'The ending date and time that the report represents.'

<witsml:dateStart> witsml:date </witsml:dateStart> [1]

'The beginning date that the report represents.'

<witsml:dateEnd> witsml:date </witsml:dateEnd> [1]

'The ending date that the report represents.'

End Choice
<witsml:operator> witsml:cs_businessAssociate </witsml:operator> [0..1]

'The operator of the facilities in the report.'

<witsml:title> witsml:nameStruct </witsml:title> [0..1]

'The tile of the report if different from the name of the report.'

<witsml:geographicContext> witsml:cs_geographicContext </witsml:geographicContext> [0..1]

'The geographic context of the report.'

<witsml:issueDate> witsml:date </witsml:issueDate> [0..1]

'The date that the report was issued.'

<witsml:issuedBy> witsml:cs_businessAssociate </witsml:issuedBy> [0..1]

'The person or company that issued the report. This may contain the role of the person or company within the context of the report.'

<witsml:approvalDate> witsml:date </witsml:approvalDate> [0..1]

'The date that the report was approved.'

<witsml:approver> witsml:cs_businessAssociate </witsml:approver> [0..1]

'The person or company that approved the report. This may contain the role of the person or company within the context of the report.'

<witsml:installationReport> witsml:cs_productionOperationInstallationReport </witsml:installationReport> [0..*]

'A report for each installation'

h970983430 h970983430 h-399087894 h-1881917846 h-622169519 h-622169519 h518884755 h518884755 h376706324 h-269190043 h-2063507186 h518884755 h376706324 h518884755 h376706324 h1034101810
Schema Component Representation
<xsd:group name="grp_productionOperation">
<xsd:element name="installation" type=" witsml:facilityIdentifierStruct " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="contextFacility" type=" witsml:facilityIdentifierStruct " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="kind" type=" witsml:kindString " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="periodKind" type=" witsml:ReportingPeriod " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:element name="dTimStart" type=" witsml:timestamp " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="dTimEnd" type=" witsml:timestamp " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="dateStart" type=" witsml:date " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="dateEnd" type=" witsml:date " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="operator" type=" witsml:cs_businessAssociate " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="title" type=" witsml:nameStruct " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="geographicContext" type=" witsml:cs_geographicContext " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="issueDate" type=" witsml:date " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="issuedBy" type=" witsml:cs_businessAssociate " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="approvalDate" type=" witsml:date " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="approver" type=" witsml:cs_businessAssociate " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="installationReport" type=" witsml:cs_productionOperationInstallationReport " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>