1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 | <?xml-stylesheet href="../stylesheets/bhaRun.xsl" type="text/xsl" media="screen"?> |
3 | <!-- Example of BHA Run data --> |
4 | <bhaRuns xmlns="http://www.witsml.org/schemas/131" |
5 | xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
6 | xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.witsml.org/schemas/131 ../obj_bhaRun.xsd" |
7 | version=""> |
8 | <documentInfo> |
9 | <DocumentName>bhaRun</DocumentName> |
10 | <FileCreationInformation> |
11 | <FileCreationDate>2001-10-31T08:15:00.000</FileCreationDate> |
12 | <SoftwareName>WITSML Server</SoftwareName> |
13 | <FileCreator>John Smith</FileCreator> |
14 | </FileCreationInformation> |
15 | </documentInfo> |
16 | <bhaRun uidWell="W-12" uidWellbore="B-01" uid="run-21"> |
17 | <nameWell>6507/7-A-42</nameWell> |
18 | <nameWellbore>A-42</nameWellbore> |
19 | <name>21</name> |
20 | <tubular uidRef="TubAssy000">6507/7-A-42</tubular> |
21 | <dTimStart>2001-05-15T13:08:00.000</dTimStart> |
22 | <dTimStop>2001-12-15T13:20:00.000</dTimStop> |
23 | <dTimStartDrilling>2001-05-20T09:20:00.000</dTimStartDrilling> |
24 | <dTimStopDrilling>2001-12-10T15:20:00.000</dTimStopDrilling> |
25 | <planDogleg uom="dega/ft">1.3</planDogleg> |
26 | <actDogleg uom="dega/ft">1.2</actDogleg> |
27 | <actDoglegMx uom="dega/ft">1.5</actDoglegMx> |
28 | <statusBha>final</statusBha> |
29 | <numBitRun>7</numBitRun> |
30 | <numStringRun>5</numStringRun> |
31 | <reasonTrip>Complete BHA run.</reasonTrip> |
32 | <objectiveBha>Drilling</objectiveBha> |
33 | <drillingParams uid="dp1"> |
34 | <eTimOpBit uom="h">2.25</eTimOpBit> |
35 | <mdHoleStart uom="ft">6000.00</mdHoleStart> |
36 | <mdHoleStop uom="ft">7000.00</mdHoleStop> |
37 | <tubular uidRef="TubAssy001">Tub 001</tubular> |
38 | <hkldRot uom="klbf">150.00</hkldRot> |
39 | <overPull uom="klbf">220.00</overPull> |
40 | <slackOff uom="klbf">180.00</slackOff> |
41 | <hkldUp uom="klbf">200.00</hkldUp> |
42 | <hkldDn uom="klbf">200.00</hkldDn> |
43 | <tqOnBotAv uom="N.m">3000.00</tqOnBotAv> |
44 | <tqOnBotMx uom="N.m">3500.00</tqOnBotMx> |
45 | <tqOnBotMn uom="N.m">2800.00</tqOnBotMn> |
46 | <tqOffBotAv uom="N.m">2000.00</tqOffBotAv> |
47 | <tqDhAv uom="N.m">3000.00</tqDhAv> |
48 | <wtAboveJar uom="lbf">100000.00</wtAboveJar> |
49 | <wtBelowJar uom="lbf">100000.00</wtBelowJar> |
50 | <wtMud uom="lbm/ft3">0.14</wtMud> |
51 | <flowratePump uom="bbl/min">400.00</flowratePump> |
52 | <powBit uom="nW">500.0</powBit> |
53 | <velNozzleAv uom="ft/min">15</velNozzleAv> |
54 | <presDropBit uom="psi">500</presDropBit> |
55 | <cTimHold uom="h">.30</cTimHold> |
56 | <cTimSteering uom="h">1.50</cTimSteering> |
57 | <cTimDrillRot uom="h">2.25</cTimDrillRot> |
58 | <cTimDrillSlid uom="h">.45</cTimDrillSlid> |
59 | <cTimCirc uom="h">2.30</cTimCirc> |
60 | <cTimReam uom="h">1.25</cTimReam> |
61 | <distDrillRot uom="ft">300.00</distDrillRot> |
62 | <distDrillSlid uom="ft">200.00</distDrillSlid> |
63 | <distReam uom="ft">50.00</distReam> |
64 | <distHold uom="ft">100.00</distHold> |
65 | <distSteering uom="ft">200.00</distSteering> |
66 | <rpmAv uom="rpm">100.00</rpmAv> |
67 | <rpmMx uom="rpm">110.00</rpmMx> |
68 | <rpmMn uom="rpm">80.00</rpmMn> |
69 | <rpmAvDh uom="rpm">80.00</rpmAvDh> |
70 | <ropAv uom="ft/h">80.00</ropAv> |
71 | <ropMx uom="ft/h">90.00</ropMx> |
72 | <ropMn uom="ft/h">70.00</ropMn> |
73 | <wobAv uom="lbf">12.50</wobAv> |
74 | <wobMx uom="lbf">12.50</wobMx> |
75 | <wobMn uom="lbf">12.50</wobMn> |
76 | <wobAvDh uom="lbf">12.50</wobAvDh> |
77 | <reasonTrip>Drilling Params reason for trip</reasonTrip> |
78 | <objectiveBha>Drilling</objectiveBha> |
79 | <aziTop uom="dega">30.00</aziTop> |
80 | <aziBottom uom="dega">45.00</aziBottom> |
81 | <inclStart uom="dega">0.00</inclStart> |
82 | <inclMx uom="dega">20.00</inclMx> |
83 | <inclMn uom="dega">0.00</inclMn> |
84 | <inclStop uom="dega">10.00</inclStop> |
85 | <tempMudDhMx uom="degC">50.00</tempMudDhMx> |
86 | <presPumpAv uom="psi">1000.00</presPumpAv> |
87 | <flowrateBit uom="bbl/min">60.00</flowrateBit> |
88 | <comments>Drilling Params comments</comments> |
89 | </drillingParams> |
90 | <commonData> |
91 | <itemState>plan</itemState> |
92 | <comments>These are the comments associated with the BHA Run data object.</comments> |
93 | </commonData> |
94 | </bhaRun> |
95 | </bhaRuns> |