surveyProgram 2001-10-31T08:15:00.000Z WITSML Server John Smith 6507/7-A-42 A-42 final 1 2001-10-31T08:15:00.000 J. Belaskie no 1 NS Gyro single shots 567.8 2132.5 ABC Company Survey tool name NS-GYRO-SS good gyro true 100 actual These are the comments associated with the survey section 1. 2 MWD - Standard 2132.5 7657.5 ABC Company Survey tool name MWD good mag true 30 actual These are the comments associated with the survey section 2. 3 EMS - Standard 2624.7 7657.5 ABC Company Survey tool name EMS good gyro true 50 actual These are the comments associated with the survey section 3. 4 MWD + SAG correction 7657.5 13123.4 ABC Company Survey tool name MWD + SAG good mag true 30 actual These are the comments associated with the survey section 4. 5 Continuous Casing M/S 567.8 13123.4 gyrodata Survey tool name MS good gyro true 50 actual These are the comments associated with the survey section 5. actual These are the comments associated with the Survey Program data object.