1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 | <?xml-stylesheet href="../stylesheets/rig.xsl" type="text/xsl" media="screen"?> |
3 | <!-- Example of Rig data --> |
4 | <rigs |
5 | xmlns="http://www.witsml.org/schemas/131" |
6 | xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
7 | xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.witsml.org/schemas/131 ../obj_rig.xsd" |
8 | version=""> |
9 | <documentInfo> |
10 | <DocumentName>rig</DocumentName> |
11 | <FileCreationInformation> |
12 | <FileCreationDate>2001-06-02T08:15:00.000Z</FileCreationDate> |
13 | <SoftwareName>WITSML Server</SoftwareName> |
14 | <FileCreator>John Smith</FileCreator> |
15 | </FileCreationInformation> |
16 | </documentInfo> |
17 | <rig uidWell="W-12" uidWellbore="B-01" uid="xr31"> |
18 | <nameWell>6507/7-A-42</nameWell> |
19 | <nameWellbore>A-42</nameWellbore> |
20 | <name>Deep Drill #5</name> |
21 | <owner>Deep Drilling Co.</owner> |
22 | <typeRig>floater</typeRig> |
23 | <manufacturer>Fitsui Engineering</manufacturer> |
24 | <yearEntService>1980</yearEntService> |
25 | <classRig>ABS Class A1 M CSDU AMS ACCU</classRig> |
26 | <approvals>DNV</approvals> |
27 | <registration>Panama</registration> |
28 | <telNumber>281 222-2221</telNumber> |
29 | <faxNumber>281 222-2222</faxNumber> |
30 | <emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress> |
31 | <nameContact>John Doe</nameContact> |
32 | <ratingDrillDepth uom="ft">30000</ratingDrillDepth> |
33 | <ratingWaterDepth uom="ft">500</ratingWaterDepth> |
34 | <isOffshore>true</isOffshore> |
35 | <airGap uom="ft">55</airGap> |
36 | <dTimStartOp>2001-05-11T13:20:00.000</dTimStartOp> |
37 | <dTimEndOp>2001-05-19T13:26:00.000</dTimEndOp> |
38 | <bop> |
39 | <manufacturer>Cameron</manufacturer> |
40 | <model>Type "U" Single Ram</model> |
41 | <dTimInstall>2001-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimInstall> |
42 | <dTimRemove>2002-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimRemove> |
43 | <typeConnectionBop>Vetco HD-H4 18-3/4"</typeConnectionBop> |
44 | <sizeConnectionBop uom="in">18.625</sizeConnectionBop> |
45 | <presBopRating uom="psi">5000</presBopRating> |
46 | <sizeBopSys uom="in">12</sizeBopSys> |
47 | <rotBop>false</rotBop> |
48 | <idBoosterLine uom="in">3.7</idBoosterLine> |
49 | <odBoosterLine uom="in">4.35</odBoosterLine> |
50 | <lenBoosterLine uom="ft">102</lenBoosterLine> |
51 | <idSurfLine uom="in">3.5</idSurfLine> |
52 | <odSurfLine uom="in">4.25</odSurfLine> |
53 | <lenSurfLine uom="ft">100</lenSurfLine> |
54 | <idChkLine uom="in">3.6</idChkLine> |
55 | <odChkLine uom="in">4.30</odChkLine> |
56 | <lenChkLine uom="ft">150</lenChkLine> |
57 | <idKillLine uom="in">3.7</idKillLine> |
58 | <odKillLine uom="in">4.35</odKillLine> |
59 | <lenKillLine uom="ft">150</lenKillLine> |
60 | <bopComponent uid="001"> |
61 | <typeBopComp>annular preventer</typeBopComp> |
62 | <descComp>WP w/ stainless</descComp> |
63 | <idPassThru uom="in">4</idPassThru> |
64 | <presWork uom="psi">20000</presWork> |
65 | <diaCloseMn uom="in">4</diaCloseMn> |
66 | <diaCloseMx uom="in">12</diaCloseMx> |
67 | <nomenclature>S</nomenclature> |
68 | <isVariable>true</isVariable> |
69 | </bopComponent> |
70 | <bopComponent uid="002"> |
71 | <typeBopComp>annular preventer</typeBopComp> |
72 | <descComp>Second WP w/ stainless</descComp> |
73 | <idPassThru uom="in">4</idPassThru> |
74 | <presWork uom="psi">22000</presWork> |
75 | <diaCloseMn uom="in">4</diaCloseMn> |
76 | <diaCloseMx uom="in">12</diaCloseMx> |
77 | <nomenclature>S</nomenclature> |
78 | <isVariable>true</isVariable> |
79 | </bopComponent> |
80 | <typeDiverter>Diverter Spool</typeDiverter> |
81 | <diaDiverter uom="in">10</diaDiverter> |
82 | <presWorkDiverter uom="psi">250</presWorkDiverter> |
83 | <accumulator>Type of accumulator</accumulator> |
84 | <capAccFluid uom="galUS">11</capAccFluid> |
85 | <presAccPreCharge uom="psi">1000</presAccPreCharge> |
86 | <volAccPreCharge uom="galUS">5</volAccPreCharge> |
87 | <presAccOpRating uom="psi">3000</presAccOpRating> |
88 | <typeControlManifold>Koomey GU2KB53</typeControlManifold> |
89 | <descControlManifold>5 station w/ remote readout</descControlManifold> |
90 | <typeChokeManifold>WKM 3 in.</typeChokeManifold> |
91 | <presChokeManifold uom="psi">2200</presChokeManifold> |
92 | </bop> |
93 | <pit uid="Active-1"> |
94 | <index>1</index> |
95 | <dTimInstall>1983-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimInstall> |
96 | <dTimRemove>2001-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimRemove> |
97 | <capMx uom="ft3">1000</capMx> |
98 | <owner>Rig</owner> |
99 | <typePit>drilling</typePit> |
100 | <isActive>true</isActive> |
101 | </pit> |
102 | <pump uid="Pump-1"> |
103 | <index>1</index> |
104 | <manufacturer>Oilwell</manufacturer> |
105 | <model>A 1700 PT</model> |
106 | <dTimInstall>2001-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimInstall> |
107 | <dTimRemove>2002-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimRemove> |
108 | <owner>Rig</owner> |
109 | <typePump>triplex</typePump> |
110 | <numCyl>1</numCyl> |
111 | <odRod uom="in">2</odRod> |
112 | <idLiner uom="in">7</idLiner> |
113 | <pumpAction>2</pumpAction> |
114 | <eff uom="%">97</eff> |
115 | <lenStroke uom="in">12</lenStroke> |
116 | <presMx uom="psi">5000</presMx> |
117 | <powHydMx uom="hhp">1600</powHydMx> |
118 | <spmMx uom="rpm">120</spmMx> |
119 | <displacement uom="m3">20</displacement> |
120 | <presDamp uom="psi">350</presDamp> |
121 | <volDamp uom="ft3">10</volDamp> |
122 | <powMechMx uom="hp">1600</powMechMx> |
123 | </pump> |
124 | <shaker uid="1"> |
125 | <name>Shale Shaker</name> |
126 | <manufacturer>Brandt</manufacturer> |
127 | <model>ATL-100</model> |
128 | <dTimInstall>2001-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimInstall> |
129 | <dTimRemove>2002-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimRemove> |
130 | <type>Single tandem</type> |
131 | <locationShaker>Mud room</locationShaker> |
132 | <numDecks>3</numDecks> |
133 | <numCascLevel>2</numCascLevel> |
134 | <mudCleaner>false</mudCleaner> |
135 | <capFlow uom="galUS/min">25</capFlow> |
136 | <owner>Rig</owner> |
137 | <sizeMeshMn uom="um">.125</sizeMeshMn> |
138 | </shaker> |
139 | <centrifuge uid="Centrifuge-Id."> |
140 | <manufacturer>Make</manufacturer> |
141 | <model>Model</model> |
142 | <dTimInstall>2001-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimInstall> |
143 | <dTimRemove>2002-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimRemove> |
144 | <type>Type</type> |
145 | <capFlow uom="galUS/min">50</capFlow> |
146 | <owner>Owner</owner> |
147 | </centrifuge> |
148 | <hydrocyclone uid="Hydrocyclone-Id."> |
149 | <manufacturer>Demco</manufacturer> |
150 | <model>DM-100</model> |
151 | <dTimInstall>2001-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimInstall> |
152 | <dTimRemove>2002-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimRemove> |
153 | <type>Type</type> |
154 | <descCone>2x12 in.</descCone> |
155 | <owner>RigTech</owner> |
156 | </hydrocyclone> |
157 | <degasser uid="Degasser-Id."> |
158 | <manufacturer>Swaco</manufacturer> |
159 | <model>D-Gasser</model> |
160 | <dTimInstall>2001-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimInstall> |
161 | <dTimRemove>2002-05-15T13:20:00.000</dTimRemove> |
162 | <type>Gas</type> |
163 | <owner>Rigtech</owner> |
164 | <height uom="ft">200</height> |
165 | <len uom="ft">150</len> |
166 | <id uom="in">4</id> |
167 | <capFlow uom="galUS/min">1200</capFlow> |
168 | <areaSeparatorFlow uom="cm2">35</areaSeparatorFlow> |
169 | <htMudSeal uom="ft">2</htMudSeal> |
170 | <idInlet uom="in">3</idInlet> |
171 | <idVentLine uom="in">1</idVentLine> |
172 | <lenVentLine uom="ft">12</lenVentLine> |
173 | <capGasSep uom="galUS/min">28</capGasSep> |
174 | <capBlowdown uom="galUS/min">45</capBlowdown> |
175 | <presRating uom="psi">450</presRating> |
176 | <tempRating uom="degC">150</tempRating> |
177 | </degasser> |
178 | <surfaceEquipment> |
179 | <description>Surf Equip. Desc.</description> |
180 | <presRating uom="psi">5000</presRating> |
181 | <typeSurfEquip>IADC</typeSurfEquip> |
182 | <usePumpDischarge>true</usePumpDischarge> |
183 | <useStandpipe>false</useStandpipe> |
184 | <useHose>true</useHose> |
185 | <useSwivel>false</useSwivel> |
186 | <useKelly>true</useKelly> |
187 | <useTopStack>false</useTopStack> |
188 | <useInjStack>true</useInjStack> |
189 | <useSurfaceIron>false</useSurfaceIron> |
190 | <idStandpipe uom="in">4</idStandpipe> |
191 | <lenStandpipe uom="ft">99</lenStandpipe> |
192 | <idHose uom="in">3</idHose> |
193 | <lenHose uom="ft">500</lenHose> |
194 | <idSwivel uom="in">4</idSwivel> |
195 | <lenSwivel uom="ft">25</lenSwivel> |
196 | <idKelly uom="in">2.8125</idKelly> |
197 | <lenKelly uom="ft">40</lenKelly> |
198 | <idDischargeLine uom="in">5</idDischargeLine> |
199 | <lenDischargeLine uom="ft">100</lenDischargeLine> |
200 | <ctWrapType>CT Wrap Type</ctWrapType> |
201 | <odReel uom="in">18</odReel> |
202 | <odCore uom="in">7</odCore> |
203 | <widReelWrap uom="ft">50</widReelWrap> |
204 | <lenReel uom="ft">3</lenReel> |
205 | <injStkUp>true</injStkUp> |
206 | <htInjStk uom="ft">10</htInjStk> |
207 | <umbInside>false</umbInside> |
208 | <odUmbilical uom="in">2</odUmbilical> |
209 | <lenUmbilical uom="ft">150</lenUmbilical> |
210 | <idTopStk uom="in">4</idTopStk> |
211 | <htTopStk uom="ft">12</htTopStk> |
212 | <htFlange uom="ft">20</htFlange> |
213 | </surfaceEquipment> |
214 | <numDerricks>1</numDerricks> |
215 | <typeDerrick>triple</typeDerrick> |
216 | <ratingDerrick uom="lbf">1475000</ratingDerrick> |
217 | <htDerrick uom="ft">180</htDerrick> |
218 | <ratingHkld uom="lbf">1700000</ratingHkld> |
219 | <capWindDerrick uom="mi/h">200</capWindDerrick> |
220 | <wtBlock uom="klbf">45</wtBlock> |
221 | <ratingBlock uom="klbf">760</ratingBlock> |
222 | <numBlockLines>8</numBlockLines> |
223 | <typeHook>National 435-G-175</typeHook> |
224 | <ratingHook uom="tonfUS">175</ratingHook> |
225 | <sizeDrillLine uom="in">1.75</sizeDrillLine> |
226 | <typeDrawWorks>standard electric</typeDrawWorks> |
227 | <powerDrawWorks uom="nW">2500</powerDrawWorks> |
228 | <ratingDrawWorks uom="lbf">1775000</ratingDrawWorks> |
229 | <motorDrawWorks>GE 752</motorDrawWorks> |
230 | <descBrake>Parnac V-80</descBrake> |
231 | <typeSwivel>National P800</typeSwivel> |
232 | <ratingSwivel uom="lbf">1000000</ratingSwivel> |
233 | <rotSystem>rotary kelly drive</rotSystem> |
234 | <descRotSystem>National C-495 49 1/2"</descRotSystem> |
235 | <ratingTqRotSys uom="ft.lbf">650</ratingTqRotSys> |
236 | <rotSizeOpening uom="in">49.5</rotSizeOpening> |
237 | <ratingRotSystem uom="tonfUS">350</ratingRotSystem> |
238 | <scrSystem>SCR Description</scrSystem> |
239 | <pipeHandlingSystem>Iron Roughneck - Varco AR-3200</pipeHandlingSystem> |
240 | <capBulkMud uom="ft3">500</capBulkMud> |
241 | <capLiquidMud uom="ft3">1200</capLiquidMud> |
242 | <capDrillWater uom="ft3">2500</capDrillWater> |
243 | <capPotableWater uom="ft3">100</capPotableWater> |
244 | <capFuel uom="ft3">1000</capFuel> |
245 | <capBulkCement uom="ft3">2000</capBulkCement> |
246 | <mainEngine>4 Bergen KVGB-12 diesel</mainEngine> |
247 | <generator>GE AT1, 1,805 KWAC, 600 VAC</generator> |
248 | <cementUnit>Halliburton - advantage 150</cementUnit> |
249 | <numBunks>30</numBunks> |
250 | <bunksPerRoom>4</bunksPerRoom> |
251 | <numCranes>3</numCranes> |
252 | <numAnch>6</numAnch> |
253 | <moorType>Type of mooring system</moorType> |
254 | <numGuideTens>3</numGuideTens> |
255 | <numRiserTens>6</numRiserTens> |
256 | <varDeckLdMx uom="klbf">550</varDeckLdMx> |
257 | <vdlStorm uom="klbf">250</vdlStorm> |
258 | <numThrusters>12</numThrusters> |
259 | <azimuthing>true</azimuthing> |
260 | <motionCompensationMn uom="klbf">500</motionCompensationMn> |
261 | <motionCompensationMx uom="klbf">600</motionCompensationMx> |
262 | <strokeMotionCompensation uom="ft">3</strokeMotionCompensation> |
263 | <riserAngleLimit uom="dega">15</riserAngleLimit> |
264 | <heaveMx uom="ft">45</heaveMx> |
265 | <gantry>Description of gantry</gantry> |
266 | <flares>Description of flare</flares> |
267 | <commonData> |
268 | <itemState>plan</itemState> |
269 | <comments>Currently stack in Cromarty Firth</comments> |
270 | </commonData> |
271 | </rig> |
272 | </rigs> |