1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 | <?xml-stylesheet href="../stylesheets/well.xsl" type="text/xsl" media="screen"?> |
3 | <!-- Example of Well data --> |
4 | <wells |
5 | xmlns="http://www.witsml.org/schemas/131" |
6 | xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
7 | xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.witsml.org/schemas/131 ../obj_well.xsd" |
8 | version=""> |
9 | <documentInfo> |
10 | <DocumentName>well</DocumentName> |
11 | <FileCreationInformation> |
12 | <FileCreationDate>2001-10-31T08:15:00.000Z</FileCreationDate> |
13 | <SoftwareName>WITSML Server</SoftwareName> |
14 | <FileCreator>John Smith</FileCreator> |
15 | </FileCreationInformation> |
16 | </documentInfo> |
17 | <well uid="w-12"> |
18 | <name>6507/7-A-42</name> |
19 | <nameLegal>Company Legal Name</nameLegal> |
20 | <numLicense>Company License Number</numLicense> |
21 | <numGovt>Govt-Number</numGovt> |
22 | <dTimLicense>2001-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimLicense> |
23 | <field>Big Field</field> |
24 | <country>US</country> |
25 | <state>TX</state> |
26 | <county>Montgomery</county> |
27 | <region>Region Name</region> |
28 | <district>District Name</district> |
29 | <block>Block Name</block> |
30 | <timeZone>-06:00</timeZone> |
31 | <operator>Operating Company</operator> |
32 | <operatorDiv>Division Name</operatorDiv> |
33 | <pcInterest uom="%">65</pcInterest> |
34 | <numAPI>123-543-987AZ</numAPI> |
35 | <statusWell>drilling</statusWell> |
36 | <purposeWell>exploration</purposeWell> |
37 | <dTimSpud>2001-05-31T08:15:00.000</dTimSpud> |
38 | <dTimPa>2001-07-15T15:30:00.000</dTimPa> |
39 | <wellheadElevation uom="ft">500</wellheadElevation> |
40 | <wellDatum uid="KB" defaultMeasuredDepth="true" defaultVerticalDepth="true"> |
41 | <name>Kelly Bushing</name> |
42 | <code>KB</code> |
43 | <elevation uom="ft" datum="SL">78.5</elevation> |
44 | </wellDatum> |
45 | <wellDatum uid="SL" defaultElevation="true"> |
46 | <name>Sea Level</name> |
47 | <code>SL</code> |
48 | </wellDatum> |
49 | <groundElevation uom="ft">250</groundElevation> |
50 | <waterDepth uom="ft">520</waterDepth> |
51 | <wellLocation uid="loc-1"> |
52 | <wellCRS uidRef="proj1">ED50 / UTM Zone 31N</wellCRS> |
53 | <easting uom="m">425353.84</easting> |
54 | <northing uom="m">6623785.69</northing> |
55 | <description>Location of well surface point in projected system.</description> |
56 | </wellLocation> |
57 | <referencePoint uid="SRP1"> |
58 | <name>Slot Bay Centre</name> |
59 | <type>Site Reference Point</type> |
60 | <location uid="loc-1"> |
61 | <wellCRS uidRef="proj1">ED50 / UTM Zone 31N</wellCRS> |
62 | <easting uom="m">425366.47</easting> |
63 | <northing uom="m">6623781.95</northing> |
64 | </location> |
65 | <location uid="loc-2"> |
66 | <wellCRS uidRef="localWell1">WellOneWSP</wellCRS> |
67 | <localX uom="m">12.63</localX> |
68 | <localY uom="m">-3.74</localY> |
69 | <description>Location of the Site Reference Point with respect to the well surface point</description> |
70 | </location> |
71 | </referencePoint> |
72 | <referencePoint uid="WRP2"> |
73 | <name>Sea Bed</name> |
74 | <type>Well Reference Point</type> |
75 | <elevation uom="ft" datum="SL">-118.40</elevation> |
76 | <measuredDepth uom="ft" datum="KB">173.09</measuredDepth> |
77 | <location uid="loc-1"> |
78 | <wellCRS uidRef="proj1">ED50 / UTM Zone 31N</wellCRS> |
79 | <easting uom="m">425353.84</easting> |
80 | <northing uom="m">6623785.69</northing> |
81 | </location> |
82 | <location uid="loc-2"> |
83 | <wellCRS uidRef="geog1">ED50</wellCRS> |
84 | <latitude uom="dega">59.743844</latitude> |
85 | <longitude uom="dega">1.67198083</longitude> |
86 | </location> |
87 | </referencePoint> |
88 | <wellCRS uid="geog1"> |
89 | <name>ED50</name> |
90 | <geographic> |
91 | <nameCRS namingSystem="epsg" code="4230">ED50</nameCRS> |
92 | <geodeticDatumCode>ED50</geodeticDatumCode> |
93 | <xTranslation uom="m">-89.5</xTranslation> |
94 | <yTranslation uom="m">-93.8</yTranslation> |
95 | <zTranslation uom="m">-123.1</zTranslation> |
96 | <xRotation uom="seca">0</xRotation> |
97 | <yRotation uom="seca">0</yRotation> |
98 | <zRotation uom="seca">-0.156</zRotation> |
99 | <scaleFactor>1.200</scaleFactor> |
100 | <ellipsoidCode>INT24</ellipsoidCode> |
101 | <ellipsoidSemiMajorAxis uom="m">6378388</ellipsoidSemiMajorAxis> |
102 | <ellipsoidInverseFlattening>297.0</ellipsoidInverseFlattening> |
103 | </geographic> |
104 | </wellCRS> |
105 | <wellCRS uid="proj1"> |
106 | <name>ED50 / UTM Zone 31N</name> |
107 | <mapProjection> |
108 | <nameCRS namingSystem="epsg" code="23031">ED50 / UTM Zone 31N</nameCRS> |
109 | <projectionCode>universal transverse Mercator</projectionCode> |
110 | <projectedFrom uidRef="geog1">ED50</projectedFrom> |
111 | <zone>31N</zone> |
112 | </mapProjection> |
113 | </wellCRS> |
114 | <wellCRS uid="localWell1"> |
115 | <name>WellOneWSP</name> |
116 | <localCRS> |
117 | <usesWellAsOrigin>true</usesWellAsOrigin> |
118 | <yAxisAzimuth uom="dega" northDirection="grid north">0</yAxisAzimuth> |
119 | <xRotationCounterClockwise>false</xRotationCounterClockwise> |
120 | </localCRS> |
121 | </wellCRS> |
122 | <commonData> |
123 | <dTimCreation>2001-04-30T08:15:00.000</dTimCreation> |
124 | <dTimLastChange>2001-05-31T08:15:00.000</dTimLastChange> |
125 | <itemState>plan</itemState> |
126 | <comments>These are the comments associated with the Well data object.</comments> |
127 | </commonData> |
128 | </well> |
129 | </wells> |