======================================================================================= Changes since v1.3.1.0 ======================================================================================= Retained the namespace as "http://www.witsml.org/schemas/131" Changed the XML schema version attribute from "" to "". In typ_dataTypes.xsd, modified schemaVersionString to not allow "". Issue 1.3-40 "Do somebody need runNumber as a string?" In grp_log, grp_wellLog and cs_realtimeHeader, added bhaRunNumber. In grp_bhaRun, clarified that numStringRun is the BHA run number. Issue 1.3-59 "Why do 1.3 use maxOccurs="2" for interval ?" In cs_realtimeHeader, deleted interval. In cs_groupDefinition, changed maxOccurs of interval from 2 to 1. In cs_channelDefinition, changed maxOccurs of interval from 2 to 1. In cs_interval, deleted uid. Issue 1.3.1-3 "Schema Error in trajectoryStation" In grp_trajectoryStation, change the type of magTotalFieldReference from accelerationLinearMeasure to magneticInductionMeasure. Issue 1.3.1-4 "Units of Pressure" In witsmlUnitDict.xml, deprecated psig and psia. Issue 1.3.1-6 "Schema Error in grp_cementJob.xsd" In grp_cementJob, change the type of rpmPipeRecip from momentOfForceMeasure to anglePerTimeMeasure. Issue 1.3.1-7 "Errors in enums" In enumValues.xml, change "aasalt" to "basalt". Change "do description" to "no description". Issue 1.3.1-8 "mudLog Lithology-GIs without mdBottom" In cs_geologyInterval, made mdBottom mandatory. Documented a point interval as top=bottom. Issue 1.3.1-9 "Significant wave in cs_weather" In cs_weather, added significantWave. Also added maxWave which was mistakenly omitted from the request. Issue 1.3.1-11 "Unit of measure: mol" In witsmlUnitDict.xml, deprecated mol. Issue 1.3.1-13 "Is mnemonic unique?" In cs_logCurveInfo, document that mnemonic must be unique for all curves in a log. In cs_blockInfo, document that each curve in the block must have a different mnemonic. Issue 1.3.1-16 "commonData still missing in trajectoryStation?" In cs_trajectoryStation, added an include for cs_commonData.xsd. Issue 1.3.1-17 "issue with witsmlUnitDict.xml" In witsmlUnitDict.xml, deleted Issue 1.3.1-18 "Grad unit of measure" In witsmlUnitDict.xsd, deprecated grad. As part of new dictionary, added "dB/km", "tonfUK/ft2". Modified Units.xsl to flag deprecated values. Issue 1.3.1-22 "Measurement assigned to Trajectory magnetic data" Change the type of the following from magneticFieldStrengthMeasure to magneticInductionMeasure (flux density): In grp_trajectoryStation, magTotalUncert In cs_stnTrajRawData, magAxialRaw magTran1Raw magTran2Raw In cs_stnTrajCorUsed, magAxialDrlstrCor magTran1DrlstrCor magTran2DrlstrCor In cs_stnTrajValid, magTotalFieldCalc Issue 1.3.1-23 "mudLog-131 issues for the Houston Meeting" In cs_lithology, changed the type of lithPc from lengthPerLengthMeasure to volumePerVolumeMeasurePercent. In lithPc, documented that the sum over an interval should be 100 percent. In cs_qualifier, changed the type of abundance from volumePerVolumeMeasure to volumePerVolumeMeasurePercent. Documented that mdTop and mdBottom must be within the range of the geologicInterval. In enumValues.xml, added "undifferentiated" to LithologyType. Issue 1.3.1-25 "units for mudLog-geologyInterval-averageTorque" In cs_geologyInterval, added currentAv. Issue 1.3.1-28 "WITSML quantity type request" In cs_tubularComponent, changed the type of the following from energyPerAreaMeasure to forcePerLengthMeasure: bendStiffness axialStiffness torsionalStiffness