target 2001-10-31T08:15:00.000Z WITSML Server John Smith 6507/7-A-42 A-42 Target #2 Target #1 1935.15 3731.05 3731.05 1935.15 3731.05 5 5 0 0 0 50 50 irregular 4 5 grid north geological Adindian 93 42 AlbersEqualArea 500 300 1 line 100 90 0 0 Adindian 93 42 AlbersEqualArea 500 300 2 arc 100 90 0 0 Adindian 93 42 AlbersEqualArea 500 300 3 line 100 0 0 0 Adindian 93 42 AlbersEqualArea 500 300 plan These are the comments associated with the Target data object.